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Sabal Serrulata – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Sabal Serrulata is a homeopathic medicine derived from fresh berries of plant Saw Palmetto. It belongs to Palmaceae family. The fresh berries of this plant undergo potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties which gives us the homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrulata of great clinical significance. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat prostate issues like enlarged prostate and prostatitis in males.

The ‘Sabal Serrulata’ Constitution

It is mainly recommended for males, especially those suffering from some sort of prostate issues.

Drug Action

The most important and primary action of this remedy is observed on prostate gland and urinary organs mainly bladder and urethra. Sabal Serrulata also acts on female genitals, breast, gastric system, back and head.

Clinical Indications

Prostate enlargement (BPH), prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections, sexual perversions, loss of sex drive, frequent urine, involuntary urination, urethral stricture, cystitis, suppressed menses, ovary pain, underdeveloped breast, breast pain, headache, backache, gastritis, stomach pain, piles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Male problems (prostate enlargement, prostatitis, epididymitis, weak erections)

Sabal Serrulata is being extensively used in homeopathy for numerous male problems among which prostate troubles top the list. It is an infallible medicine to treat prostate issues especially enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia – BPH) and prostatitis. It is of great value to manage complaints of frequent urination related to prostate issues. The urine frequency usually increases at night causing troubled sleep. There can be slight pain in the prostate region that may extend to the abdomen and thighs. Sabal is well indicated to manage complaints of difficulty in starting urine flow, interrupted urine stream and dribbling of urine in BPH cases. Another noteworthy complaint where Sabal Serrulata helps is erectile dysfunction related to prostate issues. Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. The genitals may feel cold and there may also be loss of sex drive. It can also be given for managing complaints of painful ejaculation. In some cases needing it, there can be atrophy (shrinkage and decrease in size) of testicles.

Sabal is a magnificent medicine for epididymitis management. Epididymitis refers to inflammation of epididymis which is a coiled tube at the back of the testicles that stores sperms and carries them from testicles to vas deferens.  This medicine is also considered in cases of sexual perversions.

Key indicating features

1. Prostate enlargement and prostatitis

2. Frequent urination, difficulty in starting urine, interrupted/ dribbling urine, from enlarged prostate

3. Erection issues related to prostate troubles

2. Urinary issues (frequent urine, urethral stricture, involuntary urination)

This medicine is very beneficial for various urinary problems. Firstly, it is recommended to manage frequent urination at night. Secondly, it is well indicated for cases of bladder inflammation (cystitis) when associated with enlarged prostate. It can also be given for treating cases of urethral stricture. At the beginning of urination, there may be pain with a sensation that urine is being forced to pass through a narrow opening. The urethra feels narrow and urine is passed with difficulty. It can be attended with burning sensation and smarting pain (sharp, stinging pain) in the urethra. Sabal Serrulata helps tremendously in cases of urinary incontinence (involuntary urine passage) that may happen from laughing or exertion. Lastly, it is indicated for bladder pain that may extend to the genitals and there is a feeling of the urinary bladder being full.

Key indicating features

1. Frequent urination at night

2. Cystitis (bladder inflammation) associated with enlarged prostate

3. Urethral stricture

4. Involuntary urination from laughing/exertion

3. Female problems (suppressed menses, ovary pain, loss of sex drive, underdeveloped breast)

Though predominantly used for prostate and urinary concerns, Sabal Serrulata’s role in treating certain women–related problems and breast size can not be overlooked. For females, this medicine is preferred to help cases of suppressed menses (amenorrhoea) and also for irregular periods. It is also effective in dealing with ovary pain which is mainly stinging in nature and may radiate down to the thighs from the ovaries. Tenderness (pain on touching) may be felt in the ovary region. This medicine can be given when there is a loss of sex drive and also in cases of sexual perversions.

This medicine is known to have a significant value in case of underdeveloped breasts where it works well to promote breast development. It is also indicated when one breast is smaller than the other, where Sabal helps towards the development of underdeveloped breast. Another characteristic feature to use it is sore, tender breast with sharp or stinging type of pain. Fullness in the breast may be felt.

Key indicating features

1. Ovary pain radiating down thighs

2. Loss of sex drive and sexual perversions

3. Underdeveloped breast

4. Sore, tender, breast with sharp, stinging pain

4. Head (headache)

Regarding its action on the head, Sabal mainly helps to manage headaches. It works well in cases of sharp, darting (sharp) pain in the head which comes suddenly and also disappears suddenly on its own. The location of pain also keeps changing. It can occur at the back, top or side of the head. Headache can be attended with vertigo. In some cases, dimness of vision is felt along with headache. Sometimes pain is felt specifically in the right temple of the head and top of the head. Lastly, Sabal Serrulata can be given for pain that begins from the nose, then ascends up and settles in the forehead.

Key indicating features

1. Sharp, darting pain in head that occur suddenly and goes away suddenly

2. Headache with vertigo and dimness of vision

5. Gastric system (stomach pain, gastritis, constipation, piles)

When it comes to gastric troubles, Sabal is indicated to settle complaints like stomach pain, gastritis, constipation and piles. There is a cramp-like pain in the abdomen which may radiate to the legs; burping and acidity are also there. Excessive desire for milk is marked. In gastritis, burning sensation is marked in stomach. It can be given for constipation with an enlarged prostate gland. This medicine is also useful for piles with dry stool.

Key indicating features

1. Cramp-like pain in the abdomen that may radiate to legs

2. Gastritis with excessive burning in stomach

3. Constipation in cases of enlarged prostate

6. Back (backache)

The action of this medicine is also seen on the back. Sabal Serrulata is a wonderful medicine to relieve lower back pain. When it occurs before and at beginning of menses, this remedy proves to be very effective. Backache felt after sexual activity can also be relieved with this medicine.

Key indicating features

1. Lower back pain before and at beginning of menses

2. Backache after sexual activity


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in the early morning and at bedtime; in cold damp or cloudy weather and from sympathy

Relieving factors: Complaints are better after sleep


The use of this medicine is mainly suggested in mother tincture (Q) form. The recommended dose of Sabal Serrulata Q is 8 to 10 drops in half a cup of water. This can be taken two to three times as per the severity of the symptom.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Silicea

It can be compared with medicines Ferrum Picricum, Digitalis, Argentum Nitricum, Thuja and Solidago in prostatic issues

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Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction and Sexual Weakness in Males

Homeopathic remedies for erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED), or impotency as it is commonly known, refers to difficulty or an inability to get or sustain an erection firm enough to perform sexual intercourse. It is a very common problem in men. It is a disorder that can devastate a man’s self-esteem and spoil his relationship. Many men experience problems with erection occasionally, having it once in a while is not a concern. When this problem occurs frequently, it may indicate some underlying health issue that needs to be addressed.

Homeopathy provides natural and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction with medicines made of substances sourced out of nature that have zero side effects. These medicines can be used in cases of weak erection or even in cases with no erection at all. They help to gradually improve erection. Homeopathy works to improve blood flow to the penis by clearing off any obstructions which are causing impaired blood flow. Additionally, they also strengthen and improve functioning of the muscles and nerves involved in getting erections. Any hormonal issues linked with causing ED are also treated well with these medicines. By working collectively on improving all these four factors including blood flow, nerves, muscle and hormones associated with achieving and maintaining erections, homeopathy does bring great improvement in ED cases.

Homeopathic medicines along with improving erection, also help to improve sex drive, and treat the other associated complaints like premature ejaculation, or involuntary semen discharges if present in any case.

The most important advantage of using homeopathic medicines for ED is that these are very safe as they are derived from naturally occurring substances. Treatment options in conventional mode lead to use of certain medicines that are known to have many side effects. So, to prevent that one may opt for homeopathic treatment that can treat ED effectively with no adverse effects.

Homeopathy is a symptom-based science. So the most suitable medicine for any case of ED is selected after a detailed symptom evaluation of the individual. The potency, dose, and repetition of the selected medicine is also finalized for every single case separately according to homeopathic principles. So, one must consider using any homeopathic medicine for ED after consulting a homeopath. Self-medication might not help as improper medicine, potency, and dose selection out of lack of knowledge may not give expected results.

Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotency)

The five highly recommended homeopathic medicines to treat ED are Caladium, Agnus Castus, Lycopodium, Selenium and Damiana.

1. Caladium – Top-Grade Medicine

Caladium is a natural remedy sourced from the plant ‘dumb cane’. It is a well-known medicine used very frequently in ED cases.  This medicine is recommended for males who are unable to have an erection despite having sexual desire or urge. During sexual excitement, the parts remain relaxed with an inability to perform sex.  The sexual parts may feel cold. Erection problems may be accompanied by depression. Sometimes, a person may have painful erection without sexual desire. Caladium is also used when there is a problem with erection along with premature ejaculation of the semen. Males who have ED with a history of tobacco consumption may also find this medicine helpful.

When to use Caladium?

This medicine can be used as a first line of treatment in males who do not get erection despite having sexual desire.

How to use Caladium?

Caladium can be used in varying potencies from low to high, but in the beginning, it is best to use it in 30C potency. One can take Caladium 30C two to three times a day.

2. Agnus Castus – When Erections Are Entirely Absent

It is a natural medicine prepared from ripe berries of a plant commonly known as ‘The Chaste Tree’. Its use is particularly considered when no erection occurs at all, and the genitals are relaxed and cold. Another important attending symptom is a complete loss of sexual desire. In some cases that require it, spermatorrhea (involuntary semen discharge) during urination or stool may be present too. This medicine also helps when there is a history of excessive masturbation and sexual excesses.

When to use Agnus Castus?

This medicine can be used in cases of ED where there is no erection and sexual desire at all.

How to use Agnus Castus?

Most commonly it is used in 30C potency that can be used two to three times a day with a gap of minimum three hours.

3. Lycopodium – For Erectile Dysfunction With Performance Anxiety

This medicine is prepared from the plant club ‘moss’. This medicine works well in cases of erectile dysfunction with marked performance anxiety (means stress and anxiety before the act due to negative thoughts about their ability to perform). Those needing it may either have weak, imperfect, short erections or complete absence of erections. The genitals are relaxed and cold. The sexual desire can be high, a person may have premature ejaculation. It is a well-indicated medicine for treating ED in those having a history of sexual excesses.

When to use Lycopodium?

Use of Lycopodium is recommended for weak, short, or zero erection along with performance anxiety. Additionally, its use is suggested to treat ED in men having a history of sexual excesses in the past.

How to use Lycopodium?

Both low and high potencies of Lycopodium are found to be helpful. Treatment usually starts with 30C potency. Lycopodium 30C can be taken once in the morning and once in the evening. The dose can be reduced to once a day when there are signs of improvement.

4. Selenium – For Erectile Dysfunction With Increased Sexual Thoughts And Desire

It is a very useful medicine when there is an ED with increased sexual thoughts and strong sexual desire but physical inability to perform sexual activity. During sexual activity, the penis relaxes. It is also a leading medicine to manage quick emission of semen (premature ejaculation). Selenium is a very important medicine for involuntary seminal emissions. This may happen during sleep, while walking or when passing stool. When it occurs during sleep, a person is in sexual dreams. This awakens the male from sleep and causes weakness in the lower back.

When to use Selenium?

This medicine suits all cases of ED with excessive sexual thoughts and increased sexual desire. It is also very effective in cases of premature ejaculation and involuntary seminal emissions.

How to use Selenium?

Its use is recommended usually in 30C potency and it can also be used twice a day. The potency can be increased after some time based on how well it is acting to bring improvement, however, it is to be done only after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

5. Damiana – For Impotency And Spermatorrhea

It is a natural remedy prepared from dried leaves of the plant ‘Damiana Aphrodisiaca’. It has a marked action on the male genitals. It is a natural tonic to enhance sexual power in males. It proves to be very helpful in cases of sexual weakness, ED, and spermatorrhea (involuntary seminal emissions).

When to use Damiana?

It is a homeopathic tonic used widely to improve sexual power in males and treat involuntary seminal emissions.

How to use Damiana?

It gives the best result in mother tincture (Q) form. Damiana Q can be taken 8 -10 drops in half a cup of water two or three times a day depending on the intensity of the problem.

Note One may take the above medicines for a month or two only in recommended potency and dose. To continue or to increase potency or dose, it is advised to consult a homeopathic practitioner.

What are the Symptoms of ED?

In case of erectile dysfunction, symptoms that can arise include problems in getting an erection, weak erection or difficulty in maintaining an erection hard enough for sex. In some cases, there is a complete inability to get erections. ED is diagnosed when such symptoms are recurrent or persistent for a minimum 3 months’ time.

Along with the above symptoms, there may be a decrease in sexual desire. Premature ejaculation may be related to ED in some cases. Sometimes anorgasmia (inability to reach orgasm during sex) occurs. Person may also have associated emotional symptoms like anxiety, feeling embarrassed and depressed.

Types of Erectile Dysfunction

ED can be primary or secondary.

1.In primary ED, men may have never got an erection and ED is there from the beginning. Usually, the cause behind it is related to the psychology of a person, rather than any anatomical or physiological defect.

2.Secondary ED is the one in which a man has had normal erections earlier, but at some point started having problems with erections. Mostly secondary ED occurs from a physical cause. Cases of primary ED are rare and mostly cases of ED are secondary.

Pathophysiology behind ED

For erections to occur several factors collectively play a role.  These involve the role of nerves, blood vessels, muscles and hormones.  During sexual arousal, the brain sends signals via nerves to penis causing its stimulation and relaxation of corpora cavernosa. Corpora cavernosa are two columns of spongy tissue that run through the length of the penis. It contains blood vessels that fill with blood leading to an erection. Its relaxation is followed by a rush of blood to the arteries of corpora cavernosa that fill them up. The pressure created by blood in these arteries causes the expansion of penis creating an erection. When orgasm occurs, nerve signals reach the penis and cause the contraction of muscle tissue in penis. It is followed by the release of blood into the general blood circulation that causes relaxation of penis and brings it to its original state of not being sexually aroused.

If there occurs a problem in nerves, blood vessels, muscles, hormones, then ED can occur.

What are the Causes behind it?

The main reason behind ED is impaired blood flow to penis and damage to nerves that can happen due to several reasons.

ED can result from physical or emotional causes.

Physical causes that contribute to ED are as follows:

1.The first among these causes is diabetes. Complaints of ED are common in men who suffer from diabetes which can cause damage to the nerves that send signals to the penis and blood vessels of the penis which can result in ED.

2. The second cause linked with ED is hypertension means high blood pressure, heart disease, atherosclerosis (which means narrowing of blood vessels), and increased blood cholesterol levels. In men having hypertension, poor blood flow to the penis may occur. This is because high BP causes hardening and narrowing of the arterial walls which decreases blood flow to the penis. There is a strong link between ED and heart disease. According to many studies, males with ED are at high risk of heart disease. In the case of atherosclerosis due to the narrowing of arteries, blood flow is obstructed to the penis which results in ED. Atherosclerosis can be due to different reasons, among which the most common is an increase in levels of blood cholesterol which can build up in the arteries narrowing them, consequently reducing blood flow that can lead to ED.

3. The chances of ED also increase with advancing age. Erection may get weak as a male gets older.

4. Low testosterone levels are another factor linked to ED. Testosterone is required for normal erections and low testosterone may cause ED, but what exactly is the relationship between these two is not known. Low testosterone may be linked with obesity, heart disease, and diabetes which can contribute to ED. The extent of the low level of testosterone at which ED may occur is not yet clear. Low testosterone may also reduce sex drive. It is also noted that many men with low testosterone have no issues with erection.

5. Smoking or tobacco use, alcoholism and use of recreational drugs may also result in ED. Smoking causes damage to blood vessels, mainly the lining of blood vessels that can result in decreased blood supply to the penis which is the main reason behind ED. Men who have been consuming excessive alcohol for many years are at 50-70% of the risk of suffering from ED. This is because alcohol reduces the flow of blood to the penis. Some recreational drugs like cocaine, marijuana, opiates, barbiturates, nicotine, etc. may lead to ED.

These drugs damage blood vessels and suppress the central nervous system contributing to ED. Obesity also increases the risk of ED by 30 – 90%. It can cause ED by damaging the blood vessels and causing a decrease in testosterone levels. The damage to blood vessels is often the result of high BP, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, diabetes and heart disease. Males who have any of these conditions along with obesity are at more risk of ED as compared to males who are only obese but do not have any of these medical conditions.

6. Damage to the spinal cord or pelvic area can lead to ED and also some other disorders linked to ED, like metabolic syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Peyronie’s disease, sleep disorders, and kidney disease.

Metabolic syndrome is a condition in which there is increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, high insulin levels, and excessive body fat around the waist.

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder in the nervous system that mainly starts with shaking tremors in the hands followed by other symptoms like slow movement, rigid muscles, impaired balance, and speech changes.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune cells damage the protective covering of nerves. Due to the damage to the nerves, communication between the brain and the body is hampered.

Peyronie’s disease is the one in which scar tissue develops in the penis.

7. The use of certain medicines may also lead to ED, for example, certain medicines used for the treatment of depression, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s disease, chemotherapy; diuretics (drugs that increase urine flow), and medicine used to treat seizures.

8. Certain psychological causes linked to ED include stress, anxiety, depression, fear of intimacy, relationship problems, etc.

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Petroleum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Petroleum is derived from rock oil, also known as coal oil, which is a naturally occurring liquid under the surface of the Earth. In the crude state, rock oil is inert. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into homeopathic medicine Petroleum. This medicine effectively manages numerous skin concerns.

The ‘Petroleum’ Constitution

It is most suitable for persons who are lean and thin, and possess an irritable nature.

Drug Action

This medicine has marked action on skin, gastric tract, head, eyes, ears, nose, male genitals and female genitals. Among all its actions, it is most prominently indicated to manage skin issues and chronic gastric and intestinal troubles. 

Clinical Indications

Eczema, psoriasis, cracks in skin, athlete’s foot, genital herpes, blepharitis, headache, vertigo, diarrhea, traveling sickness, and tinnitus.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin issues (Eczema, psoriasis, skin cracks, athlete’s foot, chilblains, intertrigo)

Petroleum has a magnificent action on skin. It treats eczema, psoriasis, skin cracks, chilblains, athlete’s foot and intertrigo. It is preferred for treating eczema  when there are deep cracks on the skin. It works well in dry eczema and also when vesicular (fluid filled) eruptions are present that ooze pus and form thick scabs. There may be roughness, hardness and thickening of skin. Though it treats eczema on any body part but mainly works well in case of eczema of scalp (eczema capitis), hands, and behind the ears. Eczema on scalp is marked with thick yellow crusts that ooze fluid with itching, and glued hair. Eczema behind ears looks red, raw and is sore and tender. It oozes fluid or blood and cracks appear behind ear. It has marked itching and pain.

It is a highly recommended medicine for psoriasis(an autoimmune skin condition in which inflammatory patches form on the skin that are covered with silvery white scales and skin dryness and  cracks can occur too). To select this medicine in psoriasis, the main indication is cracks on skin that have tendency to bleed. It is most prominently indicated to treat psoriasis of hands. In such cases, cracks appear on skin along with redness and rawness of skin. Greenish crusts can be present too along with itching and burning.

Next noteworthy indication to use Petroleum is skin cracks occurring in winter. The cracks may occur on feet or hands and bleed easily. Intense itching and burning on hands can be felt. The fingertips appear rough and cracked along with pain which is of cutting or sticking type. It is the first choice of medicine when the skin complaints worsen in winter. It is also well indicated for skin cracks in folds. Petroleum has shown great clinical improvements in cases of fungal infection of feet and toes (athlete’s foottinea pedis). Eruptions appear between toes, cracks between toes with excessive itching and burning accompanied by offensive foot sweat. Another complaint where it is effective is chilblains. It works best for moist chilblains with pain, extreme itching and burning. It may occur on hands or feet. Besides the above, it can be administered for treating intertrigo (rash between the skin folds by rubbing skin together).

Key indicating features

1. Skin complaints worsening in winters

2. Eczema and psoriasis (especially of hands) with deep cracks on skin

3. Skin cracks in winters especially on hands and feet

4. Athlete’s foot (fungal infection of foot)

5. Chilblains with pain, itching and burning

2. Gastric concerns (travelling sickness, indigestion, stomach pain, diarrhea)

With its action on gastric system, Petroleum settles many of its complaints. The foremost indication for using it is travelling sickness. It is very suitable when nausea, and vomiting occur while travelling in car, ship or train. It is prescribed to manage indigestion with heartburn and sour belching accompanied by stomach bloating. Petroleum is helpful for stomach pain. The peculiar symptom to prescribe it here is stomach pain when it is empty that gets better from eating. It also manages diarrhea when there is yellow watery, offensive, gushing stool with excessive gas. Cutting pain is felt in the stomach. Diarrhea specifically occurs in daytime. Diarrhea from eating cabbage is a chief indication to use this medicine. Anal fissures and piles with marked itching is yet another complaint it can relieve.

Key indicating features

1. Travelling sickness from riding in car, ship, train

2. Stomach pain when it is empty and relief from eating

3. Diarrhea from eating cabbage

3. Ears (eczema in or behind ears, noises in ears)

It works well to treat a number of ear complaints. Firstly, it is useful for cases of eczema in or behind ears. In such cases, the skin behind the ears is red, raw, cracked, sore and tender. There is moisture behind the ears and there is bleeding from eruptions, along with itching and pain. The other main indication is noises in the ears medically known as tinnitus. The noises can be roaring, ringing, buzzing or cracking type which can cause hearing loss. It acts well in elderly people who have hearing difficulties along with noises in ear. Petroleum is also useful in managing dryness and itching in the ears.

Key indicating features

1. Eczema in or behind ears

2. Tinnitus with roaring, ringing, buzzing or cracking type of noises in ear

3. Hearing difficulty along with noises in the ear in elderly

4. Dryness and itching in the ears

4. Eyes (blepharitis, farsightedness, eye floaters, lachrymal fistula)

This medicine gives remarkable results in case of blepharitis, eye floaters and lachrymal fistula. Blepharitis is inflammation of eyelid margins. In cases needing it for blepharitis, there is dryness, roughness and scaling of eyelid skin. Eye floaters with sparks or black spots before eyes is a characteristic symptom of using it. Lastly, it is also indicated for cases of lachrymal fistula.

Key indicating features

1. Blepharitis (inflammation of eyelid margins) with dry, rough and scaly eyelid skin.

2. Eye floaters with sparks or black spots before eyes

5. Nose (cracks, atrophic rhinitis)

This medicine is capable of managing nasal complaints too. Petroleum is chiefly indicated to manage cracks and ulcers of nostrils which cause burning sensation. It is also effective in helping cases of dryness and blocking of nostrils. Petroleum is beneficial for cases of atrophic rhinitis (ozaena) in which there is chronic inflammation of nose with atrophy of nasal mucosa. Here soreness in nose with scabs and pus-like mucus discharges serves as the prominent features to use it.

Key indicating features

1. Cracks, ulcers, dryness and blockage of nostrils

2. Atrophic rhinitis (ozaena) with scabs and pus-like mucus discharges

6. Head and scalp (scalp eczema, headache and vertigo)

It is an important medicine for treating cases of eczema of scalp (eczema capitis) as explained in skin section. There occur eruptions on scalp with thick yellow crusts. These are itchy and discharge fluid that leads to sticking of hair together. Petroleum is selected for managing headache that worsens from cough or shaking. Pain is mainly felt in the back of head (occiput) which can be pulsating, dull, or sticking type. There is heaviness in this region of head. For vertigo it is given when it occurs from stooping, on rising, walking along with vomiting.

Key indicating features

1. Scalp eczema with eruption covered with thick yellow crusts

2. Pain in back of head (occiput), worsening from cough or shaking

3. Vertigo from stooping, on rising, walking with vomiting.

7. Male problems (genital herpes, blood in semen)

In males, this medicine offers help to treat genital herpes (sexually transmitted infection caused by herpes simplex virus). The eruptions are either dry or fluid-filled (vesicles) which are present on glans or scrotum and may extend to thighs. The eruptions are red and itchy. There may be roughness and cracks on genital skin, and excessive sweating. Another indication for using it is the passage of blood in semen.

Key indicating symptoms

1. Genital herpes

2. Passing blood in semen

8. Female problems (genital herpes)

It is effective in managing certain female problems, like genital herpes. It is best suited when breakouts with itching occur most commonly during menses. Next, it can be used for the treatment of vaginal discharge. It is profuse and occurs daily accompanied by burning in vagina. Apart from these, it helps cases of excessive sweating of labia with itching.

Key indicating features

1. Genital herpes when itchy eruptions appear during menses

2. Vaginal discharge profuse with vaginal burning


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse during winters. These also worsen by traveling in car/ boat/ train. Complaints increase before or during thunderstorms.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in dry weather and from warm air.


Petroleum works well in both low and high potencies which is selected individually for every case. If used in low potency, it can be repeated often depending on the complaint, while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Cocculus Indicus, Nux Vomica and Phosphorus

It antidotes: Nitric Acid

Followed well by Bryonia, Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur

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Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety

Anxiety refers to a mental state of nervousness, fear and worry. Getting anxious once in a while on certain occasions is normal, like getting anxious before an examination or interview or during stressful events. The anxiety on such occasions is short-lived and temporary, but it becomes a problem when the reaction of the person is intense and disproportionate to what one usually expects. If episodes of such extreme anxiety appear frequently, they tend to interfere with the day to day life of a person and has an adverse impact on relationships.

Homeopathy is a widely acclaimed system of medicine that can give remarkable results in cases of anxiety. Homeopathic remedies for anxiety work in a mild, gentle and effective manner. Firstly, they manage the symptoms of the current anxiety episode. Afterwards, they reduce the frequency and intensity of anxiety attacks in future. With a regular course of homeopathic treatment guided by a homeopath for a recommended time period, most cases of mild to moderate intensity respond exceedingly well and get cured. However, in cases of anxiety having severe intensity, homeopathy can help manage the symptoms. In such cases homeopathy can be continued simultaneously along with other treatment options.

Individualized prescription

The most appropriate homeopathic prescription for any case of anxiety has to be decided based on the individualization law of homeopathy. As per this law, detailed evaluation of the symptoms related to the mind and the physical body of a person needs to be studied in detail to finalise homeopathic prescription. This is because homeopathic medicines are not prescribed as per the disease, but as per the characteristic symptoms in each individual case. These medicines go to the core of the problem for natural recovery and health restoration.

Non-habit forming and free from side effects

The mainstream medicines mostly recommend anti-anxiety pills, antidepressants and some sort of sedatives. These can be habit forming and also carry the risk of side effects with long term use. On the other hand, homeopathic medicines are natural and not habit-forming. These can be easily discontinued when the condition gets better substantially. And as widely known there are zero side effects of homeopathic medicines. This is owing to the fact that homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances without any chemicals or harmful toxins in it.

Homeopathy stimulates self-healing system

Each one of us is born with an inbuilt healing mechanism possessing the power to overcome health issues on its own. To accomplish it, a stimulus is needed in some form to turn this mechanism in the direction of self-recovery. Homeopathy does exactly this by administering highly-diluted natural substances that start the recovery process via self-healing. In anxiety as well, homeopathic medicines activate this mechanism to promote relief and cure naturally.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Anxiety

The top-ranking five homeopathic medicines that treat anxiety effectively are Aconitum Napellus, Arsenic Album, Argentum Nitricum, Kali Phos and Gelsemium Sempervirens.

1. Aconitum Napellus – Top Remedy For Anxiety

It is the most frequently used medicine for managing anxiety. The key indications to use it are anxiety with marked fear, panic, shaking and restlessness. Those needing it move around and change sitting position frequently. With this a chain of bad thoughts sets in the mind, cold sweat can be felt. Face appears hot and red or pale. One gets relief by drinking cold water. There may be sleeplessness due to anxiety. It also tops the list of homeopathic medicines to deal with panic attacks when there is intense anxiety, heart palpitations and extreme fear of death. Numbness and tingling in fingers or limbs can be felt, sometimes fainting occurs.

When to use Aconite?

This medicine can be taken in case of anxiety with marked fear, restlessness, shaking, sweating, and palpitations to extreme panic attacks.

How to use Aconite?

Though it can be used in low or high potency, initially it is advised to take Aconite 30C two to three times a day. When there is some relief, lessen the dose.

2. Arsenic Album – For Anxiety With Chest Constriction, Difficult Breathing And Restlessness

This medicine is highly recommended for cases where chest constriction, difficulty in breathing and restlessness are marked in the anxiety episode. There is restlessness, trembling and cold sweats. Worsening of anxiety at night is a characteristic feature to use this medicine. It is well indicated for persons who worry and get anxious about little things. They have marked anxiety regarding their health, future and anxiety about others. They have a specific fear that they will surely contract some disease or catch some infection. They may also have fear of death. Fear of financial loss and facing poverty is another thing that may persist in their mind. Any of these could be a triggering factor for anxiety.

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine proves the best when anxiety is attended with chest constriction, difficult breathing and restlessness.

How to use Arsenic Album?

The dose recommended here is Arsenic Album 30C once or twice a day depending on the intensity of the symptoms.

3. Argentum Nitricum – For Anxiety From Anticipation (Anticipatory Anxiety)

Argentum Nitricum is a natural medicine for anxiety that is linked to anticipation, also known as anticipatory anxiety. Anticipatory anxiety means anxiety due to constant thoughts about events that might take place in the future. For example, a person may get anxious about a public meeting or a family function to be attended in the future. The person tends to think constantly about the event until the final day comes. He/She keeps planning for that event and the mind is always preoccupied with various thoughts. Many thoughts randomly cross the mind like – will everything go smoothly? Will I reach there on time? What if I get late? What if my car stops on the way, what will I do then? And so on….. These thoughts continue till the person reaches his destination. Diarrhea may set in during the anxiety phase. Hurriedness, impatience, and weakness in the legs are other associated symptoms. Taking another example for use of this medicine is performance anxiety, say someone has to deliver a speech on the stage in a few days. The moment he/she gets to know about this responsibility, the anticipatory thoughts begin, like will I be able to deliver the lecture rightly? What if I go speechless? What if I make mistakes in my speech? What if I forgot my lecture in between? Such thoughts will preoccupy the mind till the date of stage appearance comes and the person e is actually on the stage. Once on stage, everything goes smoothly. Apart from these, Argentum Nitricum is a prominent medicine for persons with specific fear of height and high-rise buildings. There is intense anxiety and fear as if the buildings will fall on them.

When to use Argentum Nitricum?

Just the word ‘anticipatory anxiety’ is enough to prescribe this medicine. Anxiety resulting from constant thoughts about events that will happen in the near future can use this medicine. This medicine can help calm the mind and control overthinking.

How to use Argentum Nitricum?

It works well in both low and high potencies. Initially, it is best to take it in 30C potency two to three times a day.

4. Kali Phos – For Anxiety, Nervousness, Fear

Kali Phos is an important medicine for anxiety, nervousness and fear. Negative thinking and excessive sensitivity are the other symptoms. Those needing it suffer from certain fears. These include fear of crowds, open spaces, of being alone and fear of death. All these may set off an anxiety attack. Slight noises may also trigger anxiety, and the person may feel tired and fatigued all the time.

When to use Kali Phos?

This medicine can be used when anxieties and some fears are marked including fear of crowds, open spaces, of being alone, and fear of death.

How to use Kali Phos?

It is generally used in 6X potency. Kali Phos 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per the intensity of symptoms.

5. Gelsemium Sempervirens – For Anxiety About Public Appearance (Social Anxiety)

It is a natural medicine sourced from the bark of root of yellow jasmine plant. It is the foremost medicine for anxiety related to making a public appearance. If the individual has to go and engage with many different people, excessive anxiety and nervousness arise. Sadness, melancholy, and confusion of mind, irritability, and diarrhea are associated symptoms. This medicine also works for stage fright.

When to use Gelsemium?

Its use is suggested to manage anxiety in social gathering, public places, etc.

How to use Gelsemium?

It can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day.

Note Any of these medicines can be taken for about one month. To continue them further or for using higher potencies, kindly consult a homeopathic physician. Also do not use any of these medicines without consulting homeopathic expert, if anxiety is associated with some medical condition like a heart complaint, thyroid issue etc.

What are the causes of Anxiety?

The exact cause of anxiety in an individual is not yet understood. However, some factors including genetic and environmental, and certain medical disorders play a significant role in predisposing a person towards anxiety:

An individual with a positive family history of anxiety is at risk of suffering from the same

People who are prone to stress, or have had bad life experiences in the past (like domestic violence, bullying, child abuse) or emotional events like the death of a loved one are at risk of developing anxiety. The stress can be associated with relationships, friendships, financial instability, and problems in the workplace.

Anxiety also tends to arise from abuse or as withdrawal symptoms of certain drugs and alcohol.

Stress due to certain health conditions

Certain medical disorders also predispose a person towards anxiety. These include thyroid issues, heart complaints, asthma, cancer, diabetes mellitus and brain degenerative disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

Symptoms of Anxiety

The signs and symptoms of anxiety include

1. Nervousness

2. Worry

3. Fear

4. Tension

5. Trembling

6. Restlessness

7. Palpitations

8. Panic

9. Sweating

10. Shortness of breath

11. Headache

12. Concentration difficulty

13. Dizziness

14. Chest pain

15. Trouble in sleeping

16. Frequent urination

17. Dry mouth, nausea, and diarrhea are other features of anxiety

Diagnosing Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental health complaint that is diagnosed based on the symptoms provided by the patient. There are no tests to diagnose anxiety, but tests like thyroid function test and vitamin B12 are recommended to rule out other medical conditions that could be causing anxiety.

Types Of Anxiety Disorders

Various types of anxiety disorders are described below:

1. Generalized anxiety disorder: In this type, a person has intense worries, stress, and tension about little things.

2. Social anxiety disorder: Also called social phobia, the sufferer is highly self–conscious and feels embarrassed in public/ social functions and gatherings. He/She has a fear of being judged in social situations.

3. Panic disorder: It is characterized by sudden intense fear and terror that comes about without any warning. It results in palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath and heavy sweating.

4. Anxiety due to some medical condition: A person has anxiety and panic attacks due to some health problem he/she is suffering from.

5. Separation anxiety disorder: This refers to anxiety and fear when any of your loved ones leaves you. Negative thoughts come to mind as if something unfortunate would happen to them.

6. Substance-induced anxiety disorder: This refers to anxiety resulting from misuse of certain drugs, medications, or withdrawal from drugs.

7. Selective mutism: Kids fail to speak in certain situations like in public but talk normally at home with family.

8. Specific phobias: A person afflicted with phobias has a marked fear of specific things or situations like fear of flying, of appearing in public, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I get worried, stressed, anxious and tense very quickly and tend to get palpitations. Am I suffering from an anxiety disorder?

Getting worried, stressed, anxious and tense is a normal condition and every individual tends to experience it every once in a while. You are not suffering from an anxiety disorder if these symptoms last only for a brief period. However, if these symptoms occur too frequently with high intensity, last for a long time and tend to interfere with your everyday life, then there are chances that you have an anxiety disorder. A clear diagnosis can only be made with a clinical analysis and in-depth discussion of your symptoms.

2. I am a female aged 25 years with a family history of anxiety. Will I also develop the same?

Having a positive family history of anxiety does put you at risk of developing the same, but it doesn’t mean that you will surely develop anxiety.

3. Can anxiety lead to any complications?

Yes, people with anxiety are at risk of some complications like isolation, disruption of relationships, suicidal attempts, and addiction to drugs and alcohol. Such people are also predisposed to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), heartburn, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and weight fluctuations.

4. For how long does a person with anxiety need to continue homeopathic treatment for complete recovery?

The recovery period in any case of anxiety varies from a few months to a year. However, most cases of anxiety start to respond at the beginning of the homeopathic treatment. Factors like duration and intensity of anxiety and an individual’s response to homeopathic medicines tend to affect the length of the treatment.


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Iris Versicolor – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Iris Versicolor is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from fresh roots of plant commonly known as ‘blue flag’. It belongs to iridaceae family. The fresh roots of this plant collected in early spring or autumn undergoes potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties and give us a very important homeopathic medicine Iris Versicolor. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of acidity, acid reflux, heartburn, gastric headache and migraine.

The ‘Iris Versicolor’ Constitution

It especially suits patients suffering from gastric issues mainly acidity, heartburn. Other than this it is suitable for persons prone to get gastric headache, migraine.

Drug Action

This medicine shows its principal action on gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, intestinal glands, salivary glands and head. It also acts well on pancreas and liver. Besides, its action on mouth, eyes, ears, throat, limbs and skin is also wonderful.

Clinical Indications

Acid reflux, GERD, acidity, heartburn, vomiting, loose motion, morning sickness, pancreas disorder, gastric headache, migraine, headache, tinea capitis, stomatitis, excessive salivation, eyelid inflammation, noises in ears, throat burning, tonsil pain, goitre, sciatica, joint pain, psoriasis, itching, eczema, herpes zoster.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Gastric issues (acid reflux, acidity, heartburn, vomiting, loose motion)

The foremost action of this medicine is seen on gastric system. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of acidity, acid reflux (GERD – gastroespohageal reflux disease in which stomach acid back flows in the food pipe). In such cases there is heartburn (burning in food pipe felt behind the sternum). Constant nausea is present. With this sour, bitter burps may occur and one may vomit. The vomit could be watery, sour, bitter or sweet. Vomiting causes burning sensation in throat, fauces, food pipe, stomach. This medicine is of great help to manage burning sensation felt in a part of gastric tract or the entire gastric tract. Those who need this medicine may not feel better even after taking cold drinks. This medicine can be used for burning in epigastric region accompanied by  tenderness and vomiting.

Burning sensation in stomach or pancreas is witnessed and is accompanied by loose motion and weakness. Another reason for using it is abdomen pain from gas (flatulent colic). The pain is relieved by bending forward. Breaking wind (referred to as passing gas) also gives relief. Sometimes there is cutting, gripping pain in the abdomen. This medicine also works well to manage loose stool. Stool is watery, profuse, green-colored, and foul smelling,  may be mushy and may contain undigested food particles. Offensive gas may pass with stool. Sometimes stool is fatty/greasy. It is accompanied with excessive burning in intestines and anus. It is a very suitable medicine for managing diarrhea that occurs in summers. This remedy is well indicated for cases of cholera, enteritis (inflammation of small intestine). In general loss of appetite may be present. This medicine is also indicated for cases of nausea, vomiting during pregnancy (morning sickness). Besides, it can also manage cases of soreness of liver, liver pain worsened due to frequent motion.

Key indicating features

1. Acid reflux, acidity with heartburn and vomiting of sour or bitter fluid

2. Burning in any part or entire gastrointestinal tract

3. Abdomen pain relieved by bending forward and breaking wind (passing-out gas)

4. Liver pain worse from motion

2. Head (headache, gastric headache, migraine, tinea capitis)

This medicine has given great clinical results in cases of headache and migraine due to gastric problem. It successfully treats headache, nausea and vomiting, all of them being a result of acidity. Pain may occur in the temples and over the eyes. It is effective in cases of migraine when one feels pain over left eye accompanied with nausea. The scalp may feel constricted and sensation of band-around-head can be felt. Profuse salivation may accompany headache. In some cases, a ringing or buzzing noise in the ear is present. It also works well in cases where there is temporary blurring of vision followed by headache. Another type of headache it can treat wonderfully is the one that arises from mental exhaustion, like after studying. Headache may worsen in open air and some gentle motion may give relief. It is also relieved in cases of frontal headache along with constant nausea and vomiting. Such pain also causes sleeplessness. It can also result in excessive weakness and there could also be loss of appetite. Apart from the above mentioned pain, it is used to manage pain on the right side of the forehead that may be throbbing or shooting type. It worsens from rest, and cold air. Motion decreases its intensity. Lastly supraorbital headache located over eyes on one side can be handled with this medicine. This medicine is also of great value to heal cases of tinea capitis (fungal infection of scalp). In such cases, scalp is covered with scabs with oozing of yellow fluid from under the crust. The hair is matted together. In some cases, multiple yellow-coloured pus-filled (pustular) eruptions occur on scalp.

Key indicating features

1. Gastric or migraine headache attended with acidity, nausea, vomiting

2. Headache beginning with blurred vision

3. Headache worsens due to mental exhaustion like after studying

3. Mouth (stomatitis, excessive salivation)

It treats very well cases of stomatitis (inflammation of the mouth). A marked burning in mouth is felt. Ulcers may occur inside the cheeks. With this, there may be sweetish, greasy taste in mouth or even loss of taste can occur. Besides these, it is helpful in cases of excessive salivation (ptyalism). There is ropy saliva that may be slimy or greasy. It drops when talking.

Key indicating features

1. Stomatitis with excessive burning in mouth

2. Excessive salivation that may be greasy, slimy, ropy

4. Eyes (eyelid inflammation, red eyes, blue rings, visual troubles with headache)

This medicine helps in cases of inflammation of the eyelids which gets worse due to cold. It is also helpful in treating redness of the eyes, excessive tearing, and burning in the inner canthus. This medicine also helps in cases of blue rings around the iris in the eye. Visual disturbance (like blindness),  occurs with headache that comes and goes at regular intervals.

Key indicating features

1.  Inflammation of eyelids worse from cold

2. Blue rings around eyes

3. Periodical visual disturbance with headache

5. Ears (noises in ear)

This medicine also acts well on ears, particularly in case there are noises in the ears (tinnitus). The noises can be differentiated on the following bases: roaring, ringing or buzzing. It can also be used in cases of hearing difficulties. Even in cases of vertigo along with noises in ear this medicine is helpful.

Key indicating features

1. Roaring, ringing or buzzing noises in ears with hearing difficulty

2. Vertigo with noises in ear

6. Throat (burning in throat, tonsil pain, thyroid disorder, goitre)

This medicine is helpful if there is burning sensation in the throat, thyroid disorders and goitre (swelling that occurs in the front of neck from an enlarged thyroid gland). Burning or smarting pain is felt in throat, fauces that may extend upto the stomach. It is relieved by drinking cold water or even by breathing cool air. It also has a tendency to check tonsil pain that is shooting and spreads to the ears.

Key indicating features

1. Burning in throat, fauces extending upto the stomach

2. Pain in tonsils, shooting pain that spreads to the ears

7. Limbs (sciatica, joint pain)

For limbs this medicine is of utmost importance, particularly, for managing sciatica cases on the left side. Shooting or burning pain is felt in left lower limb. It worsens from motion. Other than this, it is an excellent medicine for managing joint pain in the right shoulder. The pain worsens from any type of motion or if one raises the arm. Additionally, it is also beneficial in cases of wandering pain in the small joints. It is mostly a tearing or shooting pain.

Key indicating features

1. Sciatica on the left side gets worse on movement

2. Right shoulder pain which gets worse due to motion or raising of the arm

3. Tearing shooting pain in small joints

8. Skin (psoriasis, itching, eczema, herpes zoster)

Lastly this medicine can settle some of the skin complaints. Firstly, it is beneficial for patients who suffer from psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disease with inflamed patches on skin covered with silvery scales). It especially helps manage psoriasis of the knees and elbows. There are irregular skin patches covered with shiny scales and little raised margins. Secondly, it helps if there itching that gets worse at night. Eczema cases with itching at night can be managed effectively with this medicine. In such cases, tiny eruptions present themselves on the skin which after scratching show black points. This medicine can also be given for cases of herpes zoster (skin disorder characterised by painful blisters causes by varicella zoster virus) especially, affecting the  right side of the body.

Key indicating features

1. Psoriasis of the knees and elbows

2. Itching at night

3. Herpes zoster of right side


Worsening factors: The pain gets worse in the evenings, nights, hot weather, at rest or after mental exhaustion

Relieving factors: Complaints get better due to frequent movement


This medicine works well in both low and high potencies. The potency is selected individually varying from case to case and low potencies can be repeated frequently. But frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Nux Vomica

It antidotes: Merc Sol


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Balding and Losing Hair ? …Homeopathy the Best Bet

Homeopathic Remedies for Hair loss

Hair fall, medically known as alopecia, is a very common health issue. Generally, hair fall happens every day. It is normal to lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair every day but the problem of hair loss and thinning begins when the phase of hair growth does not keep pace with the phase of hair loss.
Homeopathy can be a boon to persons who suffer from hair fall. It is a very safe, gentle and natural treatment option for managing hair fall. Homeopathy works well in these cases by treating the underlying cause of hair fall and by strengthening the hair follicles. Homeopathic treatment for hair fall is biphasic. In the first phase, these help to prevent worsening of the condition by controlling further progression of hair fall. In the second phase, it helps to promote regrowth of hair naturally by stimulating the hair follicles. Homeopathy is the best alternative to conventional treatment used for hair fall that might have some side effects.

Individualised treatment

Homeopathic treatment for hair fall is not generalised rather individualised. This means homeopathy does not prescribe any fixed specific medicine in every case of hair fall. Rather homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on unique, characteristic symptoms in each and every individual. So homeopathic prescription varies from case to case. This individualised treatment boosts the body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome hair issues naturally and lead to great cures.

Solution for different types of hair fall

Homeopathy is very beneficial to treat various kinds of hair fall. For example hair fall in spots (i.e. alopecia areata), general hair fall, hair thinning and male / female pattern hair loss. Homeopathy gives remarkable results in all such cases irrespective of the types.

Homeopathy uses oral medicines rather than hair oil / shampoos

Hair fall occurs from some internal disturbance in the body rather than any external source. So to overcome this issue focus needs to be on dealing and correcting that internal disturbance with oral medicines that work internally rather than some external applications on the scalp. Homeopathy works in accordance with this. Homeopathy makes use of oral medicines (taken via mouth) that work to overcome the internal body’s disturbance to control hair fall and aid effective cure. Hair oil / shampoos are never a part of protocol of homeopathic treatment for hair fall.

Homeopathy targets root cause

Homeopathic medicines for hair fall treatment are prescribed after correctly identifying the root cause of hair fall. These medicines fix the underlying basic cause of hair fall (any hormonal disturbance, stress, anemia, scalp conditions like eczema / fungal infections, any autoimmune activity, etc) to give wonderful results. The results vary as per the intensity of the hair fall.

Effective treatment option for all age groups

Hair fall is a very common concern affecting persons of all age groups. Homeopathy is highly suitable to treat hair fall in people of all age groups. The homeopathic medicine selected individually for every case of hair is highly capable of giving excellent results.

No adverse effects

Homeopathic remedies for hair fall are free from any sort of harsh effects. The medicines utilized for hair fall in homeopathy lack any harmful chemicals or toxins. These are all derived from naturally occurring substances. So its use can be opted without any worries of side effects.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Hair Fall

The  five top-listed medicines in homeopathy to manage hair fall are Phosphorus, Fluoric Acid, Wiesbaden Aqua, Phosphoric Acid and Thallium Met.

1. Phosphorus – For Excessive Hair Fall In Bunches

Phosphorus is the best medicine when hair falls out excessively in bunches. Mainly hair fall occurs from the forepart of the head in cases needing it. It helps to control hair fall and stimulate hair growth wonderfully. Persons who require this medicine may have dry hair. They may also have dandruff and itchy scalp. It is also a prominent medicine for premature greying of hair.

When to use Phosphorus?

This medicine is the best medicine for managing hair falling out excessively in bunches.

How to use Phosphorus?

It can be used in 30C potency two times a day.

2. Fluoricum Acidum – For Hair Loss In Spots

A person having hair loss in spots (alopecia areata) can find this medicine beneficial. It prevents further progression of hair loss and promotes hair regrowth in the already present spots. It is also a good medicine when hair strands are brittle and dry that tend to break off easily. It helps in decreasing dryness in the hair and preventing hair breakage. Lastly, it is also the best for controlling hair loss after fever, particularly typhoid.

When to use Fluoric Acid?

Its use is highly recommended to manage hair loss occurring in spots.

How to use Fluoric Acid?

Though it can be used in different potencies, in the beginning it is best to take it in 30C potency twice a day.

3. Wiesbaden Aqua – For Hair Regrowth

It is a natural remedy to aid hair regrowth. It is sourced from springs of Wiesbaden in Prussia. This medicine is known to aid the quick growth of hair. It also helps make the hair dense and darker in color. It nourishes hair roots and makes hair healthy and strong.

When to use Wiesbaden Aqua?

Use of this medicine is frequently recommended to promote hair regrowth.

How to use Wiesbaden Aqua?

Its use is suggested in 30C potency two times a day.

4. Phosphoric Acid – For Hair Fall From Grief

It is useful to treat hair loss that occurs as a result of grief and sorrow. Those needing it experience marked thinning and falling of hair. They may have early greying of hair as well. It is also valuable to treat hair loss occurring in the beard area.

When to use Phosphoric Acid?

Anyone experiencing hair fall due to grief can take this medicine.

How to use Phosphoric Acid?

Initially, Phosphoric Acid 30C can be used twice a day for best results.

5. Thallium Met – For Hair Fall After Acutely Exhausting illness

It is highly suitable to treat hair fall after acute exhausting health conditions. For example, flu, throat infection, prolonged fever. The hair fall is quite rapid in cases needing it. It may be general hair loss all over the scalp or in spots. The hair comes out in handfuls.

When to use Thallium Met?

This medicine can be used for managing hair fall occurring after some acute health condition like flu, prolonged fever.

How to use Thallium Met?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency once a day.

What causes Hair Fall? 

Various causes behind hair fall are summed below:

1. Thyroid– Thyroid problems cause hair loss in severe and prolonged cases. Since thyroid and alopecia areata are both autoimmune diseases, one can trigger the other. Hair fall due to thyroid can be treated once the underlying hormonal imbalance is fixed, although it can take some time for the hair to grow back.

2.  Hormonal changes including those that occur after childbirth, during menopause, hypothyroidism,PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)

3. Emotional trauma like constant stress or grief due to loss of a family member/close friend.

4. Nutritional deficiencies and anemia due to a poor diet, or some other underlying health condition that prevents the absorption of nutrients can also cause hair fall. Main deficiencies include iron, zinc, protein and vitamin B3.

5. Recovery from acute fevers like typhoid may lead to diffuse hair loss.

6. Alopecia Areata isan autoimmune disease that causes hair loss in spots. In this condition, the immune cells of the body mistake the hair cells as a foreign substance and start destroying them. It is a common cause of hair fall in people under 20 years of age and is commonly found in people with autoimmune thyroid problems.

7. Certain drugs (like the ones used to treat high blood pressure, joint pains, cancer, or depression) can also cause hair fall as a side effect. For example, anagen effluvium refers to a condition of hair loss due to chemotherapy in a cancer patient. Chemotherapy drugs used as a part of cancer treatment damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

8. Physical trauma/ injuryto the head can also lead to hair fall in some cases.

9. General diseases like diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, or AIDS tend to cause hair fall due to decreased immunity and nutrition in the body.

10. Certain hairstyleslike tight braids or ponytails where the hair is tightly pulled back can lead to traction alopecia. Indiscriminate use of hair color and heating tools can damage the hair and lead to hair fall.

11. Trichotillomania is a mental disorder in which the affected person voluntarily pulls out his/her hair out of the scalp.

12. Hair fall from scalp conditions like fungal infection of scalp (Tinea Capitis), Lichen Planus (an autoimmune condition affecting skin, hair and mucous membranes), eczema of the scalp (Seborrheic dermatitis), scalp folliculitis (inflammation and infection of hair follicles of the scalp) and dandruff

Male Pattern Baldness

What is Male Pattern Baldness?

Male balding is a common problem, and surprisingly men tend to feel isolated when suffering from it. Anybody with a genetic predisposition towards baldness typically experiences a change in the hair growth cycle, mostly caused due to the action of hormone dihydrotestosterone. Male pattern baldness is linked with male sex hormones or androgens including testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.  The change in levels of these hormones results in shrinking of hair follicles and shortening of the growth phase of hair (anagen phase). These two factors result in hair loss.

In young males, male pattern baldness typically begins from the frontal area and the crown. With age, it progresses towards the back of the head. Signs of early hair loss in men can be visible as early as the age of 18. Some common early warning signs of male pattern baldness include:

– Receding hairline from the forehead and temples

– Bald patch on top of the scalp

– Reduced density of hair

– Thinning of hair

Top 3 Homeopathic Medicines for Male Pattern Baldness

The three top-listed medicines in homeopathy to manage male pattern baldness are Lycopodium Clavatum, Baryta Carb and Silicea.

1. Lycopodium Clavatum – Top Homeopathic Medicine For Hair Regrowth

It a natural medicine prepared from a plant named club moss and is usually the first choice of medicine for male pattern baldness. It helps to halt further progression of hair loss and also aids hair regrowth (though it varies from case to case) in male pattern baldness. Its use is recommended when hairline is receding and hair loss is occurring from the sides of the scalp (temple region). With this, dandruff may be present with foul smell emanating from the scalp. The scalp may be itchy, burning sensation can also be present.

When to use Lycopodium?

This medicine can be used as a first line of treatment in case of male pattern baldness when hairline is receding and hair loss is occurring from the sides of the scalp (temple region).

How to use Lycopodium?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is most frequently recommended in 30C power. Lycopodium 30C can be taken once a day for a month or two.

2. Baryta Carb – For Hair Loss From Crown Area

It works well for male pattern baldness where hair loss is mostly visible on the crown or top of the scalp (vertex). The scalp may be sensitive to touch, along with a crawling sensation.

When to use Baryta carb?

This medicine is mainly prescribed to manage male pattern baldness when hair loss is prominent on the crown area (top of head).

How to use Baryta carb?

Most frequently, it is advised to take Baryta carb 30C once or twice a day as per severity of complaint.

3. Silicea – For Male Pattern Baldness In Young Males

Silicea is useful for male pattern baldness in very young males, where the males tend to experience hair loss very early in their life. Severe itching of the scalp occurs. Excessive sweating occurs on the scalp that gives foul smell. Sensation of coldness is felt on the scalp.

When to use Silicea?

Males who experience hair loss very early in their life (18-19 yrs of age) can be given this medicine to stop progression of hair loss.

How to use Silicea?

It can be used in 30C potency two times a day.

Female Pattern Baldness

What is Female Pattern Baldness?

Also known as Androgenetic Alopecia, female pattern baldness is very similar to male pattern baldness. The main difference between male and female pattern baldness is the pattern of hair loss. In females, thinning of hair (and not a receding hairline) is observed.

The early key indication to recognize female pattern baldness is the gradual loss of hair from the parting line of the hair on the scalp. Found around the area of the center of the scalp, most females begin losing hair from their parting line. This progresses to the widening of the parting line, followed by general diffused hair thinning on the scalp. There are very little chances of complete baldness, but excessive thinning of hair throughout the scalp is generally observed. 90% of female baldness is directly linked to genetics, although there are other contributing factors.

In females, the leading cause of baldness is the shrinking of hair follicles resulting in the production of short and thin hair. The androgens (hormones) are thought to play a role in female pattern baldness.
The major contributing factor towards female pattern baldness is a genetic predisposition (history of hair loss on either side of the family). It’s more commonly seen in middle-aged women and after menopause.
Female pattern baldness in the 20s is usually related to heredity, lifestyle or stress.
In rare cases, tumors (benign, non-cancerous) of the pituitary gland/ ovaries/ adrenals that secrete androgens also can lead to female pattern hair loss.

Top  2 Homeopathic Medicines For Hair Fall In Females

The 2 top-listed medicines in homeopathy to manage male pattern baldness are Sepia Succus and Natrum Mur.

1. Sepia Succus – Top Homeopathic Medicine For Female Pattern Baldness

It is a highly valuable medicine for female pattern baldness and hair fall. In menopausal age, Sepia Succus has been successfully used to treat female pattern baldness. The scalp is painful to touch, the roots of hair seems sore (pain on touching) , feels sensitive on combing. Along the margin of hair on the forehead, pimples can be seen.

When to use Sepia?

Its use can be considered to manage hair loss in females around menopause.

How to use Sepia?

The suggested dose is Sepia 30 C once a day.

2. Natrum Mur – For Hair Loss In Women After childbirth

Women experiencing hair loss after childbirth can be highly benefitted by it. Along with hair loss, severe headache after child delivery may be felt. Hair loss may be noted on the slightest touch on the scalp. Hair loss is marked at the sides and forepart of the head. Dandruff with white scales may be noted on scalp.

When to use Natrum Mur?

It is the best prescription for managing hair loss in women after childbirth.

How to use Natrum Mur?

It can be taken in 30 C potency once a day.

Note regarding use of homeopathic medicines

Use of any of the homeopathic medicines mentioned in this article should be done only in recommended power and dose. You may continue these medicines for a month or two. To continue for more than a month, it is strictly advised to consult a homeopathic physician. Also, do not use high potencies of any of these medicines without consulting a homeopathic expert.



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Aloe Socotrina – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Aloe Socotrina is prepared from the gum of the leaves of plant Common aloes which belongs to family Liliaceae.  The gum of leaves of this plant is potentized as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. After going through the potentization process, it becomes a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Aloe Socotrina. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing the complaint of piles and diarrhea (loose stool).

The ‘Aloe Socotrina’ Constitution

Aloe Socotrina suits elderly people who are weak and suffer from diarrhea and abdomen pain. It is also recommended for persons who have been drinking beer for a long time.

 Drug Action

This medicine has a significant action on rectum. It is suitable to manage complaints occurring from portal congestion (rise of blood pressure in portal venous system that includes veins coming from stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestine which merge into the portal vein that branches in small vessels and travel to liver). It acts well on the veins of the abdomen. Its action in liver, pelvis and large intestine is also well marked. Besides these, Aloe Socotrina acts well on the back, head, urinary system, skin and male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Piles, diarrhea, proctitis, anal fistula, colitis (inflammation of large intestine), anal fistula, anal itching, cholera, fecal incontinence, abdomen pain, gas, bloating, backache, headache, skin itching, enlarged prostate, involuntary urination, uterine prolapse.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Rectum (piles, loose motion, fistula, inflammation of rectum and large intestine)

Aloe Socotrina has a wide application on the rectum, it can effectively settle numerous complaints including piles, diarrhea, proctitis (rectal inflammation), colitis (inflammation of large intestine), anal fistula, anal itching, rectal prolapse, cholera and fecal incontinence.

It has shown great clinical improvements in cases of piles (swollen, enlarged veins in or around the anus or in lower rectum). Here it works best for protruding hemorrhoids which refers to internal piles that protrude outside the anus. They are blue in color and appear like a bunch of grapes and are very sore and tender to touch along with heat. Applying cold water may be soothing. A person may also feel a sharp pain in the anus and rectum due to piles. The burning sensation is also felt along with pain. A constant bearing down in the rectum is a prominent symptom that can attend. Though majorly used for protruding piles, it also has an affinity to treat piles that bleed excessively and quite frequently.

It is also effective in treating diarrhea cases. In such cases, there is a watery lumpy stool and sudden urge to pass stool soon after eating or drinking. The urge to pass stool may remain constant. Sometimes there is urge to pass stool, but only gas passes. In some cases, stool is bright yellow, thin, mushy with undigested food particles in it. There is a feeling of fullness in the pelvis. Person may feel cramping pain in abdomen before and during passing stool. Sometimes they experience pinching in abdomen before passing stool. Rumbling and gurgling are felt in rectum. With loose stool excessive gas, rectal pain, rectal heaviness, burning in rectum and chilliness can occur. Aloe Socotrina can also be administered to people suffering from early morning diarrhea where person has to rush out of bed to pass stool. Use of this medicine is also recommended when there is blood and mucus-like/jelly-like lumps with stool. Other peculiar indications for using it are diarrhea that occurs from drinking beer, and in hot damp weather.

This medicine is successfully used in cases of inflammation of rectum (proctitis), or inflammation of large intestine (colitis). Its use is suggested for anal fistula and rectal prolapse. Furthermore it works very well to alleviate itching and burning sensation of anus that prevents sleep. It can be given to manage cholera (infection of small intestine caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae) cases. The last yet another important complaint where it is indicated is faecal incontinence (involuntary leakage of stool). It is indicated when stool escapes without notice when passing gas.

Key indicating features

Piles protruding, appear like bunch of grapes

painful, sore, tender piles better from cold water application

Diarrhea with sudden urge to stool soon after eating or drinking

early morning diarrhea

Diarrhea in hot, damp weather

passing jelly like mucus in stool

inflammation of rectum and inflammation of large intestine

involuntary passage of stool when passing gas

Anal fistula

2. Gastric Issues (Pain In Abdomen, Gas, Bloating)

This medicine has a marked action on gastric system. It is beneficial for abdomen pain which gets better by passing gas. It also helps in cases of navel pain which gets worse by putting pressure. There is excessive gas, bloating, heaviness, fullness in abdomen. Aloe Socotrina can be used to relieve abdomen pain felt before and during stool. It works wonders to alleviate twisting griping type of pain in abdomen with a desire to sit in bent forward position. Other indications for using it includes burping that can be sour, bitter, or tasteless, along with nausea with headache. Aloe Socotrina can also be given to manage nausea and gas, along with headache after eating.

Key indicating features

abdomen pain better from passing gas

navel pain worse from pressure

nausea, gas accompanied with headache after eating

3. Liver complaints (liver pain)

Aloe Socotrina can rectify certain liver issues also. This medicine can be prescribed for managing liver pain. The pain aggravates while standing, and deep breathing. Pain can be sharp or stitching type which may extend from the liver to the chest sometimes. There is pain, fullness, heat, and pressure in the liver. There is jaundice with heaviness in liver. The tongue is coated and there is foul breath.

Key indicating features

pain while standing, and from deep breathing

stitching pain in liver extending to chest

4. Back (lower back pain)

Aloe Socotrina is of great help in managing lower back pain in lumbar region during movement. A characteristic feature to use it is back pain which alternates with headache and piles. This medicine can also settle pain or heaviness felt in sacral region when person feels pain while sitting and feel better by walking. Not only this, it can be given for back pain that occurs in case of prolapse of uterus too.

Key indicating features

lower back pain in lumbar region worse from movement

pain in sacral region, worse from sitting, better from movement

back pain associated with uterine prolapse

5. Head (headache)

Aloe is also known to have effect on head, where its foremost action is to manage headache. In most cases needing it, the pain is felt across the forehead, along with heaviness in and around eyes. A person may also feel nausea along with headache. There is worsening of pain from heat, while it gets relieved by cold applications and closing the eyes. Aloe Socotrina also effectively deals with headache caused by the insufficient passage of stool along with abdomen pain. Headache alternating with back pain or pain in intestine are also some other symptoms requiring it.

Key indicating features

headache which gets worse by heat, better by cold applications

headache gets better by closing eyes

headache due to insufficient passage of stool

headache alternating with back pain or intestine complaints

6. Skin (itching, pimples)

Aloe is also a solution to some skin complaints. Itching that occurs in winters is a classic symptom indicating its use. It covers itching of legs well. On scratching, it becomes painful and sensitive. It is a wonderful medicine for treating pimples on abdomen.

Key indicating features

itching in winters

pimples on abdomen

7. Urinary system (urgent urination, involuntary urination)

Aloe Socotrina is highly recommended for persons who have to rush to pass urine and it cannot be retained. Burning sensation is felt while urinating. It is beneficial for cases of the involuntary passage of urine in elderly people suffering from an enlarged prostate gland.

Key indicating features

urgency in passing urine

involuntary passage of urine (urinary incontinence) in elderly people and enlarged prostate gland

8. Male Problems (Enlarged Prostate, Involuntary Erections, Itching Of Prepuce)

This medicine can manage enlarged prostate along with involuntary urine passage. Other problems it can address are premature ejaculation, itching of the prepuce, increased sexual desire, and erection after urinating.

Key indicating features

enlarged prostate causing involuntary urine passage.

itching of prepuce

erection after urination

9. Female Problems (Uterus Prolapse, Early Menses)

For females, it is prescribed for managing uterine prolapse. There is heaviness in the uterine region and pelvis, weakness, labor-like pains in the back, and groin radiating to legs. There may occur colic followed by vaginal discharge of bloody mucus. It can be used for managing complaint of early, prolonged and copious menses.

Key indicating features

uterine prolapse with heaviness in uterine and pelvis; labor like pains in the back; groin radiating to legs

early, prolonged and copious menses


Worsening factors: complaints get worse from heat, hot dry/damp weather, summer; on standing, walking; early morning

Relieving factors: complaints get better by cold applications, passing gas, and in cool open air


Aloe Socotrina works well in both low and high potencies. The potency is selected individually in every case. In low potency like 30C, it can be repeated frequently. When used in high potencies, the repetition should be done with care under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Nux Vomica, Lycopodium and Sulphur

Followed well by Kali Bichrome, Sepia, Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur


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Natural Homeopathic Remedies For High Blood Pressure

Homeopathic Remedies for High blood Pressure

The pressure exerted by blood on the walls of the arteries while it flows through them is known as blood pressure. When this pressure is consistently too high, it is referred to as high blood pressure medically known as hypertension. The normal blood pressure ranges between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

Categories To Define High Blood Pressure

1.  A reading of systolic between 120-129 mmHg and diastolic less than 80mmHg is elevated blood pressure. Here usually no medication is recommended and only lifestyle changes are advised.

2. Stage 1 Hypertension: A reading of systolic between 130-139 mmHg or diastolic between 80-89 mmHg.

3. Stage 2 hypertension: Systolic reading 140 mmHg or higher and diastolic reading 90mmHg or higher.

4. Hypertensive Crisis: Systolic reading higher than 180 mmHg and/or diastolic higher than 120 mmHg. It requires urgent medical attention.

Homeopathic Medicines For High Blood Pressure

The top homeopathic medicines to manage high blood pressure (HBP) are Aconitum Napellus, Glonoinum, Crataegus Oxyacantha, Nux vomica, Kali Phos and Natrum Mur.

1. Aconitum Napellus

Aconitum Napellus is a natural medicine sourced from plant monkshood. It can be used for managing high blood pressure along with anxiety and restlessness. The person markedly feels a sudden fear of death. Other accompanying symptoms include palpitations, pressure on the left side of the chest, and sensation of weight under the breastbone. Pain in the heart extending to the left shoulder is also felt.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure along with anxiety and restlessness

2. Glonoinum

Glonoinum is a well-indicated medicine for high blood pressure accompanied by headache which is throbbing and bursting type. Strong palpitations, difficulty in breathing and heat on the face are felt. The person senses pressure in the heart as if heart is contracted. The pain in the heart may radiate to other body parts. Exertion leads to rush of blood to the heart.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure with a throbbing headache

3. Crataegus Oxyacantha

Popularly known as heart tonic, it is a natural medicine sourced from the plant ‘hawthorn berries’. The foremost action of this medicine is to dissolve the calcareous deposits in the arteries, which helps to lower blood pressure. The main symptom that guides its use is difficulty in breathing from the least exertion. Some other symptoms indicative of this medicine include pain in the heart, pressure on the chest, and anxiety-accelerated pulse which is irregular.

Key indicating features

Indicated to dissolve calcareous deposits in arteries to bring blood pressure down

4. Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is a medicine suitable for HBP, especially in young people who adopt sedentary (sitting for long time periods consistently with little or no physical activity) and modern lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc. These factors predispose a person to high blood pressure.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure in young people who lead sedentary life and have habit of alcohol or smoking

5. Kali Phos

Kali Phos is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage stress and several stress-related complaints, including high blood pressure. It is recommended for a person who constantly remains under constant stress and worry. The patient may face symptoms including palpitations from slight motion, shortness of breath, irregular pulse, along with both mental and physical fatigue.

Key indicating feature

To manage high blood pressure linked with stress and worries

6. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is one of the most prescribed remedies for cases of high blood pressure in those with salt tooth (cravingy for salty foods). Though there is a restriction for excess salt intake for persons suffering from HBP, it is seen that there is an unusual craving for salty things like pickles, papads etc.  Due to this, there may be swelling of feet in the morning. Natrum Mur may be given in cases where there is an unusual fatigue especially in the morning. A person may feel tight around the chest and bears intense palpitations on the slightest exertion. Natrum Mur may also relieve headache caused due to high blood pressure.

Key indicating features

High blood pressure linked with excess intake of highly salty things

How to use these medicines?

The homeopathic medicine to manage high blood pressure needs to be recommended after detailed case history of the patient. The potency and repetition of medicine also varies from case to case based on different factors like age, duration and severity of complaint, and prominent symptoms. Hypertension can further lead to several serious complications,  so it is advised to always consult a doctor for case evaluation and prescription of any kind. The same rule must be followed to take any homeopathic medicines. Always seek advice from a homeopathic expert before taking any homeopathic medicine.

What Are The Causes Of High BP?

High blood pressure may or may not have a cause.

1. High blood pressure that arises without any reason is called primary/essential hypertension. Primary hypertension usually develops gradually over a period of time.
2. When there is an underlying cause of high blood pressure, it is referred to as secondary hypertension. Secondary hypertension can be a result of problems in kidneys and thyroid; tumors in the adrenal glands and congenital defects in the blood vessels. Secondary hypertension tends to appear suddenly.

What Are The Symptoms?

High blood pressure usually doesn’t cause any symptoms and is often detected during routine medical check-ups. High blood pressure is called ‘silent killer’ because it leads to a significant amount of damage to blood vessels and heart, without any apparent symptoms.
However certain symptoms that appear as a result of high blood pressure include headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, nose bleedings, or blood spots in eyes. However, these symptoms are not specific to high blood pressure and may appear as a result of other health conditions also.

Risk factors for High Blood Pressure

The factors that put a person at risk of high blood pressure include a family history, increasing age, being overweight, excessive alcohol intake, tobacco use, stress, too much salt (sodium) intake, diabetes mellitus, sedentary lifestyle, and certain medications (cause drug-induced hypertension) that include certain anti-depressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, cold remedies, birth control pills, etc.

Homeopathic management of High Blood Pressure

The homeopathic system carries a good scope in managing high blood pressure. Homeopathic remedies for high blood pressure work to naturally moderate the body’s functioning. Homeopathic medicines work particularly well for those who have recently been diagnosed with hypertension and have not yet become dependent on any other medication for HBP. People with chronic high blood pressure and those who are using allopathic medicines for a long time can also use homeopathic medicines. Initially, it is advisable to continue allopathic medication along with homeopathic medicines, and slowly shift into homeopathy for holistic treatment. For best results, proper lifestyle measures should be adopted along with homeopathic treatment for high blood pressure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can stress lead to high blood pressure?

Yes, stressful situations can make blood pressure shoot up temporarily due to the release of stress hormones. However, the link between long-term high blood pressure because of chronic stress is poorly understood and is being researched.

What is the relationship between high blood pressure and stroke?

Stroke refers to a condition with reduced blood flow to the brain resulting in cell death. High blood pressure tends to damage the arteries, making them prone to rupture or clogging. Any damage can lead to a stroke which can be of two types –
1.  ischemic stroke arising due to clogging of arteries in the brain
2. hemorrhagic stroke due to rupture of arteries in the brain.

What is the link between high blood pressure and heart attack?

Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart. If the coronary arteries become narrow due to cholesterol deposits, the blood has to flow through arteries with greater pressure because of the resistance offered by cholesterol deposits. When the coronary arteries get obstructed to the extent where they can no longer supply blood to heart muscles, it can lead to a heart attack (also known as myocardial infarction).

What are systolic and diastolic readings of blood pressure?

Systolic readings refer to the pressure in the arteries when the heart muscles contract. Diastolic reading corresponds to the phase when the heart relaxes/rest in between the beats.

Among the systolic and diastolic blood pressure reading, which is more important?

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings are important. But the significance of systolic/upper reading in blood pressure is greater after the age of 60 years since it can help identify the risk for a stroke or heart attack. In younger people, the diastolic reading carries more significance than the systolic reading.

My upper reading of blood pressure is high, and the lower reading is normal; should I be concerned?

An increase of only the upper reading of blood pressure is known as isolated systolic hypertension. The major reason behind it is the stiffening of the aorta. Other underlying conditions that are linked with it include an overactive thyroid and diabetes. It is more common as a person gets older (especially over 60 years of age), but it may also appear at a younger age. Few serious problems that are linked with a long-term isolated systolic hypertension include heart disease, heart attack, chronic kidney problems and stroke. So, you should take medicines and follow dietary instructions to manage them and lower the risk of complications.

I have a high diastolic reading of BP while the systolic is normal, should I be worried?

High diastolic reading in the absence of any risk factors like diabetes, smoking, obesity, kidney problems, etc. is usually not serious. So, monitoring the BP, dietary changes (low sodium diet, fat) and lifestyle changes like regular exercise are needed to manage it. Management is necessary because elevated diastolic puts a person at risk of high systolic with advancing age. If the risk factors are present, then medicine is additionally needed and should be started as recommended by a cardiologist.

Which tests are recommended in case of high blood pressure?

The initial investigations recommended in cases of high blood pressure include lipid profile, sodium, potassium levels, and ECG. In some instances, an echocardiogram is suggested to rule out heart disease.

Is high blood pressure a serious condition?

High blood pressure that is not managed correctly carries the risk of turning into serious conditions like stroke, heart attack, heart failure, retinopathy (damage to retina of eye) and kidney problems.

Will quitting smoking help me manage my high blood pressure?

Yes, if you stop smoking, it will help in managing high blood pressure. Smoking causes hardening of the walls of the arteries and narrows the lumen of the artery that leads to high blood pressure. If you give up smoking, it can help reduce these changes in the arteries and thus brings the blood pressure down.

Does homeopathy help in immediately lowering down very high blood pressure?

Homeopathy works well to manage high blood pressure in the long run. However, it has a very minimal role in bringing an immediate reduction in blood pressure. In such cases, conventional emergency treatment is recommended.

I have been taking allopathic medicine for high blood pressure for the last ten years. Can I transit to homeopathic medication and stop taking allopathic medicine?

It is not advisable to quit allopathic medicine all of sudden when you start taking homeopathic medicines for blood pressure. This is because the body gets dependent on allopathic medicines to function correctly. If you start taking homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure, initially you will have to continue taking the allopathic medicines alongside. Once the homeopathic medicines start working, then one can gradually shift to homeopathy by reducing the dose of allopathic medications.

Lifestyle changes to manage high blood pressure?

Certain lifestyle changes can help manage high blood pressure effectively. These include:

1. Cut down your sodium and fat intake

2. Eat fruits and vegetables

3. Do regular exercise and reduce excess body weight in case of overweight people

4. Apart from these, one must quit smoking and limit alcohol intake to prevent long-term complications of high blood pressure.


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Baryta Carbonica – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Baryta Carbonica is prepared from barium carbonate. With potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that bring out its medicinal properties), barium carbonate is converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Baryta Carb. It is prescribed to treat numerous health issues like developmental delays in children, autism spectrum disorders, memory issues and concentration issues in children. It is a leading medicine to treat tonsillitis, enlarged prostate gland and hair loss.

The ‘Baryta Carbonica’ Constitution

Though it can be given to persons of any age group, it is best suited to children and elderly people. Its use is mainly recommended for those children having retarded growth, both mentally and physically. For the elderly, its use is considered when degenerative changes in brain, heart and blood vessels show up early.

 Drug Action

This medicine acts on many body organs, like the mind, tonsils, throat, scalp and prostate gland. It shows prominent action on ears, skin, urinary organs, heart and male and female genitals. It works well on different glands, mainly swollen, enlarged and hardened glands, mainly enlarged glands in neck, enlarged tonsils, enlarged prostate gland; swollen parotid gland and axillary glands (under the arm).

 Clinical Indications

Developmental delays, autism, concentration issues, dullness of mind, weak memory and forgetfulness, tonsillitis, sore throat, quinsy (abscess in between one of the tonsils and wall of throat), baldness, parotitis, hearing difficulty, tinnitus, enlarged prostate, amenorrhoea, cysts, lipoma, foot sweat, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, palpitations, wens (boils)

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints Of The Mind (Developmental Delay, Autism, Poor Concentration, Dullness Of Mind, Weak Memory And Forgetfulness)

Baryta Carb shows remarkable action on the mind. It is a highly recommended medicine to treat cases of developmental delay in children. It is also a top-listed medicine for managing cases of autism. Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder that results in problems pertaining to communication, and social interaction. It also results in restricted and repetitive patterns of unwanted behavior. This medicine can be of great help in cases of delayed speech among children or late learners or children who begin walking late. It also plays an important role when the child is unable to connect words to objects. There is also difficulty in coordination. This medicine also helps children who have poor concentration and helps improve their attention span among them.

Other than these this medicine benefits in cases where a child has a dull mind and weak mental grasp, has difficulty in learning new things and can’t remember things easily. In general, such children are very shy, bashful and cowardly. They hide behind furniture in front of strangers or keep their hands on their faces and peep through fingers.

They fear the stranger. They have aversion to play and desire to sit in corner and do nothing. It is also an effective medicine for those with weak memory and forgetfulness, especially among the elderly.

Key indicating features

1. developmental delay in children

2. late learning & delayed talking & walk among children

3. poor concentration among children

4. dull mind and weak mental grasp, difficulty in learning and remembering things

5. shy, bashful and coward children who have fear of strangers (xenophobia) and avoid them or hide behind furniture upon seeing them

6. weak memory and forgetfulness especially among the elderly

2. Throat Issues (Tonsillitis, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Parotitis)

Baryta Carb acts wonderfully on the throat. It is very suitable to treat cases of tonsillitis. Those having tendency to recurrent tonsillitis can be highly benefitted from this medicine. There is predisposition to catch cold easily resulting in inflammation of the tonsils. In cases who need it, the tonsils are enlarged, swollen, inflamed with swollen veins. This medicine is also a leading medicine for managing cases of quinsy (inflammation of the throat especially an abscess in the region of the tonsils). Quinsy also known as peritonsillar abscess refers to pus collection behind the tonsils. It’s also used for sore throat. There is stitching or smarting pain in the throat. The pain in the throat gets worse upon making swallowing motion (though nothing is being swallowed). The sufferers can only swallow liquids. Burning sensation is also felt in the throat. There is increased salivation. One begins his morning with a sticky mucus. Its use is also recommended to treat cases of parotitis (inflammation of parotid gland which is a salivary gland). The parotid gland is swollen and tender in cases when this medicine is required.

Key indicating features

1. Tonsillitis with enlarged, swollen, inflamed tonsils with swollen veins

2. Recurrent tonsillitis occurring every time when exposed to cold

3. tendency to catch cold easily

4. management of quinsy (pus behind tonsils)

5. Parotitis (inflamed parotid gland)

3. Scalp Complaints (Baldness, Wens)

Baryta Carb is an excellent medicine for managing cases of hair fall. It is highly suitable for managing complaints of baldness (hair loss) in young men. It gives good results when used in the very early stage of baldness. In the advanced and late stages, it may not yield fruitful results. In most cases needing it, hair loss is most prominent on the top of the scalp. Baryta Carb works well to manage crawling sensation (like crawling ants) on the scalp. The scalp is very sensitive to touch. Apart from these, it is a leading medicine to help treat wens (boils) on scalp. Wens are non-cancerous cyst on the scalp that contains fatty secretion of a sebaceous gland.

Key indicating features

1. early stages of baldness (hair loss) in very young men

2. hair loss from the top of scalp

3. crawling sensation on scalp

4. wens on scalp

4. Ear Complaints (Difficult Hearing, Tinnitus, Eruptions)

This medicine proves beneficial for various ear-related complaints. Firstly, it can be used in cases of difficult hearing, especially in elderly people. Second main indication of its use is tinnitus (noises in ears in the absence of any external source). The sufferer may hear buzzing, roaring or crackling noise inside ears. This medicine can be next used in cases of hard knotty swelling behind the ears. Lastly, it can help to treat eruptions that may occur on or behind the ears.

Key indicating features

1. difficult hearing especially in elderly people

2. Tinnitus with buzzing, roaring or crackling noises in ears

3. hard knotty swelling behind the ears

4. eruptions on or behind the ears

5. Male Problems (Enlarged Prostate, Impotency, Premature Ejaculation)

Males may find this medicine quite useful to treat various problems among which prostate issues arethe most prominent. It is an important medicine for managing cases of enlarged prostate gland. It is well indicated to manage cases of sexual weakness, impotency (inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse). The desire for sex is also reduced. It can also be given in cases of premature ejaculation. Another complaint where it is prominently indicated is hardened testicles. There is excessive sweating around the scrotum.

Key indicating features

1. enlargement of prostate gland

2. impotency (inability to achieve or maintain an erection)

3. decreased sexual desire

4. premature ejaculation

5. hardened testicles

6. Female Problems (Amenorrhoea, Scanty Menses, Atrophy Of Breast And Ovaries)

Baryta Carb helps to manage some of the female problems as well. It can be given in cases where menses are suppressed (amenorrhoea). It can be used for cases of scanty menses and short duration of menses where menses last only for one day. Before menses, there may occur pain in teeth, swelling in cheeks, pain in abdomen and back. Another very important indication for its use is atrophy (reduction in size) of ovaries or breasts.

Key indicating features

1. suppressed menses or scanty and short menses

2. atrophy of ovaries or breast

7. Urinary Issues (Frequent Urine, Urgency To Urinate)

Baryta Carb has a marked action on urinary organs to deal with various urinary issues. The foremost indication for its use is an increased frequency of urine. There is frequent urination especially at night due to marked irritation in bladder. It can offer a great benefit to elderly people who complain of frequent urination. There is also an urgency to urinate where a person is unable to retain urine. After urination, dribbling (slow flow of urine in drops) may occur. There may be a burning sensation while urinating. A very characteristic feature that guides its use is the protrusion of hemorrhoids (piles) during urination.

Key indicating features

1. increased frequency of urine, especially at night

2. frequent urination in elderly people

3. urgency to urinate where person has to rush to urinate

4. protrusion of piles on urinating

8. Skin (Itching, Cyst, Lipoma, Whitlow)

This medicine is very effective in managing skin itching at night time. Scratching or rubbing does not relieve itching. Needle-pricking/ crawling sensation over skin may also be felt. it is a top-listed medicine for managing cases of lipoma (lump of fatty tissue growing beneath the skin). Baryta Carb is best suited for managing cases of fatty tumors around the neck. Its use is also recommended to treat cysts (a lump filled with fluid, semi-solid matter or gaseous material) and whitlows (infection of thumb or fingertips caused by herpes simplex virus).

Key indicating features

1. skin itching and tingling at night

2. lipoma, cyst

3. whitlow (infection of thumb or fingertips)

9. Perspiration

Use of this medicine is highly recommended for excessive sweat on feet. It has a fetid(extremely unpleasant)  smell. Its use is also considered when sweating occurs on single body areas, like one hand or one foot. Besides these, Baryta Carb can be administered when there is a tendency to sweat specifically on one side of body. Complaints arising from suppression of foot sweat can be wonderfully tackled with this remedy.

Key indicating features

1. excessive foul-smelling foot sweat

2. sweating on one side of body

3. complaints resulting from suppressed foot sweat

10. Heart Complaints (High Blood Pressure, Arteriosclerosis, Palpitations)

For heart complaints, this medicine can be used for the management of high blood pressure (hypertension). It is also a valuable medicine for cases of arteriosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of arteries). Lastly, it works well to manage palpitations that are violent and felt mainly when lying on the left side.

Key indicating features

1. high blood pressure

2. palpitations when lying on left side


Worsening factors: complaints are worse from cold air, mental exertion, suppressed foot sweat, washing, and when thinking of the symptoms

Relieving factors: complaints are better in warm atmosphere, and when walking in open air


Use of this medicine can be done from low to high potency. Most frequently used is 30C potency. This medicine is slow acting that bears repetition well.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Antimonium Tart, Belladonna, Camphor, Dulcamara, Merc Sol and Zincum Met

Followed well by: Conium, China, Lycopodium, Nitric Acid, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur and Tuberculinum

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Hip Pain: Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Medicines that Work

Hip pain is a commonly prevalent medical condition that can affect any age group. Hip pain can arise from problems in the hip joint or the structures surrounding it.  The hip is made up of the hip joint and the different structures surrounding it. The hip joint is an important and one of the most flexible joints in the body. It is a ball and socket joint. The head of the femur (bone in the thigh) fits in the acetabulum (socket) of the hip bone (which is a part of the pelvis) to form the hip joint. The structures that surround the hip joint include muscles, ligaments (bands that connect two bones together), tendons (bands connecting bones and muscles), a tough fibrous capsule lined by synovial fluid, and the bursa (small fluid-filled sacs that cushion bones, muscles and tendons near the joints). The hip joint bears our body weight and helps us walk, jump and run.

Homeopathy is highly proficient in managing cases of hip pain. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce pain in the hip and the related stiffness, swelling, and tenderness magnificently. They offer long-term relief rather than temporary alleviation of the complaint. Homeopathy is helpful in both acute and chronic cases of hip pain. Homeopathy boosts the body’s self-healing forces to overcome hip pain naturally. With regular use of homeopathic medicines the dependency on conventional medicines like pain killers can be reduced to a great extent.

Homeopathic medicines for hip pain are natural medicines. These are prepared from naturally occurring substances that do not contain any harmful chemicals. So these are very safe to use with zero side effects.

As hip pain can arise from different reasons, so that cause needs to be treated for proper cure. Here homeopathic medicines work in a manner that aims to treat hip pain by targeting the root cause behind it. This leads to initial relief in pain followed by cure.

Homeopathic medicines are suitable for treating hip pain in persons of all age groups. These medicines are recommended after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. Hence one should always get the case of hip pain evaluated by a homeopathic doctor for correct homeopathic prescription and avoid self – medication.

hip pain homeopathy

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Hip Pain.

Top Five Homeopathic Medicines for Hip Pain

The top five homeopathic medicines for hip pain are Bryonia Alba, Rhus Tox, Colocynthis, Ruta Graveolens and Aesculus Hippocastanum.

1. Bryonia Alba – For Hip Pain On Movement

Bryonia Alba is a natural remedy sourced from the root of plant wild hops. It is highly effective for hip pain that gets bad with the slightest motion. One gets relief by taking rest, and also by warm applications (like hot water bottles, electric blanket, etc). The pain may be a cramping, bruised, knife-like stitching/ stabbing type. Cracking sound in the hip joint emanates on walking. In some cases, pain from the hip may extend down to the knee.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

It can be used as a first remedy when hip pain worsens from the slightest motion and gets better by taking rest.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

The most common dose indicated for this medicine use is Bryonia 30C two to three times a day according to the severity of pain.

2. Rhus Tox – For Hip Pain At Rest

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for hip pain where the pain worsens at rest and gets better by continued motion. Additionally, the pain may increase from lying on the sides, and while rising after prolonged sitting. The pain from the hip may extend down the back of the thigh. Pain is accompanied by stiffness in the hip joint. Use of Rhus Tox is also highly recommended for hip pain arising from overstraining or overstretching of muscles, tendons or ligaments, and also from injury.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is applicable when hip pain worsens at rest and improves with continuous motion. Someone who is suffering hip pain due to overuse of hip joint, as from prolonged running, can also use this medicine.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Though it can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M, but the most frequently used dosage is 30C power. One may take Rhus Tox 30 C twice or thrice a day for good results.

3. Colocynthis – For Hip Pain Which Gets Better By Lying On The Affected Side

It is a natural remedy sourced from the pulp of fruit of bitter cucumber. Colocynthis is highly beneficial for hip pain that gets better by lying on the affected side. In most cases, the pain from the hip radiates down the leg. The nature of pain can be crampy, constricting/ shooting type. It is also very helpful when the hip pain arises from pinched nerves,  like sciatica, and the hip pain goes down the lower limbs. Walking worsens the pain while taking rest brings relief. Applying pressure also brings relief from hip pain in cases requiring Colocynthis.

When to use Colocynthis?

Persons who have hip pain that gets better by lying on the affected side of pain can take this medicine.

How to use Colocynthis?

Initially, it is advised to start Colocynthis 30C one to three times a day based on the intensity of pain.

4. Ruta Graveolens – For Hip Pain From Inflamed Tendons Or Ligaments

Ruta Graveolens has marked action on tendons and ligaments. It is the first choice of medicine to treat hip pain from inflamed, strained tendons (bind muscle to bone) or ligaments (bind bone to bone). Those needing it feel soreness (pain felt on touching) in the hip, and pain worsens if the leg is stretched. Ruta reduces the inflammation of tendons/ligaments as well as the effects of strained tendons/ligaments, and relieves soreness and pain in the hip.

When use Ruta Graveolens?

This medicine is recommended for cases where hip pain is a result of overstraining (arising due to overuse of hip joint like in running, jumping), or inflamed tendons or ligaments.

How to use Ruta Graveolens?

It is advised to take this medicine in 30 C power twice or thrice a day.

5. Aesculus Hippocastanum – For Hip Pain While Walking Or Stooping

It is an effective medicine for hip pain that increases by walking or stooping (bending the upper half of the body forward and down). Along with hip pain, a person complains of lower back pain and stiffness. It is the top medicine for hip pain that arises from arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or damage to the hip joint.

When to use Aesculus Hippocastanum?

Those who have worsening in hip pain from walking and stooping can use this medicine.

How to use Aesculus Hippocastanum?

Among its various potencies, it is best to start with 30C potency, once or twice a day.

Note One may take the above-mentioned medicines for one or two months in the recommended potency and dose. To continue further, or to increase the dose, it is advisable to consult a homeopathic practitioner.

Causes of Hip Pain

The causes of hip pain are wide and variable. It can simply arise from overuse of a joint or due to some heavy exercise that causes the straining of muscles, tendons or ligaments. It tends to resolve in a few days. Inflamed tendons (tendonitis) can also lead to hip pain which gets better in a few days. Long-term hip pain can arise from several underlying medical conditions as follows:

1. Hip arthritis (arthritis here means Inflammation): Various types of arthritis can cause hip pain. These mainly include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and infective arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritisis an autoimmune joint disorder in which the immune cells start to inflame and damage joints due to a misdirected response. Usually, it begins with small joints (especially finger joints) but afterwards hip joints can be affected too. Osteoarthritisrefers to age-related wear and tear of the cartilage (that acts as a cushion between two bones of the joint) of a joint. Frequently, it occurs as a part of age-related degeneration but can arise from injury as well. Ankylosing spondylitis (affects the joints of the spine especially sacroiliac joint, a joint between the base of spine and pelvis). Infective arthritis which damages the joint cartilage can also cause hip pain.

2. Injury to hip: It includes any trauma or injury due to overuse. Trauma to the hip may lead to hip fracture, sprains, dislocated hip or damage to cartilage. Injury may be due to overuse caused by repetitive strain on hip muscle, tendons, ligaments or bones.

3. Bursitis: It refers to inflamed bursa i.e. small fluid-filled sacs that cushion bones, muscles and tendons near joints.

4. Pinched nerves like sciatica(pain along the path of sciatic nerve originating in the lower back and radiating down to the hip, then thighs, legs up to the feet).

5. Multiple causeslike osteomyelitis (bone infection), osteoporosis (weak, brittle bones prone to easy fracture), avascular necrosis (death of bone tissue resulting from lack of blood supply) and bone cancer.

What are the Symptoms that can accompany Hip Pain?

Apart from pain, there is stiffness in the hip, movement of the hip reduces, there is tenderness and a warm feeling across the hip. In some cases, there may be pain in the groin. Hip pain may make a person limp while walking. The pain from the hip may radiate down the lower limb. Sometimes, the hip pain may be transferred down to the knee (also known as referred pain).

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