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Top 3 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Pollen Allergy

pollen allergy homeopathy

The sudden appearance of symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes as a result of inhaling pollens is known as a pollen allergy. An inflammatory response against the pollen grains is triggered by the immune system of a person allergic to pollen. Of the many substances that can cause a seasonal allergy, pollens remain one of the most common triggers. Pollen is a powdery substance produced by flowers, weeds, trees, and grass. Most trees produce pollen during the spring season; flowers and grasses produce pollen during the summertime, and late-blooming plants like ragweed produce pollen around late summer and early autumn. Homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains can treat acute allergic reactions, as well as chronic allergic tendencies.

The pollens are spread by the wind and other means to fertilize plants of the same species. All of us tend to inhale pollens while breathing, and they don’t cause any problem for most of us. However, people who are allergic to pollen grains show the symptoms of an allergy. A pollen allergy is also known as Hay fever, and it usually subsides with the onset of cold weather.

Symptoms of a Pollen Allergy

Since every plant has its own pollinating period, the symptoms of pollen allergies are triggered when the particular plant is producing pollen. A person who is allergic to a specific type of pollen will develop allergic symptoms only when exposed to that particular pollen. The main symptoms of a pollen allergy include:

– A runny nose

– Sneezing

Stuffy or blocked nose

– Watery, itchy, red, swollen eyes

– Itchy, scratchy throat

– Cough

Asthmatic reaction with wheezing, breathlessness, and coughing

– Worsening of sinusitis complaint

Homeopathic Remedies for Pollen Allergy

Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat an acute allergic reaction and also work well to manage the chronic tendency towards pollen allergy. With the use of homeopathic treatment, the intensity and occurrence of the symptoms gradually decrease with every attack.
Antihistamines are most commonly used to treat allergic reactions in the conventional system of medicine. While they help deal with an acute allergic reaction, they only work on a short-term, temporary basis. Excessive use of these medications can cause side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, restlessness, nausea, and confusion.
Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, have no side effects. They help moderate the overactive immune system and are a safe, natural treatment for seasonal pollen allergies.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Seasonal Pollen Allergy

Natrum Mur – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Pollen Allergy

Natrum Mur is a top listed homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains. The person needing the medicine has a watery discharge from the nose and eyes. Along with this, violent sneezing (that is worse early in the morning) appears. Natrum Mur is also indicated when there is an alternating runny nose with a stuffy nose. Tickling in the throat along with a cough may also be present.

Key indications for using Natrum Mur for Allergy:

– Watery discharge from nose and eyes
– Early morning sneezing
– Alternate runny and stuffy nose

Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Violent Sneezing

Sabadilla Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the cevadilla seed that belongs to the natural order Melanthaceae. It is an effective homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains. The main characteristic feature that indicates the need for this remedy is violent, spasmodic sneezing followed by eye discharges. Along with this, itching and tickling sensations in the nose are present, which the person tends to rub excessively. Running nose with copious watery discharge, severe pain in the head in the frontal area, and obstruction of nostrils on alternate sides may also be present.

Key indications for using Sabadilla for Allergy:

-Violent sneezing
– Sneezing with itching, tickling in the nose
– Frontal pain in head

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Copious Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy with profuse watery nasal discharge and sneezing. The discharges are frequent and cause an itching, burning sensation in the nose. Acrid discharges can irritate the upper lip. The symptoms tend to get worse in the open air while staying indoors helps relieve the symptoms.

Key Indications for using Arsenic for Allergy:

– Copious watery discharge from the nose with sneezing
– Acrid, burning, excoriating nasal discharge
– Worsening of symptoms outdoors

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing and Watery Eyes

Allium Cepa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant called ‘red onion’ that belongs to the natural order Liliaceae. Sneezing with a runny nose and watery eyes are the main guiding symptoms to use Allium Cepa. The nasal discharges are acrid, burning and copious, with constant sneezing. Sneezing tends to worsen upon entering a warm room. A crawling, tingling, itching sensation in nostrils and itching in the throat is present. Allium Cepa is also indicated for cases where there is violent sneezing immediately upon rising from the bed. This medicine works well to treat pollen allergies and hay fever that appear during the spring season.

Key indications for using Allium Cepa for Allergy:

-Acrid, burning nasal discharge
– Bland eye discharge
– Hay fever in Spring

Euphrasia Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Itchy, Watery Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Euphrasia Officinalis is prepared from the plant called ‘Eyebright.’ It belongs to the family of Scrophulariaceae. It is used to treat pollen allergy which causes symptoms like itchy, watery eyes and coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane). The eye discharges are profuse and acrid. The discharges cause burning, biting, smarting, and scalding in the eyes. Eyes get red along with swelling of lids. Watery, profuse discharge from the nose (bland in nature) are noted. In some cases, fluent coryza during the day and obstruction of the nose at night is present. A cough and expulsion of phlegm may appear in the morning.

Key indications for using Euphrasia for Allergies:

– Profuse, acrid, burning eye discharges
– Red, itchy eyes
– Profuse watery nasal discharges

Other Important Homeopathic Medicines for Pollen Allergy

Arsenic Iod – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Burning Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Iod is an effective homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy with burning nasal discharge. Thin, watery, hot discharge drips from the nose. The discharge tends to cause soreness and redness of the upper lip. Irritation, tingling of the nose with a constant desire to sneeze is present. Irritating watery secretions and marked burning and smarting in eyes are also noted.

Arum Triphyllum – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Nasal Discharge and Stuffy Nose

Arum Triphyllum is a homeopathic medicine prepared from Indian turnip that belongs to the family Araceae. Fluent acrid discharge from the nose with a blocked nose, increased mouth breathing, raw and sore nostrils, irritated upper lip from the discharge, pain at the root of the nose and night sneezing are the indicating symptoms of this remedy.

Arundo Mauri – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Itching in Nostrils, Palate, and Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauri is prepared from Italian grass of the natural order Gramineae. Itching in nostrils, palate (roof of the mouth), and eyes are the key indications to use this medicine. Coryza and sneezing, loss of smell and prickling and burning in the eyes may also be present.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Wheezing

Arsenic Album is a homeopathic remedy used to treat pollen allergy with difficulty in breathing, wheezing in the chest (asthmatic complaint), suffocation and shortness of breath. Breathing is quick, short and anxious. The person cannot breathe adequately. Tightness, constriction, and oppression in the chest are present. The symptoms may get worse at midnight. A cough with thick, yellow-green mucus, sneezing with burning, biting, copious watery coryza is present. The nose may feel blocked, and the person may feel anxious and restless.

Wyethia – Homeopathic Medicine for allergy with Itching Palate and Dry, Hacking Cough

Wyethia is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the root of plant wyethia helenoides of the natural order Compositae. The characteristic features to use it are itching of palate and dry, hacking cough. It is also indicated for cases with itching inner canthi of eyes and allergic asthma.

Aralia Racemosa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Frequent Sneezing

Aralia Racemosa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant American Spikenard. It belongs to the natural order Araliaceae. It is used to treat pollen allergy accompanied by frequent sneezing and watery discharges from the nose.

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy during Spring

Allium Cepa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from red onion of natural order Liliaceae. Allium Cepa is prominently indicated homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy in the spring season. The symptoms include fluent watery discharge from the nose, sneezing and watery eyes. The nasal discharge is copious and acrid, causing burning in the nose. Sneezing tends to worsen upon entering a warm room. Crawling, tingling, itching sensation in the nostrils is present. Itching in the throat is also present.

Dulcamara – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy from Fresh Mown Grass

Dulcamara is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant ‘Woody Nightshade.’ It belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. It is used to pollen allergy caused by freshly mown grass. The person needing this medicine may have profuse watery nasal discharges or nasal blockage. Watery discharge from the nose tends to get worse in the open air. Constant sneezing, abundant watering from the eyes, and swelling of eyes are some other symptoms.

Ambrosia – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy from Ragweed

Ambrosia is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the ‘Roman Wormwood’ plant of the family Composite. It is an excellent homeopathic medicine to combat pollen allergy caused by ragweed. The characteristic features arising include watery eyes and intolerable itching of eyelids. Burning and smarting in eyes is also present. A feeling of stuffiness in the nose with a watery nasal discharge is present. Violent sneezing that can cause nosebleeds may occur. Sinus congestion along with a tickling cough is another accompanying feature. Ambrosia is also used as a preventive measure for ragweed allergies, and its use is recommended before the ragweed season.

Galphimia Glauca – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Burning Discharges from Eyes and Nose

Galphimia Glauca is a significant homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy prepared from the plant ‘Galphimia Glauca,’ of the natural order Malpighiaceae. Dried leaves and flowers of this plant are used for medicinal preparation. It is indicated for burning discharges from the eyes and nose. Sneezing also appears to worsen in the morning. Itching in eyes (especially in the morning) and swelling of the eyelids is also noted.

Histaminum – Homeopathic Medicine for Pollen Allergy

Histaminum is an effective homeopathic medicine for treating pollen allergy. It helps reduce the hypersensitivity of the immune system. Histaminum helps in controlling symptoms of pollen allergy, like sneezing, runny nose, and congestion. It also helps in asthmatic conditions arising from allergies.

Justicia Adhatoda – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing Fits and Watery Eyes

Justicia Adhatoda is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the fresh leaves of the plant Malabar Nut of natural order Acanthaceae. Fits of sneezing with watery eyes are the main indicative symptoms of using this medicine. Profuse coryza (inflammation of mucous membranes), loss of smell and paroxysmal (sudden, intense) coughing with tightness in chest and difficulty in breathing are some other indicating symptoms.

Luffa Operculata – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Stuffy Nose and Sneezing

Luffa Operculata is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the Cabacinha plant (also known as Esponjilla). The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. This medicine is used for pollen allergy with a stuffy nose and sneezing. Sometimes, a bland nasal discharge may be present. Burning, itching at the outer corners of the eyes, nasal polyps (non-cancerous growths inside the nose) and sinusitis complaints may also be present.

Cardiospermum – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing in the Morning

Cardiospermum is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the Ballon Vine plant. Its natural order is Sapindaceae. It is mainly used in cases of pollen allergy when sneezing appears in the morning upon waking. Itchy, watery eyes, obstruction of the nose, sinus congestion and a dry throat with scratchiness may arise along with other symptoms.

Causes of Pollen Allergies

The most common cause of pollen allergies is, of course, pollen grains spread by plants. The common sources of pollens include grass, trees, and weeds.

Grass – The common grass species that tend that cause pollen allergies include ryegrass, Timothy, and Bermuda. The pollination periods of these grasses are different, and a person allergic to a specific type of grass pollen will develop allergies in the corresponding season.
Ryegrass produces pollen throughout Spring to Fall, while Timothy produces pollen during the months of June and July. Bermuda produces pollen from May to September.

Trees – The common trees that are known to cause pollen allergy are birch, oak, and cedar. The pollinating period of these trees during the Spring season.

Weeds – The common weeds that tend to trigger allergies are ragweed and sagebrush. The peak levels of pollen production of ragweed are around mid-September. The pollinating period of sagebrush is mid-August to late September.

Pollen Count

The pollen count is defined as the amount of pollen present in the air at a given place. It is calculated over a period of 24 hours as the number of grains per square meter of air. On the basis of this calculation, the pollen count is divided into high, medium, low, or absent. It includes three types of pollen including weeds, grasses, and trees, as well as mold spores.
The pollen count affects the symptoms of a pollen allergy. A low pollen count does not affect too many people (except for those who are highly sensitive), while a medium-to-high number can give rise to allergic symptoms.
The pollen count in the local area can be checked online through National websites that are updated daily.

The Mechanism of a Pollen Allergy

When an allergen (like pollen) enters the body of a person with a sensitive immune system, it triggers the production of antibodies to fight the foreign particles. These antibodies are small proteins that lock onto the pollen grains, and they also bind to other white blood cells.
The next time pollen enters the nose; these cells break open to release histamine, which is a chemical released by the body to direct an inflammatory response against the foreign bodies. A large amount of histamine released causes itching, swelling of affected tissues, mucus production, muscle spasms, and other symptoms of an allergy.

Preventing Pollen Allergies

Preventing exposure to the allergens is the best way to deal with pollen allergies, especially during the high-allergy seasons. Some measures that can help prevent and manage a pollen allergy include:

Stay informed about the pollen count in your area and avoid exposure to the allergens on high and medium pollen count days. Those who are extremely prone to developing an allergic reaction should be careful even during low pollen counts.

Know your Allergens – Ask an allergist and observe for yourself the allergens that set off your allergies. Avoid exposure to those allergens, especially during the peak allergy season, and take measures to ensure that the allergy does not get triggered.

When the pollen counts are high, it is best to remain indoors in an air-conditioned environment with closed windows.

If you are planning to be outdoors while the allergy season is on, try to be outdoors when the pollen counts are low. Usually, plants pollinate between 5 am to 9 am, so early morning outdoor activities should be avoided. Walking a dog during these hours is also not advised since animals can trap pollen on their fur. Pollen also tends to flow more through the air on windy days.

Using masks to filter out pollen when outdoors is a good way to prevent exposure to the allergens.

Pollen grains can follow you into the house through the clothes, hair, and pets. Changing clothes and showering immediately upon returning home is strongly advised.

Sunglasses should be used to keep the pollen out of the eyes. Eyes irritated by allergies are also more sensitive to light, so sunglasses help prevent further exposure.

Indoor plants that produce pollen are often overlooked. These include ornamental grasses, shrubs, and trees. These should ideally not be kept in the house.

Apart from the allergens, it is also essential to control the irritants that trigger allergic reactions or make their symptoms worse.
Not smoking in the house, avoiding wood fires, and avoiding strong odors off of sprays, paints, disinfectants, and perfumes are some methods to reduce the number of irritants.

Pollen allergies should be treated promptly, especially in acute cases. Where required, prescription medications and antihistamines should be taken to control a severe allergic flare up. However, overuse of conventional medicines like decongestant sprays can cause further problems (like an allergy rebound) and should be used very sparingly. Homeopathic remedies for pollen allergy work particularly well to treat chronic conditions.


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  1. MegalaSrinivas says:

    We are from bangalore..My daughter 5yrs old..suffering from eye redness and watery occasionally.. I went to eye doctor n he gave two drops cromal forte and FML-T…n he told the reason its purely dust allergy.though she small girl I feel very bad.wat kind of measures we can daily use to avoid this condition…any thing is thr to cure completely with the help of homeopathy treatment

  2. Vijay kumar says:

    Sir i am suffering from allergy for 14 years i face problems of sneezing ,red eyes , chest sound ,contraction of air passage (difficulty in breathing) I have take many times treatment from different doctors but permanant relief not done Sir my blood test report for inhalant allergy is following
    1. Common reed pollens positive
    2.Meadow fescue pollens. Positive
    3.Dermatophagoides farinae ( dust mite ) positive
    4.Hollister sister labs ( House dust). positive
    5. Common silver birch pollens positive
    6.oak pollens. Positive
    7. Tomato and cucumber positive
    8. Cheese ,curd,milk positive
    Sir please provide the solution so we can lives the life .

  3. गोवर्धन पटेल says:

    नमस्ते सर
    में पिछले 10 सालों से सर्दी जुकाम से पीड़ित हु ।जो मुझे हर वर्ष अगस्त के आखिर या सितम्बर के प्रथम सप्ताह में हो जाती हे । सर्दी का इतना बुरा हाल रहता हे की एक दिन मे ही 4-5 रुमाल गीले हो जाते साथ ही बहुत ही जोरसे छीके आना शुरू हो जाती हे आँखे लाल हो जाती हे रात को 3 बजे बाद सांस लेने में भी परेशानी परेशानी होती हे। (जेसे ही तेज धुप में निकालता हूँ सारी परेशानी तुरंत शुरू हो जाती हे)
    इ एन टी dr को दिखाया उन्होंने कहा एलर्जी हे जब मोंटेक एल सी लेता हु तुरंतआराम हो जाता हे ।आप होम्योपैथी में उचित इलाज बताये।

  4. Najaf sherazi says:

    I m from Pakistan
    I belong to plane area gujrat where is fields and dry weather whole year except monsoon season.
    Problem is staring from when i have job in police in karachi beachy and polluted city like Mumbai. I completed my military type training nothing wrong.
    After completion one day i feel short in my breath and it continues till 1 years then i transferred to Islamabad (capital of Pakistan) no problem here
    4 years
    Then i went back there in karachi
    Breathing problem start there
    2 years i face it
    Then i took prick allergy test and it is positive.
    Then i took medicine abstain and mytika
    For a 8 month i get healthy life.
    And transferred another time Islamabad
    Here was going everything right.
    But in spring end in begging of autumn
    I eat samosa
    And problem is staring here in Islamabad again
    Bloating, belching, Cramping,
    If i took fatty food or fried food
    And pain in stomch worst is to be continued from 2 month
    Anti histamine no work
    Islamabad is a high pollen area in Pakistan

    Also take immunotherapy shot
    Carbo veg 30
    Abstain anti allergic
    Recommend remedy for me

  5. Kumar Ravinder says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma;

    I M suffering from allergic rhinitis for 25-30 yrs or may b since birth.

    Through out the year I face severe attack. I have been taking antibiotic medicine for yrs since I had little faith in Homeopathic medicine.

    Now doctor has suggested me a surgety .

    I m confused what to do. I feel bodyeck ..headache
    mucus growth sometimes running nose with sneezing.
    Kindly advise me the right course of action and medicine.

    Kumar Ravinder
    Age 46 yrs
    Joint Director.. Parliament of India

  6. A.K.Prasaad says:

    Starts with nose itching mildly- many times hitch-hitchings.
    Watery eyes & Watery sneezing noze

  7. Sabina S. says:

    I am 40 years old and I have been suffering from allergy. It starts with watery discharge from nose, itching of throat and tongue. Then slowly i get the cough, congested nose, dry lip, thirst for water. It is worse in the night (post nasal drip) I have taken over the counter cough medicine does not help until I get prescription cough medicine. I have taken Claritin and Zyertec. It does help but not completely. This gets worse during start of spring, summer and fall. Could you please recommend some homeopathy medicine?

  8. Gurbir Singh says:

    I am 63 years old and since the last 5-6 years, I, have been suffering from a nasal allergy. As a result, I just can’t stop sneezing. At times, I sneeze for hours at a times in a row. This condition is accompanied by an itchy feeling in the eyes, nose and mouth and by profuse thin watery discharge from the nose. My state gets worse in the month of March-April & any change of season though a mild to moderate allergic condition persists throughout the year. Please suggest a homeopathic medicine. Some times I face with breathing problem. Basically I had faced very acute condition from 1992-1996 when I used to take 3-5 Avils Tablets, But thanks to Fish Medicine I taken for 4 yrs continuously Hydrabad which saved me from this problem and I was completely relieved from this problem and I never taken even a single Avail Tablet or any other medicine for this problem during 1997-2011. But for the last three year same problem again started though on low density and I usually take Citrazine Tablet once a day. Please advice some Homeo medicine. Gurbir Singh Mohali Punjab

  9. Satyam says:

    Hello Doctor,
    This is Satyam 40 years old , I live in Pennsylvania, Every year i have pollen allergy because it start exactly ever year 3 or last week of April and it will continue for 3 months, can you please suggest a medicne or how to stop this allergy.

    Thank you

  10. Srinivas Ch says:

    Hello Sir,
    This is Srinivas. I live in New Jersey and I’m suffering from pollen allergy. Symptoms are
    Blocked and itchy nose
    Severe sneezing
    Mild headache
    Please suggest homeopathic remedy.

    Thank you

  11. hari kolluri says:

    Hi Sharma,

    I’m Hari Kolluri 38 years Male , suffering with mild pollen effect, my eyes are itching and watering and cold symptoms. i leaves in Herndon,VA. last year also i got this problem during spring time i have used “Alaway eye itch relief” drops for 2 days and recovered. Now again in this spring i’m suffering with same symptoms.
    is there any permanent cure to my issue. are there any naturally i can cure this issue by having good food or having any kind of exercise i’m pure vegetarian . also i use to have Homeopathy medicine from child hood, now also i use to take same if any kind of small illness like cold fever etc.

    Please suggest me if any medicine there in Homeopathy or any vegetables to cure this issue naturally.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Hari Kolluri

  12. Sangeetha Raghavan says:

    My son who is 5 1/2 yrs old is suffering from pollen allergy.His eyes become swollen below the lower eyelids & slightly red in colour.His nose gets blocked especially when exposed outside & during night times, difficult to breathe.Kindly suggest appropirate homeopathic medicine that can cure his allergy.
    Sangeetha Raghavan

  13. My daughter is suffering from pollen allergy from last year. She feels constant itching in her nose, sneezing many times in a row, and as a result, watery eyes and itching in the eyes as well. The irritation and itching increases in morning, when she wakes up.
    Kindly suggest some homeopathic medicine that can cure this allergy.

  14. My son is suffering from pollen allergy in his eyes. Round the year, his eyes remain bloody red, except for 2 months of December and January. He feels itching in his eyes. His left eye has poor vision as well , from birth, as diagnosed by doctors. Kindly suggest some homeopathic medicine for the pollen allergy as well as for the improvement of the poor vision of left eye.

  15. Har Prasad Laroia says:

    Dr. Sharma Ji , Namastay,

    When I get up in the morning I feel pain all over body and joints. This feeling decreases during the
    day but it never goes away. I feel very itichy in my eyes. My sole and hands feel hot. No sneezing or
    cough. I always feel tired and so do not like to do anything. Please suggest me any homeopathic
    medicine. Thanks

  16. meena singh says:

    i m suffering from pollen allergy.plez suggest medicine

  17. The type of physician I would like to work for is a Pediatrician. Pediatrician’s speltaciy is to work with children. I have been working with children for a long time mainly because I work at a daycare facility. I’ve got to a point where I feel like I can handle anything that will come my way with them. It would also leave me feeling good at the end of the day to know that I have helped in some way to make a child feel better.The type of physician I would not care to work for is a Epidemiologist. Epidemiologist’s specialize in epidemics caused by infections agents and also work with sexually transmitted diseases. I feel if I were to work in this type of speltaciy I would be putting my self at risk of exposure to these infectious agents. Also I would be focusing a lot of my time on trying to not get infected instead of having a steady mind on what I was actually supposed to be doing.


    I am 25yrs old.from last 5 years. Suffering from Nasal problem.
    Symptoms- 1.cough,water 24*7,watery mucus all time
    2. Left nose blocked (there is a curb like structure inside nose which permanently blocke my nose sometimes open ,also in right nose but less from rleft nose)
    cold 24*7
    sneezing problem 24hr*7 especially when dust goes inside (allergy from dust)
    brathing problem due to nasal blocking all time
    headache sometimes
    tonsills pain in mouth ,itching in tonsils,swealling in tonsills everyday.
    please suggest homeopathic medicine sir.

  19. Dear sir,
    I am 24 years old and since the last 4 years, I, have been suffering from a nasal allergy. As a result, I just can’t stop sneezing. At times, I sneeze 30 to 40 times in a row. mainly in the early morning This condition is accompanied by an itchy feeling in the eyes, headache by profuse thin watery discharge from the nose. My condition has made me very irritable and short-tempered. My state gets worse in the morning, Please suggest a homeopathic medicine

  20. Good morning , I live in Kentucky USA. Here we have pollen allergy in the morning as soon as wakeup she will start sneezing and she will get white color mucks (liquid) from her noise and she complain that her forehead pain and she will have waterily eye and stuff noise. Please help her my giving some good medicine for her please….

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