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Are your ears itchy? 10 Best Homeopathic Medicines To Solve Your Problem

Itchy ears trouble a lot of people with one or the other finger always at the ear.  It is an irritating sensation in the ears accompanied by a desire to scratch frequently. Though not dangerous, it can be quite uncomfortable and annoying with the intensity of the problem varying from person to person. It can simply arise from dry skin of the ears or a medical condition like ear infection, eczema, etc. Itching in the ears can be accompanied by other signs and symptoms (like pain, discharge from ears, dryness, redness, swelling, flaking in or around ears) depending on the cause behind it.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy gives remarkable results in cases of itchy ears. Homeopathic medicines are very safe and natural. They also manage any of the attending signs and symptoms accompanying itchy ears. These include pain in the ear, ear dryness and drainage from the ear, redness, swelling and flaking of skin in and around the the ears.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Itchy Ears

1. Silicea – Top-Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for managing itching in one ear or both. Along with itching, sometimes pricking and aching may be felt in the ears. In some cases, dryness in the ears may be there. Sometimes a blockage is felt in the ears. Stitching type of pain in ears can attend. If there is discharge from ears,  it can be thin, watery or of purulent (pus) nature. It can have an offensive smell too. There may be swelling in the external ear.

2. Petroleum – For Ear Itching And Dryness

This medicine is very beneficial when there is itching in the ears along with dryness. Itching is deep in the ears. The meatus may be swollen, inflamed and painful. Ears may be sore to touch in some cases. It is a well-indicated medicine for eczema of the ears attended with intense itching.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Itchy Ears And Excess Ear Wax

Hepar Sulph is a prominent medicine for cases in which there is itching in the ears and excess ear wax. Darting type of pain in the ears can be felt. In some cases, ear canal is filled with white, cheesy and blood-stained pus. There can be little pustular (pus-filled) eruptions in the meatus. Lastly, green coloured ear discharge is sometimes present in addition to above symptoms.

4. Pulsatilla – For Ear Itching And Pain

It is prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as ‘wind flower’. It works very well in cases of itching and pain in the ear. The pain can be tearing or shooting type. Sometimes it is pulsating in nature especially at night. Along with it, there is a feeling of the ear being blocked. There may be redness and swelling in the external meatus. Profuse ear discharge may attend. The discharge may be thick, yellow or yellowish-green in colour.

5. Tellurium – For Itching And Swelling Of Ear

Use of this medicine is considered when there is itching and swelling in the ear. Transparent yellow-colored, watery discharge may flow. It can have a specific fish brine-like smell. There is throbbing type of pain in the ear. In some cases needing it, ulceration in external auditory meatus is present.

6. Merc Sol –  For Itching In Ears With Offensive Ear Discharge

This medicine is valuable to treat cases in which a person has itching in the ears along with an offensive ear discharge. The discharge consists of greenish pus. It gets worse at night. Along with it, pain is experienced in the ears. The pain can be tearing, pressing, stitching, shooting or burning in nature that varies from case to case. The pain from the ears may extend  to cheeks in some cases. There is also inflammation in the ears which gives a feeling of the ear being blocked.

7. Psorinum – For Intolerable Itching

Psorinum is well indicated for cases in which there is intolerable itching in the ears. The ear is swollen along with pain. Fetid pus may get discharged from the ear which is usually brownish. In some cases, reddish ear wax emanates. Other than this, there is a feeling of the ears being stuffed with cotton.

8. Calcarea Carb – For Itching And Heat In Ears

This medicine is helpful when there is itching and heat in the ears. Stitching pain or pulsation in ear may be felt. In the external meatus, there may be sticky discharge of white fetid pus. The ear is swollen and inflamed. Small ulcers may be present in outer meatus.

9. Causticum – For Ear Itching With Thick Gluey Discharge

This medicine is beneficial when there is itching and thick gluey discharge from ears. It is purulent (pus-like) and offensive. Burning sensation in ears and redness attends it. The ear feels obstructed and there may be pinching pain in the ears. Lastly, there may be accumulation of ear wax that sometimes has an offensive smell.

 10. Nux Vomica – For Ear Itching And Dry Ear Canal

This medicine is recommended when the ears are itchy accompanied by dryness in ear canal. It is also sensitive to touch, with tearing or stitching pain. The pain may extend to forehead or sides of head. Sometimes there is sharp ear pain that gets worse while swallowing. Pressure is also felt in the ears.

11. Aurum Met – For Itching, Prickling sensation In Ears

This medicine is used when there is itching in the ears, along with pricking and burning sensation. Pain and fetid pus from ears attends it. Blockage in the ear is also felt.

12. Fluoric Acid – For Intolerable Itching In Ear

It is an important medicine for persons who have intolerable itching in the ears. They feel momentary relief by scratching. It is followed by burning sensation in the ears. Copious ear discharge occurs along with these symptoms.  Lastly, there can be great sensitivity to even little noises in the morning.

 13. Kali Phos – For Deep Seated Pain

This medicine is indicated when there is itching and deep-seated pain in ears. Itching worsens while lying down. Stinging sensation in ears can also be there. In some cases, eruptions in ear canal are present. Other than this, blockage is felt in the ears. Lastly, a person becomes sensitive to sounds, and noise becomes unbearable.

What Are Causes Behind Itchy Ears?

Itchy ears can arise from various reasons.

Firstly, the problem can arise from dry skin in the ears. Lubricating ear wax is not produced in the right amount which results in dry and itchy ears. On the other hand, a build-up of ear wax can also result in itchy ears. Ear wax helps to clear the dead skin cells and dirt from the ears. In case it is in excess and accumulates in ears, then itching can arise.

Next, it can arise in case of ear infection (caused by bacteria or viruses during cold or flu). Swimmers mostly face this problem due to infection in the outer ear canal which is caused when water stays behind in the ears after swimming.

Another reason is eczema or dermatitis of the ear canal (it happens from inflammation of the skin in and around the ear canal). It can occur from allergic reaction to some  products used in or around the ear, or sometimes the cause is unknown.

It may arise in case of psoriasis –an autoimmune skin condition characterized by red and inflamed patches on the skin covered with silvery shiny scales.

Use of hearing aids can be another reason for itchy ears. It can be a result of ill-fitting hearing aids, trapping of water in the ears or in some cases, an allergic reaction to the hearing aid.

Lastly, it can be due to a food allergy (common food items that can cause food allergies are nuts, fish, wheat, milk and soy).



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Best Homeopathic Medicines For Fighting Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentinal hypersensitivity or dentine hypersensitivity, refers to discomfort /shooting pain in the teeth on consuming hot or cold food or drinks. It may also happen from inhaling cold air. Pain may occur from intake of sweet, sour or acidic food/drinks, while brushing teeth or using mouthwash containing alcohol. The pain may be mild or severe; may be felt in one tooth or many teeth and may be temporary or persistent.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in managing tooth sensitivity. Persons having tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks, cold air, sweet or sour food/drinks, etc can benefit tremendously from homeopathic medicines. By taking these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint gradually reduce based on individual set of symptoms. So one should consult a homeopathic doctor who can prescribe the right medicine after detailed case analysis.

Homeopathic Medicines For Tooth Sensitivity 

1. Merc Sol – For Painful Sensitive Teeth To Cold And Hot Things

It is a very useful medicine for treating painful sensitive teeth to cold and hot drinks or eatables. The pain for using it can be tearing, or jerking type. In some cases needing it, tooth decay may be the reason for stinging pain. Sometimes inflammation in gums is also marked. In such cases, ,the gums are swollen, red and painful to touch. The gums may be receding from the teeth and may bleed too. An offensive mouth odour and increased salivation may attend it.

2. Chamomilla – For Sensitivity In Case Of Hollow Teeth

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Matricaria chamomilla. This medicine is helpful when a person experiences sensitivity due to hollow tooth. There is pain on consuming cold or hot drinks/food. The pain can be shooting or pulsating type.

3. Plantago – When Teeth Are Sensitive, Sore, Decayed

It is prepared from plant Plantago major, also known as ‘plantain’ and ‘ribwort’. It is the best medicine for managing sensitive, sore teeth when there is pain in decaying teeth. The pain where it is needed can be boring, digging or sharp in nature. Persons needing it may also complain of teeth grinding (medically called bruxism, it is a medical condition in which a person grinds, gnashes or clenches his teeth.)

4. Hypericum – For Tooth Sensitivity After Dental Surgery

This medicine is prepared from plant Hypericum Perforatum, commonly known as ‘St. John’s Wort’. This medicine is well indicated for managing sensitivity of tooth that follows any dental surgery. Pain attends sensitivity. This medicine is effective in managing nerve pain after any dental repair procedure, like root canal treatment.

 5. Magnesia Phos – For Sensitivity Of Teeth To Cold Air

This medicine works well in cases having tooth sensitivity to cold air. Other than this, tooth sensitivity to cold food and drinks can also be treated with this medicine. There may be shooting or stabbing pain. Lastly, it is also indicated for managing pain in decayed or teeth with filling.

6. Silicea – For Sensitive Teeth With Pain While Eating

Use of this medicine is considered when pain is felt while eating in sensitive teeth. The pain may be tearing, drawing or jerking type. Sometimes pain is felt in the teeth specifically when eating hot food. In some cases that need it, there is inflammation, swelling, pain in gums along with bleeding.

7. Lachesis – For Teeth Sensitive To Hot Drinks

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of tooth sensitivity in which there is pain on consuming hot drinks. Pain may also be felt while brushing teeth. The nature of pain varies –it can be a tearing/ pulsating/ boring/ drawing type of pain. Sometimes, spongy, swollen gums along with bleeding are the accompanying symptoms.

 8. Nux Vomica – For Tooth Sensitivity To Cold Drinks

This medicine is used for tooth sensitivity to cold drinks. There may be tearing type of pain in teeth from cold air. There may also be painful swelling of gums. It is attended with pulsating pain, burning sensation and bleeding. Besides, Nux Vomica is indicated when there is stinging pain in decayed teeth.

9. Natrum Mur – For Tooth Sensitivity To Hot Food

It is an important medicine for treating sensitivity of teeth to hot food. The pain may be dull, boring or beating type. Gums may also be swollen, and may bleed, along with smarting pain while eating. Other than this, pulsating pain in decayed teeth also indicates the use of Natrum Mur.

10. Carbo Veg – For Tooth Sensitivity To Cold Food

This medicine is valuable for managing cases having tooth sensitivity to cold food. Tearing type of pain is felt in teeth on eating cold food. Salty food may also cause pain in some cases needing it. Gums are painfully sensitive while chewing. Gum sensitivity may be accompanied by bleeding of gums.

11. Natrum Carb – For Tooth Sensitivity To Sweets

Natrum Carb offers help to persons having tooth sensitivity to sweets, especially teeth in lower jaw. There is boring/digging pain while eating, especially fruits.

12. Argentum Nitricum – For Sensitive Tooth To Sour Things

This medicine is considered in cases of sensitivity of teeth to sour things. Digging pain is mostly felt in the teeth. It is also effective in dealing with tooth pain on drinking cold water or consuming anything cold. Long-term gum irritation may be there. In some cases, the gums are receding, tender and bleed easily.

13. Bryonia – When Pain Is Felt From Brushing Teeth

This medicine is prepared from root of a plant named Bryonia Alba or ‘wild hops’. It is beneficial when there is pain while brushing teeth. Pain is mostly shooting type.  Bryonia is also helpful for pain in hollow teeth or tooth sensitivity on coming in contact with cold air. Another indication for using it is stinging pain in teeth while eating. Sore swollen gums may also be present along with the above symptoms.

What Are The Causes Behind Teeth Sensitivity?

A. Wearing down of tooth enamel: It is the main reason for teeth sensitivity. Tooth enamel is the hardest and strongest tissue in the human body which forms the outer layer of the tooth to protect it. Worn-out enamel exposes the middle layer of teeth that contains tubes leading to nerves making one prone to sensitive teeth. It can happen from many reasons as follows:

1. Brushing teeth very hard with excessive force or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can result in wearing down the protective enamel of the tooth and lead to tooth sensitivity.

2. Consuming acidic food or drink frequently. Some examples of acidic food are kiwi, lemon, pickles, soda and grapefruit.

3. Teeth grinding

4. Enamel may be worn out due to medical conditions like GERD, bulimia, and gastroparesis. GERD is a gastroesophageal reflux disease. The stomach acid flows back from the stomach into the throat due to relaxed lower esophageal sphincter. Frequent rising of stomach acid over a period of time may cause wearing of the enamel of teeth. Bulimia is a disorder in which a person eats excess food in one sitting and then expels it by self-induced vomiting or purging to get rid of the consumed food and shed the extra calories to prevent weight gain. Due to frequent vomiting, the tooth enamel may get damaged. Gastroparesis refers to a disorder in which the stomach takes very long to digest food. It can cause many symptoms including fullness feeling, nausea and vomiting. Frequent vomiting in this condition may wear down the tooth enamel resulting in tooth sensitivity.

B. Second reason for tooth sensitivity can be a toothpaste containing tooth whitening chemicals or a mouthwash containing alcohol and certain chemicals.

C. Tooth decay, cracked, chipped or broken teeth, worn-out fillings may be the other causes.

D. It may also arise in case of receding gums that may be a part of ageing or due to a gum disease or gingivitis (gum inflammation).

E. Teeth may also become sensitive temporarily after a dental procedure, like tooth filling, root canal, crown placement, teeth bleaching, etc.

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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Wounds and Injuries

An injury, whether superficial or deep, sets panic that needs immediate attention. Injury refers to physical harm or damage to body from an accident, a fall, a blow, or a weapon. A common term heard along with injuries is wounds. Wounds refer to injuries that cause a break in skin or body tissues (like scratches, cuts). All wounds are injuries but all injuries are not wounds. Timely administration of some homeopathic medicines not only helps in relieving pain but also cuts short the healing time preventing further complications.



Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in treating minor injuries. These medicines help to relieve pain, reduce swelling and lessen healing time and prevent complications. Homeopathic medicines work wonders in treating minor injuries. Few doses of Arnica 30C taken soon after injury can really prove right the proverb ‘a stich in time saves nine’. Right from drawing someone out from a state of mental shock of injury, to pain relief to healing of injured tissues, Arnica works on every aspect of healing. Homeopathic medicines for treating injuries are selected keeping in mind the nature of injury. For managing moderate injuries, use homeopathic medicines along with allopathy. In case of serious injuries or emergency, help from conventional mode of treatment should be sought right away. It is strictly to be noted that homeopathic medicines are not a substitute for allopathy where immediate first aid is required urgently.

Homeopathic Medicines For Managing  Wounds And Injuries

1. Arnica – Top Grade Medicine For Injuries With Closed Wounds (Where Skin Is Not Split Open)

Arnica is a must-have in the first aid box to deal with injuries. It is the best bet for cases of injuries, specifically closed wounds in which the external skin shows no visible sign of harm. Any homeopathic physician will instantly recommend this medicine for such type of injuries. Injuries caused by a fall, a blow or a bump against something, being hit by something, blunt instruments or equipment are best dealt by with this medicine keeping in mind that external skin is intact and no external wound is present. This medicine in the first place brings relief in pain, soreness and swelling in the affected part. Secondly, it heals the injured tissues. It is also a wonderful medicine for treating bruises (blackish, bluish or purplish discoloration on skin after injury from damaged blood vessels below the skin). This medicine is also recommended to treat after-effects of injuries suffered long time back.

When and How to use Arnica?

It is a precious gem in homeopathy for treating injury cases. It is an irreplaceable medicine when it comes to treat injuries resulting from a fall, a blow or a bump against something, being hit by something, blunt instruments when external skin is not broken in any form. Use it as first aid in such type of injuries and it will often prove a stitch in time here. Take Arnica 30C three to four times a day after injury occurs. Once pain lessens, soreness gets better and swelling reduces, you may decrease the dose to just twice a day.

 2. Rhus Tox – For Overuse Injury And Sprains, Strains

Though at the second place, it does not mean Rhus Tox is a less important medicine than Arnica. It is equally important and as effective as Arnica but prescribed for different kinds of injuries. It is a perfect remedy in case of overuse injury, sprain and strain. Overuse injury means injury occurring from repetitive use of a body part for certain movements as in some sports activity. Sprain means overstretching or tearing of ligaments. Strain refers to overstretching or tearing of muscles or tendons. A person suffers from intense pain, stiffness or swelling.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

It is a commendable medicine for injury cases to be used in those who have pain, swelling or stiffness from overuse of a body part by excessive physical activity or from sprain or strain. It can be used in different potencies ranging from 30C, 200C to 1M and 10M. In 30C potency, one may take it three to four times a day. If using 200C potency, its use should be limited to once or twice a day. In higher potencies like 1M and 10M, use it in infrequent doses as per intensity of problem. Do not use 1M or 10M potency without consulting a homeopath.

3. Calendula – For Open Wounds Where Skin Is Broken

It is a natural medicine prepared from leaves and flowers of plant ‘pot marigold’. Calendula is the most widely used medicine for cases of open wounds where skin is broken. Some examples include abrasions (wounds caused by rubbing of skin against rough surface), cuts (tear in skin caused by sharp objects like knife) and lacerations (open wound caused by blunt objects). It is a great healing agent with marked antiseptic properties. It aids pain relief besides promoting healing of injured tissue. It reduces sharp, stinging pain in wounds and redness. Additionally, it has great potential in preventing pus formation. It heals wounds by first intention means quick healing, no pus formation and very minimal scarring. It is also recommended to use this medicine before and after any surgical procedure for efficient healing along with conventional medicines.

When and How to use Calendula?

It is a specific medicine used as a first line of treatment in case of open wounds where skin is broken. It works extremely well to reduce pain, swelling and promote healing of wounds. Its use is recommended as local application over the injured area. For this, Calendula Q (in mother tincture form) needs to be diluted in water and applied over injured area soon after injury, and for twice or thrice a day afterwards. At the same time, pills of Calendula 30 C potency need to be taken orally (from mouth). Calendula 30 C can be taken three to four times a day for the initial few days. As healing progresses, the dose should be reduced to twice a day.

4. Hypericum – For Nerve Injury, Tail Bone Injury, Spine Injury, Whiplash Injury

When it comes to manage nerve injury, no medicine is equivalent to Hypericum. Being sourced from plant St John’s Wort, it is a natural remedy. It proves highly effective in managing nerve pain that follows injury to nerves. Though it can be given for injury to any body part, primarily it is indicated for nerve injury occurring in fingers, toes, palms, soles and body parts that are rich in nerves. For example, fingers might get pressed in the door causing intense nerve pain for which Hypericum is the most suitable medicine. It is also well indicated for nerve pain that follows any dental procedure. It is the best medicine for tail bone (coccyx) injury from a fall. Pain radiates up and down the limbs from the tail bone along with inability to walk. Further, its use is highly recommended for injury to spine. Here it can be used along with conventional treatment for relieving pain and tenderness. Lastly, it is highly beneficial for cases of whiplash injuries — neck injury that occurs when head moves backward and forward suddenly and forcefully, commonly suffered in rear-end car accidents.

When and How to use Hypericum?

This medicine should be considered as a first aid remedy for any sort of nerve injury. Most preferably, it is used in 30C potency repeated three to four times a day, though some cases require administration of high potencies, like 200C and 1M. High potencies are not given in very frequent doses. As a general rule, the higher the potency, lesser the frequency of dosage.

5. Symphytum – For Broken Bones (Fracture)

Prepared from plant Comfrey also called ‘knit bone’, Symphytum is a top-ranked medicine for managing fracture. Undoubtedly, it is the best medicine for promoting healing of fractures. It enhances the activity of fibroblast cells which speeds up healing. Along with bone repair, it also provides relief in pain. Other than this, its use is indicated for managing cases of black eye (bruise around eye after bleeding from ruptured blood vessels in skin area around the eye caused by a blow or punch). It appears as blackish bluish discoloration around the eye.

When and How to use Symphytum?

Anyone who is familiar with homeopathic medicines knows that there can be no other medicine that matches Symphytum when it comes to bone healing. Its use should be considered in every case of fracture. The medicine can be started after the setting of the broken bone in the cast. It gives the best results in mother tincture (Q) form. In beginning start with Symphytum Q , 5 to 7 drops diluted in half a cup of water three times a day for about two weeks. Gradually decrease the dose to twice a day, followed by once a day.

6. Ruta – To Treat Sprains And Strains

It is a herbal medicine prepared from ‘garden rue’ plant. It has marked action on ligaments, tendons and muscles. It can effectively handle cases where ligaments are overstretched or torn (sprains) and when muscles/tendons are overstretched or torn (strains). It will offer relief in pain and reduce swelling at the affected site.

When and How to use Ruta?

This medicine can be used in cases of sprain and strain to promote healing of injured ligaments, tendons or muscles as well as for pain relief. Initially, take Ruta 30C three to four times a day, reduce to once or twice a day when healing has begun. In case recovery is slow, one may switch to Ruta 200C once or twice a day.

7. Cantharis – ForBurnsAnd Scalds

Cantharis is a leading medicine for treatment of burns and scalds. This medicine gives relief in pain and reduces burning pain in damaged area. It reduces redness and inflammation and aids healing of burns. If used immediately on the burnt area, it prevents blister (water-filled bumps) formation. Other than burns and scalds, it can treat sunburns as well.

When and How to use Cantharis?

Each and every case of burns and scalds requires Cantharis in the first place without wasting time. While applying on burns, apply it externally by diluting its 1X or 2X potency in water twice a day. Simultaneously, start taking Cantharis 30C tablets twice a day.

8. Ledum Palustre – For Punctured Wounds

This medicine is obtained from plant ‘wild rosemary’. It is a wonderful medicine to treat punctured wounds from sharp pointed objects such as needles, pins, iron nails, injections, etc. Besides, it is effective in managing wounds arising from insect stings.

When and How to use Ledum Palustre?

It is the most commonly prescribed medicine for cases of punctured wounds and wounds from insect stings. One may take it in 30 C potency two to three times a day.

9. Natrum Sulph – For Managing Head Injury

It is one of the best medicines to treat head injury. It can be used along with conventional medicines. It plays an effective role in managing headache, depression or epilepsy that may follow a head injury.

When and How to use Natrum Sulph?

Natrum Sulph is a specific medicine for treating head injury. As it is a serious injury, it is advised to consider its use along with conventional medicines. If you are taking this medicine a long time after sustaining a head injury, its independent use can be thought of. It can be used in various potencies like 30C, 200C and 1M. Use this medicine only as advised by a homeopathic physician.

Note Use of the above medicines is recommended only for minor wounds and injuries. In case of serious and severe injuries, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment is advised.

Types of injuries

Some of the common injuries include:

1. Bruises: It refers to blackish, bluish or purplish discolouration of skin after injury due to damaged blood vessels under the skin. The affected area can be painful, tender and swollen. It may happen from reasons like hitting of a body part against some object like chair, door, bed, etc; sprains; and car accidents.

2. Sprain and strain: A sprains refers to overstretching of ligaments (band of tissue that connects bones together in a joint). The most common location of sprain is ankle and wrist. Strain refers to overstretching of muscles or tendons (band of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone). Strains are common in the back.

3. Overuse injuries: It is an injury from repetitive physical activities of a certain kind over a period of time rather than a single time injury. It could affect the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, joints, nerves from repetitive stress.


4. Abrasions: It is a type of wound which involves breaking of skin that happens on rubbing of skin against a rough surface, for example when one falls on hard rough surface. It is not a deep wound. Elbows, knees and ankles are some of the areas commonly affected.

5. Cuts and Lacerations: Cut is a wound with direct tear in skin caused by sharp objects like knife, broken glass piece, etc. Lacerations refer to torn or jagged open wounds with irregular margins caused by blunt trauma.



6. Punctures wounds: It is a deep wound when a sharp pointed object penetrates the skin like a needle, pin, iron nail.

7. Incised wounds: A straight clean cut wound resulting from a sharp object like knife, blade, incision wounds during surgery are referred to as surgical wounds.

8. Fractures (broken bones): A crack or break in the bone

9. Burns and scalds: It is a result of skin or tissue damage from heat. Burns happen from dry heat (fire, hot iron) or chemicals, electricity, radiation, or sunlight. Scalds, on the other hand, are caused by moist heat like hot water, hot oil, steam, etc.

10. Animal Bites and insect stings

11. Concussion (traumatic brain injury): It is a brain injury from trauma like a fall, blow on head that affects the functioning of brain. It can cause headache, loss of concentration, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and memory loss.

Signs And Symptoms Of Injuries

The signs and symptoms differ according to the type of injury and its severity. Among all types, head injury and spine injury are the most serious ones.

Some of the signs and symptoms include pain, swelling, reduced mobility of affected part, bleeding, cuts, scraping on skin, and skin turning red, blue or black.

Some serious signs and symptoms include uncontrolled heavy bleeding, breathing problem, bluish lips or fingernails, chest pain, changes in consciousness levels, abnormal pupil size, pupils getting non-reactive to light, paralysis, vomiting of blood, etc.



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Chimaphila Umbellata – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

The homeopathic medicine Chimaphila Umbellata is prepared from the plant Pipsissewa, also known as ‘prince’s pine’. It belongs to family pyroleae. The roots and leaves of the plant or the fresh plant in the flowering stage is potentised according to homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. After potentization, it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Chimaphila Umbellata of great clinical significance. Its action in treating prostate issues and certain urinary problems is highly commendable.

The ‘Chimaphila Umbellata’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons with a weak body who are disposed to fluid build-up (oedema) in abdomen and kidney. It is also suitable for women predisposed to breast tumours and those who suffer from difficult urination (dysuria).

Drug Action

The major action of this medicine is on prostate gland and urinary organs. Besides, it also acts on skin, gastric system, limbs and female genitals. Lastly, its action is also noted on lymphatic and mesenteric glands.

Clinical Indications

Urethral stricture, prostate enlargement, prostatitis, dysuria, cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, albuminuria, gonorrhoea, syphilis, atrophy of testicles, breast tumours, breast atrophy, inflamed labia, skin ulcers, peeling of skin, ascites, hepatitis, constipation, rectal pain, shoulder joint pain, thigh pain, paronychia.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Urinary Issues (Urethral Stricture, Urethritis, Cystitis, Dysuria, Nephritis, Albuminuria)

It is a highly recommended medicine to manage urinary issues. Firstly, it is a leading medicine for treating cases of urethral stricture (narrowing of urethra). Persons needing it have to strain to initiate urination. The urinary stream is weak, thread-like or may be split. Urine may come in drops  sometimes. The passage of urine is difficult, it can be so difficult that urine passes only by standing with feet apart and inclining the body forward. Chimaphila is also a very important medicine to manage cystitis (urinary bladder inflammation). There is frequent desire to urinate with scanty urine. Urge for urination may occur every one or two hours. There is a feeling of fullness in urinary bladder. Cutting or scalding pain is felt while urinating. Thick, ropy, bloody mucus may pass in the urine. There is offensive smell in urine. Chimaphila also helps cases of dysuria (difficult or painful urination). It works well when urine is frequent and scanty and passes with scalding, smarting pain. The pain persists after urination. It is also valuable to manage urethritis (inflammation of urethra) cases with copious pus or mucus as discharge. Chimaphila is also a well-indicated medicine for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys). Urine is scanty, thick, dark-coloured with fetid smell. This medicine is also indicated for cases of albuminuria (passing too much protein albumin in urine).

Key indicating features

Urethral stricture with weak urine stream, straining to urinate

Difficult Urination – passed only by standing with feet apart and inclining body forward

Thick, ropy, bloody mucus in urine.

2. Male Problems (Prostate Enlargement, Prostatitis, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis)

This medicine is principally helpful for prostate enlargement and prostatitis (inflammation of prostate gland) in which there is difficult and painful urination. In some cases, retention of urine may occur from prostate enlargement. Chimaphila is also effective in dealing with gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoea). Syphilis (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum) can also be handled with this medicine wonderfully. Additionally, it is also indicated for cases of atrophy (shrinkage or decrease in size) of testicles.

Key indicating features

Prostate enlargement with retention of urine

Prostatitis with difficult and painful urination

Atrophy of testicles

3. Female Problems (Breast Tumours, Breast Atrophy, Inflamed Labia)

Chimaphila is also effective in treating painful breast tumours. Sharp pain is felt in the breast, attended with secretion of milk from the breast. It can also be given in cases of atrophy (shrinkage or reduced size) of breast. Next it can be given for cases of inflamed and swollen labia as well as for vaginal pain. Rest of the complaints where it is indicated include prolapse of uterus/vagina, hot flashes, and suppression of milk.

Key indicating features

Breast tumours with sharp pain

Breast atrophy

4. Skin (Ulcers, Blisters, Skin Peeling)

Use of Chimaphila is also considered in treating skin diseases like skin ulcers. Stinging and crawling sensation is felt with yellow discharge in skin ulcers. Secondly, it is helpful for treating dark red eruptions on skin. Chimaphila is effective on blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) and in cases where there is peeling of skin (desquamation).

Key indicating features

Skin ulcers with yellow discharge and stinging crawling sensation

Blisters and skin peeling

5. Gastric System (Hepatitis, Constipation, Rectal Pain)

Its action is also seen on gastric system where it is mainly indicated for liver inflammation (Hepatitis). Another complaint to use Chimaphila is constipation with piles. Besides these, it is indicated for blood-stained stool with mucus, pain in left side of rectum, worm infestation, or griping pain after stool.

Key indicating features

Blood-stained stool with mucus

Left-sided rectal pain

6. Limbs (Shoulder Joint Pain, Thigh Pain, Paronychia)

Chimaphila is a prominent medicine to manage cases of shoulder joint pain. Along with shoulder pain on the right side, pain is also felt in biceps (muscles of upper arm) or the entire arm. It also works well to reduce thigh pain felt on lying down. Bruised pain in calf muscles is yet another complaint where it provides relief. Lastly, it is valuable to manage paronychia – a skin infection around fingernails or toenails.

Key indicating features

Thigh pain on lying down



Worsening factors: Complaints get worse with cold washing, damp weather and while beginning to urinate

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by walking


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. Among these, its use is most commonly recommended in mother tincture (Q) form. The potency selection and repetition varies from case to case as per the nature and duration of complaint. In Q form, it is usually advised to take 5 to 7 drops of Chimaphila by dissolving in half cup of water – two to three times a day as per intensity of the problem.

Relationship With Other Remedies

It can be compared with medicines Chimaphila maculata, Uva Ursi, Apocynum, Rhododendron and Sabal Serrulata.



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Reasons For Increased Appetite And Its Homeopathic Treatment

Increased appetite means eating in relatively large quantities or eating more frequently. Increased appetite is medically known as hyperphagia or polyphagia. Having increased appetite once in a while is normal but if there is a drastic increase in appetite over a period of time, it can be arising from a medical reason that needs to be investigated and treated. In some cases, increased appetite may be an accompanying symptom with other symptoms depending on the cause. These include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, anxiety, depression, irritability, bloated abdomen, increased urination, increased thirst, weight loss/gain, stress, nervousness, and sweating.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful for persons complaining of increased appetite. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy that can help a person control persistent excessive appetite which help to reduce hunger gradually. Homeopathic medicines for managing it are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe to use without any side effects. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. In case of serious medical reasons behind increased appetite, like hypoglycaemia, homeopathy is not recommended as it is a medical emergency and if not treated properly, it can be fatal. In such a case, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is required.

Homeopathic Medicines To Relieve Increased Appetite

1. Iodum – Top-grade Medicine

Iodum is one of the best medicines in homeopathy to manage cases of increased appetite. Persons who need it have a continued increase in appetite and they eat very frequently. If they do not eat, they feel anxious. They must eat every few hours and feel better after eating. They also eat too much during a meal with an insatiable hunger most of the time.  A characteristic feature for using this medicine is a person loses weight inspite of eating in excess and too often. It is one of the major homeopathic medicines for managing hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland).

2. Cina – When Person Feels Hungry Soon After A Meal

It is the next best medicine for controlling increased appetite. It is a natural medicine prepared from the unexpanded flower heads of a plant Artemisia Maritima belonging to family compositae. It is indicated for persons who feel hungry soon after a meal. This may happen even a few minutes after a full meal. It is attended with a feeling of emptiness in stomach. They eat food in excess but do not gain weight.

3. Lycopodium – For Excessive Eating Followed By Abdomen Distension

This medicine is prepared from a plant Lycopodium Clavatum, commonly known as ‘club moss’. The use of this medicine is considered in persons who eat in excess which is followed by bloating of abdomen. They feel hungry even when their stomach feels full. The more they eat, the more the craving for food. If they do not eat anything at that particular time, they experience headache.

4. Bryonia – For Increased Appetite With Desire To Eat Often

This medicine is prepared from roots of the plant Bryonia Alba, commonly known as ‘white bryony’ and ‘wild hops’. It is beneficial in cases where appetite rises with a desire to eat often. There may be increased desire specifically for sweets and acidic food. Along with this, there is an increased thirst for cold water and the person drinks too much water at a time.

5. Sulphur – For Headache If Person Doesn’t Eat When Hungry

It is another prominent medicine for cases of excessive appetite when a person has the desire to eat frequently without which he gets a headache. Weakness, lack of energy and need to lie down may attend it. Desire to eat sweets may be particularly present in those needing sulphur.

6. Alumen – For Increased Appetite Inspite Of Full Stomach

This medicine is indicated when a person has an increased appetite inspite of fullness in the stomach. Sometimes there is heat in the stomach which is relieved by drinking cold water. There may be dryness in the mouth and the throat.

7. Phosphorus – For Increased Appetite At Night

Phosphorus is an important medicine for cases in which there is an increased appetite at night. Hunger pangs, nausea and anxiety may be felt. Other than this, it is also indicated when hunger is felt soon after eating. Persons who require it can have an increased urge for cold drinks, cold food, ice-creams and spicy food.

8. Natrum Mur – For Excessive Hunger With  Depression

This medicine works well when there is excessive hunger along with depression. Weakness may also attend. Persons needing it have an increased craving to eat something, especially towards noon. Weakness and sleepiness may follow it. There may be excessive thirst for water along with a dry and sticky mouth. Sadness and weeping spells often accompany the above symptoms.

9. Asafoetida – For Increased Appetite With Pain In Upper Abdomen

It is a medicine helpful in cases with an excessive appetite along with pain in the upper abdomen. Persons who require it may have gas in the abdomen that pushes upward. Other than this, belching with garlic-like smell may attend it.

10. Magnesia Mur – For Increased Hunger Followed By Nausea

It is useful when there is excessive hunger followed by nausea. Person needing it has increased hunger but doesn’t know what he wants to eat.

11. Kali Phos – For Excessive Hunger In Case Of Depression

Use of this medicine is indicated when there is excessive hunger in case of depression. Persons needing it feel hungry soon after eating. They feel like eating almost every hour, and always feel tired and exhausted.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It may simply occur once in a while from reasons like excessive physical activity (it increases calorie demand), inadequate sleep (it can affect appetite-regulating hormones), and stress (increases cortisol hormone that leads to increased hunger and craving for food). It may occur from dietary changes like eating food that is deficient in proteins and fats, as these nutrients make a person feel full and satiated. In children and adolescents, it is normal to have an increased appetite as calorie demand increases in the growing up years. It may also occur in persons who are in the recovery stage of any surgery because it increases calories requirement and in turn, causes increased appetite to fulfill that need.

However, if a person has been having a persistently increased appetite over a long period of time, then there can be some medical reasons behind it.

It firstly includes hyperthyroidism and Grave’s disease. Hyperthyroidism refers to a condition in which the thyroid gland produces hormone thyroxine in excess. It speeds up the body metabolism. It can cause an increased appetite, weight loss inspite of an increase in appetite, palpitations and irregular heartbeat. Other than these, it can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, nervousness, tremors, increased sensitivity to heat, sweating, diarrhea, fatigue, changes in the menstrual cycle, brittle hair, muscle weakness and an enlarged thyroid gland. Graves’ disease is an immune system disorder in which there is an increased production of thyroid hormones causing hyperthyroidism.

Second cause can be diabetes, frequent hunger is an important symptom of diabetes. It is attended with its other symptoms like increased thirst, increased urination, weakness and weight loss.

Next reason that may lead to it is bulimia nervosa. A person eats too much food at a time followed by self-induced vomiting or purging to get rid of consumed food, shed calories and prevent weight gain. The desire to eat is uncontrollable. Persons affected with this problem have a fear of gaining weight and the foremost thought in their mind is that they are fat. They may have depression and mood swings too. They can have weakness, gastric issues (like indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation and bloating), and tooth damage or staining of teeth from stomach acid that rises up while vomiting.

People afflicted with psychological conditions like depression and anxiety disorder can also exhibit a symptom of high appetite. Depression is a mood disorder in which a person feels persistently sad and loses interest in activities that he/she once enjoyed, which interferes with mental well-being and daily life.

In anxiety disorders, there is intense and persistent fear and worry about something.

It may also occur in case of hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar levels).

Apart from these, females may have an increased appetite during pregnancy, breastfeeding or PMS (premenstrual syndrome) — a condition affecting a woman’s behaviour, emotions and physical health prior to the periods. It can cause increased appetite along with other signs and symptoms, like bloated abdomen, headache, acne, sadness, anxiety, irritability, depression, emotional outbursts, breast soreness, constipation or diarrhea.

Lastly, taking certain medicines like antidepressants, and corticosteroids may lead to increased hunger.

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10 Best Homeopathic Medicines For Persistent Feeling Of Lump In Throat

A lump in the throat is a persistent feeling of something being stuck or lodged in the throat. Having a feeling of a lump in the throat even when nothing is physically present is called globus sensation. Usually, it is not painful but the sufferer finds it irritating.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is highly effective in managing the lump-in-throat feeling. Homeopathic medicines are very safe, natural and reliable. These medicines are prescribed by taking into consideration the set of symptoms that attend it individually. It is advised to take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopathic doctor after detailed case evaluation, avoid self-medication. It is to be noted that in case of a lump that can be felt or seen or when there is difficulty swallowing, choking, weight loss, and fever, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as this may be indicative of a serious medical ailment. In case some object is actually lodged in the throat or some bit of it has remained behind after removal in the past or where serious cause like cancer is present, then also immediate help from conventional mode should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Lump-In-Throat Feeling

1. Asafoetida – For Sensation Of Lump Ascending In The Throat

It is a very effective medicine for cases in which there is a sensation of a lump ascending in the throat. Persons needing it feel like swallowing frequently to get this lump down the throat. A certain pressure is also felt in the throat. Soreness and burning sensation in pharynx can attend these symptoms. Dryness and burning sensation in the food pipe may also be there.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Sensation Of  Plug Of Mucus

It is useful when there is sensation of a plug of mucus in throat. It is usually felt at the entry point of the throat where this medicine is required.  Along with this, there may be enlarged, red and inflamed tonsils. The throat is raw and studded with reddish follicles. There may be pain or sticking sensation in throat. Pain is usually stitching type that extends to the ears. It gets worse while swallowing food.

3. Lachesis – For Sore, Inflamed Throat With Lump-In-Throat Feeling

This medicine is well indicated when there is sore, inflamed throat with a sensation of lump in throat. There is a constant feeling of something in the throat that needs to be swallowed. The lump moves down on swallowing but returns up again. The throat is very red where Lachesis is required. Throat pain extending to ears, hoarseness of voice and cough are some of the symptoms that can attend. Other than these, a constant tickling in the throat may be felt.

4. Belladonna – For Lump-In-Throat, Inflamed Throat, Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant named ‘deadly nightshade’. It is one of the leading medicines in homeopathy for cases in which there is lump sensation in throat and inflammation of throat, pharynx and tonsils. In cases needing it, there is inflammation, swelling, marked redness of throat and tonsils. Pain in the throat gets worse from swallowing. Heat and soreness is also felt in throat. Along with the above, there is continued dryness of throat and mouth.

5. Kali Bichrome – For Lump-in-throat Feeling, Relaxed Uvula And Marked PND

Kali Bichrome is the next important medicine for lump feeling in the throat with a relaxed uvula and marked PND (dripping of mucus from back of nose into the throat). There is thick, viscous, tenacious, stringy mucus which drips in the throat from posterior nares. Cough can attend it. The throat feels full of mucus that can neither be swallowed nor gets hawked up. Uvula along with tonsils is red, swollen and painful. Sometimes ulcers are present on tonsils and throat. Other than this, there is redness and burning in pharynx. It is one of the most suitable medicines for managing many complaints arising in cases of sinusitis.

6. Natrum Phos – For Lump-In-Throat And Acid Reflux

It is very beneficial for managing cases having lump-in-throat sensation and acid reflux. Persons who need it also complain of acidity, heartburn, sour belchings and vomiting. There can be inflammation in throat too from acid reflux. Some people needing this medicine, may have PND. Thick, yellow mucus drops from the posterior nares. It is worse at night. Lastly, there may be soreness on right side of throat with pricking pain.

7. Natrum Mur – For Plug-In-Throat Feeling In Chronic Sore Throat

This medicine is prominently indicated for those complaining of plug-in-throat sensation as a result of a long- standing issue of sore throat. Throat feels swollen with a lump feeling which can not be swallowed. This is attended with rawness and burning pain in throat. Stitching pain in throat may also occur. Along with this, there is anxiety as if throat is blocked.

8. Psorinum – For Lump Feeling, Swollen Sensation And Tension In Throat

It is a valuable medicine for helping cases presented with lump feeling, swollen sensation and tension in the throat. In such cases, dryness and scraping sensation in throat may be felt. There may be pain in the throat while swallowing. The nature of pain is cutting or tearing type. In some cases needing it, ulcers in throat especially on right side may be present.

9. Ignatia – For Lump-In-Throat Feeling When Not Swallowing

This medicine is prepared from plant Ignatia Amara, also known as ‘St Ignatius Bean’. Its use is considered when there is a feeling of lump in throat when not swallowing anything. Along with this, stinging sensation is felt in the throat. The pharynx is red and inflamed, throat is sore. The tonsils may also be swollen, inflamed, and hard with small ulcers.

10. Silicea – For Lump-In-Throat And Hawking Of Thick Mucus

This medicine is indicated when there is a sensation of lump in throat and hawking (clearing of thick mucus from throat by forceful coughing). The mucus may be yellow or green with an offensive, fetid smell. A feeling of the throat being filled up and a burning sensation in throat is felt. The tonsils may have been inflamed since long where silicea is needed. It is also one of the best medicines for managing sinusitis symptoms.

What Are The Reasons Behind It?

It can arise from various causes. First reason is GERD.  It refers to a condition in which backflow of stomach acid into the food pipe (esophagus) occurs. It can lead to swelling in tissue of the throat and tightening of muscles in throat. It may cause a lump-like feeling in throat along with other symptoms that include heartburn (a burning sensation in chest behind sternum), regurgitation of food, difficulty in swallowing, and chest pain.

Second cause is PND (posterior nasal drip). It means dripping of mucus from the back of the nose down into the throat. It is attended with a frequent desire to clear the throat. It may cause a lump sensation when there is excessive mucus collection in the back of throat.  Its other symptoms apart from lump in throat sensation include sore, scratchy throat, foul breath, nausea and cough. Common reasons behind PND are cold, flu, allergies, sinusitis, DNS (deviated nasal septum) and acid reflux.

Next, it may arise if there is tension in throat due to improper relaxation of the throat muscles when not in use.

Inflammatory condition in the pharynx is another cause like pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis with marked PND.

Pharyngitis refers to inflammation of the pharynx which is the back of the throat. In simple words, it is also called sore throat. It causes sore, scratchy, dry throat, cough and difficulty in swallowing.

Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the tonsils (tonsils are two oval-shaped mass of lymphatic tissues at the back of the throat one on each side). Mainly it is caused by viruses but may also occur from a bacterial infection. It may cause a feeling of lump in the throat along with its other signs and symptoms. These include red, swollen tonsils, pain in  throat, difficult swallowing, fever, white patches on the tonsils, scratchy voice, bad breath.

Sinusitis is inflammation of para nasal sinuses which are air-filled spaces in the skull. It may cause lump-in-throat feeling along with other symptoms including thick nasal discharge, headache, post nasal drip, nasal congestion and pain, swelling, tenderness around forehead, eyes, cheeks, and nose.

Other than this it can occur in case of upper esophageal sphincter dysfunction. This results when there is improper functioning of the flap which controls airflow through the windpipe.

Next, it can arise in case of some intense emotions like stress, anxiety, or grief.

A person having thyroid disease may also feel lump-in-throat symptom.

In some cases, it can arise from a previously-lodged object in the throat.

Rarely, it can be caused by tumours in the throat.



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Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Low Sperm Count

homeopathic medicines for low sperm count

A low sperm count, medically speaking, is known as oligospermia. It is one of the major causes of infertility in males. Normal sperm count varies from  15 million to >200 million sperms per milliliter of semen. The sperm count of less than 15 million/ml of semen ejaculated during orgasm is considered oligospermia. The complete absence of sperm is referred to as azoospermia.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Low Sperm Count

The biggest advantage of homeopathic medicines for low sperm count is that they are natural medicines that help in improving sperm count as well as sperm quality. Homeopathic medicines for low sperm count save a person from harsh medicines, like hormonal substitutes that carry a high risk of adverse side effects. Homeopathic medicines for low sperm count provide a non-intrusive, holistic approach by treating not only the symptoms but also the root cause of infertility. They can be customized to address the specific lifestyle triggers or physiological factors at play in each individual case. Homeopathic medicines help in the gentlest way to enhance sperm count.

Homeopathic Medicines For Low Sperm Count

The recommended homeopathic medicines for low sperm count are X-Ray, Radium Bromatum, Agnus Castus, Conium, and Aurum MetSome important medicines for treating Varicocele which causes low sperm count are Hamamelis, Fluoric Acid and Arnica.

1. X-Ray – Top-rated Medicine For Low Sperm Count

X-Ray is the most frequently used medicine for treating low sperm count. Among its various sites of action, the most important action is seen on male genitals. Males needing it usually have low sexual desire and may face infertility. They suffer from excessive weakness and fatigue.

When and How to use X-Ray?

This medicine has shown great results in improving sperm count. It can be used in a case where low sperm count is detected, especially when there is reduced sexual desire and infertility. This medicine is available in different potencies from low (like 6C, 30C) to high (like 200C, 1M, 10M). The selection and repetition of this medicine varies from case to case according to various factors, especially how low the sperm count is. Anyone considering its use should always consult a homeopath for the required potency and repetition.

2. Radium Bromatum – For Low Sperm Count And Infertility Problem

Among the list of homeopathic medicines for low sperm count and infertility given in the book ‘The Homeopathic Medical repertory by Robin Murphy’, Radium Bromatum is another medicine that can be used in treating such cases. It is a reliable medicine that works to boost sperm production in males and also helps to deal with infertility.

When and How to use Radium Bromatum?

As per homeopathic therapeutics, this medicine can be used in cases of low sperm count and infertility. Like Radium Bromatum, this medicine is also available in various potencies like 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M and  10M. In some cases, frequent repetition is needed. It is best to seek advice from a homeopathic practitioner for proper potency and dose of this medicine as it differs from case to case and can only be decided after detailed case study and evaluation.

3. Agnus Castus – For Low Sperm Count And Weak Erections

It is a natural medicine sourced from ripe berries of plant  ‘chaste tree’. The use of this medicine can be considered in males having decreased sperm count with a problem of weak erection. The semen is thin, watery and sometimes less in quantity. The sexual desire is reduced markedly or in some cases almost nil. Besides, there may be involuntary loss of semen.

When and How to use Agnus Castus?

Use of this natural medicine can be done when sperm count is less, along with weak erection and low sexual desire. Though it can be used in different potencies, 30C potency is good to start with. Agnus Castus 30C can be taken two to three times a day. In case, no changes occur, consult a homeopathic physician before moving to higher potencies or increasing the dose.

4. Conium – For Low Sperm Count And Inflamed Testicles (Orchitis) 

Conium is an effective medicine for cases having deficient sperm count along with testicle inflammation. This medicine works to reduce inflammation of testicles and improves sperm count. In case of orchitis, the symptoms indicating its use are cutting, tearing pain in testicles along with swollen enlarged testicles. The testicles are hard to touch. Other than these, erection may be weak, imperfect and of short duration in males needing this medicine.

When and How to use Conium?

This medicine can be used in cases of low sperm count and inflamed orchitis. Its use can be done in 30C as well as 200C potency. In mild cases, 30C potency can be taken twice a day while in severe cases, 200C potency can be taken just once a day.

5. Aurum Met – For Decreased Sperm Count With Inflamed Testicles Or Epididymis

This medicine is well indicated for cases of reduced sperm count along with inflammation of testes/epididymis. In cases requiring it, pain and swelling in testes is present. Swelling is marked especially on the right side testicle. Pain gets worse on touch and rubbing. Testicles may be hardened.

When and How to use Aurum Met?

Its use can be considered in males having less sperm count along with inflamed testicles or epididymis. Mostly used in 30C potency, one may take it once or twice a day as per severity of problem.

6. Homeopathic Medicines To Treat Varicocele That Is Lowering Sperm Count

In some cases, varicocele is found to be a cause of oligospermia, so here focus should be on treating varicocele. Once it is treated, the sperm count will improve. Some of the leading homeopathic medicines that are indicated for treating varicocele are Hamamelis, Fluoric Acid and Arnica. All of them are highly effective in reducing  enlargement and swelling of veins that drain testicles.

When and How to use these medicines?

All the above three medicines are natural remedies to improve sperm count when varicocele is the cause. The medicine needs to be selected from among these as per the individual case requirement to get desirable results. So, consult a homeopathic doctor for the best medicine.

Causes Behind Low Sperm Count

Sperms are produced in testicles. Hypothalamus releases gonadotropin releasing hormone which stimulates the pituitary gland to release hormones — FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). These hormones further act on testes to produce testosterone that in turn aids sperm production. After being formed in testicles, the sperms get into epididymis (coiled tube at the back of testicles that stores sperms and transfers them from testes to vas deferens). On stimulation for sexual activity, sperms get mixed with seminal fluid to form semen and during ejaculation, semen containing sperms passes out of the penis. If there is problem at any step of this process, sperm production gets affected.

A. Medical Reasons Behind Low Sperm Count

1. Varicocele: It refers to enlarged, swollen veins in the scrotum that drain the testicles. It raises the temperature in testicles that contributes to low sperm count. It also may lead to decreased motility of sperms, and an increase in the number of deformed sperms. Varicocele is one of the main reasons for male infertility.

2. Imbalance in hormones: Certain hormones produced by hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testes conjointly help in sperm production. When there is disproportion of these hormones, sperm production gets affected

3. Certain infections: Some infections have been noted that are linked to lowering of sperm count, including orchitis (inflamed testicles), epididymitis (inflamed epididymis), and certain sexually transmitted infections like HIV, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, etc. Such infections can damage the testicles and also may lead to scars in the passage through which sperms pass, blocking their way.

4. Undescended testicles– It is medically known as cryptorchidism. The testicles in a baby develop in the abdomen followed by their descent into the scrotum. If the testicles fail to drop in the scrotum before birth, it is referred to as undescended testicles.

5. Genetic conditions: It mainly includes Klinefelter’s syndrome. It is a chromosomal defect in which a male, instead of one X and one Y chromosome, is born with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome. In the affected males, the growth of testicles is not proper and they have small-sized testicles.

6. Antibodies that damage sperm: In some cases, anti-sperm antibodies are formed by the immune system. These antibodies identify the sperms as something harmful and start attacking and destroying them.

7. Tumours: Tumours affecting testicles can lead to decreased sperm production.

8. Blockage or damage in testicles or in tubes that carry sperm: This may occur from some infection or injury post-surgery.

9. Ejaculation issues: A condition called retrograde ejaculation may be a cause of low sperm count in some. In this condition, the sperms go into the urinary bladder rather than coming out of the penis tip.

B. Use of some medicines and surgery

Medicines linked with reduced sperm count are cancer medicines, chemotherapy, anti-fungal drugs, antibiotics, and use of steroids.

Surgeries that can cause decreased sperm count include inguinal hernia repair, vasectomy, surgery on testicles/scrotum, prostate surgeries, bladder surgeries

C. Lifestyle And Environmental Causes

1. Excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking

2. Severe emotional stress, depression

3. Drugs like cocaine, marijuana, anabolic steroids

4. Being overweight and obesity

5. Jobs requiring prolonged sitting

6. Exposure to heavy metals, for example lead and industrial chemicals (like toluene, benzenes, painting materials)

7. Exposure to X- Rays

8. Frequent use of hot tubs, and saunas that increase testicular temperature

D.  In some cases, no cause is found behind low sperm count which is termed idiopathic oligospermia.

Signs and Symptoms of Low Sperm Count

There may occur no signs and symptoms of low sperm count but a male may have the problem without knowing it. He usually comes to know about it when he faces infertility which is the main sign of low sperm count. Other than this, no signs and symptoms may be evident. However, depending on the cause behind low sperm count, certain signs and symptoms may be experienced. Some symptoms are as follows:

1. Erectile dysfunction (inability to attain or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse)

2. Low sex drive (reduced desire for sex)

3. Pain or swelling in testicles

4. Lump in testicles

5. Decreased facial and body hair

Lifestyle Changes To Reduce Risk Of Low Sperm Count

1. Avoid smoking and alcohol intake

2. Focus on weight reduction if overweight

3. Exercise daily

4. Work on reducing stress

5. Take enough sleep

6. Stay away from drugs

7. Avoid activities that increase testicular temperature like hot tub bath, sauna, etc.

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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Undigested Food In Stool

Passing undigested food in stool once in a while is usually nothing to worry about. When undigested food in the stool is attended with some other signs and symptoms like diarrhea, weight loss, blood in stool, loss of bowel control, it may indicate a medical issue that needs to be diagnosed and treated.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in managing cases of undigested food in stool arising from medical conditions. Without any side effects, homeopathic medicines give excellent results by targeting the cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines for managing it are prescribed on an individual basis based on the signs and symptoms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for managing it under supervision of a homeopathic doctor, who can give suitable medicine and dose after detailed case evaluation. In cases where severe signs and symptoms accompany like excessive weight loss, excessive blood in stool, severe nutritional deficiency due to malabsorption, severe anaemia,  independent use of these medicines should be avoided. However, in such cases, these may be taken as supportive help for symptom management along with conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Undigested Food In Stool

1. China – For Undigested Food In Stool, Frequent Stool, Gas

It is a natural medicine prepared from dried bark of a plant Cinchona Officinalis, also known as ‘peruvian bark’. It is a very effective medicine for cases having undigested food in stool and frequent stool. Along with this, there is excessive gas and abdominal bloating. Stool is profuse, loose in cases needing it. Stool can be frothy too. It is attended with passage of much gas. Stool has an offensive, putrid smell. Excessive weakness can occur along with the above symptoms.

2. Arsenic Album –  For Cases Of Stomach Infection

It is a prominent medicine for managing cases of stomach infection. It is useful when there is watery stool mixed with undigested food particles.  The stool has an offensive, rotten smell. Green mucus may sometimes be present in it.  Burning sensation can be felt around the navel. Weakness may be felt along with these symptoms. Lastly, vomiting can occur with above symptoms.

3. Phosphorus For Long-Term Diarrhea With Undigested Food

This medicine is well-indicated for cases having long term diarrhea (loose stool) with undigested food in the stool. Those needing it may have yellowish, greenish, brownish or greyish stool. It may have green or white mucus in it in some of the cases. Stool has a sour smell, sometimes blood is also present in the stool. Before stool gets passed out, rumbling and colic may be felt. Diarrhea may alternate with constipation sometimes in cases that require it. In few cases, stool passes involuntarily.

4. Lycopodium When Gas And Abdominal Bloating Are Marked

It is prepared from a plant Lycopodium Clavatum, commonly known as ‘club moss’. Persons who need it complain of undigested food particles in the stool and marked abdominal gas and bloating. Stool is yellow, watery with fetid odour. Sometimes stool is pale or brown and mixed with hard lumps.

5. Colocynth When Attended With Abdomen Cramps

This natural medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis, also called cucumis colocynthis and ‘bitter apple’. This plant belongs to family cucurbitaceae. This medicine works well when stool has undigested food and there is marked abdomen pain and cramping. Stool is copious and accompanied with passage of excessive gas. Stool is thin, frothy, yellow or greenish yellow. It has a musty odour. Sometimes it is slimy and blood-stained also. The abdomen pain worsens by eating or drinking. Bending double (bending upper part of body forward and downward), pressing or lying on the abdomen bring relief in pain.

6. Podophyllum For Profuse Gushing Diarrhea With Undigested Food Bits In Stool

It is prepared from root of a plant Podophyllum peltatum, having common name ‘may apple’. It is a very beneficial medicine for those suffering from profuse gushing diarrhea with undigested food in stool. They have frequent, profuse, watery, greenish or yellow, pasty and foul-smelling stool. Abdominal soreness may attend it. Weight loss can be present with the above symptoms.

7. Merc Sol When Stool Is Loose With Mucus And Blood

Use of this medicine can be done when the stool is loose along with mucus and blood. Undigested food particles are present in it. Stool can be yellowish or greenish. It is sour smelling. The intestines can be inflamed where it is required.

8. Calcarea Carb For Undigested Food In Stool With Either Hard Or Thin Stool

It is a useful medicine when undigested food passes in stool and the stool is either hard or thin. In some cases, the first part of stool is hard, then pasty followed by liquid. It can have an offensive fetid smell or sour smell.

What Are The Reasons Behind It?

It can simply be arising from eating fast without chewing food properly. Properly chewed food is easy to break by gastric enzymes and easy to be digested. If food is not chewed properly, the digestive enzymes have to work hard to break it down and digest it, and the chances of food passing undigested increase. The food eaten fast increases the speed at which food passes down the gastric tract resulting in incomplete breaking of food and passing it partially digested.

Next reason is taking high-fiber diet or food having hard external shells (like seeds, corn) that are difficult to digest. The digestive enzymes are unable to break down such food completely which is not absorbed in the digestive tract. As a result, it passes as such in the stool. Additionally, fiber diet leads to increase in speed of bowel movements and the time period for which the food remains in the digestive tract is shortened that increases the chance of some food to pass undigested. Some examples of food that are partially digested by the gastric enzymes and have high chance to pass as such in stool are beans, peas, skin of tomato, grains like quinoa, seeds and nuts.

Other than this, eating overcooked food can be a reason. This is because chemical composition of food changes by overcooking which makes it difficult to digest.

Apart from these reasons, there may be some medical reasons behind it that need to be diagnosed and treated.

1. Crohn’s disease: It is one of the two inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) of autoimmune origin in which inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract can occur from mouth to anus. It can result in undigested food in the stool along with other symptoms like diarrhea, abdomen cramps, weakness, blood in stool, weight loss and malnutrition.

2. Celiac disease: It is also of autoimmune origin in which eating gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley and rye) triggers an immune reaction in the small intestine resulting in damage to its lining. This damage prevents proper absorption of nutrients from the diet. Its signs and symptoms include diarrhea, fatigue, gas, bloating, foul-smelling stool, undigested food in the stool, weight loss and anaemia.

3. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): It is a very chronic disorder affecting the large intestine. Its main signs and symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, or alternation between diarrhea and constipation, abdomen cramp or pain, gas and abdominal bloating.

4. Lactose intolerance: It is a condition in which the sufferer is not able to digest the sugar (lactose) in the milk completely due to deficiency of an enzyme called lactase. It can cause symptoms including diarrhea, gas and bloating after consuming dairy products.

5. It may also happen in case of acute gastroenteritis in which there is irritation and inflammation of the stomach and the intestines from a bacterial or viral infection. It can cause undigested food to pass in the stool along with diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain/cramp and fever.

6. Next reason can be small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This condition arises from an abnormal rise in the overall bacterial growth in the small intestine. Diarrhea, abdomen pain, loss of appetite, bloating, malnutrition and unintentional weight loss are some of its signs and symptoms.

7. Lastly, it may arise in cases of pancreatic insufficiency. The pancreas doesn’t make enough enzymes that help in breaking food and absorption of its nutrients.

What Other Signs And Symptoms Can Attend it?

It can be attended with other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. Some of these include diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, offensive smell from stool, abdominal cramps, greasy stool, light-coloured stool, blood in the stool, weight loss and fever. Undigested food in the stool may also indicate that the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are not getting absorbed properly in the digestive tract. In case of malnutrition, there may occur tiredness, weakness, weight loss, irritability and depression.



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Top 7 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff is a common problem characterized by the shedding of flakes (dead skin cells) from the skin on the scalp. However, it is not confined to the head alone and can affect ears, eyebrows, sides of the nose, beard, mustache, and the hairy part of the chest. It can manifest itself on any part of the body which has hair follicles. Dandruff is often mistaken for dry scalp but it is more than that. When skin cells die, a certain amount of flaking is considered normal. Sometimes, there is a great amount of flaking that becomes chronic and is coupled with redness and irritation on the scalp.

Homeopathy offers a magnificent solution for cases of dandruff. It helps to clear the flakes from the scalp effectively and prevents further progression of the condition. Simultaneously, it helps to reduce any attending irritation, itching, redness, inflammation and hair fall.

The biggest advantage of using homeopathy for treating dandruff is that it provides a holistic approach to treating not only the symptoms but also the root cause of a disease or disorder, without any side effects. In the case of dandruff, homeopathic remedies can be customised to suit the specific requirements of a case.homeopathic remedies for dandruff

Homeopathic medicines treat dandruff with oral medications. As dandruff does not arise from an external source so it does not recommend the use of any medicated shampoos, gels, or oils for use on the scalp. Rather it treats the condition with medicines taken orally that work internally on the underlying cause to give complete recovery and permanent solution. Medicated shampoos, gels, or oils are being recommended in mainstream medicine that give temporary results.

Homeopathic medicines for dandruff are safe, natural and powerful that treat dandruff from its base. These are used in highly diluted form that work in a very gentle manner to stimulate a self- healing process and aid natural riddance of dandruff.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Dandruff

The highly recommended homeopathic medicines for dandruff are Kali Sulph, Phosphorus, Natrum Mur, Thuja Occidentalis, Graphites, Calcarea Carb and Sulphur.

1. Kali Sulph – For Yellow, Scaly Dandruff

Kali Sulph is very effective on the scalp. It is one of the best medicines to help cases of dandruff with yellow flakes. In people requiring it, the flakes are moist and sticky, abundant in number. Not just dandruff, Kali Sulph is equally effective to treat several skin issues where scales are formed, for example psoriasis.

When to use Kali Sulph?

This medicine may be prescribed for dandruff with yellow sticky flakes on the scalp. It will help to clear off the flakes already present and check further tendency of formation of flakes.

How to use Kali Sulph?

Among its different potencies, it gives best results in 6X potency. One may take Kali Sulph 6X three to four times a day.

2. Phosphorous – For Dandruff With Itching And Falling Of Hair

This medicine is most effective in treating dandruff with itchy scalp and hair fall. Flakes are excessive and fall on shoulders in cases needing it. The itching gets worse from scratching; hair strands fall in bunches. Burning sensation and increased sweating on the scalp occurs in some cases.

When to use Phosphorus?

This medicine should be preferred in cases of dandruff with itching on scalp and hair loss.

How to use Phosphorus?

This medicine can be used in both low to high potencies. In most cases, low potency of Phosphorus is selected to start the treatment. Phosphorus 30C once a day is the ideal dose to start with.

3. Natrum Mur – For White Flaky Dandruff

Natrum Mur proves the most beneficial to treat cases of white flaky dandruff. The scalp may be greasy and oily. It may be itchy too. Sometimes hair fall accompanies.

When to use Nat Mur?

Natrum Mur can be used in cases presenting with dandruff having white flakes.

How to use Nat Mur?

Natrum Mur works best in 6X potency that can be repeated three to four times a day.

4. Thuja Occidentalis – For White Scaly Dandruff With Itching and Dry Hair

Thuja Occidentalis sourced from plant Arbore Vitae is a natural medicine that works magnificently to treat dandruff. It gives excellent results when white scaly dandruff is visible, accompanied by scalp itching and dry hair. Scratching relieves itching; sometimes stinging sensation on scalp assists.

When to use Thuja Occidentalis?

This medicine is a good choice for cases having white scaly dandruff with itching and dry hair.

How to use Thuja Occidentalis?

This medicine is available in different potencies from low to high. Usually it is given in 30C once a day only. For using higher potencies, one should always seek a physician’s consultation.

5. Graphites – For Scaly Dandruff With Itching And Burning

Graphites is a very useful when along with dandruff, there is marked itching and burning on the scalp. Flakiness decreases post-washing but comes back again. Flakes may also be noted behind ears, on eyelid margins and moustache area.

When to use Graphites?

People who have intense itching and burning on the scalp from dandruff can use this medicine.

How to use Graphites?

This medicine is most widely used in 3X potency. In the beginning of the treatment, Graphites 3X one tablet once or twice a day is the suggested dose as per intensity of the complaint. Do not increase the number of tablets or repeat more than twice without seeking advice from a homeopathic physician.

6. Calcarea Carb – For Yellowish White Coloured Dandruff

Calcarea Carb is mainly indicated when there is yellowish white dandruff on the scalp. The scales can be thin or thick and can be dry or moist varying from case to case. Increased sweating on the scalp is a characteristic attending feature.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

Use of this medicine should be thought of in cases with yellowish white scales along with excessively sweaty scalp.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

Among its various potencies ranging from low to high, it is advised to start with 30C potency once a day. If no changes are noted, then high potencies can be used after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

7. Sulphur  – For Dandruff With Dry Scalp

Use of Sulphur is considered in cases of dandruff with dry scalp. Persons needing it also complain of itching on the scalp. It is worse in the evening. On scratching, a burning sensation is felt on the scalp, which may be sore to touch.

When to use Sulphur?

Sulphur is usually given in cases of dandruff when the scalp is dry, itchy and if scratched, attended with a burning sensation.

How to use Sulphur?

Its use can be done in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M, but generally it is picked in 30C potency initially. In mild cases, Sulphur 30C can be taken twice a week. In moderate to severe cases, Sulphur 30C can be taken once daily. Do not self-medicate with its higher potencies.

Causes Of Dandruff

Some of the reasons and worsening factors behind dandruff include:

1. Oily skin: It is the major reason for dandruff in most cases. Skin oil is commonly known as sebum or sebaceous secretions.

2. Fungus named malassezia: It could be one of the many reasons. In some people, at times, their immune system gives an exaggerated response to this fungus (that normally lives on the scalp without troubling the person) leading to scaliness.

3. Excessive exposure to sunlight and dust.

4. Excessive sweating on the scalp may also contribute to it.

5 . The use of some hair care products (like shampoos, sprays, gels, oils) may also lead to it. This happens from an allergic reaction to chemicals in such products.

6. Persons who already have dandruff may see worsening of the problem, if they do not wash hair frequently because infrequent washing leads to accumulation of dead skin cells and formation of flakes.

7. Not brushing or combing the hair frequently causes dandruff to stay because brushing takes off dead skin cells.

8. Certain other skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disorder with inflamed patches on skin covered with silvery white scales) may be accompanied by dandruff.

9. Dandruff gets worse in cold, dry winter

10. Stress may also make dandruff worse

Who Is At Risk Of Dandruff?

Though dandruff can affect anyone, there are some factors that increases the risk of it as follows:

1. Male: Dandruff is more common in males as compared to females.

2. Age: Dandruff can occur at any age, but it usually affects puberty-aged people and young adults and is less common in elderly people over 50.

3. Weak immune system: People with weak immunity are also prone to suffer from this condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Dandruff

Some people are affected by it chronically (for long duration), while others may exhibit periodic patterns, with dandruff clearing up at intervals and then recurring, especially during winter months. The signs and symptoms are as follows:

1. Flakes on scalp: Flakes may fall off on shoulders, particularly noticeable on dark clothes, something that all anti-dandruff shampoo ads keep harping on.

The flakes may be white or yellow, small or large and dry or greasy. Sometimes, it resembles a dry flaky sheet on the scalp punctuated by areas of pinkish or reddish swollen skin in severe cases. Some people exhibit no symptoms on the scalp, but only flakes are visible.

2. Itching, burning or uncontrollable scratching may be an attending symptom. Dandruff can thus become a source of constant social embarrassment, especially when it is so severe that flaking shows on dark clothes or the person is left scratching the scalp every now and then.

3. Hair loss in some cases.

4. In babies less than one year of age, scaling or crusting on the scalp can occur medically known as cradle cap.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines For Burning In Eyes

Burning eyes means a burning sensation, irritation or stinging in the eyes.

It can be attended with other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include itching in eyes, dry eyes, grittiness (feeling of some small particle like grain of sand in eyes), tears, red, sore eyes and discharge from the eyes. In some cases, nasal symptoms may also be present. These include runny nose, sneezing, nasal blockage and PND (post nasal discharge means dripping of mucus from posterior nares in the back of the throat).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very effective in managing complaint of burning in eyes. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity of burning and also manage its attending symptoms. Such symptoms include itching in the eyes, dry eyes, eye discharge, tearing and red eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for this complaint under supervision of a homeopathic physician. In case bleeding/ pus discharge from eyes attends or when there is severe eye pain, sensitivity to light, sudden changes in vision, double vision, light flashes, spots or floaters  (liquid or gel-like liquid) in front of the eyes along with burning sensation in eyes, then it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment as these can indicate some serious causes related to the eyes.

Homeopathic Medicines For Burning Eyes

1. Euphrasia – Top-grade Medicine

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis, commonly known by the name of ‘eye – bright’. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases of burning in the eyes. In cases needing it, watering from the eyes attends burning. Other than this, a sensation of dust or sand in the eyes may be felt. In some cases, dryness in the eyes is present. Itching may accompany. Other than this, there may occur swelling of the eyelids. Along with this, there is itching, burning, redness in the margins of eyelids. Sometimes nasal symptoms attend. These include sneezing, runny nose and nasal irritation.

2. Belladonna – For Burning In Eyes And Redness

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant ‘deadly nightshade’. This medicine works well in cases having burning and marked redness in the eyes. Persons who need it also feel pricking in the eyes. Itching and dryness in the eyes attend it.  Itching and burning is also felt in the eyelids. Sometimes hot tears from eyes can flow. It is a very effective medicine for cases of conjunctivitis.

3. Pulsatilla – For Burning Eyes And Discharge From Eyes

This medicine is prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a well-indicated medicine for cases presenting with burning eyes and thick yellow discharge from the eyes. Along with this, eye itching is marked. The itching leads to rubbing and scratching.  A pressing sensation in the eyes can attend. There may be grittiness in the eyes. Dryness of eyes occurs along with the above symptoms. It gets worse in the evening. Other than this, there is redness and swelling on margins of eyelids. It is a well-indicated medicine for iritis and conjunctivitis cases.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Burning, Stinging In Eyes

It is a prominent medicine to manage burning and stinging in eyes. Stinging sensation is also felt in eyes. The conjunctiva looks bright red. Profuse flow of tears accompanies it. Eye itching and soreness is the next attending symptom. The eyelids may be swollen and puffy along with these symptoms.

5. Sulphur – For Burning And Sensation Of Sand In Eyes

Sulphur is a beneficial medicine for those having burning sensation and grittiness in eyes. There may be inflammation in eyes or eyelids. Pricking pain in the eyes is also a major complaint. Itching in the eyes is also felt with these symptoms.  There is watering from the eyes in the morning which is followed by dryness.

6. Aconite – For Burning Eyes With Dryness

This medicine is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus, commonly known as ‘monkshood’. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is helpful for cases in which there is burning in the eyes along with marked dryness. There is relief by throwing cold water on eyes. Redness in eyes and inflammation is also present. Dryness and burning is also felt in the eyelids where this medicine is required. Eyes are sensitive to air along with above symptoms.

7. Natrum Mur – For Burning And Itching In The Eyes

Use of this medicine is considered when there is burning and itching in the eyes. The burning sensation is most marked in the evening.  Sometimes grittiness in eyes is felt in the morning. It is a well-indicated medicine for cases of blepahritis. In such cases, the eyelids are red, sore with burning sensation.

8. Arsenic Album – For Burning In Eyelid Margins

This medicine is indicated when burning sensation is present in the margins of eyelids. Along with this, there is soreness on internal surface of lids. The eyelids can be swollen. The edges of lids are painful if you move them. There is grittiness in eyes in the evening causing rubbing of eyes. Next, the inner eyelid margin may be red. Dryness can attend it.

9. Allium Cepa – For Eye Burning And Nasal Symptoms

Allium Cepa is a valuable medicine when there is burning in eyes. With this a biting and smarting sensation (feeling like pin -pricks) in eyes may be felt too. It feels as if there is smoke in front of the eyes, there is desire to intermittently rub the eyes. Other than this, the eyes are red and watery. Along with these, there occur nasal symptoms like runny nose and frequent sneezing.

10. Merc Sol – For Burning And Profuse Watering From Eyes

Merc Sol is an important medicine when there is burning in the eyes along with profuse watering from eyes. Biting and burning in eyes is mostly felt in open air.  The eyelids are sensitive to cold, heat, touch in cases that need it. The eyelids may be inflamed, red, swollen and thick where Merc Sol is required.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It can arise due to various reasons.

In many cases, it can occur due to environmental pollutants like dust, smoke, smog or from exposure to excessively cold or hot air. In some cases,  it can arise from eye strain as after excessive screen time on computer or mobile. In such cases, additional symptoms that can arise include dry eyes or watery eyes, double vision, and sensitivity to light.

In other cases, it can occur from some medical reason as given below.

It firstly includes conjunctivitis, also known as ‘pink eye’. It means inflammation of the conjunctiva which is a thin clear layer that covers white part of the eye. It can occur from an infection that can be viral or bacterial or from an allergic reaction to pollen, chemicals, etc. In this condition, burning in the eyes can attend its other signs and symptoms that include redness of the eyes, discharge from eyes, itchy eyes, excessive tears and gritty sensation in eyes.

Second cause can be allergies. These can be triggered by exposure to allergens like dust, smoke, pollen, etc. Along with eye signs and symptoms like burning, itchy eyes, red eyes, watery discharge from eyes, it may be accompanied by nasal symptoms too. These nasal symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, PND, sore throat and coughing.

Next, it can arise in case of common cold and flu.

Burning in the eyes can also be due to dry eyes.  It can arise from allergies, exposure to smoke, excessive screen time on computers, diabetes, use of certain medications (like anti-histamines, anti-depressants and some drugs used for treating high blood pressure) or from some types of arthritis. Dry eyes can occur either from decreased production of tears or from production of poor quality tears. In addition to burning eyes, it can cause light sensitivity, redness of the eyes, scratchy sensation in the eyes, mucus in and around the eyes.

Ocular rosacea can be also a cause. It refers to inflammation of the eyes affecting those having a skin condition called rosacea (rosacea affects the face which causes redness, flushed face with prominent blood vessels and pus-filled eruptions). In ocular rosacea, there is burning in the eyes along with other symptoms like itchy eyes, irritation in the eyes and eye redness.

Next reason is pterygium (a triangular-shaped tissue flap that grows on the conjunctiva of the eye)

Another cause is blepharitis (means inflammation of the eyelids).  It can lead to burning in the eyes along with itching of eyelids, watery eyes, flakiness around eyes, light sensitivity and sticking of the eyelids.

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