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food_allergy_faq (1)

 Ever heard of someone developing a life-threatening allergic reaction from something as small as a peanut? Someone suffering an asthma attack just after taking a spoonful of cooked mushrooms? Or a severe attack of migraine triggered by black pepper? These may sound strange, but true!

Food allergy is the reaction of the immune system that occurs immediately after eating a certain food. If one has food allergy, the immune system overreacts to a particular protein found in that food. Coming in contact with even a little amount of that particular food can trigger symptoms. Some people may experience severe symptoms from a food allergy, including the potentially fatal anaphylactic reaction (swelling of the throat, airways become narrow blocking breathing). Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening reaction that can impair breathing and send the body into shock; reactions may simultaneously affect different parts of the body (for example, a stomach-ache accompanied by a rash).

 Many people think the terms ‘food allergy’ and ‘food intolerance’ mean the same, but they do not. Food intolerance is an adverse food-induced reaction that does not involve the immune system. Lactose intolerance is one example of food intolerance. A person with lactose intolerance lacks an enzyme that is needed to digest milk sugar. When the person eats milk products, symptoms such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain may occur.

Although an individual may be allergic to any food, such as fruits, vegetables and meats, these are not as common as the following eight foods which account for 90 per cent of all food-allergic reactions: Milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts (walnut, cashew, etc.), fish, shellfish, soya and wheat.

Homeopathic Treatment For Food Allergy

Homeopathic treatment of food allergies can be very beneficial as it treats food allergies by optimising the overcharged immune system. Though the treatment may require a more serious approach, most of the allergies can be treated with homeopathy. Homeopathy views food allergies as an expression of a disturbance in the patient’s healing system. Food allergies are not a disease to be cured in themselves, but a reflection of an underlying imbalance.

Food sensitivity or intolerance can be treated by homeopathic medicines that are specific to that particular problem. For example, homeopathic medicine Silicea for milk intolerance in infants, when even the mother’s milk disagrees; Zingiber for diarrhea that sets in after eating melons; Antim crudum for headache that comes after eating fruits.

Homeopathic Medicines For Food Allergies

1. Calcarea Carb – For Milk Allergy

Calcarea Carb is an important homeopathic medicine for milk allergy when there is vomiting after consuming milk. There is nausea, distension of abdomen, cutting pain and diarrhea. In some cases, there may be a cold sensation in the abdomen.

How And When To Take Calcarea Carb?

If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and loose stools appear after consuming any milk product, calcarea carbonica can be taken. Low potency (30C), can be taken 2-3 times in a day. High potency 200C can be taken once in a day if expected results are not seen after taking low potency. It is advisable to consult an experienced homeopath before administering 1M or higher potency.

2. Colchicum – For Allergy From Egg

Colchicum is a well-known homeopathic medicine used for gastrointestinal ailments arising after eating eggs. It is the best remedy for distension of the abdomen with gas and loud flatus. There are frequent tasteless burps with pressing/ tearing/ cutting or stitching pain and cramps in stomach. The patient cannot bear the smell of food, it causes nausea and vomiting. The stool contains white large particles in large quantities with mucus-like rice water. All the symptoms of Colchicum are relieved by bending forward.

When And How To Use Colchicum?

It is used in case of stomach pain or feeling of pressure on the stomach with heaviness and continuous rumbling of gas. The recommended dosage in most of the cases is 30C which can be used up to 2-3 times in a day.

200C and 1M are considered very high potencies. The suggested dose of 200C is once in a day, not to be repeated frequently. It is best to consult an experienced homeopath as self-medication should not be done in high power dosage.

3. Urtica Urens – Homeopathic Remedy For Shell Fish/Fish Allergy

Urtica Urens is a top-ranked homeopathic medicine for treating shell fish allergy. There is violent itching with burning and stinging pain on skin. Sometimes along with itching, swelling all over rashes are formed known as hives. The skin looks red, raised and requires constant scratching. The eruption and itching disappear as soon as the patient lies down and reappear immediately after rising. The complaints get worse by water, touch, air, rising up and disappear after lying down.

When and How to use Urtica Urens?

This remedy can be used in rashes or hives which arise after consuming fish/shell fish. Symptoms mainly categorise with intense skin itching, followed by burning. It can be taken 2-3 times in a day in 30C potency. Higher potencies such as 200C and 1M can also be used but it is best to seek professional help before using them.

4Lycopodium – For Wheat Allergy

Lycopodium offers a homeopathic cure for wheat allergy when consumption of wheat products triggers a gastric reaction. It comprises of symptoms like bloating, burping (tasting sour) and flatulence. It is well indicated for weak digestion with burning burping and bitter taste in mouth.

When and How to take lycopodium?

It is a remedy that is used in wheat allergy with a much-bloated abdomen, heartburn, waterbrash (acid reflux from stomach upwards to the throat) and noisy flatulence. Both the lower and the highest potencies are credited with excellent results. But as it is a deep-acting remedy hence lower potency, 30C is usually preferred, 2-3 times in a day. Otherwise 200C potency or higher dose, has proved efficacious, but should not be taken too frequently.

5. Apis Mellifica – For Skin Issues In Food Allergy

Apis Mellifica is a wonderful medicine for treating Urticaria (rashes of round, red welts) on the skin where itching is severe. It is a great remedy when hives develop due to milk allergy. The body is covered with large, elevated bumps accompanied by stinging, burning, pricking or itching. The wheals (red, swollen marks) are painful, tender, hot and extremely sensitive to touch with stinging pain. There is also violent itching and burning in the wheals. The person needing Apis Mellifica may experience worsening of symptoms by warmth and relief by cold applications.

When and How to take Apis mellifica?

The symptoms such as hives/wheals/ bumps caused due to specific foods are largely benefitted by Apis. The complaints include rapid swelling of the affected area along with stinging pain, burning, itching and redness. The lower potency 30C works well in these conditions and can be repeated 2-3 times in a day. A careful analysis should be done before using it in 200C and 1M potencies and should not be frequently repeated if the symptoms doesn’t seem to get better.

Common Food Allergens 

In adults, they include:


Tree nuts, such as walnuts

Shellfish, including shrimps, crayfish, lobsters and crabs

For children, the food allergens that most often cause problems are:




Types Of Food Allergies

Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome

Also termed as oral allergy syndrome, pollen food allergy syndrome affects many people having hay fever. In this condition, a protein found in certain nuts, spices, fresh fruits and vegetables can trigger an allergic reaction that can cause itching in the mouth. In serious reactions, it can lead to throat swelling or anaphylaxis.

Proteins in certain fruits, vegetables or nuts cause the reaction as they are similar to allergy-causing proteins found in certain pollens. This is an example of cross reactivity.

Exercise-Induced Food Allergy Syndrome

In this condition after eating certain foods, there is itching, a person may faint and can get ‘hives’ or even anaphylaxis when body temperature goes up after exercising. One can prevent it by avoiding eating anything for a few hours before exercising.

Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES)

Also referred to as delayed food allergy, it is a severe condition causing vomiting and diarrhea after consuming food allergen, like milk, soy and grains. FPIES mostly develops in infancy when the baby is introduced to solid food.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis

In this condition, there is inflammation of esophagus (food pipe). It occurs due to allergy or sensitivity to particular proteins found in foods. Many people with this condition have a family history of asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis or food allergy.

Symptoms Of Food Allergy

The symptoms that the allergic individual produces are individual in nature.  They can range from a mild asthmatic attack to a severe life-threatening allergic response anaphylaxis.

–  If people are allergic to a particular food, for example, they may first experience itching in the mouth as they start to eat food.

– After the food is digested in the stomach, abdominal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or pain may start.

– When the food allergens enter and travel through the bloodstream, they can cause a drop in blood pressure.

– As the allergens reach the skin, they can induce hives or eczema, or when they reach the lungs, they may cause asthma.

– All of this takes place within a few minutes to an hour.

 Other symptoms include

– Shortness of breath

– Wheezing,

– Repetitive cough

– Shock or circulatory collapse

– Tight, hoarse throat; trouble swallowing

– Swelling of the tongue, affecting the ability to talk or breathe

– Weak pulse

– Pale or blue colouring of skin

– Dizziness or fainting

Most food-related symptoms occur within two hours of ingestion; often they start within minutes. In some very rare cases, the reaction may be delayed by four to six hours or even longer. Delayed reactions are most typically seen in children who develop eczema as a symptom of food allergy and in people with a rare allergy to red meat caused by the bite of a lone star tick.

Pathophysiology Of Food Allergy

 Our immune system uses two components to deal with food allergies. One of these is immunoglobulin E (IgE), a type of blood-moving protein known as an antibody. The other is mast cells, which are found in all body tissues but are particularly prevalent in the digestive tract, nose, throat, and lungs. When you eat a food to which you are allergic to for the first time, certain cells produce a lot of IgE to counter the allergen in the food. IgE is released and adheres to the surface of the mast cells. Although you won’t have an allergic reaction just yet, your body is prepared to do so.

The allergen reacts with that IgE the time you consume the meal containing the allergen, causing the mast cells to release histamine and other substances. These compounds will produce different symptoms depending on the tissue they are in. Additionally, some food allergens can enter your bloodstream because they aren’t destroyed by the cooking heat, stomach acids, or other food-digesting enzymes. They can then spread throughout your body and trigger allergic reactions. The timing and the place are impacted by the digestive process. Your mouth can start to itch. Then, you can have symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, or stomach pain. Blood-borne food allergies can lower blood pressure. They can cause hives ( reddish bumps on skin) when they reach the skin.

Risk Factors Of Food Allergy

1. Family history: Risk of having food allergy increases if one has a family history of asthma, hives, eczema or allergies, like hay fever.

2. Age: Food allergies are more common in children, especially infants. As a child grow older, the digestive system  matures and the body is less affected by the food that triggers allergy.

3. Asthma: Asthma and food allergy commonly occur simultaneously. When they occur symptoms of both are severe.

4. Other allergies: If one is having a particular type of allergic reaction like hay fever, one is more prone to risk of  developing food allergy.

Dr. Vikas Sharma is a Chandigarh-based homeopathic doctor. He has been practicing homeopathy for the last 13 years.



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  1. Amarendra K Sinha says:

    Dr Saheb,

    I am chronic patient of gas, constipation. Seldom I got stomach clear completely. I do not remember when it happened last.

    Lately, I have also developed intolerance towards wheat products. Though having fibre rich foods help occasionally but more fibre also causes problems sometimes.

    Now for the last few years, I also facing trouble in emptying my bladder completely in one go, particularly at no ight before bed.

    I take medicine for Thyroid and BP.

    Please advise.


  2. Hi Dr. Sharma,

    My son has food allergies to peanut, cashew, pistachios, hazel nut, red lentil, green peas and chickpeas. I can send you his bloodwork that will inform you of his severity. Are you able to treat him remotely for this so he can eat them like normal people? He is 5.5 yrs old.

    • Anup Kumar Mukherjee says:

      I’ve lactose intolerance from childhood. Later on discovered diarrhoea from wheat products. Now all on a sudden I’m finding that I’ve diarrhea from eating beetroot.

  3. Hello sir,
    I have long family history of GERD and food intolerance,, symptoms in its serious form after typhoid with piles,
    Is it affects our body growth or children hights ??
    Is there lifelong cure or solution….

  4. Elizabeth Clark says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma
    Thank you for all your information. I want to ask remedy would be good if i got vertigo and dizziness and bowel/gastric upsets upon eating foods that have histamines. I do try to avoid those foods but sometimes not always easy.
    Thank you and best regards.
    Elizbeth Clark

  5. Valerie Bressler says:


    I’m seeking information for one of my daughters who has become allergic to all animal proteins, as well as some fruits such as stone fruits. As far as I know, her symptoms are mostly itching in the mouth, bumps on her tongue, and her face hurting. She has also had sore which pop out on her arms since she was a teenager. She does have alopecia, inherited from her father. I can gather more specific information from her, but am wondering if this initially sounds like something treatable with homeopathy.

  6. Pawan Kumar says:

    नमस्ते डॉ जी मुझे फूड एलर्जी है लास्ट 2 ईयर से कुछ खाद्य एवं पेय पदार्थ से जैसे चने की दाल के साथ चावल से ,कड़ी के साथ चावल से दही, लस्सी, काले चने या छोले से शुरू शुरू में मुंग फली बेसन का लड्डू गुड़ चावल दही लस्सी चने की दाल कड़ी के सेवन से शरीर में जलन खुजली आंखों में लालिमा पानी आना दर्द सांस लेने परेशानी दड़कन तेज होना शरीर पर लाल रंग के चटके बन जाना हकला खुजाने पर ओर जायदा खुजा बढ़ जाना नाक से पानी जलन उसके बाद साल भर तक एलोपैथिक मेडिसिन खाई कई टेस्ट कराए फिर भी जायदा कोई आराम नहीं हुआ बीमारी खत्म नहीं हुई है चमड़ी वाले डॉ ने शुरू में बोला कि दूध से बनी चीज ना खाए जब ओर खाद्य चीजों से होने लगी तो बोलते की आपको खुद देखना होगा आपको ओर किन किन चीजों से परेशानी है इस बीमारी की वजह से मैं डिप्रेशन में हो गया था अब जिन चीजों से परेशानी हो रही थी वो खाना बंद कर दिया पर फिर भी कभी कभी हो जाती है और खाना भी सोच सोच कर खाना पड रहा है टेस्ट में यूरिक एसिड जायदा था बाकी सब ठीक था अभी सैयद वही प्रॉब्लम है सर में खुद मेडिकल लाइन में हु पर मुख्य उसके बाद भी बीमारी का कुछ समझ नहीं आ रहा कृपया करके आप कोई समाधान बताए जिससे बीमारी पूरी तरह से दूर हो जाए

  7. navtej singh says:

    my daughter has allergy to chickpea seasme mustard and sulfa drug which homeopathy medicines can treat them

  8. Robert Ghizzoni says:

    Hi Dr Sharma

    I have an anaphylactic reaction to tree nuts and bee stings . ., I have been able to avoid an incident for close to 10 years. Had been taking shots for bees for years which I have stopped as of a year ago. I just had an anaphylactic reaction at a restaurant last week . Not 100 percent sure the trigger either something changed in the honey barbecue wing sauce which I’ve had a number of times before. Or the blue cheese mold was the trigger.
    Is there anything I can do to avoid reaction. I have Apis 30 I feel if I take it fast enough and lay down with feet up I can avoid passing out . I wasn’t lucky or fast enough last week

    Thank you for any advice

  9. Hello
    I have many many food allergies and rashes, I have been take many different homeopath remedies but it’s never fixed and always came back. I have gastrointestinal problems many years also. If you can help this matter please let me know.
    Thank you.
    Sue Gooch
    Contact #19045888472

    • Elizabeth Clark says:

      Hi Dr. Sharma
      Thank you for all your information. I want to ask remedy would be good if i got vertigo and dizziness and bowel/gastric upsets upon eating foods that have histamines. I do try to avoid those foods but sometimes not always easy.
      Thank you and best regards.
      Elizabeth Clark

  10. Dear doctor, I am allergitic to egg, wheat, fish, meat, curd, peanut, cashewnut and more importantly for Black pepper.
    Feels tired, indigestion, no stamina, difficult to walk, sometimes swelling, difficulty in breathing and feels exhausted.
    Kindly suggest me.

    • Barbara McClary says:

      Hello Dr. Sharma, I hope you can help me. Pharma drug side effects frighten me so I prefer to address any health issue if possible more naturally

      4 days ago I had a pretty bad food allergic reaction, problem is I’m not sure which food caused the reaction. I think most likely it was wheat since I ate more then a usual amount that day but had a delayed reaction hours later.

      After reading on this cite about the various allergic food reactions some foods produce I’m not sure what caused my issue because my reaction has been limited to my face area with swollen face, eyes and eczema like skin rash on my face neck and upper chest area but with violent itching all over my body that is maddening.

      I hope you can help me with this issue it’s now over 4 days and the problem is the same, but with some light headedness also.

  11. Dear Dr Sharma, please speak to us more about the differences between allergy and food intolerance. Like what is in the food that causes adverse reactions? They both create reactions to skin, stomach, bowels etc, by hives, swelling, cramps, gas, and vomiting. Why does my allergy doctor disparage my food intolerances, and feign ignorance about what to do? I have not had one doctor even try to help me with my glucose, milk, and egg intolerances. Two allergists and three dermatologists I consulted said the exact same thing to me. “I don’t know what is causing it and cannot treat it” What is Ig3 again. Not sure I understand.
    Are all homeopathic remedies effective for both true food allergy and food intolerances? Can you make a more complete list of intolerances and remedies for us or is the above a complete list? Thank you so much for taking time for me!

    • generally speaking, an allergy produces an anaphylactic response

      an intolerance to a food is generally characterized by itching, coughing, wheezing, sometimes a sinus response, diarrhea, boating, etc.

      reading the above article explains this as well

  12. Neeta rajendra Khatri says:

    Which is best homeopathy drug to reduce Ig3

  13. Prema Ganapathy says:

    Doctor is there a possibility of being allergic to corn oil. What is the homeopathic medicine that can be taken.

  14. dr.shk Azim says:

    hi,i am dr.shk Azim sir
    pt devlop allregy after eating citrus food
    ie dermitis
    what is treatment???

    • Tapan Kumar Biswas says:

      My wife aged about 66 years has been suffering from food alergy and also drug alergy. Some food alergy like milk, coconut, mango, meat, egg, big fishes etc. Some foods
      which are not in allergic items also cannot take for intolerence,
      After taking that foods not digested then vomit. Allopathy treatment continued long time but not cured. If there’s any homeo treatment to cure please mention.

  15. Sugandhya Das says:

    My 4 years old baby is suffering from allergy asthma, she has food allergy. She is allergic to fish, milk , egg, peanut,wheat. She is also allergic to pollen, dist, paint fume, smoke. Sir please help me . Please suggest some remedy. She has mid night cough. She is coughing vigorously after waking up from sleep.

  16. Valerie Stubel says:

    My son and his wife think their 7 month old baby has FPIES.
    He starting vomiting after eating eggs and rice crackers.
    Lethargic as well. Can a homeopathic medicine benefit him?
    Valerie Stubel

  17. john randy Eckman says:

    i have someone who is allergic to beef so you have a homeopathic remedy for beef and how much in dollers

    • Is there a homeopathic medicine to treat tree nut allergy ? The person is Anaphylactic

      • Maryam Rahman says:

        My 3 year old son starts feeling nausea & vomiting after consuming most of the things eggs , meat , spice , meat , orange juice ..he develops neck sweating and retching .occasional night waking & hiccough & hoarseness . Plz help .May Allah bless u

  18. Indu thakur says:

    Sir, since past two years I am suffering from urticaria attack, in 2 years I had 8 episode.
    Itching starts in my head and armspit and thigh, and within 5 minute complete body is full of hive.
    Now it is spreading to tongue..
    Can this happen due to vegetable sandwich of cheese, capsicum, beetroot and mayonies..
    Bcs during 3-4 urticaria episode I had this food a day ago

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