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Swollen Lymph Nodes: Treatment In Homeopathy, Causes And Concerns

Lymph nodes are oval or kidney-shaped glands in the body that are a part of the immune system that filter lymph (fluid containing WBCs, lymphocytes, etc). These nodes act as the first line of defense to protect us from infection-causing agents. White blood cells (WBCs) present in the lymph nodes fight the invading organisms like bacteria and  viruses. Lymph nodes filter and trap them before they can enter other body parts and cause an infection. There are around 450 lymph nodes in adults and are spread throughout the body. They are present in groups in some major parts of the body including neck (cervical lymph nodes), armpit (axillary lymph nodes), groin (inguinal lymph nodes), belly and chest. Some lymph nodes can be felt with the hands when they get enlarged or swollen. Generally, lymph nodes swell in case of an illness or infection. In rare cases, the lymph nodes tend to swell from cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very beneficial in managing cases of swollen lymph nodes. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing swelling and also managing attending pain in the lymph glands. These medicines work by treating the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are selected differently in every individual case after a detailed case study. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended only when the cause is benign (non-cancerous) and no serious cause or symptoms are present. It is advised to consult a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication. It is to be noted that swollen lymph nodes due to a serious cause like tuberculosis, cellulitis, cancer, etc need conventional mode of treatment, as homeopathy has its own limitations.

Homeopathic Medicines For Swollen Lymph Nodes

1. Conium

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing cases having swollen lymph nodes that are painful. In most cases needing it, the pain is tingling and shooting in nature.

2. Baryta Carb

Baryta Carb is yet another homeopathic medicine for cases of swollen lymph nodes. This medicine is indicated for swollen nodes in neck and axilla (armpit). Persons needing it may have tendency to catch cold easily and have sore throat. Tonsils may be enlarged.

3. Calcarea Carb

It is the next well-indicated medicine for managing swelling and pain in the lymph nodes of the neck. There is aching in these nodes with stitching pain while chewing. Secondly, it is indicated for cases of swollen mesenteric lymph nodes in abdomen.

4. Phytolacca

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Phytolacca Decandra, commonly known as ‘poke root’ and ‘red ink plant’. It belongs to family Phytolaccaceae. It is beneficial in treating swollen tender nodes in neck, along with pain in the throat along with other symptoms. The throat is dry, rough and there is a sensation of  lump in the throat. There is a marked burning sensation in the throat with pain while swallowing. The tonsils are dark red, enlarged and swollen.

5. Merc Sol

This medicine is mainly helpful for cases having swelling of inguinal lymph nodes (in the groin). It is attended with redness, pain and sensitivity. The pain gets worse while walking and standing. It is also useful for cases of swelling of nodes in the neck. It can be accompanied with shooting and pressive pain.

6. Belladonna

It is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. It is well indicated for swollen nodes in the neck along with pain and heat. It may be attended with pricking or stinging type of pain. Tonsils may be red and enlarged in cases that require it. There is difficulty in swallowing followed by pain. Fever may also be there.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It may arise from various causes.

The first reason for swollen lymph nodes is an infection mainly viral, like common cold. It may also happen in case of sinus infection/sinusitis, an inflammation of lining of the paranasal sinus which in a healthy condition is filled with air. In case the paranasal spaces get blocked and filled with fluid germs, it results in an infection.

Next reason is tonsillitis and strep throat. Tonsillitis means inflammation of tonsils which are two oval-shaped lymphatic tissue masses that lie at the back of the throat one on either side.  Strep throat refers to a bacterial infection that leads to inflammation and pain in the throat, and tonsils. It is caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria.

Another cause is ear infection.

Swelling of lymph nodes can also occur in cases of measles, a viral infection caused by measles virus. It is a highly contagious infection that begins with symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, inflamed eyes and fever. This is followed by a skin rash approximately around after 14 days of virus exposure.

Mononucleosis (an infectious disease that in most cases is caused by the Epstein – Barr virus but can be caused by other viruses too) is also among one of its causes.

It may also happen in case of tooth abscess (a pocket of pus that may appear in different parts of a tooth and results from a bacterial infection).

Another cause could be cellulitis (a serious bacterial infection involving the inner layers of the skin).

HIV/AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is yet another cause.

Swollen lymph nodes may also occur in infections, like TB (tuberculosis), toxoplasmosis, rubella, Lyme disease. Tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease affecting lungs caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It mostly affects lungs but may also affect other body parts too. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite named Toxoplasma gondii. Rubella, also known as German measles, is a contagious viral infection caused by rubella virus. Lyme disease refers to a tick-borne disease caused by a bacteria of the type borrelia, known as Borrelia burgdoferi.

Another infection that can cause swollen lymph nodes is cat scratch fever (It is a bacterial infection that a person can contract from cats infected with bacteria Bartonella henselae).

Some of the STIs (sexually transmitted infections) like syphilis and gonorrhea can also cause it. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacterium Treponema pallidum. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection which is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

In some cases, certain medicines (like some anti-seizure medicines) can lead to it.

Other than these, it may occur in some autoimmune disorders (the immune cells in the body start to damage the body’s healthy tissue out of a misdirected response). Its first example is rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory disorder in which there is joint inflammation with pain, swelling and stiffness of joints). The second example is SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) in which there is inflammation of the immune system which damages its own tissues that can affect joints, brain, skin, lungs, kidneys, and blood vessels. Third is Sjogren’s syndrome (An autoimmune disorder having two common symptoms including dry eyes and a dry mouth).

In some cases, swelling in the lymph nodes may occur from some types of cancer, like lymphoma (a cancer of the lymphatic system). It mainly includes Hodgkin’s lymphoma, earlier called Hodgkin’s disease, Non – Hodgkin’s lymphoma) and leukemia (a blood cancer caused by an increase in the number of WBCs in the body). Swelling of lymph nodes may occur when some other cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

What Are Its Signs And Attending Symptoms?

In case of swollen lymph nodes, firstly there occurs pain and tenderness in the lymph nodes. The pain in lymph nodes may arise from certain movements also. For example, pain in the swollen lymph nodes in the neck may be felt on turning the head; swollen lymph nodes in the groin may cause pain when walking.

The lymph nodes that have swelling feel like soft and round bumps that may be small like a pea or as large as a cherry.

The swelling in lymph nodes may be accompanied by other symptoms depending on the cause behind it. Some of these include sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever, chills, night sweats, and fatigue.

The swelling of lymph nodes may occur in one part of body (localized lymphadenopathy) or lymph nodes throughout the body may swell (generalized lymphadenopathy). In case the swollen lymph node is caused by an infection and not treated on time, then there is chance of formation of an abscess (localised collection of pus).

When lymph nodes are swollen but not tender, they are hard and fixed or grow rapidly, then it can be indicative of serious issues like cancer.

The swollen lymph nodes are commonly more noticeable in the neck, groin, behind ear, under the chin, and armpits.



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6 Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Muscle Pain And Aches

Homeopathic Remedies for muscle pain and aches

Muscle pain is medically known as myalgia. Muscle pain can be localised in one muscle or a few muscles or generalized, involving muscles all over the body. The pain can involve any muscle of the body but the main muscles that ache are deltoid muscle (muscle covering shoulder and upper part of outer side of the upper arm), muscles of the neck, muscles of the lower back, calf muscles (muscles of the back of the leg) and thigh muscles. Muscle pain can be attended with stiffness and weakness of the muscle area involved, and sometimes can be attended with fever. In some cases, rashes can appear on the skin. At times, redness and swelling at the affected area can also be seen.

Homeopathic medicines prove very beneficial in cases of muscle pain. The natural homeopathic remedies for muscle pain not only provide relief, but also strike at the root of the problem and cure muscle pain effectively. These are also completely safe with no side effects. In modern system of medicine, generally pain killers, pain relieving ointments / gels, or spraying of pain reliever is advised in cases of muscle pain. However, it only provides temporary relief and the real cause of muscle pain is not addressed. Here’s where homeopathy can be of real help that provides long-term relief and cure by targeting the underlying cause of pain.

Homeopathic medicines for muscle pain are decided for each case individually. The muscle involved, the type of pain, the cause of pain and the worsening / relieving factors are all noted down followed by its assessment to provide the best homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy gives magnificent results when the medicine is prescribed following this individualized approach. This way it aims to cure the muscle pain rather than simply providing temporary relief. For achieving remarkable results guidance from an expert homeopath is required and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic treatment focuses on treating the root cause of muscle pain like overstraining, injury, inflammation, autoimmune process, etc. By treating the cause, there occurs gradual relief in pain and at one time the pain resolves completely. Both acute as well as chronic cases of muscle pain respond well to homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathic medicines for muscle pain suit persons of all age groups and are entirely safe to use. The best part of using homeopathic medicines is that these are of natural origin hence are free from any sort of toxic side effects.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Muscle Pain

The leading homeopathic medicines for managing muscle pain includes Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Arnica, Ruta, Magnesium Phos and Gelsemium.

1. Rhus Tox – Top-Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox occupies the top position when it comes to treating muscle pain. This medicine can be used to relieve muscle pain anywhere in the body. The key indication to use it is muscle pain getting worse at rest and better with movement. It is the best medicine to help cases of muscle pain arising from overuse of a muscle; over-straining or over-stretching of muscle — like muscle pain from doing excessive exercise;  pain in leg muscles from excessive running; pain in the muscles of the arm from carrying heavy weights; neck pain from prolonged working on computers; back pain from heavy weight lifting or a sudden jerky movement and so on. Rhus Tox can be used for pain in any muscle of the body. It is a wonderful medicine for muscular pain, along with stiffness, particularly in the neck which aggravates towards the evening. Secondly, Rhus Tox is very beneficial for muscle pain and stiffness in the lower back which gets worse on sitting and lying down, but moving about relieves it. It is a leading medicine to help cases of lower back pain due to straining of muscles from heavy weight lifting. This medicine also relieves pain in deltoid muscle (muscle covering shoulder and upper part of the outer side of the upper arm) where stitching pain is felt in the shoulders while lying down which gets better from movement.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be used as the first line of treatment in case of muscle pain in any body part especially when arising from overuse, overstraining of muscles. The characteristic to use this medicine is muscle pain, along with stiffness, that gets worse at rest and better from movement.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox is most frequently used in 30C potency. Initially, it can be taken three to four times a day. Once relief sets in, the dose should be reduced. If using in 200C potency, do not take it more than once a day.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be used as the first line of treatment in case of muscle pain in any body part. This medicine gives great relief in muscle pain arising from whatsoever reason. Rhus Tox is most frequently used in 30C potency. Initially, it requires frequent repetition and can be taken three to four times a day. Once relief sets in, dose should be reduced. If using in 200C potency, do not take it more than once or twice a day.

2. Bryonia – For Muscle Pain On Movement

Bryonia is a brilliant medicine for muscle pain treatment. The key symptom to use this medicine is muscle pain which gets worse on movement and better by lying still. It is effective for neck muscle pain and pain in muscles of the lower back. Movement and stooping are not possible. Next Bryonia, is prominently indicated for pain and soreness of abdominal muscles from coughing.

When to use Bryonia?

Bryonia can be given in case of muscle pain which gets worse during movement, while relief sets in from lying down.

How to use Bryonia?

It gives excellent results in 30C potency. It can be taken two to three times a day as per the severity of the pain.

3. Arnica – For Sore Painful Muscles From An Injury Or Overexertion

Arnica is the most useful medicine when it comes to treat sore, painful muscles from an injury or overexertion. Muscle injury may occur from a traumatic fall or a blow against something hard. The affected muscle is very tender to touch along with pain. Besides, Arnica is also indicated for muscle pain in case of influenza (a viral infection affecting nose, throat and sometimes lungs).

When to use Arnica?

If you have suffered muscle pain from overexertion or an injury, Arnica is the best prescription for you. It is an infallible medicine in such cases bringing relief in pain, soreness along with aiding healing of injured muscle.

How to use Arnica?

Take it in 30C potency three to four times a day at a three-hour gap. When pain starts receding, reduce the dose to two times followed by once a day.

4. Ruta – For Muscle Pain Due To Strain (Pulled Muscle)

Ruta is a magnificent medicine to deal with cases of muscle pain from strain, which is overstretching or tearing of the muscle. Muscle pull can occur from using muscle the wrong way, overuse of muscle, or an accident. Persons needing it feel sore with aching bruised pain in the affected muscle area. This medicine helps in pain relief along with relaxation and healing of the over-stretched muscle.

When to use Ruta?

Ruta is most prominently indicated to manage muscle pain arising from overstretching or tearing of muscle.

How to use Ruta?

30 C potency of Ruta is the right choice to start with that can be used three to four times a day.

 5. Magnesium Phos – For Muscle Pain From Cramps

Magnesium Phos is the top-listed medicine to relieve muscle cramps – sudden involuntary muscle contraction (tightness). It works well for pain occurring from cramps in any body muscle, especially calves (muscle in the back of lower leg) and feet. In cases needing it, a person complains of cramps from prolonged exertion and also at night.

When to use Magnesium Phos?

This medicine is the perfect prescription for muscle pain due to cramps due to excessive exertion.

How to use Magnesium Phos?

The most frequently recommended potency of this medicine is 6X which comes in tablet form. Magnesium Phos 6X can be used three to four times a day as per intensity of the pain.

 6. Gelsemium – For Muscle Pain Along With Weakness And Heaviness

It is a natural medicine to manage muscle pain attended with heaviness and weakness in the affected part. Mostly, it helps with muscle pain in the limbs (arms and legs). The affected muscle area is sore to touch apart from being weak and heavy. It is a highly valuable medicine to manage muscle pain that occurs in influenza cases along with fatigue.

When to use Gelsemium?

Use of Gelsemium is suggested when heaviness and weakness in the affected area is marked along with muscle pain.

How to use Gelsemium?

Though it works well in both low and high potencies, it is better to begin with low potencies. Gelsemium 30C can be taken twice or thrice a day.

What Are The Causes Behind Muscle Pain?

Muscle pain can arise from any of the following reasons:

1. Overstretching, overuse / overstraining musclesfrom excessive physical activity, muscle tension; muscle cramp is the main reason behind muscle pain.

2. Injury or trauma to muscle including strains

3. Certain medical conditions:

a). Fibromyalgia: It is a chronic long-term condition in which there is widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness along with other symptoms including fatigue, irregular sleep patterns, loss of concentration and mood swings.

b). Chronic fatigue Syndrome: In this syndrome, a person suffers from extreme fatigue/exhaustion along with unexplained muscle pain, memory issues, loss of concentration and improper sleep.

c). Thyroid issues: Muscle pain can occur in both hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

d). Certain Infections:  like flu (influenza), COVID – 19, Lyme disease

Flu: it is a contagious viral infection affecting nose, throat and lungs.

COVID – 19: It is a highly contagious viral infection caused by SARS – CoV -2 virus

Lyme disease: It is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia which is spread by ticks.

e). Autoimmune diseases (the diseases in which the body’s defence/immune cells start destroying the body’s healthy tissues out of a mistake). These include dermatomyositis and polymyositis.

Dermatomyositis is an inflammatory disease causing a skin rash and muscle inflammation.

Polymyositis is a muscle disease causing muscle inflammation leading to muscle weakness and pain.

f). Polymyalgia rheumatica: It is a chronic inflammatory condition leading to pain and stiffness in muscles, mainly hips and shoulders.

g). Compartment Syndrome: It arises from pressure build-up in a muscle compartment. It results in obstructed flow of oxygen, blood and nutrients to the muscles, nerves and blood vessels resulting in its damage.

4. Electrolyte imbalance: Low potassium or calcium

5. Certain medicineslike statins, bisphosphonates, ACE inhibitors

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Sarsaparilla Officinalis: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Sarsaparilla Officinalis is derived from the plant Smilax Officinalis also known as ‘wild licorice’. It belongs to family Smilaceae. The dried rhizome of this plant undergoes potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines by which the medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused). It gets converted into a very beneficial homeopathic medicine Sarsaparilla Officinalis. It is an important medicine for managing certain complaints of urinary system, mainly cystitis and kidney stones.

The ‘Sarsaparilla Officinalis’ Constitution

It suits children with enlarged abdomen and have facial contours like an elderly person. Next it suits well persons who are thin, weak and look older than their age.

Drug Action

Main action of this medicine is on the urinary organs, genitals and skin. Besides, it acts on head and limbs as well.

Clinical Indications

Cystitis, kidney stones, bladder stones, kidney pain, nephritis, cracks on hands and feet, skin rash, spermatorrhea, genital herpes, swollen spermatic cord, headache, painful menses, cancer of breast, bone pain, joint pain.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Urinary Organs (Cystitis, Kidney And Bladder Stones, Nephritis, Kidney Pain)

Sarsaparilla acts markedly on urinary system and helps to settle many issues related to it. The main indication to use this medicine is intense pain and burning at the end of urination. The pain may extend from the urethra to the abdomen. There is frequent and ineffectual urge to pass urine. The bladder is sensitive, tender, and distended. Cramps or contractive pain in bladder is felt. Sarsaparilla works well in treating cystitis (inflammation and infection of urinary bladder).  It can handle both recent as well as chronic cases of bladder infection, kidney stones and bladder stones. It is mainly indicated for renal stones with right-side kidney pain that extends downwards. Urine contains red, white or grey sand-like particles. Blood may also pass in urine. Next, it can be given for cases where urine flow is weak and urine passes in thin, feeble stream. A person is able to pass urine freely only in standing position, but it dribbles while urinating in sitting position. Urine is scanty, slimy, turbid, sandy, may have pus and blood. It is also relieves complaint of painful urination in children. The child needing it screams out of pain before and during passing urine.

Key indicating features

Cystitis with pain and burning at the end of urination

Kidney stones with right side kidney pain that extend downwards

Scanty, slimy, turbid, sandy urine, sometimes with pus and blood

Red, white or grey sandy particles in urine

Right-sided kidney pain extending downwards

Painful urination in children with screaming before and during passing urine

2. Skin (Cracks, Skin Rash)

Sarsaparilla has marked affinity to treat various skin issues. The foremost indication to use it is cracked skin on hands, fingers, feet and toes. Cracks can be deep attended with pain and burning sensation.  The cracks are mostly visible on sides of fingers and toes. The skin is also dry and hard. Skin complaints that occur in summers can be magnificently dealt with it. Another indication to use it is skin rashes in spring season. It can also be given for skin rash or eruptions which is dry and itchy from exposure to open air.

Key indicating features

Cracked skin on hands, fingers, feet and toes with pain and burning

Skin complaints occurring in summers

Skin rash in spring season

Skin rash or eruptions from exposure to air

3. Male Problems (Blood In Semen, Herpes, Balanitis, Seminal Emissions)

This medicine can effectively treat some male problems. The most important indication here is blood in semen. Sarsaparilla is prominently indicated for genital herpes (a sexually-transmitted infection caused by herpes simplex virus) when eruptions are present on the prepuce (foreskin which is a skin fold covering head of the penis). It can also be used for balanitis cases in which there is inflammation, redness of glans penis. Another striking feature to use this remedy is seminal emissions along with sexual dreams. Weakness and pain in the back are the other accompanying symptoms. Sarsaparilla acts well to manage itching on scrotum and perineum, after scratching small pimples appear which ooze a moist substance. There is an intolerable offensive odour on genitals. Lastly, it is valuable to manage pain in spermatic cord after emissions or when spermatic cord swells with pain, and sensitivity in case sexual excitement is not satisfied.

Key indicating features

Blood in semen

Herpes infection with eruption on prepuce

Balanitis with red, inflamed glans penis

Seminal emissions with sexual dreams, weakness and backache

4. Female Problems (Cracked Nipples, Scanty Menses, Painful Menses, Breast Cancer)

For females, this medicine is beneficial to heal cracks of nipples, scanty late menses, and painful periods. It is used for late and scanty menses. There may be soreness on thighs and itchy eruptions on the forehead. It is helpful to relieve painful menses. There is pain in lower abdomen, back and thighs, vomiting or loose stool attend it. Sarsaparilla is an important medicine to heal eruptions on face that are worse during menses. As per homeopathic therapeutics, its use is also indicated for managing cases of breast cancer.

Key indicating features

Painful menses with pain in lower abdomen, back and thighs, vomiting, loose stool

Face eruptions worse during menses

5. Head (Headache, Eruptions)

By acting on head, Sarsaparilla can help to manage headache and eruptions on scalp. The characteristic to use it during headache is pain in back of head (occiput) radiating either to eyes or to root of nose. A tight band is felt around head. It can also be given for throbbing pain in the head. Nausea and sour vomiting may attend headache. Use of this medicine is also considered when there are moist eruptions on scalp with pus discharge which causes inflammation wherever it touches. The eruptions are marked on forehead. Scalp is sensitive to touch and falling of hair may be noted.

Key indicating features

Headache when pain from back of head radiates to eyes or to root of nose

Moist eruptions on scalp with pus discharge

6. Limbs (Joint Pains, Bone Pains)

It is mainly indicated to treat joint and bone pains. It is useful for treating stitching pain in joint of arms, hands, fingers, which gets worse from motion. Sarsaparilla is beneficial for managing knee joint pain, attended with swelling, heat and tenderness. Pain can be felt in both knees at the same time or it can alternate between two sides. It gets worse from movement especially going up and down a staircase. Besides, it can check pain in the bones that gets worse at night and in damp weather.

Key indicating features

Stitching pain in joints of arms, hands, fingers that increases from movement

Knee pain with swelling, heat, tenderness, gets worse by going up and down the staircase

Bone pains that get worse at night and in damp weather


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse at end of urination, at night, in cold wet weather, in spring, from touch, motion, before menses

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from warmth and uncovering neck and chest


It can be used from low to high potencies. If using it in low potency, its repetition can be done frequently. But in higher potencies, frequent repetition is usually not recommended.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Merc Sol and Sepia

It antidotes: Merc Sol

Followed well by: Allium Cepa, Belladonna, Hepar Sulph, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Rhus Tox, Sepia and Sulphur


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What Is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)? Top Homeopathic Medicines, Symptoms, Categories And Sub-types

Sensory processing disorder (SPD) refers to a condition in which there is a problem in processing sensory stimuli by the brain and giving an appropriate response. Sensory stimuli include sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. It may affect only one sense or many senses, or all the senses. Earlier known as sensory integration dysfunction, a person is either oversensitive to sensory stimuli resulting in overreaction or maybe hyposensitive resulting in late or no response to a serious sensory stimulus. SPD usually affects children and starts when the child is a toddler, but it can affect adults too. Sensory processing issues are commonly seen in autism spectrum disorders but not in everyone having such disorders.

Homeopathic Management of SPD

Homeopathy carries great scope to manage cases of SPD. Homeopathy is a safe and natural option for managing health problems including SPD that treats with zero side effects. Homeopathy effectively brings gradual relief in its symptoms by following a symptomatic approach. The information of symptoms is collected in every individual case, analyzed and evaluated in depth, based on which the most suitable medicine is prescribed. It is advised to take homeopathic medicines for SPD after consulting a homeopathic physician and avoid self-prescription.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Treating SPD

1. Chamomilla – Top-Grade Medicine For SPD In Children

It is a top-grade homeopathic medicine for managing multiple health concerns in children. In cases of SPD, it stands out to be the most prominent medicine when the senses are hyperactive. There is marked sensitivity to noise, touch, pain and smell. Children who need it are very sensitive to noise and music. They are extremely sensitive to pain too. They are intolerant to pain and tend to become violent from pain. Sensitivity to touch is also there and they have great aversion to being touched. They cannot bear anyone near them or being looked at. Intense sensitivity to every kind of smell is another notable feature. In general, the child is irritable, restless and impatient. He/she is ill- humoured, fussy, bad-tempered and throws up tantrums often.

2. Cina – For Marked Sensitivity To Touch

Cina is a highly valuable medicine to manage cases presented with sensitivity to touch. It can help cases when the child cannot bear the slightest touch or pressure as touch may cause muscle contractions (spasms). Child cannot bear the hair to be brushed or combed. In infants and small kids, there may be desire to be rocked fast. The child is extremely ill humoured, annoyed and irritable. There is a desire to scream, strike and bite others. Next sleep issues can be present. These includes restless sleep, screaming or talking in sleep.

3. Carcinosin – With Marked Hyperactivity And Desire For Excitement

This medicine is suitable for cases in which person has marked hyperactivity. There is great restlessness and a hurry fro everything. There is excessive desire for excitement like music, dancing, travelling. There is love for excitement of thunderstorms.  It is also one of the best homeopathic medicines for cases of autism, ADHD and OCD.

4. Tuberculinum – For Sensitivity To Music And Desire For Thrill, Excitement

It is well indicated medicine when there is sensitivity to music and desire for excitable, stimulating experience. Those who need it are restless, desire change, cannot remain for long in one place. They have impulse to run and break things.

5. Borax – For Sensitivity To Noise

Borax is a very effective medicine for cases in which sensitivity to noise is the main concern. Children needing it tend to get frightened and anxious with any kind of sound or noise. For example, they get frightened from noises like hawking, sneezing, coughing, lighting a match. Other than this, infants  and small kids may have marked anxiety while rocking or swinging. Fear of downward motion is very intense and characteristic. The child may be irritable and ill-humoured, in general.

6. Asarum Europaeum – For Intense Sensitivity To Slightest Noise

It is suitable for persons who get excited/ anxious/ nervous easily. It is a well-indicated medicine to manage hypersensitivity to noise. It is helpful where there is sensitivity to the slightest noise, like noise from scratching on a cloth or crackling of paper. Even the thought of noise that might arise from scratching something with fingernail results in an unpleasant thrill throughout the body.

7. Nux Vomica – For Sensitivity To Light, Odours, Noise, Touch, Pain And Music

It is an important medicine for cases in which there is oversensitivity to external impressions. It includes sensitivity to light, odour, noise, touch, pain and music. The person gets frightened by the least noise and is unable to bear pain. There is oversensitivity to strong odours which may even cause fainting.

8. Lachesis – For Excessive Sensitiveness To Touch And Pressure

Lachesis is one of the best homeopathic medicines for cases having excessive sensitivity to touch and pressure. Persons needing it have highly sensitive nerves, marked skin sensitivity with intolerance to touch and constriction. They are sensitive to tight clothing or anything that is tight-fitting. They especially cannot bear tight collars or neckbands or anything tight around the waist.

9. Phosphorus – For Sensitivity To Odors, Light And Noise

For managing sensitivity to odors, light and noise, Phosphorus is a very useful medicine. Those who require it tend to get startled quickly from noises; there is anxiety and restlessness in general. There is inability to sit still even for a while.  They have excessive sensitivity to smell, especially of flowers which may cause fainting. They are also sensitive to light. Emotional sensitivity is very marked in them.

10. Coffea Cruda – When Nerves And Senses Are Oversensitive 

Homeopathic medicine Coffea Cruda can be of great help when nerves and sense organs are oversensitive. Mind and body are hyperactive. It is well indicated when the skin is hypersensitive and touch is intolerable, with acute sensitivity to smell as well. There is pain intolerance with fear of death. Hearing is acute, person is sensitive to noise, music, voices, may even hear sounds coming distantly from far away. Sleeplessness is another issue that can be wonderfully addressed with this medicine.

11. Anhalonium Lewinii – For Increased Sensitivity To All Senses

Use of Anhalonium Lewinii can be considered for cases presenting with increased sensitivity of all the senses. The ordinary sounds appear exaggerated. The natural objects look excessively brilliant and flickering lights look brighter. There is a feeling of air being filled with perfume.

12. Colchicum – For Sensitivity To Bright Light And Strong Odors

Colchicum gives excellent results when there is sensitivity to bright light and strong odors. It works well when smelling is so acute that the person perceives the slightest odor which others cannot smell. There is intense nausea particularly from odor of eggs and meat, may even cause fainting.

What Is The Cause Behind SPD?

The exact reason behind SPD is yet unknown. But it is suggested that damage to the part of the brain (mid-brain and brainstem) where processing and coordination of multisensory information occurs, may result in sensory issues. It is believed that a genetic component may be involved and it tends to run in families. According to medical science, SPD is not a disorder in itself, it could be linked to some other disorders like autism, ADHD, OCD. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes problems in communication, social interaction and restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour. Besides, it may be related to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – a very common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hyperactivity, problems in sustaining attention and concentration and impulsiveness).

SPD may be linked with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) in which there occur uncontrollable thoughts that lead to repeated behavior, anxiety, behavioural disorders and developmental delays. Premature children also have high chances to develop SPD.

Symptoms, Categories And Subtypes Of SPD

It can affect any of the senses based on which the symptoms occur that vary from case to case. More than two lakh distinct pattern of symptoms can occur. These patterns are classified broadly into three categories – Sensory modulating disorder, Sensory based motor disorder, Sensory discrimination disorder (SDD).

A. Sensory Modulating Disorder: It has three subtypes —

1. Sensory over responsivity : A person has increased response, early response or prolonged response to sensory stimuli. Those suffering from it may show the following symptoms:

Problems with bright light like flash of camera, sunlight

Giving strong reaction to sound, smell

Getting startled easily

May feel sound is very loud and painful

Feel that even light touch of clothes causes scratching, itching or chafing of skin

May scream when touched

Intolerance to certain food textures, may be picky food eaters

May find hair combing uncomfortable

Cannot wear tight clothes

2. Sensory under responsivity: The person responds less intensely or responds late to a sensory stimuli. The symptoms may include

High pain tolerance

May not respond to extreme heat or cold

May be sluggish

May be unresponsive to anything around them

Can’t sit still and move regularly

Play roughly

May chew things like clothes, hands

May not feel dizzy on spinning

May have problems sleeping

May appear clumsy and uncoordinated

Touch things frequently or put things in mouth

Bump into wall, people often

3. Sensory craving: A person craves for intensely thrilling stimuli. In this disorder, person may be very impulsive, makes and seeks loud noises, feels like jumping, spinning, swinging high, etc.

B. Sensory based motor disorder: In this disorder, a person may have problem with balance, coordination and movement. It has two subtypes:

1. Dyspraxia: Also known as developmental coordination disorder, a person has problems in movement, coordination, thinking, planning and completing motor tasks (a specific task done by movement and coordination of a particular muscle).

2. Postural disorder: In this disorder, sufferer has issues with perceiving body position.

C. Sensory Discrimination Disorder (SDD): A person has difficulty in understanding and interpreting the difference in sensory stimulus. For example, he/ she may not be able to differentiate between different textures. It has the following 8 subtypes.

1. Visual discrimination disorder

In this disorder, a person can’t rightly process the stimuli that are seen. They may get confused between alphabets and numbers, for example, they have difficulty understanding if they saw b or d, p or q, 6 or 9 and may have difficulty in differentiating colours or shapes.

2. Auditory discrimination disorder

A person has problem in interpreting stimulus that is heard in this disorder. For eg, they may not understand if they heard mat or pat, or cars or card, they may talk too loudly or too quietly.

3. Tactile discrimination disorder

In this, a person has issues in detecting and responding to touch, temperature and pressure. For example, they may not be able to tell about a texture by touching

4. Olfactory discrimination disorder

If a person has difficulty in interpreting familiar or common smells, he has olfactory discrimination disorder. For example, he cannot identify if something is burning by smelling

5. Gustatory discrimination disorder

In this disorder, a  person has difficulty in interpreting, recognizing or differentiating different tastes. There is also inability to distinguish between food textures and temperature of food by eating

6. Proprioceptive discrimination disorder

There is problem in understanding sensory stimuli for using muscle and joints. A person is not able to determine how much force is needed by muscle and joint to interact with an object. For example, a person may not be aware how much force is required to hold an object, there may occur frequent breaking of utensils, slamming of door, etc.

7. Vestibular discrimination disorder

In this disorder, there are issues in interpreting stimuli arising from body movement through space. For example, a person may have problem in determining head and body position, may fall frequently, have poor posture and is clumsy.

8. Interoceptive discrimination disorder

There is difficulty in interpreting sensory message arising from body organs. For example, a person may not know if he is hungry or full, unable to tell if is thirsty or not, etc.

In addition to all the above symptoms, a child with SPD in general may be anxious, fussy, may throw temper tantrums, may have behaviour issues, low confidence, he/she may find be difficult to engage in activities like playing or initating a conversation.



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Chenopodium Anthelminticum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic remedy Chenopodium Anthelminticum is derived from the plant Jerusalem Oak which belongs to family Chenopodiaceae. This plant undergoes potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies the medicinal properties of a crude substance). In this way, it gets converted into a very important medicine Chenopodium Anthelminticum. It is a top-grade medicine in homeopathy to treat ear-related problems mainly tinnitus (noises in ear) and Meniere’s disease (a triad of tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo).

Drug Action

This remedy’s prominent sphere of action centers around the ears. Other than this, it has action on other organs too but in a very limited manner. These organs include throat, back, gastric system, urinary organs, respiratory system and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, deafness, otitis media, vertigo, worms, tonsillitis, scapula pain, asthma, suppressed menses, leucorrhoea

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Ear Complaints (Tinnitus, Meniere’s Disease, Deafness, Otitis Media)

The most prominent and well-defined action of Chenopodium is seen on the ears. It has shown great clinical improvement in many ear-related complaints. The foremost ear complaint for which it is one of the best medicines is tinnitus. Hearing noises in the absence of any external source is called Tinnitus. Chenopodium Anthelminticum is very effective in treating cases of Tinnitus and majorly works well when person hears noises that are roaring, ringing or buzzing in nature. This medicine is also well indicated for cases of pulsatile tinnitus. In this type of tinnitus, the sufferer hears noises that beat in sync with the heart.

Secondly, this medicine is highly beneficial for managing Meniere’s Disease. This disease refers to an inner ear disorder which is characterized by a triad of symptoms including tinnitus, vertigo and fluctuating hearing loss. This may be accompanied by sensation of ear blockage). In cases needing it, vertigo attacks also occurs which happens all of sudden. Chenopodium Anthelminticum is indicated for cases of hearing loss. The characteristic symptom to use it is deafness to human voice but sensitivity to distant sounds. Hearing is better for high-pitched sounds where this medicine is required. This medicine is also helpful for cases of weakness of the auditory nerve (eighth pair of cranial nerve). Besides, it is of great use when conduction of sound to the inner ear is either deficient or absent. Lastly, it can be given in cases of chronic otitis media which is an inflammation or infection of the middle ear.

Key indicating features

Tinnitus with hearing noises that are roaring, ringing or buzzing in nature

Pulsatile tinnitus where the noises beats in sync with heart

Meniere’s disease (triad of tinnitus, vertigo and hearing loss)

2. Throat Issues (Enlarged Tonsils)

Chenopodium also acts well on the throat. Here it is primarily valuable to manage the enlargement of tonsils, especially chronic cases. The tonsils are inflamed and painful as well. Besides, caseous (cheese-like) deposits are present on the tonsils.

Key indicating features

Chronic enlargement of tonsils

Caseous deposits on tonsils

3. Back Problems (Shoulder Blade Pain)

Chenopodium can manage pain under the right shoulder blade (triangular bone that lies in the upper back one on either side). It is attended with giddiness and ringing noises. It is also indicated for pain in between the angle of right shoulder blade, and through chest.

Key indicating features

Pain under the right shoulder blade with giddiness and ringing in the ears

Pain in between angle of the right shoulder blade near spine, and through chest

4. Gastric Concerns (Regurgitation, Worms)

This medicine can be used for certain gastric concerns as well. It firstly includes constant regurgitation (back flow of gastric juice and sometimes undigested food from the stomach into the food pipe) of yellow frothy material. There may occur disagreeable burps and nausea. Other than this, it is an important medicine to get rid of worms, especially roundworms.

Key indicating features

Constant regurgitation of yellow frothy material

Worms especially roundworms

5. Urinary Problems (Kidney Pain, Yellow Foamy Urine)

Chenopodium is beneficial for managing some urinary issues. This medicine is indicated to manage dull pain in the kidney. Urine may be yellow, profuse and frothy. Yellow sediments may be present in the urine in cases needing it.

Key indicating features

Yellow profuse frothy urine or yellow sediments in the urine

6. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Rattling)

Chenopodium proves effective in managing cough that occurs along with rattling of phlegm and expectoration. There is difficulty in breathing, yellow frothy matter from the stomach rises to the throat. Rattling is felt in the trachea as if a ball is rolling in it.

Key indicating features

Cough with rattling of phlegm

Rattling in trachea

7.  Female Problems (Suppressed Menses)

Lastly, its action is noted on female genitals. Here it is well indicated for the treatment of suppressed menses. The major guiding feature to use it is vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) instead of menses.

Key indicating features

Vaginal discharge in place of menses


Use of this medicine can be done in low or high potency, though 30C potency is mostly used. In low potency, it can be repeated frequently but in high potency, it should be used infrequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with some remedies including Chelidonium, China, Opium and Chininum Sulphuricum



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Homeopathic Treatment Of Throat Clearing, Best Medicines And Its Causes

Everyone tends to clear their throat once in a while. This may be in response to an irritant lodged in the throat, out of a habit, or from stress/anxiety. If there is a persistent need to clear the throat, it may be due to a medical reason (like post nasal drip, nasal allergies, etc) that needs to be treated.

Homeopathic Management

These medicines boost the body’s natural healing capacity to treat throat clearing. Along with throat clearing, it also alleviates complaints like postnasal drip, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, cough, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion and heartburn. Every case of throat clearing is treated individually keeping in mind the cause and the attending symptoms.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Throat Clearing

1. Kali Bichrome – For Marked PND And Throat Clearing

This medicine is well indicated for cases having excessive PND – post nasal drip (dripping of mucus from the back of nose into the throat) and throat clearing. The mucus in PND is thick, tenacious and gelatinous that can be drawn out like a long thread. Sore throat and pain while swallowing can attend it. In some cases needing it, ulcers in the rear part of the throat can be present. They have elevated edges and are filled with thick white matter.

2. Argentum Nitricum – For Throat Clearing From Thick Mucus In Throat

It is a very effective medicine for cases needing clearing thick tenacious mucus from the throat. Along with this, there is hoarseness of voice. There can also be rawness and soreness which create an urge to clear the throat. A feeling that a splinter or stick is lodged in the throat may be felt while swallowing. Lastly, dryness and burning in the throat may occur.

3. Causticum – For Constant Desire To Clear The Throat

This medicine is indicated when there is a constant desire to clear the throat. Persons needing it may also have rawness and tickling sensation in the throat. It is attended with dry cough, sometimes burning sensation in the throat is felt. A person may also complain of lump-in-the-throat feeling. Other than the above, there can be hawking of mucus from the posterior nares. Inflammation of the larynx and hoarseness of voice can accompany the above symptoms.

4. Belladonna – With Sore Throat And Tonsillitis

This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. It is very beneficial, when there is throat clearing along with sore throat and tonsillitis. The throat and tonsils are inflamed, markedly red, shiny and painful where it is required. There is pain in the throat while swallowing. A lump-like sensation, dryness and heat in the throat, and difficulty in swallowing and cough may be the other accompanying symptoms.

5. Alumina – When Dry, Raw, Rough Throat Leads To Throat Clearing

This medicine works well in cases of dry, raw, rough throat. The voice turns husky. There may also occur a lump sensation in the throat. Thick mucus drops from the posterior nares. Coughing aggravates especially in the evening. The throat is red with stitching pain.

6. Natrum Phos – For Acid Reflux And Throat Clearing

Use of this medicine is recommended for acid reflux and throat clearing. Persons who need it have a lump sensation in the throat and dropping of thick, yellow mucus from the posterior nares, especially at night. The person is forced to wake up, sit and clear the throat half-asleep. There is inflammation in the throat. The tonsils are coated with a yellow and creamy mucus. The person also complains of heartburn and sour belching in addition to the above symptoms.

7. Sabadilla – For Throat Clearing, Sneezing, Runny Nose

It is a natural medicine prepared from seeds of plant Sabadilla Officinalis having common name Cebadilla. Its use is considered when there is throat clearing, sneezing and runny nose. Itching in the nose and stuffy nose can also be there. There can be excessive tough phlegm in the throat which causes pressure and burning sensation in the throat. Roughness with a constant desire to swallow or hawk is there. Lastly, there may be a feeling of skin hanging loosely in the throat or something lodged in the larynx.

8. Sulphur – For Roughness, Scraping In Throat Attended With Throat Clearing

It is a very useful medicine for persons having roughness attended with throat clearing. There is feeling of a lump in throat and there can be dryness in the throat. It may excite a cough. Sore throat along with excessive burning sensation is yet another symptom that can attend. Stitching or pressive type of pain in the throat may occur on swallowing.

What Are The Medical Reasons Behind It?

The first reason behind it is LPR – laryngopharyngeal reflux /silent reflux. The stomach acid flows back into the throat and larynx causing an uncomfortable sensation and frequent throat clearing. Some other symptoms that accompany it are a feeling of something stuck in the throat, postnasal drip, hoarseness of voice and difficulty in swallowing.

Second common cause for throat clearing is post nasal drip (PND) when mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. It happens when there is excessive production and build-up of mucus in the para nasal sinuses, throat or nose. Some of the reasons behind PND are allergies, cold, flu, sinusitis, DNS (deviated nasal septum) and acid reflux. PND can be attended with some other symptoms like cough, scratchy throat, nausea and foul breath.

Third cause is nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis).  It refers to nasal inflammation and irritation triggered by allergic reaction to airborne allergens like pollen, dust mites and animal dander. Throat clearing can be one of its symptoms along with symptoms that include runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, nasal itching, scratchy throat, itchy watery eyes and cough.

Throat clearing may just be one of the tic disorders. Tics refers to uncontrollable repetitive twitches, certain movements or sounds that occur semi-voluntarily. Some other examples of tics apart from throat clearing are head jerking, frequent eye blinking, repeating a sound like grunting, shoulder shrugging, sniffing and facial grimacing.

Tourette’s syndrome may be another causes of  throat clearing. It refers to a neurological disorder in which there occurs involuntary motor tics (movement-based tics) and vocal tics (tics related to sound production). For Tourette’s syndrome to be diagnosed, there must be multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic for more than a year in a person.

Food allergies may be a cause of throat clearing in some cases. Some people may have itching, irritation or tickling in the throat after consuming certain food products that can lead to throat clearing. Some examples of such food products include rice, dairy products, etc.

Outgrowths like cysts, polyps and nodules on the vocal cord may also lead to throat clearing. Other than throat clearing, the other symptoms are feeling of something stuck in the throat, voice changes (like scratchy voice, hoarse voice), pain while speaking and difficult breathing.

Laryngitis, chronic inflammation of the larynx (voice box), can also cause throat clearing.

It may occur in case of tonsillitis which is inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils are the two oval-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue present at the back of the throat, one on either side.

PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcus) is also one of the cause. In this syndrome, there occurs major changes in behaviour, personality and movement in children after suffering a bout of infection of Streptococcus Pyogenes bacteria. Obsessive compulsive disorder or tics mainly occur in this medical condition.

Zenker’s diverticulum is a rare cause behind throat clearing. In this condition, food travels from the food pipe to stomach via a pouch at the junction of the pharynx and the food pipe.

Rest of the causes include side effect of certain medications (e.g., blood pressure medications, inhaled steroids), throat injury, damage to the throat tissue due to tobacco use, pollution, voice strain, chemical exposure and excessive vomiting.

What Signs And Symptoms Can Attend It?

Apart from feeling of something stuck in the throat, other symptoms include postnasal drip, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, difficulty in swallowing, cough, scratchy throat, offensive breath, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, noisy breathing, heartburn and tics.




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Psorinum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Uses, Indications And Dosage

Psorinum is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing various skin complaints effectively. Some of the main skin issues treated well with it include skin itching, eczema, psoriasis and scabies. Its action in treating tonsillitis, Quinsy and recurrent cold is marvellous. It is of great clinical significance for cases where even well-recognized medicines fail to act, where Psorinum helps to boost body’s response to medicines.

 The ‘Psorinum’ Constitution

This medicine suits people who get nervous, restless and anxious easily. It is also highly suitable for persons prone to skin problems or have a history of suppressed emotions. Extreme sensitivity to cold air is experienced by those needing it. They desire to be covered warmly even in summers.

Drug Action

Psorinum is a polychrest medicine which means it is of great value in treating many health conditions related to different body parts. The most important action is noted on skin, throat and nose. It also acts well on the mind, ears and face. Its action is also noted on head, gastric organs and respiratory system. It is helpful in managing weakness in the recovery phase of any acute disease. It also deals effectively with diseases that involve foul discharges like stool, ear discharge, oozing from skin eruptions or sweat with filthy smell.

Clinical Indications

Skin disorders, itching, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, skin eruptions, scabies, tonsillitis, quinsy, cold, depression, anxiety, ear discharge, acne rosacea, pimples, diarrhea, constipation, spleen pain, cough, asthma, headache

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Problems (Itching, Eczema, Urticaria, Scabies, Psoriasis)

Psorinum has marked action on the skin. It is used to treat numerous skin-related conditions. To begin with, it can handle cases of skin itching well. Those needing it complain of intense itching that is almost intolerable. They scratch the skin till it starts to bleed.  Even the heat of bed worsens the itching at night that disturbs sleep. Simultaneously with itching, there may occur stinging sensation on the skin. In some cases, after rubbing the skin, little bumps on the skin (vesicles) may appear that may be filled with fluid.

It is a superior medicine for managing eczema (inflamed skin with dry rough itchy patches or fluid- filled eruptions). It renders great service in cases of eczema that occurs behind ears, in bend of elbows, armpits or scalp. There may occur dirty, rough skin or eruptions that bleed easily. In some cases, pus may accumulate in the eruptions. Psorinum proves to be one of the best medicines for skin complaints that appear in winters and vanish in summers. It is the most effective medicine to manage dry, scaly eruptions.

Psorinum is a highly effective medicine for scabies as well. Scabies is a highly contagious itchy skin condition caused by mite known as sarcoptes scabiei. Another skin condition where it gives good results is herpes zoster (a painful skin rash with blisters caused by varicella zoster virus). Herpes eruptions that occur on scalp or bend of joints are treated wonderfully with it. These eruptions are accompanied with itching and burning. Further use of this medicine is considered for cases of urticaria (itchy wheals means raised bumps on skin caused usually from an allergic reaction). The characteristic to use this medicine is urticaria caused by exertion. In cases that need it, the skin is usually dirty and greasy due to excessive secretion from sebaceous glands. Lastly, it is useful for treating psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disorder that results in inflamed patches on skin covered with silvery white scales). There occurs small red eruptions with white scales.

Key indicating features

Intolerable skin itching with desire to scratch till skin starts to bleed

Eczema behind ears, in bend of elbows, armpits or scalp

Skin complaints that appear in winters and go away in summers

2. Throat Issues (Tonsillitis, Quinsy)

Next Psorinum acts magnificently on the throat. Its foremost action is treating tonsillitis wonderfully. It is well indicated when the tonsils are swollen and painful. The pain gets worse while swallowing and reaches the ears. There is burning sensation in the throat. Throat feels dry in morning and a sensation of plug is felt in the throat. Tickling in throat can occur that excites cough. It is a principal medicine for treating Quinsy (pus collection behind the tonsils) cases especially of recurrent Quinsy. Its well-known action is to eradicate tendency to Quinsy. In cases needing it for Quinsy, excessive pain is felt in the tonsils that extends to the ears on swallowing and there is tough mucus in throat that needs to be hawked continuously. There is mainly hawking of mucus in the form of cheesy pea-like balls that smell bad and leave a bad taste in the mouth. There is excessive salivation that has an offensive smell.

Key indicating features

Tonsillitis with swelling and pain in tonsils worse when swallowing with pain in ears

Recurrent quinsy to eradicate its tendency

Hawking of mucus in form of cheesy pea like balls that smells and tastes bad

 3. Nose (Recurrent Cold, Hay Fever)

This medicine can rectify many nasal complaints. It is of great clinical significance in treating cases of recurrent cold. As per homeopathic therapeutics, psorinum proves to be effective in boosting immunity against frequent colds. In cases needing it, either there is dry cold with nasal blockage or there occurs thin discharge from the nose. Loss of smell may be noted too. In some cases, post nasal discharge (dripping of mucus from the back of nose into the throat) is witnessed on clinical examination. Besides, it is a prominent medicine to tackle cases of nasal allergy/hay fever (an allergic condition caused by allergic response to allergens like dust mites, pollen resulting in symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose and itchy, watery and red eyes). It is well indicated when hay fever occurs every year especially in August.

Key indicating features

Recurrent cold

4. Mind Complaints (Fear, Depression)

Psorinum can help people suffering from various mind-related complaints. It is a useful medicine for managing anxiety and different kind of fears. The fear is mainly of being alone, of fire, of business failure and fear of death. A person has negative thinking, constant thoughts of dying may prevail. It is beneficial for managing depression in females during menopause. There is sadness and forsaken feeling in those needing it. There is a desire to be alone and remain in bed all the time. Hopelessness is marked. It is also indicated for children who are very irritable, fretful and get startled easily. During day, they may be playful but at night, become restless and may scream without any reason.

Key indicating features

Fear of being alone, of fire, of business failure and fear of death

Depression in females during menopause

5. Ears (Discharge, Eczema, Noises)

It gives substantial relief in cases of otorrhoea (ear discharge). Offensive brownish pus discharge from ear is the guiding feature for its use here, accompanied by headache. Secondly, it has a great ability to lessen itching in the ears. In most cases needing it, itching is intolerable with a need for picking and boring in the ears all the time. It is a highly suitable medicine to treat eczema behind the ears. There appear red, oozing eruptions with scabs around the ears. Sore pain behind ears is also well marked. Lastly, psorinum is helpful when hearing is impaired, along with noises in the ears (tinnitus) which may be buzzing, humming, ringing or cracking type.

Key indicating features

Offensive brownish pus discharge from ear

Eczema behind the ears

6. Face (Pimples, Acne Rosacea)

Use of this medicine is considered to manage some of the facial concerns too. The foremost use is in treating acne (pimples). Those needing it complain that the pimples get worse from fats, sugar and coffee. Females may have worsening of pimples during menses. Next noteworthy complaint where psorinum proves beneficial is acne rosacea (a skin condition that causes flushing and redness of face along with appearance of small pimples). The face is red along with burning heat. Small red pimples appear in the middle of the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead.

Key indicating features

Pimples worse from fats, sugar and coffee intake

Pimples worse during menses

7. Head (Headache, Eruptions)

Psorinum can give great relief in headache and eruptions on scalp. The major symptom is headache occurring from suppressed skin eruptions or suppressed menses. The pain is hammering type. In many cases, headache may be preceded by flickering before the eyes, dim vision or black spots before the eyes. The head is sensitive to draught of air, the affected person covers head even in hot weather. It plays a very important role in treating eruptions on the scalp. The eruptions are filled with pus (pustules) with severe itching. The eruptions are covered with thick, dirty yellow scabs. Hair become matted. The eruptions may spread over the nape of neck.

Key indicating features

Headache from suppressed skin eruptions or suppressed menses

Pus-filled eruptions on scalp with severe itching

8. Gastric Issues (Diarrhea, Constipation, Pain, Belching, Spleen Pain)

Psorinum can be administered for cases of chronic diarrhea. The persons requiring it have early morning diarrhea with urgent desire to pass stool. The stool is dark, watery with horribly offensive smell. Diarrhea that follows some severe acute disease or when it occurs during dentition can be treated well with this medicine. It can be used for cases of constipation. The stool is hard, difficult and blood may pass along with stool. Burning may be felt in the rectum. Pain in lower back may occur along with constipation. In some cases, stool is passed after a gap of three to four days. Next, its use may be done in cases of abdomen pain that gets better from eating or emission of gas. Its use is also considered for belching that is sour with offensive odour like rotten eggs. Another important indication is stitching type of pain in spleen. Pain gets worse from movement but better on standing.

Key indicating features

Morning diarrhea with urgent desire to pass stool which has horribly offensive smell

Abdomen pain better from eating or emission of gas

 9. Respiratory problems (Cough, Asthma)

Lastly, psorinum acts well on the respiratory system. It is mainly indicated for dry, hard cough with chest pain. Heaviness is also felt in the chest. Bouts of coughing occur in mornings and evenings. Its use is next suggested when there is expectoration of green or yellow sputa that tastes salty. The mucus is sticky and difficult to expel. It is a brilliant medicine for asthma cases. The characteristic feature to use it is difficult breathing which gets worse in open air and while sitting; asthma gets better when lying with arms spread wide apart.

Key indicating features

Asthma with difficult breathing worse in open air, when sitting and relieved when lying with arms spread wide apart


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse by cold, open air, weather change, evening, night, heat of bed and from scratching

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by lying quietly, from heat, washing, rest and when eating


Use of this medicine is recommended in 200 C and higher potencies. Its action seems to begin approximately after ninth day of intake and lasts for around  30 to 40 days. It is strictly advised to not repeat this medicine frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Coffea Cruda

Followed well by: Alumina, Borax, Baryta Carb, Carbo Veg, China and Sulphur


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8 Best Homeopathic Medicines For Ovulation Pain

Ovulation pain, also known as mittelschmerz pain, is pelvic pain felt on one side of the lower abdomen by some women during ovulation. When the follicle ruptures and releases an ovum ( egg) in an ovary usually around the 14th day before periods, it is called ovulation. Pain during ovulation is mostly harmless but should not be ignored especially when the pain is severe, prolonged and the same type of pelvic pain occurs at other times also. This pain is also known as mid-cycle pain.

Homeopathy Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing cases of ovulation pain, and pelvic pain at other times. These medicines treat the fundamental cause which is actually causing the problem. They reduces the intensity and frequency of pain naturally. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy for managing this complaint and as homeopathy is a symptom-based science, the most suitable medicine is selected based on the signs and symptoms in every individual case. So one should take medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and never self-medicate. Homeopathy is recommended when the intensity of pain is mild or moderate and no serious symptom or cause is linked with it. In cases with severe symptoms, and in serious cases like ectopic pregnancy, it is advised to take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Ovulation Pain And Pelvic Pain

1. Medorrhinum – Top-grade Medicine

It is a top-listed medicine for these cases. In cases needing it, drawing pain is felt in the ovarian region. One feels better by pressing the affected area. Left-sided ovary is painful mostly where this medicine is required, along with feeling hot in that area. Thick vaginal discharge with a fishy odour may flow.

2. Sepia – For Stinging Type Of Pain

It is indicated for cases having stinging type of pain. It is attended with congestion in the ovarian region, with this pressure is felt in the ovaries. Burning sensation is also felt, sometimes vaginal discharge attends. It can be yellowish or greenish which has an offensive odour. It is also a prominent medicine for bearing down sensation in the pelvis (feeling of the pelvic area getting pushed down). Females requiring it may also complain of pain during intercourse.

3. Belladonna – For Throbbing Pain

This medicine is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It is prominent for cases having throbbing pain in the ovary (recuring pain at regular small intervals) mostly in the right ovary. In some cases, there is lancinating (piercing) pain in ovary or burning sensation in the ovarian region.

4. Thuja – For Cutting Shooting Pain

It is prepared from fresh twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis, commonly known as ‘Arbor Vitae’. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It is indicated for cutting or shooting type of pain. It is mostly present on the left side. Sometimes, there is squeezing type of pain also. Females needing it may have too early and too short menses. The menstrual flow is also scanty.

5. Colocynth – For Cramping Pain

It is a natural medicine prepared from the pulp of fruit Citrullus Colocynthis also called Cucumis Colocynthis and ‘bitter apple’. This plant belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. This medicine works well when there is cramping pain. Pain is marked in the left side with relief on bending double (upper part of body bent forward and downward).  Colocynth is also useful for treating deep stitching pain as from pricking by needles. It is also indicated with sharp pain in the right pelvic region. Lastly, it is a very suitable medicine for managing cramps during menses.

6. Lachesis – For Sharp, Shooting Pain

It is a beneficial medicine when there is sharp shooting pain, especially in the left ovary. Females who need it have dark menstrual flow which has an offensive smell. The periods can be short and scanty. The lower abdomen may be sensitive. It is also a well-indicated medicine when there is menstrual colic that begins in the left ovary.

7. Lilium Tigrinum – When Pain Radiates Down The Thigh

It is prepared from fresh stalk, leaves and flowers of plant ‘tiger lily’ from the family Liliaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is ovarian pain radiating down the thigh. The nature of the pain is stinging type. Besides, there is swelling and feeling of heaviness marked in the left ovary.

8. Xanthoxylum – For pain in right ovarian region

This medicine is prepared from fresh bark of plant Xanthoxylum Americanum that belongs to family Rutaceae. This medicine is helpful for treating pain in the right ovarian region. It tends to radiate to hip, thigh and back. The pain is usually sharp, cutting type. There may be tendency to have early periods along with pain where this medicine is required.

What Are The Causes?

The exact cause behind ovulation pain is not clear. According to a well-propunded theory, it is suggested that pain during ovulation occurs when ovarian follicle ruptures to release egg. At the same time, little fluid comes from ruptured follicle leading to irritation of nearby nerves. The rupture of ovarian follicle and release of the egg follows surge of LH means luteinzing hormone. Ovulation pain usually is harmless but sometimes arises from some underlying medical conditions too.

It firstly includes endometriosis, a disorder in which tissue similar to the one that lines the inner side of uterus grows in areas other than the uterus. This occurs commonly in fallopian tubes, ovaries, bowels, and the tissue lining the pelvis. This endometrial-like tissue thickens and breaks down and bleeds during each menstrual cycle.

The main symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain. It may begin before periods and remain for many days into a menstrual period. The pain may also occur in the lower back too.  Next there occurs excessive bleeding during menses and inter-menstrual bleeding may also happen. Besides, pain during intercourse is common in this condition. In some cases, pain is felt while urinating or passing stool during a menstrual period. Few females can have some other attending symptoms like nausea, weakness, loose stool, constipation and bloating during periods. Infertility can also occur in cases of endometriosis.

Second cause is ovarian cyst. Ovarian cyst refers to a fluid-filled sac that develops in ovaries (a pair of female gonads that produces eggs). There are various types of ovarian cysts. These include follicle cyst, corpus luteum cysts, dermoid cysts, endometriomas and PCOS – polycystic ovarian syndrome. Mostly ovarian cysts don’t lead to any symptoms. When cyst grows in size, symptoms may be experienced like pelvic pain (before or during periods), pain during sex, pain in the thighs or the lower back, bloated abdomen, painful with bowel movements, nausea and vomiting.

Another reason is STIs means sexually transmitted infections. Some of these infections include chlamydia (caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis) and gonorrhea (caused by  bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae). In cases of STI, pain in the pelvis can be attended with other symptoms too like vaginal discharge that is usually foul-smelling, fever and burning with urination.

Another cause is scar tissue in some cases that may follow a cesarean section or appendix operation. It can lead to pain by restriction of ovaries and surrounding structures.

Infection of the fallopian tubes can be another cause for ovulation pain.

Ovulation pain may be caused by uterine fibroids. These are benign non-cancerous growths in the uterus that usually occur in child-bearing years. Its common symptoms are heavy bleeding during periods and prolonged periods and pelvic pain. Other accompanying symptoms are backache, leg pain, frequent urination, problem in emptying bladder and constipation.

Lastly, pain in one side of pelvis may be due to an ectopic pregnancy. In this condition, the embryo implantation occurs in the fallopian tubes or some location outside the uterus. It is a life-threatening condition needing immediate medical help.

What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

The ovulation pain occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It is felt on one side of the pelvis depending on which side of the ovary has released an egg. Occuring suddenly, the pain can be dull or sharp or cramping in nature that varies from case to case. The duration of pain can be from a few minutes to around one or two days. The ovulation pain is usually not attended with any other signs and symptoms. However, if some accompanying symptoms occur, it may be due to some other underlying medical condition. The other symptoms include vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, pain on both sides of the lower abdomen, bloating, swelling, nausea, vomiting, pain during urination and diarrhea.




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Rhododendron Chrysanthum: Homeopathic medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Fresh leaves of the plant ‘Rhododendron Chrysanthum’ undergo potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties from a crude substance) to obtain the medicine Rhododendron Chrysanthum. It is one of the best medicines to manage hydrocele (swelling of scrotum from fluid collection in the sheath surrounding testicle) and orchitis (inflamed testicles).

The ‘Rhododendron’ Constitution

This medicine is good for persons predisposed to joint problems. It is also apt for people who are fearful of thunder and storms.

Drug Action

It is predominantly a male remedy that has a prominent action on male genitals. But its action is just not limited to this as it also acts wonderfully on bones and joints as well. Besides these, it acts well on fibrous tissues, eyes, ears, face and back.

Clinical Indications

Hydrocele, orchitis, joint inflammation (arthritis), ciliary neuralgia, neck pain, noises in ears, earache, facial pain, back pain, bone pains.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Male Problems (Hydrocele, Testicle Pain, Orchitis, Balanitis)

Rhododendron Chrysanthum has a marked affinity to treat a number of male problems. It is highly recommended to treat cases of hydrocele (scrotum is swollen from the collection of fluid in the sheath present around testicle). It can manage hydrocele affecting any age group, even boys suffering hydrocele since birth. Rhododendron manages cases of orchitis (inflamed testicles) well in which there is swelling and pain in testicles. The pain can be bruised or drawing type; it may extend to abdomen and thighs. Sometimes contusive sort of pain (as from injury) is felt. Pain gets relieved by movement. Testicles may also be tender to touch. It is also well indicated for swollen and hard testicles after gonorrhoea (sexually-transmitted infection caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Another complaint where it gives good results is balanitis (inflammation of glans penis). Its use is also indicated for drawing pain in spermatic cord. It worsens from rest and gets better from movement. Other indications include itching of scrotum, weak erection, low sex drive, involuntary emissions at night with sexual dreams.

Key indicating features

Hydrocele to manage swelling and pain in testicles

Testicle pain of bruised or drawing type that may extend to abdomen and thighs

Orchitis and balanitis

2. Joints (Joint Inflammation, Pain And Swelling)

This medicine also shows action on joints where it helps cases of inflamed, swollen and painful joints. The unique feature to use it is worsening of joint pains in stormy weather. The pain also tends to increase at rest. Most commonly involved joints are shoulder, wrists and joints of arms. It also treats inflammation of small joints. Shoulder pain is relieved by warmth and pressure. Wrist feels as if sprained or bruised. It can also be given for knee and ankle joint pain, especially stitching type of pain. It treats tearing type of pain in limbs on the right side. In some cases, weakness and tingling sensation occurs in few joints. Rhododendron also works on inflammation of joint of big toe caused by gout due to increased uric acid level.

Key indicating features

Joint pains in stormy weather

Inflammation of joint of big toe due to gout

3. Bones (Bone Pain)

With its action on bones, it manages well pain in periosteum (membrane covering the bones except at joint surface) of long bones. Pain can be tearing or drawing type occurring on particular spots on the bones. Weather changes worsen the complaint. It is also useful for hip bone pain, especially at night. Apart from these, it offers help to manage pain in skull bones.

Key indicating features

Pain in periosteum of long bones

4. Face (Facial Pain)

This medicine is also applicable to manage complaint of facial pain. The pain is felt from side of head (temple region) to lower jaw and chin. Pain mostly affects the right side of the face. The pain worsens in windy weather and weather changes. Nature of pain is drawing, tearing or violent jerking type. There may be relief from eating, warmth also brings relief.

Key indicating features

Right-sided facial pain from temple to chin

Facial pain worsening from weather changes and in wind weather

5. Eyes (Eye Pain, Ciliary Neuralgia)

Rhododendron Chrysanthum manages burning type of pain in eyes while writing or reading. Dryness and burning in eyes may also occur from exposure to bright light. It can also be given for darting type of eye pain. One may also find it useful for ciliary neuralgia (cluster headache in which pain attacks around eyes are felt every day for one or two months followed by pain-free period of several months). It also provides relief in red, swollen eyelids attended with irritation.

Key indicating features

Burning pain in eyes, worse from writing, reading and bright light

Ciliary neuralgia with pain in eyeball, orbit and head

6. Ears (Pain, Noises In Ears)

It is an important medicine for cases of tinnitus (noises in ears). Ringing, buzzing, whizzing noises especially indicate its use. Vertigo and difficult hearing occurs along with noises. Hearing is better in the morning. In cases of earache also, Rhododendron Chrysanthum works well. Persons needing it mainly have right-sided ear pain. It is jerking, twitching, and tearing type.

Key indicating features

Tinnitus with vertigo and hearing difficulty

Ringing, buzzing, whizzing noises in ears

 7. Limbs (Achilles Tendon Pain, Weakness/ Heaviness/ Tingling In Arms, Corns)

Rhododendron Chrysanthum is effective for pain in the Achilles tendon (tough fibrous band that connects calf muscle to heel bone) while stepping. Secondly, it works well when weakness and heaviness is felt in arms which may radiate to fingertips. Tingling in arms may accompany. These symptoms appear during rest or sleep. This medicine also covers complaint of sleep sensation in legs and feet. Swollen legs and feet also indicate its use. The feet may be very cold even in warm room. It is beneficial for deltoid muscle pain (overuse injury) which increases from movement. It can also be used in cases of corns on feet. Shooting pain is felt in corns.

Key indicating features

Pain in Achilles tendon on stepping

Weakness/heaviness/tingling in arms during rest or sleep

Corns on feet with shooting pain

8. Neck And Back (Stiff Neck, Pain In Neck, Lower Back Pain)

It is a prominent medicine for managing stiff neck. Stiffness worsens in the morning, especially on the neck which also bears drawing or tearing type of pain. Tearing pain may radiate down the back. Pain between shoulder blades sometimes is present too. Rhododendron Chrysanthum is also effective for treating lower back pain. Sitting increases the pain, exertion is another factor that intensifies the pain. A person also complains of pain worsening in wet, cold weather. The back may feel heavy and weak. Formication (crawling sensation) in the back is another attending symptom.

Key indicating features

Neck stiffness in the morning

Lower back pain from exertion, when sitting, in cold, wet weather


Worsening factors: Complaints worsen before a storm, during windy or cloudy weather, on approach of thunderstorm, from change of weather.

Relieving factors: There is relief during sunshine, warmth, from exercise


This medicine works well in both low and high potencies. In low potency, one may take it frequently but in high potency, frequent repetition is not recommended.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Bryonia, Camphor, Clematis and Rhus Tox

Followed well by: Arnica, Conium, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Silicea and Sulphur


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Swelling On The Face? Best 10 Homeopathic Medicines, Causes And Concerns

Facial swelling can arise from minor causes that are easily treatable or can be a symptom of a serious medical problem that needs urgent medical help. Depending on the cause, there are some visible signs and symptoms that can attend facial swelling, like pain, redness and burning sensation on the face, and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is helpful in managing cases of facial swelling with natural medicines. These medicines stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism to recover wonderfully. They go deep into the root cause of the issue to bring effective cure. Homeopathic medicines for facial swelling are recommended only in mild cases. It is strictly advised to take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a qualified homeopathic practitioner. In no case should self – medication be done. If there is a serious cause (like kidney failure, heart ailment), it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Facial Swelling

1. Apis Mellifica – Top-grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing facial swelling. Persons who need it have swelling and redness on the face. They have marked burning sensation on the face attending it. Along with this, one feels intense stinging pain on the face. Mostly right side of the face is affected when this medicine is required. The face looks pale and waxy. Puffiness is marked under the eyes in persons needing Apis Mellifica. Hives (eruptions) with itching, burning and stinging sensation may be present on the face. It is one of the best medicine for angioedema and bee sting. Wash the face with cold water brings relief.

2. Belladonna – For Facial Redness, Swelling, Heat

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It is very effective for treating cases of facial swelling with red, hot and shiny face. There may be excessive sweating on the face with tearing pain in the face especially on the right side.  Swelling on the upper lip is marked. Cheeks may also be swollen with burning pain. It is a very suitable medicine for sinusitis also.

3. Calcarea Carb – For Pale Puffy Face

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is pale and puffy face. The eyes are sunken surrounded with blue rings. Calcarea Carb is also indicated for tearing pain in the cheeks followed by swelling. The facial pain tends to get worse from exposure to cold air. It is one of prominent medicine for treating hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

4. Hepar Sulph – For Swelling Of Face With Vesicular Eruptions

This medicine works well in cases of swollen face with vesicular (fluid-filled) eruptions on the face. There can be burning sensation across the face. There is tearing pain that begins from the cheeks and extends to the ear or temporal region i.e. sides of the head.

 5. Merc Sol – For Swollen Cheeks With Pain In Teeth

It is a very effective medicine for cases of swollen cheeks along with toothache and increased salivation.  Persons needing it may also have red cheeks along with puffy, bloated face.  They can have tearing or lacerating pain on the face which is hot. There may be eruptions on the face, which bleed when scratched, with offensive discharge and itching.

6. Rhus Tox – For Swelling Mainly Around Eyelids And Ears

This medicine is suitable when there is marked swelling on the eyelids and the ears. The face is red with burning sensation. There can be moist eruptions on the face along with thick scabs in cases needing it.

7. Arsenic Album – For Swelling Of Upper Lip And Below Eyelids

This medicine is valuable for managing cases in which there is swelling of the upper lip and area below the eyelids. In cases requiring it, stinging pain in the face is also felt. Itching of the face may also be present.

8. Aconite – For Swollen Lower Jaw And Lips

It is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as ‘monkshood’. It is a useful medicine for swelling of the lower jaw and lips. The lips are dry, black or blue along with peeling of the skin. Burning and tingling sensation in the lips can attend, besides pain on the face.

9. Chamomilla – For Left-Sided Facial Swelling

This medicine is prepared from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla. This plant belongs to family Compositae. It is helpful for cases in which there is left-sided facial swelling. There is pain on the face, which appears bloated and puffy, along with heat and redness of the cheeks.

10. Arnica – For Right-Sided Facial Swelling

It is prepared from a plant Arnica Montana having common name ‘leopard’s bane’ or ‘fallkraut’. It is beneficial for persons with right-sided facial swelling, especially around the cheeks. It is accompanied by throbbing and pinching pain. In some cases needing it, stinging pain is felt in cheeks. Dry heat in the face towards the evening is also felt which extends to the ears.

What Are The Causes Behind Facial Swelling?

The reasons behind it are variable.

Firstly, it can arise from sinusitis ( inflammation of paranasal sinuses due to allergy or bacterial viral infection). It can cause swelling around the nose, eyes or the cheeks causing pain. Other attending symptoms include  headache, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, poor sense of smell, fever, cough and weakness.

Second cause is a tooth infection. A person having an infection in gums or teeth can experience swelling, pain and tenderness along the jawline.

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is yet another reason behind facial swelling. A person has puffy and swollen face along with other signs and symptoms, like weight gain, fatigue, feeling cold, constipation, depression, skin dryness and weakness in the muscles.

Next cause is allergic conjunctivitis (eye inflammation due to a reaction to allergens like dust, pollen and pet dander). Its signs and symptoms include redness and itching in the eyes which may be puffy or watery.

Facial injury is also one of the reasons.

Another cause is cellulitis. It leads to swelling in the affected part of the skin along with redness and pain. Fluid may ooze out from the skin in some cases. The affected area is hot and tender to touch sometimes. Fever and chills can attend which indicates a serious infection. It is a medical emergency that needs prompt treatment under conventional mode.

Other causes include angioedema and anaphylaxis. 

Angioedema is a severe form of swelling that occurs under the surface of the skin due to an allergic reaction to allergens (like food product, insect bite, etc). A characteristic symptom is hives (raised, itchy raised bumps known as wheals that develop on the skin) that may be accompanied by stinging and burning sensation.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that needs urgent medical help because if not treated immediately can prove fatal. Its symptoms include facial swelling, breathing difficulty, swelling in throat and the mouth, rapid heart rate, a dip in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Another reason for swelling on the face is Cushing’s syndrome which is a disorder that arises from excessive production of cortisol hormone in the body. It may result from a drug allergy (use of anticonvulsants, antibiotics like penicillin) which is a medical emergency.

A condition called preeclampsia can arise during pregnancy that can cause swelling of the face.  This condition needs immediate medical treatment because it can prove fatal if not attended immediately. Its signs include high blood pressure and high protein level in urine. Other symptoms are swelling of the hands, headache, vision changes, pain in the upper abdomen, reduced urine output and nausea or vomiting.

Actinomycosis, a rare but long-term bacterial infection in which sores and abscesses appear in the soft tissue of the body may also lead to facial swelling.

Lastly, it can also be a sign of vital organ failure of heart, liver or kidneys.


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