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More About Paresthesia And Its Homeopathic Treatment

Paresthesia refers to abnormal sensations like tingling, prickling, burning, numbness, sensation of pricking by pins or needles that occur mostly in hands, fingers, arms, legs, feet and toes. Everyone might have experienced it once in a while, like one may have felt it from sitting cross-legged for too long or from sleeping with the arm under the head. It happens because of the pressure on nerves. It is temporary and vanishes by removing the pressure on the affected nerve. However, in some cases, paresthesia is persistent and may be due to some medical health condition that requires treatment.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can help in effectively managing complaints of paresthesia. Homeopathic medicines can manage well the symptoms like numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation, burning and weakness in limbs in such cases. With use of these medicines, gradual relief occurs . Homeopathic medicines are recommended in these cases when the symptoms are mild to moderate and no serious cause is linked with it. In case the symptoms are intense, or these symptoms are attended with other symptoms like difficulty in walking, loss of bladder/bowel control, slurred speech, difficulty in breathing, confusion, dizziness, loss of consciousness, paralysis or in case some serious cause like stroke, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken. It is recommended to take any homeopathic medicine for paresthesia under supervision of a homeopathic physician who can guide the best suitable medicine after complete case evaluation, or in case he finds some serious ailment where homeopathy cannot help, he can refer conventional treatment. In no case should self-medication be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Paresthesia

1. Kali Phos To Manage Numbness

It is a top-grade medicine to manage numbness in the hands and feet. The numbness may be marked in the finger tips, may also be present in arms and legs. This medicine is also beneficial to manage prickling sensation in hands and feet. Lastly, it offers help for cases having burning sensation in soles of feet and toes.

2. Zincum Met For Numbness And Tingling

It is a helpful medicine for cases having numbness and tingling sensation. The tingling is present in one of the limbs in cases needing it. It is useful when numbness occurs in lower limbs. Excessive weakness can accompany it.

3. Hypericum  For Numbness, Tingling And Burning Sensation

It is prepared from a plant Hypericum Perforatum with the common name ‘St. John’s Wort’. This medicine is very effective in managing numbness, tingling, burning sensation in limbs. It is one of the best medicine for managing cases of nerve damage from trauma/injury. Along with above symptoms, a person needing it may also have sharp, excruciating pain. Besides, it is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS).

4. Arsenic Album – For Managing Burning Pains And Weakness

This medicine is firstly very helpful in managing burning type of pain in the limbs. Secondly, it is useful for cases having weakness in limbs. Other than above, tingling in fingers is also indicative of using this medicine.

 5. Agaricus – For Prickling In Toes

This medicine works well in cases of prickling in the toes. A crawling sensation may also occur. Shooting pain in toes can sometimes attend it.

6. Causticum – To Manage Weakness In Limbs

This medicine is prominently indicated for managing weakness in limbs along with heaviness in the limbs. Other than this, it is helpful in managing numbness in hands. Lastly, it is a suitable medicine for managing carpal tunnel syndrome.

7. Gnaphalium – To Manage Sciatica And Numbness

It is prepared from plant Gnaphalium polycephalum commonly known as ‘old balsam’, a sweet-scented everlasting flower. Use of this medicine is recommended to manage numbness attending sciatica pain. Persons who need it have cutting or darting pain along sciatic nerve. They have worsening of pain by walking and relief by sitting.

8. Picric Acid – For Pin Needle Sensation In Limbs

It is an important medicine for managing pin needle sensation in the limbs. Persons who require it may also have numbness in limbs. Limbs may feel weak and the feet become cold.

9. Paris Quadrifolia – To Manage Numbness In Fingers And Neck Pain

This medicine is prepared from the plant Paris Quadrifolia having common name ‘One berry’ and ‘Herb Paris’. This medicine suits cases in which there is numbness (asleep sensation) in fingers and neck pain. In cases requiring it, pain in the neck may extend down till the fingers. Heaviness in nape of neck can attend it. The pain gets better by taking rest.

10. Kalmia – For Numbness, Prickling In Limbs

It is another medicine in homeopathy which helps cases having numbness and prickling in limbs. It is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Kalmia Latifolia, commonly known as ‘mountain laurel’. Sometimes weakness in limbs may be a common complaint where this medicine is required. Additionally, coldness in limbs may be there. In some cases, there is pain in the neck that radiates down the arms.

11. Carboneum Sulph – For Tingling Sensation As From Electric Current

This medicine is effective for cases of tingling sensation in the limbs as from an electric current. Other than this, it also offers help to manage numbness of the fingers with inability to hold small objects.

12. Phosphorus – For Numbness In Hands And Feet

Use of this medicine can be done in case of numbness in hands and feet. The numbness can also be present in fingers and toes. Lastly, it is indicated to manage weakness in arms.

13. Oxalic Acid – For Numbness And Tingling

This medicine is also indicated to manage numbness and tingling in limbs. It is very useful when there is numbness starting from shoulders and ending in fingertips. Sharp pain in limbs may attend sometimes.

Causes Behind Paresthesia

First cause behind it is compression, irritation or inflammation of the nerve roots (this is referred as radiculopathy). This can happen from herniated spinal disc (a condition in which the soft jelly like center of inter-vertebral disc pushes out through a tear in its tough exterior). Next, this can result if the spinal canal gets narrow also called spinal stenosis (it refers to narrowing of the spinal canal that results in pressure on spinal cord and nerve roots). It can also arise if there is some mass that causes compression of the nerve. When radiculopathy happens in cervical spine, means the portion of spine in neck, then it is known as cervical radiculopathy (its symptoms includes paresthesia of the upper limbs, neck pain and weakness in arms and hands). When it occurs in lumbar region, means portion of spine in lower back, then it is known as lumbar radiculopathy (its symptoms includes sciatica that occur from pressure over the sciatic nerve that causes pain in the lower back radiating down the hip, back of thigh, legs, feet and paresthesia in leg or foot).  Carpal tunnel syndrome is also one of the causes behind paresthesia in hands and fingers that arises from pinched medial nerve in the wrist.

Second major cause for paresthesia is nerve damage.  The main cause for nerve damage is diabetes. Next reason is injury/trauma to nerve. It may also occur due to deficiency of Vitamin B12, B1 and B6. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is yet another reason for paresthesia. Injury from repetitive movement putting stress on nerves may also lead to it. It may also occur if a person is suffering from a kidney or liver disease.

Other than these, it may occur in case of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes joint inflammation resulting in pain, swelling and stiffness in joints. It mostly starts from small joints and involves larger joints afterward.  Multiple sclerosis is an an autoimmune disorder in which there occurs damage to the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Brain tumour or tumour that develop near a nerve can be another cause for paresthesia. Certain infections like shingles ( a viral infection caused by varicella – zoster virus), Lyme disease  (a tick-borne, infectious disease which is caused by a bacteria of the type borrelia known as Borrelia burgdoferi) may also cause it. Paresthesia can be caused by exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, use of some medications like chemotherapy drugs, some antibiotics, high blood pressure, high levels of vitamin D, and alcoholism. Lastly, paresthesia can occur in case of a stroke which means an interruption in blood supply to part of the brain resulting in deprivation of oxygen and nutrients to brain tissue and causing death of brain cells. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical help.

What Are Its Symptoms?

It mostly affects hands, feet, arms and legs though any body part can be affected. Its symptoms are numbness, tingling, prickling, pin needle sensation, burning, sensation of affected part falling numb temporarily, weakness, and coldness.  These symptoms may be attended with pain. It may result in disruption in daily activities. The complications that can arise include disability, permanent loss of sensation and paralysis.

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What is Nocturia? Top Homeopathic Medicines For Treatment

Nocturia refers to an increased frequency of urination at night. A person suffers from it if he/she wakes up two or more times at night to void urine. If not treated, it can result in sleep deprivation, weakness, drowsiness, lack of concentration and mood changes during the daytime.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to treat cases of nocturia. These medicines are very natural, gentle and safe that bring improvement by working on the root cause behind it. With these medicines, there occurs gradual decrease in the frequency of urine at night. Along with this, there also appears relief in its attending symptoms like burning sensation while urination, painful urination, and urgency to urinate. The prescription of homeopathic medicine for nocturia varies from case to case as per the symptoms of an individual. So it is advised to take medicine for treating nocturia under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. These medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases but in severe cases and in case of some underlying serious disorders (compression of spinal cord, for example) it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Nocturia

1. Lycopodium – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicine in homeopathy for managing nocturia.  It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. Persons needing it have frequent urination at night. The urine flow is also profuse at night, while during the day, they have less frequency and scanty urine. At night, the urine can be pale. The symptoms that can attend include heaviness over bladder, dull pressing or stitching pain in bladder. Burning sensation in the bladder during urination may be present.

2. Phosphoric Acid – For Frequent And Excessive Urine At Night

This medicine is well indicated when a person has to rise often at night to pass urine. The urine is passed in large quantities. During urination burning in urethra can be felt. Other than this, it is also indicated for cases in which there is constant desire to urinate and there is sudden irresistible urge to urinate.

3. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urine At Night And Urgent Urge For Urination

Merc Sol is a beneficial medicine when there is frequent urination at night and an urgent desire to urinate. In cases needing it, there is sudden urge to urinate and the person has to hurry to pass urine. The urine can be copious or scanty. Cutting, burning pain while passing urine can be felt. In some cases, there occurs involuntary urination at night.

4. Baryta Carb – For Irritation Of Bladder At Night

This medicine works well in cases of excessive irritation of bladder at night. Persons requiring it passes much urine at night. They have an urgent desire to urinate and are unable to retain it, if the bladder is not emptied immediately. It is one of the most suitable medicines for frequent urination in old age.  It is a very beneficial medicine for prostate issues.

5. Cantharis – For Frequent Urine At Night And Painful Urination

This medicine is helpful in treating cases in which there is frequent urination at night along with pain. The pain can be burning or cutting in nature. This may be felt before, during or after urination. There is also urgency to pass urine. The urge for urination occurs even when there is little urine in the bladder. Heaviness and soreness in the bladder may also be present. Sometimes the urine passed at night is cloudy with white sediment. It is a very effective medicine for treatment of urinary tract infection.  

6. Causticum – For Frequent Urination Day And Night

This medicine is beneficial in treating cases in which there is frequent urination day and night. Along with this, there is burning sensation in urethra while urinating. In some cases, itching of urethral orifice is felt. Sometimes there is involuntary dribbling of urine also. The urine may be thick white or dark brown.

7. Sarsaparilla – For Frequent And Profuse Pale Urine

It is prepared from dried rhizome of plant Sarsaparilla Officinalis, commonly known as ‘wild liquorice’.  This medicine is very useful to manage frequent and profuse pale urination at night.  Person needing it passes too much urine. Burning while urination may be there. Excessive pain at the conclusion of urination is another characteristic symptom that can be present.

8. Equisetum – For Frequent Urination And Bladder Pain

This natural medicine is sourced from the plant Equisetum Hyemale, also known as ‘scouring rush’. This medicine is helpful when there is frequent urine at night and bladder pain. The pain is dull in nature. The bladder may be painful if pressure is applied during urination. The urge to pass urine is sudden. Along with these symptoms, there can be a feeling of fullness in the bladder that doesn’t get better even after urinating.

9. Thuja For Nocturia And Sudden Urgent Urge To Urinate

It is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis, commonly known by the name of ‘Arbor Vitae’. This medicine is significant for cases having frequent urine at night and urgent desire to urinate that cannot be controlled. Cutting pangs of pain are felt after urinating. A sensation of a drop running down the urethra is felt after urination.

10. Borax – When Urine Has A Pungent (Strong) Smell

This medicine is indicated for persons who pass urine several times at night which has a very strong smell. With this, there is urgent desire to urinate. The urine is hot. After urination, soreness and smarting in urethra is felt.

11. Calcarea Carb – For Nocturia And Foul Smelling Urine

It is an important medicine when there is nocturia and foul smelling urine. The urine smells sour where this medicine is required. Other than this, there is ineffectual desire to urinate. With this, there is cutting or stitching pain in the urethra. Before urination, burning sensation can be felt. The urine may be dark brown or milk-white. There may be whitish sediment in urine in some cases.

What Are Its Causes?

The causes behind nocturia are variable. It can simply arise from intake of excessive fluid or taking fluids close to bedtime, or taking alcohol and caffeinated drinks. In some people, it may be just a habit to wake up at night to pass urine. However, it can also arise from some medical conditions as follows:

1. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of the urinary tract — kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra, but mostly it occurs in urinary bladder and urethra. The symptoms include painful or burning urination, frequent urination or constant urge to urinate and urgency to pass urine.

2. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland which is a common condition in elderly men. Its common symptoms are frequent urination, nocturia, urgency to urinate, difficulty in initiating urination, weak urine stream and dribbling at the end of urination.

3. Inflamed prostate gland (prostatitis) causes pain or burning sensation during urination, nocturia, urgency to urinate, difficulty in initiating urine, dribbling urine, pain in groin, abdomen, blood in urine, pain in penis or testes.

4. Fourth is diabetes.

5. It can arise from an overactive bladder. In this condition, the bladder muscles start to contract involuntarily even with a small amount of urine in the bladder. It mainly causes symptoms like sudden urge to urinate, frequent urine, nocturia and involuntary urine passage immediately after an urge for urination is felt.

6. Tumours in the bladder or pelvic area and bladder prolapse can also lead to nocturia.

7. Other than this, it can happen in case of anxiety, obstructive sleep apnea (a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops momentarily and then starts occuring several times during sleep), during pregnancy and  from use of certain medicines (eg, diuretics which are the drugs that increases urine flow). It can also be a symptom in case of heart or liver failure and some neurological disorders. These neurological disorders include Parkinson’s disease which is a nervous system disorder that affects part of the brain that controls body movements. It begins with tremor in one hand and causes stiffness, slow movement, impaired posture and balance. It can lead to several complications one of which is bladder problems. Second such disorder is multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease in which there is damage to the myelin sheath of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Next neurological disorder is Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurological disorder in which the brain cells gradually die that leads to memory loss, difficulty in thinking, reasoning and social skills. Last is compression of the spinal cord.

8. Elderly persons are more at risk. Though nocturia can affect persons of any age group, it is common in elderly people. As a person ages, production of hormone that concentrates urine is reduced, so he/ she is unable to hold urine until the morning.

9. In some cases, the urge to urinate at night does not wake a person, if a person wakes there is need to pass urine. This can arise in case a person has restless leg syndrome, depression, chronic pain that disturbs sleep.



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Highly Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Follicular Tonsillitis 

Tonsils refer to masses of lymphoid tissues lying in the back of the throat, one on either side. Tonsils have a protective role and act as the first line of defense against the bacteria and virus that might get inhaled or ingested. Inflammation of tonsils, on one side or on both, is known as tonsillitis. Homeopathic medicines are highly effective for acute tonsillitis as well as for cases of recurrent tonsillitis. The primary aim of homeopathic medicines is to build a child’s immunity and prevent recurrent infections that lead to tonsillitis.

Homeopathic Treatment For Tonsillitis

Homeopathy is a highly advanced science that takes the inside-out approach to all disease, including tonsillitis, starting at the root cause and in time, curing the condition without the need for surgical intervention. Tonsillitis is treated most efficiently by homeopathy as it follows a two-step procedure to deal with tonsillitis. In the first step, homeopathic medicines are given to treat the acute symptoms of tonsillitis. In the second step, homeopathy targets the chronic tendency toward recurrent tonsillitis. Homeopathic  medicines improve the body’s immunity and make it strong enough to fight infection quickly.

In many cases of mild to moderate cases of tonsillitis, homeopathy has shown excellent results and helped avoid surgery.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Tonsillitis

The medicines prominently indicated for tonsillitis treatment in homeopathy are Belladonna, Merc Sol, Hepar Sulph, Calcarea Carb, Psorinum, Merc Iodatus Ruber, Merc Iodatus Flavus and Streptococcinum.

1. Belladonna – For Acute Tonsillitis With Red Swollen Painful Tonsils

Belladonna is the top recommended medicine for treating acute tonsillitis. The key indication for its use is red, swollen enlarged tonsils with marked pain. The pain is worse while swallowing mainly liquids and throat remains dry. Fever with intense heat in the body accompanies the above symptoms. Heat, constriction (tightening) and lump in the throat may also be felt.

When and How to use Belladonna?

For acute tonsillitis, it is an infallible medicine to be used when tonsils are red, swollen with excessive throat pain. Give it in the very beginning in such cases, it will soothe throat pain, reduce tonsil inflammation and cut short recovery period of tonsillitis. One may take this medicine in 30C potency three to four times a day in the beginning at minimum three-hour interval. When relief ensues, gradually reduce the dose to two times a day.

2. Merc Sol – For  Pain In Tonsils Extending To Ears

Merc Sol is an extremely effective medicine for treating tonsillitis with pain in tonsils extending to ears especially when swallowing. The nature of pain is mainly stitching type. On examination of the throat, the tonsils look dark red and ulcers or white spots on tonsils can be present. Excessive salivation is also observed. Foul odour from the mouth is present.

When and How to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is an ideal prescription for cases presenting with tonsil pain radiating to ear while swallowing along with increased salivation and foul breath. This medicine works wonders in 30C potency. Use of Merc Sol 30C should be limited to once or twice a day.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Infected Tonsils and Quins

Hepar Sulph proves very successful in treating infected tonsils with pus points on tonsils and quinsy (also known as peritonsillar abscess in which pus accumulates behind the tonsils). The symptoms to look out for using it are stitching pain in the throat and pain from throat radiating to the ear. There is intense pain while talking or swallowing. Sensation of a lump or splinter (a sharp piece of glass or wood) stuck in the throat is felt. The person may hawk up yellow mucus.

When and How to use Hepar Sulph?

Use of Hepar Sulph is considered in cases where tonsils are infected with pus points on tonsils or pus collection behind tonsils (quinsy). Though it can be used in various potencies, 30C is most preferred. Its use is recommended in mild cases only but in severe cases with extremely enlarged tonsils (with excessive pus behind them) blocking the throat, drainage of pus and administration of antibiotics may be required. So, urgent help should be taken from allopathic mode of treatment. It is best to take this medicine for infected tonsils or quinsy only after consulting a homeopath who can best judge if the condition is mild and controllable with homeopathic medicines or severe requiring help from conventional mode.

4. Calcarea Carb – To Treat Recurrent Tonsillitis

Calcarea Carb is an excellent medicine for treating recurrent tonsillitis. After recovery from acute tonsillitis phase, this medicine can be used as an intercurrent remedy (treatment for some chronic disease that is hindering cure of some other ailment) to treat tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. An indicative symptom for use of Calcarea Carb is the tendency to catch cold frequently. Even slight exposure to cold air affects the throat and tonsils in cases needing this remedy.

When and How to take Calcarea Carb?

Calcarea Carb is mainly prescribed to treat tendency to have recurrent tonsillitis. It will help to build immunity to fight with throat infections naturally. It can be used in low (30C) as well high potencies (like 200C and 1M). The dose varies from case to case. Usually in 30C potency, it can be used once or twice a week. But high potencies are usually given on a weekly (once a week) basis or in some cases fortnightly (one dose every 15 days). Its best to consult a homeopathic expert for right potency selection and repetition of this medicine.

5. Psorinum – To Treat Tendency To Recurrent Infected Tonsillitis

Psorinum is very effective in boosting immunity to prevent recurrent infected tonsillitis (tonsillitis with pus points on tonsils) and quinsy (pus accumulation behind tonsils). These medicines reduce susceptibility to recurrent throat infections. Those needing it have markedly swollen tonsils, pain with swallowing, and thick mucus in the throat. Along with this, there is foul-smelling salivation and hawking of cheesy mucus bits having bad smell and taste. There is recurrent pus formation behind the tonsils.

When and How to use Psorinum?

It can be used in persons who suffer from infected tonsillitis repeatedly. Use of this medicine will build immunity to prevent recurrence of such infections. Psorinum is mainly used in 200C or even higher potencies like 1M. It is a slightly strong medicine, so it is used just once or twice a month usually. For correct potency and dose, kindly consult a homeopathic doctor.

6. Merc Iodatus Ruber – For Left-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is a majorly indicated medicine for treating left-sided tonsillitis. Indications for its use are swollen tonsils with dark red fauces (area between cavity of mouth and pharynx) on the left side, sensation of lump in the throat and disposition to hawk.

When and How to use Merc Iodatus Ruber?

A person having left-sided tonsil inflammation can take this medicine. 30C potency of this medicine twice a day is the right dose to begin with.

7. Merc Iodatus Flavus – For Right-sided Tonsillitis

Merc Iodatus Ruber is prominently indicated for tonsillitis of right side. The guiding features pointing towards its use are swollen tonsil on the right side, sticky mucus in throat and constant inclination to swallow. Other symptoms that may arise are the feeling of a lump in the throat with relief setting in by taking cold liquids.

When and How to use Merc Iodatus Flavus?

This medicine is specific for tonsillitis on right side. The usual recommended dose is two times a day in 30C potency.

8. Streptococcinum – For Managing Strep Throat

Streptococcinum is a specific medicine for managing strep throat infection. The symptoms to use this medicine are enlarged, swollen tonsils, infected tonsils, and recurrent tonsillitis. The tonsils may get infected with purulent (pus) matter.

When and How to use Streptococcinum?

This medicine is specifically reserved for managing cases of strep throat along with conventional mode of treatment. As strep throat has severe symptoms and may lead to serious complications, it is best to use this medicine only after consulting a homeopathic practitioner. After studying the case history thoroughly, the doctor will recommend its potency and repetition.

Note The above medicines can be taken in mild to moderate cases of acute tonsillitis for about a week. If condition does not improve, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician to decide the further course of action. In case of sore throat with very high fever, extreme difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing and speaking, extreme weakness, pus formation on/ behind tonsils or in case of strep throat, do not self-medicate and take urgent help from doctor.

Causes Behind Tonsillitis

Viral infections: Tonsillitis mainly arises from viral infections, like  influenza virus, adenovirus (responsible for causing common cold and sore throat), rhinovirus (that commonly cause common cold), parainfluenza virus, enterovirus, Epstein – Barr virus.

Bacterial infection: Tonsillitis may also be the result of a bacterial infection. The most common bacteria that cause tonsillitis is Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Infection of tonsils with this bacteria is popularly called strep throat that leads to inflammation and pain in the throat and tonsils. Strep throat is highly contagious and spreads quickly from one person to another through cough, touch or sneeze. It is very common in school-going children and among teenagers. Major complications may arise in strep throat infection if not treated properly well in time. These include rheumatic fever (inflammatory condition affecting joints, heart nervous system and skin) and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation).

Bacteria other than this however can also cause tonsillitis, for example, staphylococcus aureus, chlamydia pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia,etc.

Risk Factors

Though tonsillitis can affect anyone but certain factors increase the risk

1. Young age: Tonsillitis is more common among young children. Very young children are at high risk of tonsillitis from viral infection and those between 5 yrs to 15 yrs are prone to get tonsillitis from bacterial infections. However, tonsillitis can occur at any age though chances are less as compared to children. The reason is the immune function of tonsils declines after puberty which may be the reason for reduced chances of tonsillitis in adults.

 2. Germ exposure: Excessive germ exposure in children puts them at risk of tonsillitis. Children remain in close contact with same age group kids in school, parks, playways, etc that exposes them more to virus/bacteria that causes tonsillitis.

 How Does Tonsillitis Spread?

Tonsillitis is very contagious and spreads from one person to another via direct contact. A person with tonsillitis can spread the infection spreading agents in the air as well as nearby objects every time he coughs or sneezes. Tonsillitis may also spread via direct inhalation of the air droplets carrying infection-causing agents or indirectly by touching these infected objects and then touching the nose/mouth with the same hands. One may also contract tonsillitis via kissing an infected person or sharing utensils of a person having tonsillitis.


Tonsils are oval-shaped lumps of lymphoid tissue lying at the back of the throat, one on either side. These act as a first line of defense mechanism of our body against an illness. Tonsils trap the germs (bacteria or viruses) that may enter throat via nose or mouth and cause an infection. Tonsils produce lymphocytes  which kill the virus/bacteria entering the throat. In the process of fighting such infections again and again, the tonsils also get vulnerable to get infected and at some point they actually get infected and inflamed.

Signs And Symptoms Of Tonsillitis

The main signs and symptoms include red, swollen tonsils along with pain in throat which is the first indicating feature of tonsillitis. The pain usually gets worse while swallowing. The pain may be one-sided or appear on both sides depending upon which tonsil is involved. The other symptoms that may attend are difficult swallowing, fever, bad/fetid breath, headache, scratchy voice, ear pain and neck pain. White/yellow pus spots may also appear on the tonsils. The glands in the neck may be swollen and tender. In chronic cases, tonsil stones (debris collection on tonsils) may form. In young kids excessive drooling of saliva, increased irritability/fussiness, vomiting, low appetite and stomach pain can be observed.

Types Of Tonsillitis

Acute Tonsillitis: In this type, the symptoms remain for 3 to 4 days but in some cases may linger for 2 weeks.

Chronic Tonsillitis: A person suffers from acute tonsillitis multiple times in a year for short periods of time

Recurrent Tonsillitis: The symptoms last for longer time, more than two weeks.

Complications Of Tonsillitis

Complications associated with tonsillitis include

1. Middle ear infection

2. Difficulty in breathing

3. Obstructive sleep apnea: Breathing is disrupted during sleep

4. Peritonsillar abscess: Collection of pus behind the tonsils is referred to as  peritonsillar abscess, also known as quinsy. It is a rare, but very serious complication of tonsillitis. It can grow large in size and block the throat resulting in difficult breathing and swallowing. If not treated, the infection can spread to neck, chest or lungs.

5. Tonsillar cellulitis: Spread of infection deeply to nearby tissues

6. In tonsillitis with group A streptococcal bacteria i.e. strep throat infection, the serious complications include rheumatic fever and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.

Preventive Measures To Help Decrease Tonsillitis Risk

1. Maintain hygiene: Wash hands often, especially before you eat.

2. Sharing of utensils should be avoided.

3. Maintain distance from someone who has tonsillitis and stay back home if you are having tonsillitis to prevent its spread to others.

4. A person with tonsillitis should cover the nose when he/she sneezes to prevent spreading the infection

Home Remedies Along With Medicines

1. Take proper rest

2. Drink plenty of warm fluids

3. Adults can gargle with warm salt water

4. Eat soft food and avoid hard ones


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Rash Behind Ear? Try Homeopathy

Rash behind the ear can be caused due to various reasons. It may be a result of an allergy, infection, or an autoimmune disease in which the infection-fighting cells of our body start destroying body’s healthy tissues by mistake. The rash may look red or pink. It may be dry or have blisters (fluid-filled bumps). Drainage from blisters, flakiness or scaliness may appear. There may be crusts, cracked skin or peeling of the skin. Irritation or itching is the most common symptom. Inflammation, burning and stinging pain can accompany. Depending on the cause behind it, there may be sore throat, runny nose, joint pains and fever along with the rash.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for the cases of rash behind ears. It gives good results by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines help to halt the further progression of rash and heal the already present rash in such cases. They also help to heal the blisters, cracks, flakes or scales on the skin. Along with this, they help to ease itching and burning that may be present. It is to be noted that in case fever attends the rash, then one should take help from conventional mode of treatment as it may indicate an infection that needs urgent medical help.

Homeopathic Medicines For Rash Behind Ears

1. Graphites – Top-Grade Medicine

Graphites is a very effective medicine for treating cases of rash behind the ears. In cases needing it, there are moist eruptions behind the ears. These ooze a thick, sticky, gluey discharge. Itching is well marked in them. The area behind the ear is also sore. There may be scabs behind ears in some cases. Sometimes cracks and fissures are also present. It is also indicated when there are scales on the rash behind the ear. It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for treating cases of eczema and psoriasis behind ears.

2. Petroleum For Marked Redness And Cracks Behind Ears

Use of this medicine is recommended for cases in which there is marked redness and cracks behind the ears. Intense itching attends it in most of the cases. Bleeding may also occur from the cracks. The area behind the ears is painful and sensitive to touch. In some cases needing it, there is moisture behind ears. It is a well-indicated medicine for cases of eczema and intertrigo.

3. Sulphur For Dry Eruptions With Itching Burning Sensation

This is a well-indicated medicine for cases of dry eruptions behind the ears attended with itching and burning sensation. These tend to bleed easily due to scratching. Scabs may be present over them. Soreness and pain is also marked on the eruptions. Cracks may also appear behind ears. It is indicated for managing cases of eczema and fungal infection behind ears.

4. Psorinum – For Moist Eruptions Behind Ears

It is a very useful medicine for cases having moist eruptions behind the ears. There is rawness, redness and oozing behind ears. The discharge is offensive. Scabs are present too behind ears. In some cases, pustules (pus-filled eruptions) occur behind ears. It is an important medicine for managing eczema behind the ears.

5. Silicea  When Eruptions Discharge Pus

This medicine offers help for cases in which eruptions behind ears discharge pus. It is a foul-smelling discharge. Scabs also cover these eruptions. There is marked itching. On scratching, a burning sensation and soreness is felt. The eruptions may also occur on the rear part of the head where this medicine is required.

6. Mezereum – For Itchy Eruptions Oozing Gluey Discharge

It is prepared from fresh bark of a plant Daphne Mezereum also known as ‘spurge olive’. It works well in cases having itchy eruptions that ooze gluey discharge. The eruptions may also be present on the scalp. The eruptions may be covered with thick crusts and scabs. Pus may be present beneath the crusts.

7. Nitric Acid For Marked Redness Behind Ears

It is a valuable medicine when there is marked redness behind the ears. Along with this, intense itching is felt. In some cases that require it, there is pus discharge from behind the ears.

8. Baryta Carb For Eruptions Behind And On The Ears

Use of this medicine is considered when there are eruptions behind and on the ears. Scabs are present behind ears. Sometimes there is swelling of glands behind the ears.

9. Sanicula For Soreness Behind Ears

It is useful when there is soreness behind the ears. Persons who need it may also have gluey, sticky discharge along with soreness. The discharge is usually white in colour.

10. Oleander For Ulcers Around And In Ears

It is a natural medicine prepared from leaves of a plant ‘rose laurel’. It benefits those who have ulcers around and in the ears. Additionally, there may be oozing of serum from behind ears.

11. Tellurium – For Eczema Behind Ears With Thick Crusts

It is an effective medicine for persons who have eczema behind the ears with thick crust formation. Other than this, there are red spots. It is accompanied with fine blisters (fluid-filled bumps). The red spots and blisters may also be present on the back of the head and neck.

What Are The Causes?

1. Eczema (atopic dermatitis): It is a very common skin condition in which there is inflammation, redness, roughness and itching on the skin. In some cases, blisters, crusts or skin thickening can occur. Eczema can be dry while in others, it can be moist that oozes discharge. The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis. In this type, the immune system is overactive that triggers skin inflammation and damage.

2. Contact dermatitis: It refers to red, itchy, inflamed rash on the skin that occurs due to direct skin contact with an allergen or any allergic reaction. Some common allergens are cosmetics, soaps, jewellery. Its signs and symptoms include a red rash, dry skin, blisters on skin, cracked skin and scales on the skin. Itching, burning, swelling and tenderness may attend the above features.

3. Seborrheic dermatitis: It is another common skin condition in which mainly the scalp is affected. In these cases, there occurs red skin along with scaling, flakiness and dandruff. Other than the scalp, it may also affect eyebrows, eyelids, ears, face and chest.

4. Scalp psoriasis: It is an autoimmune skin condition characterized by red inflamed patches on the skin covered with scales on the scalp. The lesions may spread from scalp to the ears, neck and face. Itching and burning may be felt in lesions. Bleeding may also occur from scratching the lesions.

5. Fungal infection: In such cases, itchy rash occurs and blisters may form behind the ears. Scaling and skin peeling may also occur. Burning can attend. In some forms of fungal infection, red circular rashes appear.

6. Lichen planus: It can be one of the reasons for rashes behind the ears. It is an autoimmune condition that can affect skin, nails and mucous membranes. The lesions in this condition are purple-colored, flat, itchy bumps on the skin. Most commonly affected skin area in this is wrist, inner forearm, and ankle. In some cases, the area around and inside the ear may be affected too and it is referred as otic lichen planus in such cases.

7. Measles: It is a viral infection which begins with cold, fever, cough and red eyes. This is followed by a skin rash that begins from the back of ears and then spreads to the head and neck followed by the rest of the body parts.

8. Rubella: It is also known as ‘German measles’ and is a viral infection in which skin rash occurs that may start behind the ears and neck after which it spreads downwards. Its other signs and symptoms may include runny nose, joint pain, headache and loss of appetite.

9. Lupus: It is an autoimmune disorder in which skin rash can occur. The rash that occurs has ring-shaped lesions with redness and scaling, and areas like face, ears, arms, legs, and neck can be affected.

10. Pityriasis rosea: It is a skin condition in which a pink, scaly rash occurs. In some cases, it can be itchy while in others it is not.

Some Causes In Babies And Toddlers

First is intertrigo which is a rash that occurs between skin folds.

Second is cradle cap which is a very common condition in infants in which oily scales or crusts form on the scalp of the baby. The scales can be white or yellow. It is attended with redness. This condition may extend to eyelids, ears and nose in some cases.

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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Premature Ejaculation

Homeopathic Remedies for Premature Ejaculation

A type of sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation is a term used for uncontrollable emissions occurring before or shortly after sexual penetration. They happen to occur very soon, at times even before sexual stimulation begins. Premature ejaculation is diagnosed when a person always or most of the time ejaculates within one minute of sexual penetration; a person is unable to delay ejaculation during intercourse. It is associated with several factors such as erectile dysfunction, stress, anxiety, relationship problems, and some biological factors. Premature ejaculation can be very distressing and can affect one’s self-esteem and relationship with a partner.

Homeopathic Treatment For Premature Ejaculation

Homeopathy is a very effective and highly safe mode of treatment for cases of premature ejaculation. Homeopathy is a science which acts at the root of the problem. These medicines are very easy to take and not habit-forming in nature.

Homeopathic Medicines for Premature Ejaculation

The top-grade homeopathic medicines for premature ejaculation are Selenium, Agnus Castus, Conium,  Staphysagria and Caladium.

1. Selenium Top Grade Medicine For Premature Ejaculation 

It is a leading and most commonly prescribed medicine for treating cases of premature ejaculation. Early emissions with extreme sadness are treated well with Selenium. It is a wonderful medicine for sexual weakness with thin and odourless semen. Persons requiring selenium have great irritability and weakness after coitus. It is also the best medicine for involuntary seminal emissions during sleep with obscene (related to sex) dreams.

When and How to take Selenium?

Premature discharge with thin semen, sadness, and weakness is the key explanation to use this remedy. It is used in 30C potency and can be used once a day. Normally higher potencies, 200C and 1M are not recommended in the beginning. It is best to consult a homeopathic physician if there are no desired results after taking 30C potency.

2. Agnus Castus For Premature Ejaculation Along With Diminished Sexual Desire

This natural medicine sourced from ripe berries of the plant ‘chaste tree’ has brilliant action on male genitalia. It is one of the most prominent medicines for premature ejaculation with less sexual desire. Agnus is also an indicated medicine for ailments from sexual excesses. It is also a top-grade medicine for weak erection with diminished sexual desire.

When and How to take Agnus Castus?

It is indicated in those cases in which there is reduction in sexual desire, feeble erection, and early ejaculation. The best potency to start with is 30C, it can be repeated 2-3 times in a day at regular intervals. It can also be taken in high (200C) potency but one should clearly observe the symptoms beforehand.

3. ConiumFor Premature Ejaculation Along With Weak Erections

The most effective medicine for premature ejaculation along with diminished sexual power and weak erection is Conium. Conium is widely used for treating early emissions, weak erection and excessive sexual desire. There is involuntary discharge of thick seminal fluid from just the thought of sex and in some cases even thinking about women.

When and How to use Conium?

It is helpful in males who suffer from complaint of premature ejaculation with feeble (weak) erection but get excited on the slightest sexual stimulation. Usually, the course of treatment starts with 30C potency once or twice in a day. Although it is also used in 200C and 1M potency, frequent repetition is not suggested for these potencies.

4. Staphysagria For Premature Ejaculation Due To Excessive Sex

Staphysagria is best indicated in persons who suffer from premature ejaculation having a history of excessive sex in the past. Their mind is occupied with constant thoughts of sexual sphere. They constantly dwell on sexual subjects and are highly excited even before the sexual stimulation starts. This highly excited state leads to premature ejaculation. Staphysagria acts well in treating premature ejaculations followed with backache and fatigue.

When and How to use Staphysagria?

A very common symptom found in this medicine is early emissions in persons who are excessively active sexually and who constantly think about sex. It can be administered in various potencies like 30C, 200C and 1M. In most of the cases, it can be given in 30C potency 2-3 times in a day. Once the symptoms improve, repetition of doses is not required. If there is no improvement, it is best to seek professional guidance.

5. Caladium Excellent For Premature Ejaculation Along With Erectile Dysfunction

This remedy has marked action on the male genital organs. It is particularly suited for treating premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction (inability to obtain or sustain erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse). In cases, where this problem is linked to lifestyle habits like smoking, Caladium is often prescribed. It has been noted that emotional and stress-linked problems are often the underlying cause of pre-mature ejaculation. In such cases,  Caladium can be considered.

When and How to take Caladium?

Prescription of caladium is more common among men who suffer from erectile dysfunction with weak erection resulting in premature ejaculation. Early ejaculation is more commonly associated with men who are exhausted or suffering mental trauma. In such cases, Caladium is recommended. Though it requires expert opinion to decide on the potency,  30C potency can be used twice a day. This is the usual dose suggested in most of cases. If the symptoms prevail, avoid self-medication in high potencies (200C and 1M), seek help from homeopathic practitioner.

Symptoms And Causes Of Premature Ejaculation

The main symptom of premature ejaculation is when one is not able to delay ejaculation for more than three minutes after penetration. It can happen in any kind of sex situation including masturbation.

A. Psychological causes

1. Stress

2. Anxiety

3. History of sexual repression (negative feeling about the idea of sex).

4. Lack of confidence

5. Relationship problems

6. Early sexual experience

B. Hormonal Imbalance

Serotonin: The body naturally produces serotonin through the nerves. The time it takes to ejaculate is lengthened by high levels of serotonin in the brain. Low doses can speed up the ejaculation process and cause PE.

A physiological issue that affects oxytocin levels which are important for a man’s sexual performance. Luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, and thyroid stimulating hormone are other hormone levels that affect sexual performance.

C. Infection: Inflammation or an infection in the prostate or urethra.

D. Age: Men of any age can experience PE. Even though aging alters erections and ejaculation, it does not directly cause PE. Erection may not be as strong or as long in elderly men. It might take less time for erection to end before ejaculation starts. There might be a shorter period of anticipation before ejaculation occurs. An older guy may start ejaculating early as a result of these changes.

Risk Factors Of Premature Ejaculation

Many factors can increase the risk of premature ejaculation.

Erectile dysfunction: If a person is having trouble getting or keeping an erection, he is at increased risk of premature ejaculation. One might hurry through sex because of fear of losing an erection.

Stress: Emotional or mental strain can limit the ability to relax and focus during sex. This can play role in premature ejaculation.

Classification Of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can be classified into two types.

Lifelong (primary): Lifelong premature ejaculation occurs nearly every time starting with the first sexual encounter.

Acquired (secondary): Previous sexual experiences occur without any problem in ejaculation, but premature ejaculation develops later.

Pathophysiology Of Premature Ejaculation

 Pathophyiology of PE is largely unknown and can cause many changes in the body.

Biological, organ systems directly affected by premature ejaculation: 

1. Male reproductive tract (penis, prostate, seminal vesicle, testicles, and their appendages)

2. Portion of central and peripheral nervous system controlling male reproductive tracts

3. Reproductive organ systems of sexual partner that may not be stimulated sufficiently

4. Hyposensitivity of 5-HT2C receptor, hypersensitivity of 5-HT1A/5-HT2B  receptor, hypersensitivity of the glans, psychosocial and relational factors, etc.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines For Stomatitis

Stomatitis refers to inflammation inside the mouth. The mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the mouth is affected. The inflammation can occur inside the cheeks, and on tongue, inner side of lips, gums or palate. In stomatitis sores, blisters, ulcers may also form inside the mouth.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating cases of stomatitis. These are very safe and natural medicines that help to reduce the redness and inflammation in mouth and heal the sores, blisters, ulcers in mouth. These medicines help by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. These also effectively manage attending symptoms like pain, soreness, burning, stinging sensation inside the mouth. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for a given case is selected as per the signs and symptoms in every individual case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Stomatitis

1. Merc Sol – Top-Grade Medicine

It is a highly recommended medicine for managing cases of stomatitis. In cases needing it, there is redness inside the mouth. Along with this, blisters or ulcers are present. The ulcers can be present inside the cheeks, tongue, lips or the gums. The ulcers have a white or yellow base and red inflamed edges. Burning sensation is marked in the ulcers. Along with this, there is profuse flow of saliva. Offensive smell from mouth is present. It is well-indicated for managing fungal infection of the mouth (thrush). Besides, inflammation of the tongue and pricking type of pain is felt.

2. Borax – For Marked Redness In Mouth With Ulcers

It is another prominently indicated medicine for cases in which mouth is very red along with ulcers. It is attended with dryness and heat in the mouth. The ulcers are mostly present on the inner surface of the cheek and on the tongue. These have a tendency to bleed easily. In some cases, blisters appear on the tongue which are very painful. Every movement of the tongue causes pain. The taste of the mouth gets bitter. It is a very useful medicine for cases of oral thrush.

3. Natrum Mur – For Cold Sores

It is a leading medicine for managing cases of cold sores. In cases needing it, small blisters are present around the mouth. These occur usually on the lips attended with burning sensation. Afterwards these get covered with a scab. The scab falls off after some days and a red spot remains back for few days. Natrum Mur is also well indicated for cases when there is soreness in mouth which is highly sensitive even to liquids. Next indication for using it is blisters and ulcers in mouth, cheeks, gums, tongue. These have a smarting and burning pain when touched by food. Profuse saliva with constant spitting can attend it.

4. Petroleum – For Sore Mouth With Ulcers Inside Cheeks

This medicine is very effective for cases in which there is sore mouth along with ulcers inside the cheeks. It is accompanied with dry mouth. An offensive, fetid smell emanates from the mouth. The tongue is white in the centre with dark streaks along edges in addition to the above symptoms.

5. Nitric Acid – For Sore, Red Mouth With Burning, Stinging Pain

It is a well indicated medicine for cases having red, sore mouth with intense burning and stinging pain. The mouth is bright red in such cases. Next it is indicated for mouth ulcers attended with splinter like pain. In cases requiring it, the mucous membrane in the mouth is swollen and ulcerated. The ulcers are present inside cheeks, the edges of the tongue and also on lips. The gums may also be tender. This medicine is also indicated when the mucous membrane inside the cheeks comes between the teeth and gets easily bitten. In such cases, swelling and ulceration with pricking pain is there.

6. Kali Iodatum – For Swollen Mouth With Heat In Entire Mouth

This medicine is beneficial for cases presented with swelling inside the mouth attended with marked heat in it. Irregular superficial ulcers may be there on the mucous lining of the mouth. These look white as if coated with milk. There may be burning blisters in the mouth in some cases needing it. There is an increased salivation along with other symptoms.

7. Sulphuric Acid – For Painful Ulcers In Mouth

This medicine works well in persons having painful ulcers in the mouth. The ulcers may be white or yellow coloured.  The entire inner surface of the may be affected. It is an important medicine for cases of oral thrush.  Apart from these indications, Sulphuric Acid also offers help when there are blisters inside the cheeks.

8. Iris Versicolor – For Stomatitis With Burning Pain

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant commonly named as ‘Blue flag’.  Use of this medicine is considered when there is marked burning pain in mouth in cases of stomatitis. The burning is very intense  with profuse flow of saliva. Lastly, ulcers on the mucous lining of cheeks can be there.

9. Cantharis – For Redness And Blisters In Mouth

This medicine is indicated when there is redness and blisters in the mouth. The blisters may be small or large in size. Burning and dryness in mouth is felt with this.

What are its signs and symptoms?

The symptoms includes pain, irritation, soreness inside the mouth. Burning (oral dysaesthesia) or stinging sensation in the mouth may also be there. Red patches in the mouth can be seen. There may also occur sores, blisters or ulcers inside the mouth. The ulcers may be white or yellow in colour, and have a red base.

What are Different Types Of Stomatitis?

There are two main types of stomatitis. First is aphthous stomatitis / canker sore. Second is herpes stomatitis, also named as cold sore.

1. Apthous stomatitis/ canker sores

In this round or oval ulcers that can be white or yellow with red outer ring develop. These are non-contagious. The ulcer can be single or multiple in clusters. These can form inside cheeks, lips or tongue. These can be painful. The sores can be small or large in size varying from case to case. Smaller ones usually heal in 7 – 14 days with no scars left while large ones can take 6 weeks or sometimes more than that to heal. The large sores can leave scars. The canker sores can run in families.

2. Herpes stomatitis / cold sore.

These are caused by HSV (herpes simplex virus) and are very contagious. In this type, multiple blisters form usually around or on the lips mostly at the edge of mouth. Before formation of blisters, burning, tingling, sensation and tenderness may be felt.  Fever may also be present few days before the appearance of blisters. The blisters that form are small and filled with fluid, and are attended with pain. Afterward, these dry up and crust forms on it. In some cases, blisters can burst and form ulcers. Infection may sometimes occur in these ulcers. This infection resolve within 7 – 10 days.

What Are Causes And Factors That Can Cause it?

It can arise from various causes and factors.

1. It firstly includes deficiency of nutrients including vitamin B-12, iron,  folic acid or zinc and also  a dry mouth.

2. Next is trauma from braces, ill-fitting dentures or from accidental biting inside cheeks. It may occur also occur from burns caused  by eating hot food or drinking hot liquids. Irritation from strong chemicals, some allergic reactions, food sensitivities to some food items (eg, nuts, coffee, eggs, citrus fruits, coffee, chocolate) may also result in stomatitis. Smoking or tobacco chewing is yet another cause.

3. Another reason is infections that can be bacterial or viral infection like herpes and yeast infection like thrush.

4. Use of certain medications (eg, some antibiotics, sulfa drugs), radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment for cancer may also cause it.

5. Sores in the mouth can arise from some diseaseslike crohn’s disease, lupus, celiac disease and Behcet’s disease.

Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation in any part of digestive tract from mouth to anus.

Lupus / SLE systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease in which inflammation occur in different body systems. It can have various signs and symptoms among which some common ones are pain and swelling of joints, red rashes usually on face, mouth ulcers, hair loss, tiredness and swollen lymph nodes.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which eating gluten ( gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye) by a person leads to an immune reaction in his / her small intestine resulting in its damage.

Behcet’s disease is a rare disorder in which there is inflammation of blood vessels  throughout the body. Among its various signs and symptoms, some of the common ones are painful mouth sores, skin rash, eye inflammation and genital sores.

6. Stomatitis may also occur in some sexually transmitted infections – STI’s (eg. HIV).

7. Lastly, these can occur from weakened  immune system and stress.

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Kidney Stones – Dissolve Them Fast with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

homeopathic medicines kidney stones

Kidney stones are hard deposits that are made from salts, minerals and acids in the kidneys. Kidney stones are also termed as renal calculi or nephrolithiasis. Kidney stones form when the the level of crystal-forming substances such as calcium, uric acid, or oxalate rise in the urine. At the same time, the level of substances that prevent these crystals from sticking together falls. They start as small granules and gradually grow larger in size, filling the hollow structures inside the kidneys.

Homeopathy is a natural healing science that offers amazing treatment for cases of kidney stones. Homeopathic medicines effectively manage its symptoms along with breaking down and dissolving the kidney stones. These also help them pass out by stimulating the body’s self – healing system that helps relax the muscles in the urinary tract for easy passage of stone. Homeopathic medicines are undoubtedly safe and natural medicines that along with proper diet management, increased fluid intake yield positive long-term results in these cases. Homeopathic medicines for kidney stones are selected after an in-depth analysis of every individual case, mainly keeping in mind the side of the kidney stone (right or left)in the body and its attending signs and symptoms.

Besides treating symptomatic kidney stones, homeopathic medicines are also helpful when the kidney stones are asymptomatic. These medicines can also cure the tendency towards recurrent kidney stones. They have shown remarkable results in these cases by targeting the underlying associated health conditions.

Many of the kidney stones cases are considered a case for surgery under the conventional mode of medicine. But with timely homeopathic intervention, most of these can be treated without surgical intervention. To what extent surgery can be avoided varies from case to case. It depends upon the size and location of the kidney stone. It is to be noted that acute retention of urine or severe hydronephrosis from kidney stones is an emergency condition which demands urgent allopathic treatment.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stones

The well-known homeopathic remedies which have exhibited outstanding effectiveness in the treatment of kidney stones are Berberis vulgaris, Hydrangea Arborescens, Lycopodium Clavatum, Cantharis Vesicatoria and Sarsaparilla Officinalis.

1. Berberis Vulgaris – For Kidney Stones Of Left Side

Berberis Vulgaris is one of the top-listed medicines for kidney stones formed on the left side. This is often the first line of treatment used by most of the homeopathic physicians to treat kidney stones. A unique symptom guiding the use of Berberis Vulgaris is pain in the left kidney that radiates down the ureter and into the urinary bladder. The pain can be shooting, stitching, cutting or stinging in nature. The pain may worsen by any kind of movement, especially jarring movement. Urine may be yellow and may contain slimy sediments. The area around the kidneys is sensitive to touch.

When to use Berberis Vulgaris?

The main indication of medication is pain in the left side kidney that radiates to the ureter and urinary bladder while urinating, along with increased frequency of urination. Berberis can also be used in cases with a recent diagnosis of kidney stones when the patient is asymptomatic.

How to use Berberis Vulgaris?

Mother tincture (Q) of Berberis Vulgaris is the most frequently suggested potency for kidney stones. Berberis Vulgaris Q can be taken twice or thrice a day.

2. Lycopodium Clavatum – For Right Side Kidney Stone

Lycopodium Clavatum is an outstanding medicine for treating kidney stones on the right side. It is indicated when there is pain in right kidney and right ureter. The pain gets worse before urination, there is forceful straining to pass urine and urine is scanty. The kidney pain subsides after urination. The urine may contain red sediments. Also, the urine may be purulent (containing pus), turbid or pale in some cases.

When to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

It is best to be taken in cases of right side kidney stones with pain which gets worse before urination sometimes along with red sand in urine.

How to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

Both the lower and the higher potencies of this medicine turn out to be effective with excellent results. But initially it can be taken in 30 C potency upto 2 times in a day, not more than that.

3. Hydrangea Arborescens – For Kidney Stone With White Or Yellow Sand In Urine

Hydrangea Arborescens is popularly known as the stone breaker remedy. Hydrangea Arborescens is used to crush kidney stones, stones in the ureter as well as bladder. If one notices white or yellow sand deposits, then Hydrangea Arborescens is well indicated. Soreness in the kidney region may also be felt in such cases. In some cases, blood may appear in urine.

When to use Hydrangea Arborescens?

It should be considered in any type of renal stones to dissolve stones especially in cases with white or yellow sandy deposits in urine and soreness in the kidney area.

How to use Hydrangea Arborescens?

It has proven to be effective in mother tincture (Q) form and produces good outcomes. Hydrangea Arborescens Q can be used two to three times a day.

4. Cantharis Vesicatoria – For Kidney Stone With Burning Urination

Cantharis Vesicatoria is of great help in kidney stones where there is intense burning on passing urine. The burning sensation may also be felt before urine is passed and may continue after urination. Another attending feature is kidney pain with frequent urge to pass urine. Tenesmus of the bladder may also be marked where the urge to pass urine is almost constant, along with unsatisfactory urination. Urine may contain jelly-like mucus.

When to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?

The key indicating feature of this medicine in kidney stones is intense burning especially when passing urine. Burning may also be felt before and after urination in many cases needing this medicine.

How to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?

Both 30C or 200C potency of this medicine give amazing results. In the beginning two to three doses of this medicine in 30C potency can be consumed per day. The dose should be reduced to once a day when improvement is noticeable.

5. Sarsaparilla – For Kidney Stone With Burning At Close Of Urination

Sarsaparilla Officinalis is the medicine that you can count on in case of kidney stones with excessive burning at the end of urination. The urine passed is scanty and may contain slimy or sandy particles. Sarsaparilla Officinalis is also prescribed for right-sided kidney stones.

When to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?

The most noticeable symptom to use this medicine for kidney stones is excessive burning towards the end of passing urine.

How to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?

It works best in 30C potency that one may use once or twice a day.

What Are The Causes Of Kidney Stones?

1. Low urine volume: Consistently less volume of urine is a key risk factor for kidney stones. Dehydration (loss of body fluids) through strenuous activity, residing in a warm humid environment, or not drinking enough fluids can contribute to low urine volume and concentrated, black urine. There is less fluid to keep salts dissolved in concentrated urine.
2. Diet: Diet can have a tremendous impact on stones and the likelihood of developing them. High calcium level in the urine is one of the most common causes of calcium kidney stones. The body’s metabolism of calcium may be blamed for high urine calcium levels. The most typical type of kidney stone (calcium oxalate) contains oxalate; consuming foods high in oxalate can increase the chance of developing these stones. An excessive intake of animal proteins in the diet, such as beef, fish, poultry, and hog (pig meat), can cause the acid level of the body and urine to rise. The formation of calcium oxalate and uric acid stones is facilitated by high acidity levels. The likelihood of developing calcium and uric acid stones is further increased by uric acid formation from the breakdown of meat.
3. Obesity: A risk factor for stones is obesity which may alter the urine’s acid composition which could result in the production of stones.
4. Family History: The risk of developing kidney stones is substantially high in those who have a family history of kidney stones.
5. Medications: The chance of developing kidney stones increases with intake of certain drugs, as well as calcium and vitamin C supplements.
6. Chronic UTI: Larger kidney stones can develop in those with chronic urinary tract infections. These are frequently referred to as struvite stones.
7. Bowel conditions: Certain bowel conditions that cause diarrhea (like Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis) and surgeries (like gastric bypass surgery) can raise the risk of formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Diarrhea may result in loss of large quantities of fluid from the body and decreased urine volume. The body hence absorbs the excessive oxalate from the intestines resulting in more oxalate in the urine. Both low urine volume and high oxalate in the urine can lead to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.

Types Of Kidney Stones

Calcium Stones (80% of the stones)
These are the most prevalent kidney stones. Calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate are the two different forms of calcium stones. The most typical kind of calcium stone is by far calcium oxalate. In some cases, urine contains excessive amounts of calcium increasing the risk of calcium stones in them. Calcium stones can develop due to various other reasons also even when there is normal calcium in the urine.
Uric Acid Stones
This is yet another typical kidney stone type. Intake of large amounts of animal protein can increase the risk of uric acid build-up in the urine. Uric acid crystals do not dissolve well in acidic urine and can lead to the formation of uric acid stones. Loss of body fluids due to diarrhea, malabsorption and certain genetic factors make the person prone to developing uric acid stones. These kinds of stones frequently develop in persons having a family history of stones.
Struvite Stones
These stones have a connection to persistent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). Some bacteria increase the urine’s basicity or alkalinity, decreasing its acidity. Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones develop in urine that is alkaline. These stones frequently have branches, are huge, and develop quickly. The greatest risk of developing these stones is in those who frequently experience urinary tract infections (UTI), those who have long tubes in their kidneys or bladders, or those who have poor bladder emptying as a result of neurologic conditions (such as paralysis, multiple sclerosis, and spina bifida).
Staghorn Calculus
The term ‘staghorn’ refers to the shape of this type of stone which has branches like a piece of coral or the antlers on a deer. People having repeated UTI are more prone to develop this type of stone. If they form as a result of infections, they may be made of struvite which is a mix of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate. If they are formed as a result of smaller stones growing larger over a period of time, then the staghorn calculi are made of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate or a mixture of calcium carbonate apatite, apart from struvite. The way the branches of this type of stone grow, it can block the pelvis and the calyces of the kidney which can lead to kidney failure.
Cystine Stones
One of the amino acids that make up proteins and can be found in some foods is cysteine. The genetic metabolic condition cystinuria or having too much cystine in the urine, is rare. When the kidneys fail to reabsorb cystine from urine, a lot of cysteine in the urine might lead to the formation of kidney stones. Kids are frequently the first to develop cystine stones.

Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones usually cause no symptoms and may lie dormant in the kidneys till the time they do not move around in the kidneys and pass through ureters. In such cases with no symptoms, they usually get revealed accidentally in ultrasound done for some other purpose. When the kidney stones travel down the ureter (the tube between kidneys and urinary bladder) to the bladder to finally pass out with urine, then they cause intense pain even if they are small in size. If a kidney stone is lodged in the ureter, it may cause urine blockage resulting in swelling of kidneys and spasm of ureters which can be very painful. At that point, one may experience the following symptoms:
1. Severe sharp pain on the sides of abdomen (flank area) or in the kidney region in the back below the ribs (medically called lion’s area) is termed renal colic. The pain from the back may travel to the lower abdomen and groin, and the pain often starts suddenly and comes in waves. The intensity of the pain varies.
2. Pain or burning sensation while urinating. Persistent need to urinate again and again.
3. Urine may be dark or red (cloudy) due to blood in it, and foul-smelling. Sometimes, urine contains a small number of red blood cells that cannot be seen with naked eyes.
4. Nausea and vomiting.
5. In men, there may be pain at the tip of the penis.
6. Fever and chills if there is infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which tests does the diagnosis of kidney stones involve?
The tests to confirm kidney stones include ultrasound, X-ray KUB i.e. kidney ureter bladder, intravenous pyelogram and CT scan of KUB. In addition to this, renal function test also needs to be done.
Can kidney stones lead to complications or damage to kidneys?
The pain from kidney stones is usually so intense that the person seeks immediate medical aid. There are usually no complications in such cases. However, complications may arise in case a person does not approach a doctor, unaware of the kidney stones lying dormant for a long period of time without causing any discomfort or pain. In such cases, there are chances of kidney damage due to persistent and severe obstruction of urine flow.
2. Can natural medicines treat kidney stones located at junctions of the renal system?
There are two junctions in the renal system — pelviureteric junction (PUJ) and ureterovesical junction (UVJ). The PUJ is the junction where the renal pelvis and ureter meet. The UVJ refers to the junction of the ureter and urinary bladder. These medicines can treat kidney stones at both PUJ and UVJ junctions when the stones are small in size and not linked with acute retention of urine or severe hydronephrosis.
3. My USG shows multiple small kidney stones, the largest is 6mm. Can homeopathy medicines dissolve them?
Yes, homeopathic medicines can definitely dissolve the stones in your case. Kidney stones of up to 8mm to 9mm have a good scope of treatment with these medicines. This does not, however, mean that homeopathy will not work on stones of a larger size. They will, but in such cases, homeopathy can only be started after making sure that the renal function tests are normal and there is no acute urinary retention.


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Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Lichen Planus Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for lichen Planus

Lichen Planus is a chronic, non-infectious, inflammatory condition of the skin and mucous membranes. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system cannot differentiate between its own cells and foreign cells, hence it mistakenly starts attacking its own normal cells.

Homeopathy offers great help in treating all types of Lichen Planus in a very effective manner. Since homeopathic medicines are completely natural, they treat Lichen Planus safely with no side effects at all. These medicines help heal the eruptions and relieve the attending symptoms simultaneously to control the further progression of skin lesions. In the conventional system of medicine to control the immune-mediated responses, immunosuppressants like corticosteroids are prescribed, orally or topically. It suppresses the problem that gives temporary relief rather than providing a permanent solution. These medicines can cause side effects if used continuously for a long time period and as soon as these steroids are discontinued, the improvement stops and one finds oneself back at square one. But in homeopathy, the medicines treat this condition in a mild, gentle way without adverse effects and usually give results that are permanent by treating the root cause of the problem.

Homeopathic medicines are non-suppressive

Homeopathic medicines do not recommend the suppression of Lichen Planus with the application of ointments. In homeopathy, it is believed if skin complaints are suppressed, they can recur with more severity in the future. Ointments are not recommended in this system of medicine.

Homeopathy optimises immune system

In Lichen Planus, the homeopathic system addresses the underlying cause and helps to optimise the overactive immune system in a natural harmless way. This results in controlling the self-harming response of the immune system. As a result, it gives long-term relief and cure in many cases of mild to moderate intensity.

Constitutional treatment

Homeopathy gives excellent results in Lichen Planus cases with constitutional treatment. It refers to a treatment based on analyzing cases on both physical and emotional aspects of a person. This treatment aims to correct the disturbed state of the body for cure and not just symptomatic relief.

No side effects of medicines

Homeopathic remedies are free from any sort of harsh effects. The medicines used in homeopathy for Lichen Planus do not contain any harmful chemicals or toxins. They are prepared from naturally occurring substances, so these can be used in all cases without any concern of side-effects.

Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Lichen Planus

The main medicines to treat Lichen Planus are Sulphur, Arsenicum Album, Merc Sol, Sulph Iod and Kali Iod.

1. Sulphur – For Lichen Planus with itching and burning

Sulphur is the most efficient and widely used homeopathic medicine to treat various kinds of skin disorders especially in cutaneous Lichen Planus, when the eruptions tend to increase rapidly and have already worsened due to application of ointments on the skin. Patients having cutaneous LP with papules and extreme skin dryness, who have unhealthy skin, respond very well to Sulphur. Extreme itching in the eruptions is best treated by this remedy.  There is marked scratching and itching. In such cases, a burning sensation may follow scratching. The itching generally worsens toward the night and while getting warm in bed.

When to use Sulphur?

Sulphur offers excellent help in Lichen Planus cases having papules, along with skin dryness, itching and burning sensation. It is also the best choice of medicine for cases in which the application of ointments in the past has worsened the skin complaint.

How to use Sulphur?

It acts wonderfully in 30C potency which is mainly recommended with infrequent repetitions like once or twice a week.

2. Arsenicum Album – For Eruptions That Are Scaly And Itchy

Arsenicum Album proves to be very effective in classic cases of Lichen Planus, with bluish eruptions that are dry, rough and scaly in appearance. The eruptions can be extremely dry, causing a lot of itching, forcing the sufferer to scratch constantly. The more one scratches, the worse it gets. The medicine Arsenicum Album is also indicated in the later stages when the plaques have resolved leaving the underlying skin hard. It is also helpful in cases of LP of the scalp with thick scabs.

When to use Arsenicum Album?

Arsenicum Album is used to treat Lichen Planus when eruptions are rough, dry covered with scales and itching is marked. It is also used when the skin has hardened after the eruptions subside.

How to use Arsenicum Album?

It is usually indicated in 30 C potency that can be taken once a day.

3. Sulphur Iod – Top Treatment For Lichen Planus Of Face, Arms

Sulphur Iod is considered the best natural medicine for Lichen Planus when the face and arms are covered with papular eruptions, with constant itching. When indicated, the arms are covered with an itchy rash. Sulphur Iod helps treat cases of obstinate LP.

When to use Sulph Iod?

Sulph Iod is suggested for Lichen Planus when the face and arms are affected with the presence of itchy rashes.

How to use Sulph Iod?

It is used in 30 potency in these cases just one time a day.

 4. Merc Sol – One Of The Best Remedies For Mucosal Lichen Planus

Merc Sol is one of the top natural remedies for Mucosal Lichen Planus, especially oral Lichen Planus. Merc Sol is an ideal remedy when the main complaint of the patient is irregular ulcers inside the cheeks. The edges are not well defined. The cheeks give a very unhealthy and dirty appearance. In addition to these ulcers, there is increased saliva, and bad odor emanates from the mouth.

When to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is mainly recommended for oral Lichen Planus when there is intense ulceration along with burning in the mouth.

Howe  to use Merc Sol?

Its use is preferred in low potencies like 30C that can be taken once or twice a day as per the severity of symptoms.

5. Kali Iodatum – For Lichen Planus Of Legs

Kali Iodatum helps cases of LP when purple patches are present on the body, especially legs. These eruptions are generally dry and papular. In such patients, itching increases mainly at night or from heat, even from the heat of bedcovers.

When to use Kali Iod?

Kali Iod is considered mainly when lichen mainly affects the legs with itching that gets worse at night and from warmth.

How to use Kali Iod?

It is advised to use Kali Iod 30C once a day.

What Causes LP?

The cause of Lichen Planus is unknown. However, it is thought to be an autoimmune disease in which a T-cell-mediated response is happening at the basal (deepest) layer of the skin. The body mistakenly invites cytokines (that usually control the growth and activity of the cells), which are responsible for cellular death at the deepest layer of the skin. This further results in disruption of melanin (skin pigment) production, hence the purple pigmentation and further thickening of the skin takes place.

Lichen Planus may accompany other diseases of altered immunity, such as ulcerative colitis, alopecia areata, vitiligo, dermatomyositis, lichen sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, etc. As mentioned the cause of Lichen Planus is usually unknown, but some possible underlying factors that may act as a trigger are as below:

1. Genetic predisposition

2. Physical and emotional stress

3. Injury to skin: Lichen Planus often appears where the skin has been scratched or after surgery (Kobner phenomenon)

4. Localized skin diseases, such as Herpes Zoster

5. Systemic viral infection, such as Hepatitis C

6. Certain medicines, including some drugs used to treat high BP, diabetes, heart disease and malaria; gold, quinine, quinidine, and others can cause a lichenoid rash.

7. Contact allergy, such as metal fillings in oral Lichen Planus (rare) and color photographic developers.

Types  & Symptoms of Lichen Planus

The symptoms of Lichen Planus depend on the parts affected. The main types along with the symptoms are:

1. Cutaneous Lichen Planus:

The term cutaneous means ‘skin’. This is the classical type of Lichen Planus, when the skin, nails or hair gets affected. The symptoms can range from zero to intense itching, along with the following:

2. Flat-topped, purple-colored, shining papules(hard elevation without fluid) on the skin, sometimes with white, lacy lines.

3. The main sites are the inner forearm, wrist, legs, ankles, and face.

4. It can vary from the size of head of a pin to a centimeter.

5. The papules may appear in rings or in a line. The lesions are typically bilateral and symmetrical, meaning they are similarly placed on both sides of the body.

6. Plaques resolve after a few months to leave a greyish-brown rash that can take a year or more to fade away.

7. The nails, when affected can either become thin, brittle or ridged OR dark, thick, or raised. They can sometimes shed off or stop growing.

8. On the scalp, red patches can form around clusters of hair and can also lead to irreversible hair loss.

2. Mucosal Lichen Planus:

When the innermost mucus-secreting layer of the body gets affected, it is termed as Mucosal Lichen Planus. The main areas to get affected are the mucosa of the mouth (Oral LP) and genitals. These parts can be affected individually or together at the same time. When the mucosa gets affected, the presenting symptoms based on the location are:

 A. Oral LP

1. Mild Oral LP does not cause a lot of burning or discomfort

2. A whitish pattern on the gums, tongue or teeth

3. Red or white patchesin the mouth

4. Painful red gums that may bleed

5. Burning in the mouth, causing difficulty in eating or drinking

B. LP in males, affecting penis:

1. Purple or white ring-shaped patches around the penis, generally non-itchy.

2. Formation of flat-topped papules on the penis that are a little shiny

C. LP in females, affecting the vagina and vulva:

1. The vulva (external genitals) can be white, red or pale in color.

2. There can be a lot of burning and soreness in the affected areas.

3. Sticky yellow or white vaginal discharge, which can also be bloodstained

4. Painful sexual intercourse, when the vagina gets affected.

5. Narrowing of the opening of vagina due to scar tissue formation

3Lichen Planus Pigmentosus (LPP)

1. Lichen Planus Pigmentosus is a rare form of Lichen Planus.

2. Mainly found on the areas exposed to the Sun, like forehead, neck, and temples

3. Present as brown or gray patches on the skin

4. It can also develop on areas where the skin touches or rubs together, for example: groin

5. LPP can be triggered by viral infections, UV light or local applications on skin



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Burning Sensation in Stomach? Homeopathic Medicines That Work Wonders

Burning stomach pain is a very common problem that we ignore if it happens once in a while due to an upset stomach or indigestion. If it happens frequently, it can be a manifestation of different problems like gastritis, peptic ulcers or acid reflux. The common symptoms to look out for are bitter burping, gas, heaviness and bloating in the belly along with a burning sensation in stomach.  

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the frequency and intensity of the burning in the stomach gradually. Along with this, the accompanying symptoms like gas, feeling of fullness after eating, bloating, burping, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, rising up of food or stomach acid can be well managed with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines bring relief in these symptoms by acting on the root cause behind it. The homeopathic prescription for a case of stomach burning varies from person to person depending on the attending symptoms and the cause behind it. So, it is advised to take medicine under the guidance of homeopathic physician. In case the symptoms are very severe or arising from some serious cause like stomach cancer, conventional mode of treatment is strictly advised.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Stomach Burning

1. Arsenic Album – Top-Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for cases of stomach burning. Persons needing it have intense burning in the stomach which is sensitive to touch. The next attending symptom is a feeling of placing some heavy weight on the stomach. Another symptom that occurs is acid reflux (rising of stomach acid upward to food pipe). Vomiting may also occur; in case of inflamed stomach, there is vomiting of grass green fluids. Nausea is felt with inability to bear sight or smell of food. Arsenic Album is a very effective medicine for cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

2. Carbo Veg When Stomach Burning Is Attended With Gas, Bloating

It is a very useful medicine for cases in which stomach burning is accompanied by gas and bloating. The burning sensation gets worse from eating. Cramps in stomach may also occur with desire to bend double (bending upper part of body forward and downward). Other than this, stomach feels full, and discomfort and pressure in stomach is felt after eating. Sour and putrid belching happens after eating or drinking. Heartburning is also felt. It is a very suitable medicine for cases of acid reflux (rising of stomach acid upward to food pipe).

3. Iris Versicolor For Burning In Stomach And Diarrhoea   

This medicine is prepared from plant commonly known as ‘blue flag’. It is very beneficial in persons feeling burning in stomach and diarrhea. The diarrhoea is watery which results in excessive weakness. There can be vomiting where food is vomited an hour or so after meals. There may also be vomiting of bitter, sour, acrid water. Sour and bitter burps can attend above symptoms, along with continuous nausea.

4. Nux Vomica  For Stomach Burning With Vomiting

This medicine works well in cases of burning stomach pain with vomiting. Person needing it vomits anything consumed even if it just plain water.  The stomach feels distended and is sensitive to pressure. This condition is felt in the morning and also after meals. Stomach feels full which gets relieved by belching. The stomach feels heavy and gets worse from eating. There is loss of appetite. Constipation is also a very characteristic symptom with a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. The stool is passed multiple times but it is unsatisfactory with a never- get-done feeling. It is a well-indicated medicine for stomach problems arising from taking alcohol, coffee and spicy food.  

5. Phosphorus  For Stomach Burning That Worsens From Eating

This medicine is well indicated for persons who have burning pain in stomach worse from eating. The burning is relieved by drinking cold water. There is loss of appetite as well. Burps with sour taste is a common complaint after every meal. Fullness and pain in stomach is also felt. Gurgling sounds are palpable in the pit of the stomach. The person also complains of regurgitation (rising of swallowed food upward to mouth) of food soon after eating. This medicine is well indicated for cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

6. Robinia For Stomach Burning, Acidity, Heartburn

It is prepared from fresh bark of young twigs of a plant Robinia Pseudacacia, commonly known as ‘yellow locust’. Use of this medicine is considered when there is stomach burning, acidity and heartburn. The acidity gets worse at night on lying down, in such cases this medicine can be effective.  There is regurgitation of acid and bitter substances. It is one of the best medicine for acid reflux. Along with above symptoms, there is distension of stomach, nausea is also felt. Sour belching and vomiting of sour fluid occurs. Lastly, there may be heaviness and dull ache in stomach.

7. Argentum NitricumFor Stomach Burning And Ulcerating Pain

This medicine is well indicated for burning and ulcerating pain in stomach. Besides, there is gas and painful swelling of stomach. There are bitter vomits along with diarrhea. There may be a feeling of fullness in the stomach. It is a very effective medicine for stomach ulcers.

8. Colocynth For Burning In Stomach And Cramps

It is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis/ cucumis colocynthis, commonly called ‘bitter apple’. It is a very effective medicine when there is burning pain in stomach and cramps. There is a feeling of fullness in stomach. The cramps get worse from eating or drinking. Relief occurs from bending double, lying down on the stomach and by pressing the stomach hard. There is griping pain in the stomach which gets worse after each meal. Lastly, the pit of stomach may be very sensitive to touch.

9. Lycopodium For Stomach Burning, Fullness And Bloating

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. It is prominently indicated for stomach burning and bloating. The burning sensation may extend up to the throat. With this, a pressure is felt in the stomach after eating. A feeling of the eaten food rising up may also attend. There is accumulation of gas in the stomach after eating even a little quantity of food. Fullness in stomach soon after eating is also marked.

10. Apis MellificaFor Stomach Burning, Pricking, Soreness     

This medicine is indicated when there is stomach burning along with pricking sensation and soreness. Fullness in the stomach is also felt, along with tenderness in the belly and vomiting. Distension (bloating and swelling) of stomach can also be there.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

The first reason behind it is indigestion (also known as dyspepsia, meaning an upset stomach) which is a general term to describe discomfort in the upper abdomen. It can cause stomach burning and other symptoms include feeling of fullness, gas, heartburn, bloating and nausea.

The second reason is acid reflux (GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease) in which backflow of stomach acid towards the food pipe occurs. It leads to symptoms including heartburn, stomach burning, sour taste in the back of mouth, problem in swallowing, gas and bloating.

The other cause may be gastritis, a condition in which there is inflammation in the lining of the stomach. The symptoms include burning sensation in stomach and nausea, vomiting, and stomach fullness after eating. Another main cause behind it is peptic ulcers (it refers to sores that appear in the inner lining of stomach and upper part of the small intestine). Its major symptom is a burning feeling in the stomach along with other symptoms like stomach fullness, bloating, heartburn, burping and nausea.

Other than this, stomach infections (mainly H. pylori infection) can lead to burning stomach pain. IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can also lead to stomach burning. It is a disorder affecting the large intestine with symptoms like abdomen cramping/ pain; diarrhea or constipation, or both; gas and bloating. It can also have an attending symptom of stomach burning.

Burning stomach pain can also occur from use of certain medicines (eg. aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen), smoking, alcohol consumption and food intolerance (for example intolerance to milk, dairy or gluten). Lastly, it can be a symptom of stomach cancer.

What Are The Symptoms?

It can be attended with symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, gas, feeling of fullness after eating, bloating, burping, weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, regurgitation (rising up of food or stomach acid up to the mouth).

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Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dry Nose

 Dryness in the nasal passage is medically known as rhinitis sicca. It can be uncomfortable yet harmless, and rarely serious. The inner membrane of the nasal passage secretes mucus daily. It lubricates the nasal cavity, moisturises the air so that it smoothly passes through the respiratory tract and traps dust, irritants and the germs that we may breathe in. If mucus production is not adequate or it dries up, it results in dry nose.

Homeopathic Management

Complaint of dry nose can be effectively managed with use of homeopathic medicines. These medicines help by working to treat the root cause, as a result nasal dryness gradually decreases. The attending signs and symptoms like nasal congestion, itching, burning in nose, redness, swelling and pain in nose, scabbing inside nose, recurrent sneezing also get managed with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe to use without any side effects. These medicines can be used in most cases of nasal dryness but in case of nasal dryness along with high fever, excessive difficulty in breathing, uncontrolled bleeding from nose, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is advised.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dry Nose

1. Sticta – Top-Grade Medicine

Sticta is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of dry nose. Persons needing it have excessive dryness and pain inside the nose. They may have nasal secretions that dry up quickly and forms scabs in nostrils. These are difficult to dislodge and cause nasal stuffiness. The nose feels obstructed; it gets worse at night which disturbs sleep. There is a feeling of stuffiness at the root of the nose. There can be excessive sneezing and loss of smell.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Nasal Dryness And Pain At Root Of Nose

It is a very effective medicine for cases having nasal dryness and pain at the root of nose. The nose feels constantly blocked. Swelling and burning sensation in the nose is felt. Its use is also indicated when the nose is filled with dry, hard crusts that can be blood-tinged. There can be discharge of ropy mucus from the posterior nares (post nasal discharge). Foul smell in nose may also be present along with the above symptoms.

3. Calcarea Carb For Dry Nose At Night

This medicine is helpful for managing cases in which there is dryness in the nose at night. Nostrils may have soreness and ulceration. The root of the nose may be swollen. It is also useful when there is offensive yellow discharge from the nose. Frequent sneezing from itching/tingling in the nose can accompany these symptoms.

4. Sambucus  For Nose Dryness With Difficult Breathing Through Nose

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh leaves and flowers of a plant Sambucus Nigra, commonly known as ‘elder’. It belongs to family caprifoliaceae. This is a prominent medicine for managing nose dryness with difficulty in breathing through the nose. In cases needing it, the nose is dry and obstructed. In some cases, nose is blocked with thick tenacious mucus. Sambucus is the most commonly indicated medicine for nasal dryness in babies.

5. Ammonium Carb For Excessive Dryness Of Nose

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases in which nose is extremely dry. There is marked blocking of nostrils that forces a person to breathe from the mouth, especially at night. There can be swelling, pain and sensitivity in the nostrils. Sometimes, there is bleeding from nose in the morning.

6. Natrum Mur For Nasal Dryness And Sneezing

This medicine works well in cases in which nasal dryness and sneezing are present. In some cases needing it, loss of smell and taste can be there. Scabs in the nose occur sometimes. There may be burning and soreness in the nose. It is also a suitable medicine for managing cases of alternate fluent and dry coryza.

7. Silicea  For Dryness In Nose With Crusts

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases having dryness of the nose with crust formation. The nose feels blocked from hardened mucus in it. There can be hard, dry masses of mucus in the nose in the morning with an offensive smell. Itching in the nose can attend it. It is also indicated for cases having alternate dry and fluent coryza. History of long-term coryza may be present in the cases needing it.

8. Graphites For Dry Nose With Loss of smell 

Graphites is an important medicine for managing cases in which there is dryness in the nose along with loss of smell. Dryness in nose may be sometimes painful. There can also be dry scabs in the nose. It is accompanied by soreness, cracks and ulcers in the nostrils. In some cases, there is discharge of thick yellowish offensive mucus from the nose.

 9. Petroleum For Dryness and Burning In Nostrils

It is an important medicine to manage dryness and burning sensation in the nostrils. The nostrils can be cracked and ulcerated too. Next, there can be swelling in the nose with pain at the root of the nose. There may occur scabs or discharge of mucus and pus from the nose.

10. Belladonna For Dry Nose With Frontal Headache

This medicine is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. Use of this medicine is considered when there is dryness in the nose accompanied by frontal headache. Frequent sneezing may be present along with it. Swelling, redness and inflammation in the nose may be marked too. Pain may be felt on touching the nose. In cases needing it, dryness in the larynx, trachea may also be present along with dry nose.

 What Are Causes Of Dry Nose?

1. Dry nose may simply be due to environmental factors like low humidity levels (from very hot or cold climates), excessive use of air conditioners or blowing the nose very frequently.

2. In other cases, it may also result from colds or nasal allergies and long-term nasal inflammation.

3. It may arise from use of certain medications(for example, antihistamines, antibiotics, prolonged use of nasal sprays, nasal decongestants).

4. Some women may get it from hormonal changes during menopause.

5. High blood pressure and dehydration may also result in a dry nose.

6. Tobacco smoking is another reason that can lead to dry nose.

7. In some cases, it can occur from some medical conditions.  These conditions includes atrophic rhinitis and sjogren’s syndrome. Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that affects the mucous membranes and glands (that secrete moisture) of eyes and mouth which leads to decreased tears and salivation. The main symptoms of this syndrome are dry eyes and a dry mouth. Dryness in the nose and skin may be felt sometimes. Atrophic rhinitis refers to chronic inflammation in the interior of nose resulting in atrophy of nasal mucosa.

What Are The Other Signs And Symptoms?

Dry nose may be attended with other signs and symptoms depending on the underlying cause. These include nasal congestion, itching, burning sensation in nose, redness, swelling and pain, scabbing or crust formation inside the nose, bleeding from nose, change in smell or alteration in the smell, recurrent sneezing and breathing from the mouth. In case it is attended with high fever, nasal bleeding that doesn’t stop, weakness, extreme difficulty in breathing, urgent medical help should be taken.

What Are Its Complications?

Irritation in the nose and respiratory discomfort can lead to disturbed sleep. Dry nose increases chances of infection in the nose and rest of the respiratory tract (this is because dry nose makes it unable to trap the germs that can enter from nose due to lack of mucus production in nose). Constant dryness of nose may lead to nose bleeding. Other than this, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis and sinusitis may occur. Sore throat means irritation, scratching sensation or pain in the throat.  Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx (back of the throat). Laryngitis refers to inflammation of the larynx (voice box).  Sinusitis means inflammation of the mucous membranes that lines the para nasal sinuses (air-filled spaces surrounding the nasal cavity).


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