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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Cough And Cold

Cough and cold is quite a common complaint everyone faces. Cold indicates an infection in the upper respiratory tract (it consist of nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx and the paranasal sinuses). Cough refers to an act of forcing air out of the lungs to get rid of mucus, fluids, germs (like bacteria, virus) and other matter like dust from the airways. Though cough and cold affect persons of all age groups but kids less than 6 years are more prone to it and get frequently affected as compared to adults. A young child may get several episodes of cough and cold in a year as his/ her immune system is yet developing. Cough and cold are usually caused by viruses. Among the different viruses (more than 200 types), the most common cause is rhinovirus. A person tends to catch this infection from inhaling infected virus droplets present in the environment when an infected person present nearby coughs or sneezes. It may also spread by hand to hand contact with person having cough and cold. The infection can be contracted from touching a surface that carries viral droplets and afterwards touching the nose, eyes or mouth without washing the hands. A person may also get this infection by sharing objects like towels, utensils, etc. with person having cold. Cough and cold can be attended with other symptoms like blocked nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache, body aches, watery eyes, fever and tired feeling.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly successful in treating cases of cough and cold. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s self – healing mechanism to fight with the germs that are causing infection and get them out of the body. This ensures natural and gentle recovery with zero side effects. The cough and cold are managed along with its attending symptoms like blocked nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache and body aches. Homeopathic medicines are suitable to manage cough and cold in persons of all age groups. As these medicines have no side effects, hence are very safe to use. One should take any homeopathic medicine for managing cough and cold after consulting a homeopathic doctor as the prescription varies from case to case as per individual symptoms. In case of persistent high fever, shortness of breath, chest pain and wheezing, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough And Cold

1.Aconite – Topmost Medicine

Aconite is a top-rated homeopathic medicine to manage cases of cough and cold. The key feature to use this medicine is cough and cold triggered from exposure to cold air. In cases needing it, there is clear watery nasal discharge. The discharge feels hot. It is accompanied by sneezing and stuffed sensation in the nose. Along with cold, one also also complains of headache. The throat is red, inflamed with burning and stinging pain. The voice becomes hoarse along with pain in the throat while talking. The cough is dry, rough, short and barking type. It is usually worse at night time.

2. Natrum Mur – With Marked Sneezing And Watery Nasal Discharge

Natrum Mur is a very effective medicine when there is intense sneezing and watery discharge from the nose. There is watering from eyes as well. Sneezing gets worse in the early morning. The nose feels painful internally. Sense of smell and taste get reduced. There is cough with hawking of mucus. Cough is attended with suffocation which gets worse at night when lying down. While coughing, bursting type of pain occurs in the head.

3. Arsenic Album – For Thin Nasal Discharge, Cough With Marked Weakness

This medicine is highly recommended when there is thin discharge from the nose and  cough with intense weakness. The nose feels stuffed along with discharge. Burning and itchy sensation in the nose is well-marked. The cold gets worse in open air and gets better indoors. Cough is dry and alternates with loose cough. Cough gets worse after midnight which is a highly characteristic feature to use this medicine. Cough gets better by sitting.

4.Belladonna – For Dry Cough, Cold With Sore Throat

Belladonna is a prominently indicated medicine for cough, cold accompanied with sore throat. There is frequent sneezing along with tickling sensation in the nostrils. There is watery discharge from one side of the nose. There occurs dry, tickling, and short cough. It increases at night. The throat and tonsils are markedly red, inflamed with a heated sensation. Dryness is felt in the throat along with marked throat pain. Pain gets worse while swallowing, especially anything liquid.

5. Hepar Sulph – For Loose Cough And Cold From Cold Air Exposure

This medicine is best suited for cases when loose cough and cold occurs after cold air exposure. Initially, there is watery nasal discharge. Afterwards, the discharge gets thick along with an offensive smell. The nose also feels stuffed up. There is PND (post nasal dripping) in which dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat. The cough that occurs is loose with mucus expectoration. The phlegm expelled out is thick, yellow and sticky type. The cough gets better by wrapping up warmly.

6. Pulsatilla – For Cough And Cold With Thick Yellow Green Discharge

This medicine works well in cases having cough cold with thick yellow green discharge. There is thick discharge from the nose which gets worse indoors. It gets better in open air. The nose feels blocked. It is accompanied with loss of smell and taste. There is loose cough in the day and dry cough after sleep. Yellow, green phlegm is expectorated along with loose cough.

7. Spongia – For Cold And Dry Cough

Spongia is a highly beneficial medicine to manage cold along with a dry cough. In cases requiring it, there is watery nasal discharge alternating with nose blockage. The attending cough is absolutely dry in nature. Cough is short, dry and irritative type with a rough hoarse feeling in the larynx. Cough results from a tickling sensation in the throat. There is relief in cough from eating or drinking, among which warm things offer more relief.

8. Allium Cepa – With Intense Sneezing

This medicine is helpful for cases of cough and cold with intense sneezing. Sneezing occurs almost continuously with excessive watering from the nose. Sneezing gets worse in a warm room in most cases needing it. The nasal discharge causes burning sensation in the nose and on the upper lips. A lump is felt at the root of nose. Along with the above complaints, excessive eye watering occurs. Along with cold, there is headache and hoarseness of voice. Cough gets worse from inhaling cold air and also in the evening. A tickling sensation is felt in the larynx that results in constant hawking to get relief.

9. Euphrasia – For Cold, Cough And Eye Watering

This medicine is useful when there is cold and cough along with marked eye watering. There is watery nasal discharge during the day and nasal blockage at night. The watering from eyes causes burning in the eyes. There is cough with profuse expectoration in the day time. Cough gets better at night.


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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Pain In Forehead

Pain in the forehead may be due to different reasons. To begin with, one of the main cause behind forehead pain is sinusitis, more specifically frontal sinusitis. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (air-filled spaces in the skull). Frontal sinusitis refers to inflammation of the frontal sinuses located behind the brow ridges one on the either side. Secondly, it may arise in cases of cold, emotional stress and eyestrain(excessive use of computer screen/mobiles). Other reasons could be different types of headache like migraine, tension headache and cluster headache. Migraine is one- sided headache mainly throbbing/pulsating type usually attended by nausea and vomiting. Tension headache is a type of headache that feels like a tight band across the forehead. The tight feeling may also occur on the sides and the back of the head. Cluster headache refers to pain on one side of the head daily for several weeks or months, afterwards there occur a remission phase where no headache occurs for months or even years. Another reason could be high blood pressure (hypertension). Hormonal changes may sometimes be the reason behind forehead pain. One may also experience forehead pain in case of withdrawal of alcohol or caffeine. Besides the above, there may be few serious reasons like stroke (it is a medical emergency in which interrupted oxygen supply to the brain cause death of the brain cells and loss of brain function) and meningitis (inflammation of meninges i.e. protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord) that needs to be immediately and carefully treated. Depending on the cause, pain in the forehead could be attended with other symptoms. These includes nasal discharge, blocked nose, nausea, vomiting, pain in the eyes, dimness of vision, pressure in the ears, pain in the neck and scalp, fever and weakness.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing complaint of pain in forehead. Homeopathic medicines give good results in such cases by targeting the root cause behind it. With its use, the intensity and frequency of the headache reduces gradually. Homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. The use of homeopathic medicines is recommended for mild to moderate cases. The most suitable homeopathic medicine has to be selected individually for every case after detailedcase evaluation based on the characteristic symptoms. So one should take homeopathic medicine under supervision of a doctor and avoid self-medication. In cases, forehead pain occurs from some serious health issues like meningitis or stroke, it is advised to get immediate help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitation in handling serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Pain In Forehead

1.Belladonna – Top Recommended Medicine

Belladonna is a top ranking medicine in homeopathy to manage cases of forehead pain. Along with pain, a feeling of fullness is felt in the forehead. The pain may extend to the sides and the back of head. The nature of pain is throbbing type. Headache is worse from exposure to light and noise. Exposure to cold air also increases the intensity of the pain. There is relief in pain by applying pressure over the forehead. While in pain, marked heat and redness is observed of the face. It is a highly recommended medicine for headache occurring from migraine or sinus infection.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Forehead Pain Due To Cold and Sinusitis

Kali Bichrome is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage pain in the forehead in cases of cold and sinusitis. Discharge from the nose and eyes, along with headache, is prominent. The nasal discharge is thick, greenish-yellow, sticky, and ropy. There may be a characteristic complaint of post nasal discharge (PND) in which mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. The sufferer may complain of a blocked sensation in the nose. Fetid smell comes from the nose. Additionally, pain at the root of the nose is well marked. There is relief in headache by drinking something warm. Headache also gets better by pressing at the root of the nose.

3. Ruta – To Manage Pain In Forehead From Eye Strain

Ruta is the topmost medicine for managing pain in the forehead that results from eye strain. Mostly pressive pain or pulsating pain is felt in the forehead where this medicine is required. The pain from the forehead may radiate to the sides of the head. A pressure on the eyebrows is quite prominent. The headache gets worse from reading. Besides, pain and pressure is felt in the eyes. There is redness in the eyes along with the above symptoms. Additionally, a burning sensation is well marked in the eyes. One may feel restless.

4. Iris Versicolor – For Forehead Pain With Nausea, Vomiting

Iris Versicolor is an outstanding medicine for managing forehead pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A dull heavy feeling occurs in the forehead. A constricted sensation is also felt around the forehead. Excessive weakness is felt along with headache. There is sleeplessness due to pain in the forehead. There is reduced appetite. In some cases, along with pain in the forehead, there is pain in the right eye also. This gets worse during rest.

5. Silicea – To Manage Forehead Pain From Long Term Cold

Silicea is a well-indicated medicine for managing pain in the forehead in cases of long term (chronic) cold. There is a throbbing type of pain in the forehead. The frontal sinuses are also inflamed. There is a thick, yellow-green discharge from the nose in the morning after waking. The nose feels blocked along with the above features.

6. Natrum Mur – For Forehead Pain Better From Pressure

This medicine is recommended for forehead pain that gets better by applying pressure. Throbbing is felt in the forehead. A very characteristic sensation that one feels is a thousand little hammers knocking on the brain. A sensation of weight is also experienced in the forehead. This sensation gets worse when bending the head down. In some cases, pain in the forehead is accompanied with pain in the eyeballs. The next very prominent feature to use this medicine is pain in the forehead which gets worse from coughing and sneezing. During coughing, it feels as if the head would burst.

7. Gelsemium – For Forehead Pain Worse From Exertion

Gelsemium is an important medicine to manage forehead pain that gets worse from exertion. There is pain in the forehead over one or both eyes. The pain may occur on the top of the head as well along with forehead pain. Besides, there is a dimness of vision. Heaviness can also be felt in the head. There is also a sensation of a tight band around the head.

8. Bryonia – For Pain In Forehead Extending To Back Of Head

Bryonia is a suitable medicine to manage pain in the forehead extending to the back of the head. The pain gets worse from movement. Along with the above, there appears fullness and heaviness in the forehead. It is relieved by applying pressure on the forehead or by closing the eyes. Burning sensation is felt in the forehead. This medicine is also recommended to manage forehead pain that gets worse from stooping.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Exercise-induced Headache

Exercise-induced headache or exertion headache refers to headache that occurs during or after some physical exertion like running, exercise, weightlifting, swimming. Doing exercise in hot weather increases the risk of such headache. Some other activities that may trigger such headache are rowing, playing sports like tennis, football, aerobics and also sexual intercourse. While exercising or carrying out any physical exertion, blood demand to the head, neck and scalp is increased. Due to this, blood vessels dilate to receive more blood flow which can result in exertion headache.

Dehydration and low blood sugar levels after exercise might also contribute to exercise-induced headache. Its symptoms include pain in the head either on one or both the sides, pulsating sensation in the head and pain in the neck. It may also have symptoms of migraine such as nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light and vision changes. Having a family history or personal history of migraine increases the chance of such headaches. Exercise induced headache is categorised into two types primary and secondary. Primary exercise headache is the ones that is not caused by an underlying health problem. Secondary exercise headache is caused by some underlying health problem. These health issues can range from mild sinus like infection to serious causes including obstruction in CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) flow, tumours in the brain including cancerous and non-cancerous, bleeding in the brain, heart disease and stroke (interrupted blood supply to a part of the brain leading to death of brain cells).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is of immense use to manage cases of primary exercise induced headache that occurs without any underlying health condition. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually reducing the intensity and frequency of this complaint. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin, so they are 100 percent safe and can be used with zero side effects. Homeopathic prescription is done based on the characteristic symptoms of the individual. The treatment is given purely based on the individual’s symptoms. Therefore, it is advised to get any case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription and dosage. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only for primary exercise induced headache. These are not recommended for secondary exercise-induced headache that occur from some underlying serious causes. In such cases, the conventional mode of treatment is better since homeopathy has its limitations to handle serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Exercise-Induced Headache

1. Epiphegus – Top Recommended Medicine

Epiphegus is a leading homeopathic medicine that helps manage cases of exercise-induced headache. Those who need this medicine usually feel pain in the sides of the head. It feels as if fingertips are pressing into the sides of head. Though pain can occur on any side, most of the times it affects the left side of the head. Headache can be preceded by hunger. There is excessive salivation in the mouth which is sticky. It is attended with a constant need to spit. Fullness sensation is also felt in the head. Additionally, the scalp feels tight during headache.

2. Belladonna – For Headache From Slightest Physical Exertion

Belladonna is another highly suitable medicine that helps to manage headache that occurs from the least physical exertion. It is also indicated when headache occurs from walking too fast. In cases needing this medicine, throbbing / pulsating (to beat with force and rapidity) pain occurs in the head. The pain can occur in any part of the head but gets worse on the sides of the head. There is marked heat and redness on the face along with headache. There is a feeling of fullness and a pressure is felt in the head. Besides exertion, it is indicated when headache gets worse from noise and exposure to bright light.  There is relief by binding the head tightly.

3. Natrum Mur – With Sensation Of Thousand Hammers Knocking On Head

The next prominent medicine in the list of managing exercise-induced headache is Natrum Mur. In cases needing this medicine, it feels as if a thousand hammers are knocking on the head. Along with headache, sensitivity to light is felt. Throbbing is felt in the head. Besides, heated sensation is also felt in the head. The face gets red. Nausea and vomiting may occur along with these complaints. Beating and pulsating sensation is felt in the head especially in the forehead. A sensation of heaviness is felt in the forehead. This worsens from bending the head down. There is relief in this complaint by applying pressure. Next, there may occur tearing or stitching pain in the head that compels the sufferer to lie down. The head feels as if it would burst. Besides the above, Natrum Mur is one of the best medicines to manage cases of headache occurring from sun exposure.

4. Ignatia – For Headache After Running

This medicine is highly recommended for headache that gets worse after running. In cases requiring this medicine, pain is felt in the frontal region of the head. It is a pressive sort of pain. Usually pain occurs on the right side of the forehead. This pain might extend to the right eye. In some cases, pain starts from the forehead and extends down to the nose or upwards to the middle of the top of the head. A pressure sensation occurs on the top of the head attended with nausea and vomiting. Heated sensation is felt in the head. There is relief in headache by taking rest.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Headache After Lifting Weights

Calcarea Carb is an important medicine for managing headache resulting from over-lifting weights. It is accompanied with nausea. An icy cold feeling is felt in the head. A sensation of weight is felt on the top of the head. The headache mainly starts at the back of the head (occiput) and extends to the top of the head. It feels as if the head would burst. There is relief in headache from vomiting, closing eyes or by tightly binding the head.

6. Argentum Nitricum – For Headache After Dancing

Argentum Nitricum is a beneficial medicine to manage headache from physical exertion especially after dancing. There is pain in the entire head. The nature of pain is pressing type. There is relief by tightly binding the head. Vertigo may occur along with the headache. The objects may seem double along with headache. The head and face feel congested and the head feels enlarged.

7. Gelsemium – For Pain In Neck, Back Of Head Extending Upward And Forward

Gelsemium is another very effective medicine to help cases of headache following physical exertion. Persons needing this medicine have pain in the upper neck and the back of the head that extends up and forward. The nature of pain can be drawing, tearing or cramp-like. They may also complain of pain in the forehead over the eyes (on one or both the eyes). Dimness of sight may occur along with headache. A fullness sensation is felt in the head attended with heat in the face. The head also feels heavy. The head feels enlarged. A sensation of a band around the head may be felt. Nausea may occur along with headache.

8. Calcarea Phos – For Pain On Top Of Head And Behind Ears

This medicine is useful for cases where pain is felt on the top of the head and behind the ears. Along with this, there occurs a drawing sensation in the muscles of the neck and the back of the head. Along with this, a heated sensation occurs in the head. Fullness and pressure are felt in the head.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Solar Urticaria

Solar urticaria is a rare skin condition characterised by an itchy, red rash on the skin on exposure to sunlight. The rash develops a few minutes after exposure to the sun. Solar urticaria is also known by the name of sun allergy. Solar urticaria does not occur due to the heat of the sun but from a reaction to the UV rays (ultraviolet rays) in the sunlight. Such reactions may also occur from exposure to ultraviolet light emitted from artificial sources of light. Solar urticaria is different from heat rash. Heat rash occurs from clogged skin pores and accumulation of sweat under the clothes, especially, in the skin folds. This may even happen in the absence of exposure to sunlight. While solar urticaria typically arises from exposure to sunlight, it is believed that it arises from an over-reaction of the immune system in some persons when their body is exposed to sunlight. In those suffering from solar urticaria on exposure to sunlight, histamine (a chemical released by the immune system that is known to cause allergy symptoms) is released. This results in a reaction leading to redness, rash, and itching on the skin along with other symptoms. This condition usually affects people in their mid-30s. Both men and women can be equally affected by this condition. Though, anyone can suffer from solar urticaria people with lighter skin complexion are at more risk. Having a family history of this condition also increMases the risk of developing the same. People who are already suffering from some allergies are also at risk of this condition. Further, the use of dyes, perfumes, sunscreens or use of certain medicines like antibiotics may trigger solar urticaria. Solar urticaria causes skin rash with round bumps on the skin when exposed to the sun. These bumps may form clusters on the affected skin area. The rash is itchy. A stinging or burning sensation may also be felt. Pain may also be felt at times. In some cases, there forms fluid-filled eruptions called blisters and crusts on eruptions. The rash goes away in a few hours after the sun exposure ends. The reaction varies from mild to severe. The intensity of the reaction depends on how much skin area is exposed to the sun and for how long. When a large area of skin is exposed for a long time then there are chances of a severe reaction. In severe cases, there might occur headache, nausea, vomiting and lightheadedness as well. Rare solar urticaria can lead to a serious reaction called anaphylaxis. It is a life-threatening condition which needs immediate medical help. Its symptoms include difficulty in breathing, wheezing, rapid heartbeat, feeling faint, confusion, swelling in deep layers of skin, anxiety, low blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Homeopathic Management

There is great scope of managing solar urticaria in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines moderate the overactive immune system naturally to help in healing the rash in acute cases and to manage attending symptoms like itching, burning, stinging and pain in the eruptions. They also help in long-term (chronic) cases of solar urticaria by gradually reducing the intensity and frequency of symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually in every case of solar urticaria after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for solar urticaria under supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Though these medicine are very safe to use, caution is needed in serious cases with anaphylaxis. In anaphylaxis, which is a life threatening condition, homeopathic treatment is not recommended. In such cases immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment is strictly advised.

Homeopathic Medicines For Solar Urticaria

1. Natrum Mur – Topmost Homeopathic Medicine

Among the various homeopathic medicines for managing solar urticarial, Natrum Mur tops the list. This medicine is indicated when a large red rash is formed with bumps on the skin. The rash covers a large surface area of the skin. It is accompanied by violent itching in most of the cases. A stinging sensation is felt in the rash. There is a crawling sensation on the skin all over the body. Besides the above indications, this medicine is also recommended when fluid-filled eruptions (blisters) appear on the skin.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Urticaria With Burning, Stinging Sensation

The other highly recommended medicine to manage cases of solar urticaria is Apis Mellifica. The most prominent feature to use this medicine is the urticaria rash with prominent burning and stinging sensation. It feels as if it is occurring from bee stings. Red inflamed patches appear on the skin. Wheals are formed which may be red spots or white spots with redness in the center. There is itching and prickling sensation on the affected skin area. Along with the above features, there may be sensitivity of skin to touch where eruptions appear.

3. Urtica Urens – For Urticaria With Intense Itching

Urtica Urens is another well indicated medicine for managing cases of urticaria with violent itching. In cases needing this medicine, raised red patches appear on the skin with intense itching. There is marked redness on the skin, along with burning heat. There is formication (a sensation as if insects are crawling on or under the skin). Stinging points may appear on the skin. There is a desire to rub the skin constantly to get relief where this medicine is required.

4. Bovista – For Widespread Urticaria Rash

Bovista is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases where hives are widespread on the skin. The wheals are quite large in size. Itching gets worse from heat. Itching continues even after scratching.

5. Histaminum – For Red Itchy Eruptions Better By Scratching

Histaminum is an important medicine in homeopathy to manage many allergic reactions. It is well indicated when red itchy eruptions appear on the skin which get relieved by scratching. Burning sensation attends it. The affected skin is sensitive to touch. There is marked redness and heat on the face along with above features.

6. Astacus Fluviatilis – For Urticaria With Itching and Stinging

Astacus Fluviatilis is another effective medicine for cases of urticaria. This medicine is indicated for managing urticaria with itching in various areas. Additionally, there is stinging pain on the skin. The rash may cover a large area.

7. Copaiva – For Urticaria With Isolated Patches On Skin

Copaiva is recommended for treating urticaria with isolated patches of rash on the skin. These may be pale red or bright red. There is excessive itching. Urticaria may be widespread attended with a red face. The skin is dry along with a heated sensation. The affected skin area is sensitive to touch. Pricking sensation is felt on the skin.

8. Arsenic Album – For Urticaria With Burning Sensation

Arsenic Album is of great use when urticaria is accompanied with a burning sensation in the rash. Along with this there is marked restlessness. In general, the skin is dry, rough and scaly. Peeling of the skin may occur in some cases requiring this medicine. The skin is also oversensitive to touch. Itching is felt in the skin rash which gets worse by scratching.






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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Weakness During Menses

During menstruation, several health issues can come up in women that may be quite distressing. Weakness or tiredness during menses is quite common besides other common concerns like cramps, bloating and mood changes. A weak and tired feeling during menses is referred to as period fatigue. This happens from a drop in the estrogen levels around the menstrual cycle. This subsides in a few days after periods get over and the level of the hormone rises again bringing improvement. Next, weakness during menses occurs due to loss of blood during menses. The more the blood loss, the more the weakness. Excessive blood loss leads to anemia which may be one of the causes of weakness during menses. With anemia, the iron levels drop. Therefore, the body cannot make enough hemoglobin needed to transport oxygen to the body cells which can cause weakness. Another reason may be decreased sleep during menses which contributes to weakness during menses. Decreased sleep can be attributed to various factors like discomfort, heavy bleeding, mood changes or menstrual cramps. Loss of sleep leads to weakness the next day of a sleepless night. Weakness during menses could be a part of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) that occurs from hormonal changes occurring around the time of menses. Other than weakness, which is one of the most common symptoms of PMS, the other symptoms include bloating, mood swings, sleep issues, headaches, anxiety, appetite changes, depression and weeping episodes.

Homeopathic Management

Females who face weakness during menses can find homeopathic medicines quite useful in relieving this problem. These are natural remedies that help to improve the energy levels during menses. The best part is that these medicines boost energy levels without causing any side effects. With the use of these medicines, the intensity of weakness gradually reduces with every period. Along with improving body strength, homeopathic medicine also focuses on improving symptoms like period cramps, bloating, mood swings, irritability, backache, headache, etc. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Weakness During Menses

1.China Officinalis – Top Recommended Medicine

China Officinalis is the leading homeopathic medicine that treats cases of weakness during menses. This medicine is of great use to manage weakness felt during and after menses. Those needing it feel weak even while sitting. One is unable to do even a little work. There is excessive irritability. There may be a tendency of early and heavy menses where this medicine is required. Along with this, there is excessive bloating of the abdomen.

2. Helonias – For Weakness With Heavy Menses

This medicine is recommended when there is heavy menses with marked loss of strength and weakness. Bleeding gets worse from the least exertion. The bleeding is dark-colored and has a very foul smell, and also lasts for a longer time. Periods occur frequently. The face looks pale with excessive bleeding. Apart from the above symptoms, pain is felt in the back. The pain from the back goes to the uterus. There is cutting or drawing type of pain. The ovarian region may be sore to touch other than the above symptoms.

3. Kali Carb – To Manage Weakness And Sleepiness During Menses

This medicine is recommended to manage excessive weakness and sleepiness during the menses. Pain in the back and abdomen can also occur during menses. There may be bloating and rumbling in the abdomen. Cutting type of pain occurs in the abdomen. There is nausea and vomiting as well. Pain from the lower back may penetrate down to the hips. Backache gets worse while walking. A heavy weight is felt on the back. There is heaviness and pain in the head in some cases during menses.

4. Murex – For Weakness With Painful Menses

Murex is a useful medicine when there is weakness with painful menses. A downward pressure is felt in the uterine region. There is tiredness from the slightest exertion. Menses occurs frequently every two weeks. The menstrual flow is scanty. Along with the above complaints, there is decreased appetite. Disturbed sleep is a major symptom. Irritability is well marked with painful menses. Crying spells occur for hours in many cases.

5. Carbo Animalis – For Weakness And Pressing Pain In Lower Back

This medicine is effective when there is excessive weakness and pressing pain in the lower back. The menstrual bleeding is dark-colored. Menses last for too long. The menses cause so much weakness that even speaking seems difficult. Excessive yawning attends it. Pain in the back extends to thighs and groin. The thighs feel lame. There is a tendency of early and frequent menses. Headache of throbbing type may occur after menses.

6. Graphites – For General Weakness During Menses With Weakness In Feet

Graphites is another well indicated medicine for managing weakness during menses. Weakness is marked in the feet with difficulty in walking. Swelling of feet and face may be present. There may be headache during menses. Nausea often attends it. There is a chilly feeling. Abdomen pain and heated sensation in the abdomen may also be felt. There is distension of the abdomen. Bearing down sensation is felt in the uterus along with weakness. Some females needing it also suffer from leucorrhea with white vaginal discharge. This is attended with excessive weakness. The back also feels weak while sitting or walking.

7. Ignatia – For Weakness, Uterine Cramps During Menses

Ignatia is an effective medicine to manage weakness and uterine cramps during menses. The menstrual cramps are relieved by applying pressure and by lying down. The menses appear early and menstrual flow is profuse. In some cases, menses occur within a gap of 10-14 days. The bleeding is black-colored with foul smell and clots. There may be backache. There may be heaviness in the head before and during menses. There is a decrease in appetite along with these concerns. Anxiety and weakness in limbs may also occur.

8. Iodum – For Weakness, Pain In Back And Ovaries During Menses

Iodum is a helpful medicine for cases of weakness, pain in the back and ovaries during menses. The menses sometimes occur early and sometimes late. The ovary, either left or right, is tender to pressure. Leucorrhea with thick yellow vaginal discharge may be present. This gets worse during menses. The discharge makes the thighs sore.

9. Magnesium Carb – For Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Weakness During Menses

This medicine is suitable for managing weakness along with chilliness (feeling cold) during menses. Weakness starts at the onset of menstrual flow and remains throughout the menses. Headache may be present. There is intense pain in the abdomen and lower back. In cases needing it, the menstrual flow is dark, and profuse at night. There is dragging pain with relief by applying pressure on the abdomen.

10. Lilium Tigrinum – For Weakness, Ovarian Pain And Vaginal Discharge During Menses

This medicine is indicated for weakness during menses with ovarian pain and vaginal discharge (leucorrhea). The discharge is foul-smelling. Bearing down in the uterine region is well marked. This worsens while walking. There is relief by applying pressure on the abdomen with your hands. Stinging and burning sensation is felt in the ovaries which may extend to the abdomen and thighs.

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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines To Get Relief From Phantosmia

Phantosmia or olfactory hallucination means smelling imaginary odors that are not present in reality.  Most of the time, phantosmia occurs from mild problems that are not very worrisome, and relief sets in some time. However, in rare cases, a serious medical condition like brain tumour or stroke can be the cause that needs urgent medical attention. Different kind of smells may be experienced in phantosmia cases. Some examples include rotten smell, smell of something burning, chemical smell, metallic smell etc. The smell may occur in one nostril or both the nostrils. The smell may be persistent or occasional, varying from case to case. It is of two types i.e. peripheral phantosmia and central phantosmia. When the causes are associated with nose conditions, then it is known as peripheral phantosmia. When the causes are linked to brain conditions then it is referred to as central phantosmia.

Phantosmia can be due to different reasons like sinusitis, nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis and COVID–19. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the para-nasal sinuses (air-filled spaces surrounding the nasal cavities). Nasal polyps refer to benign i.e. non–cancerous growths that develop on the lining of the nose or paranasal sinuses. Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, indicates an overreaction of the immune system to an allergen like dust mite, pollen, etc. that results in symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffed nose, and itchy, watery and red eyes. COVID – 19 refers to a highly contagious disease caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2. Other causes are migraine, dental problems, schizophrenia and depression. Migraine indicates one-sided headache which is throbbing type and is often attended with nausea and vomiting. Schizophrenia indicates a mental health condition characterized by hallucinations and delusions, and also affects thinking, emotions and behaviour. It may also occur after a head injury. Brain tumours, seizures (a medical condition arising from uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain), Parkinson’s disease (a nervous system disorder starting with tremoring of the hands at rest followed by other symptoms including slow movement, abnormal gait, stooped posture, slurred speech, etc)  may also lead to phantosmia. Stroke can also be a reason of phantosmia. It is a medical emergency in which interrupted oxygen supply to the brain causes the death of brain cells. Besides the above medical reasons, phantosmia may occur as a part of aging, from smoking and also from the use of certain medicines.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment is very effective in managing cases of smelling imaginary odors (phantosmia). In this mode, natural medicines are used to manage phantosmia. These medicines are entirely safe to use with no side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines gradually bring relief by targeting the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation. So one must take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopath and avoid self-medication. In cases where a serious cause is linked with phantosmia like brain tumor, stroke etc. one should take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating such serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relief In Imaginary Odors

1. Phosphorus – For Imaginary Foul Smells

Phosphorus is a prominent medicine for managing cases having imaginary foul smells. In cases needing it, there is long-term inflammation of the nasal membrane. Nasal discharge alternates with nose blockage. The discharge is greenish-yellow and may be blood-stained at times. There may be incessant sneezing that may lead to headache. In cases needing it, nasal polyps may be present that tend to bleed easily.

2. Graphites – For Bad Smell Like Something Getting Burnt

This medicine is highly effective in managing cases where a person experiences bad smell like of something getting burnt. The person suffers from cold with the discharge of thick, yellow mucus from the nose. Offensive pus-like discharge may be noted. There is blockage of the nose along with nasal discharge. Crusts may be present in the nostrils. Pain may occur in the nostrils especially while blowing out the nose.

3. Anacardium Orientale – For Burnt Smell In Morning

This medicine is also suggested when there is an imaginary odor of something burnt. The condition is worse in the morning on rising. Runny nose with sneezing may be present. There may be watering from the eyes. The nostrils are painful. Besides the above, this medicine is also indicated to manage cases of perverted smell.

4. Arsenic Album – For Bad, Offensive Smell In front Of Nose

Arsenic Album is a very beneficial medicine for managing bad, offensive odor in front of the nose. Along with this, there may be profuse discharge from the nose. Nose feels blocked even with watery nasal discharge. Frequent sneezing occurs. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Itching is also felt in the nostrils. There is excessive weakness along with the above complaints.

5. Sepia – For Fetid Smell Like Rotten Eggs

This medicine is indicated for managing cases who feel a fetid smell like that of rotten eggs. Long-term nasal discharge may be experienced. Thick green discharge from the nose is prominent. Foul-smelling crusts get discharged from the nose in some cases. There may be post nasal discharge (PND) means the dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. This discharge is lumpy. Pressive type of pain at the root of the nose accompanies the above complaints.

6. Pulsatilla – For Foul Smell Like Of Old Nasal Discharge

Pulsatilla is yet another medicine to manage imaginary foul smells. The smell feels like that of an old nasal discharge in the nose. Thick yellowish-green nasal discharge flows which is a characteristic feature for the use of this medicine. There is more discharge indoors, but relief in open air. The sinus lining is inflamed (sinusitis). The nose feels swollen. Itching is felt in the nostrils in the evening.

7. Veratrum Album – To Manage Imaginary Smell Of Smoke

Veratrum Album is of great use in cases where a person experiences imaginary smell of smoke. It is accompanied by frequent sneezing. The nose feels dry and the tip of the nose feels icy cold.

8. Senega – For Imaginary Odor Like Pus

Senega is an important medicine to help cases of imaginary odors with smell like pus. Along with this, there is violent and continuous sneezing. The head feels heavy. Profuse thin watery fluid flows from the nose. A feeling of sniffing pepper is felt before the onset of watery nasal discharge.

9. Psorinum – For Managing Imaginary Smell Of Blood

Psorinum is a helpful medicine when there is an imaginary smell of blood. There is burning sensation in the nose followed by thin nasal discharge. There may be dripping of mucus from the nose into the back of throat (post nasal dripping). This disturbs sleep at night. The mucus may dry up in the nose which is difficult to expel.






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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Headache With Visual Disturbance

A common complaint, everyone suffers a headache at one or the other time. In some cases, it may be attended by some other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, etc well. However, in a few cases, visual disturbances can attend or precede the headache. The visual disturbance might include seeing spots, stars, dots, zig-zag lines across the field of vision. It may involve blurring of vision, blind spots, or loss of vision/color vision. Besides, the objects may appear relatively small or big, or may seem far or close. Headache with visual disturbance can occur from various causes. First among these is migraine. Migraine refers to one-sided headache usually pulsating or throbbing type, often attended with nausea and vomiting. In addition to this, visual problems may occur that mainly precede the onset of headache (called aura) but can even occur at the headache stage. Another reason can be glaucoma (an eye condition that can cause loss of vision by damaging the optic nerve). Further, headache with blurred vision may be related to eyestrain caused by excessive sitting in front of computer screen, watching television/ playing video games/ using cell phones for long durations. Headache and blurred vision can also occur from low blood sugar (it is a serious issue that needs immediate medical help). It may also arise from ocular ischemic syndrome indicates a condition resulting from long-term reduction of blood flow to eye. Blurred vision with severe headache can also happen from stroke (it indicates interrupted blood supply to the brain leading to the death of brain cells). It is a medical emergency that needs prompt treatment.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of headache with visual disturbance. Homeopathic medicines help in managing these cases by targeting the root cause behind it. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint gradually decreases. Homeopathic prescription for these cases depends on the characteristic individual symptoms in every case. The causes may vary from mild to serious one, so one should always use a homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and strictly avoid self-medication in any case. Homeopathy is recommended for mild cases only. In severe cases and cases with serious causes like low blood sugar or stroke, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitations in helping such serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Headache With Visual Disturbance

1. Iris Versicolor – Top Recommended Medicine

Iris Versicolor is a leading homeopathic medicine for cases of headache with visual disturbance. This medicine works well when the headache begins with the blurring of vision. In cases requiring it, headache is marked in forehead. The pain mostly occurs on the right side of the forehead. The nature of pain is throbbing or shooting type. Nausea and vomiting of sour matter might occur along with the headache. Headache may trigger after mental exhaustion as from excessive study. This medicine is also recommended for hemiopia i.e. loss of vision in one half (right or left) of the visual field along with headache.

2. Cyclamen – For Flickering Before Eyes With Headache

Cyclamen is well indicated for managing cases of flickering before eyes along with headache. Flickering means shining light which fluctuates, sometimes becomes bright and sometimes weak. In cases needing it, one faces the problem mostly in the morning on rising. This medicine is also indicated for managing the dimness of vision along with headache. Vertigo may also occur with headache. Nausea may attend as well. Heated sensation can be felt in the head.

3. Natrum Mur – For Headache Over Eyes And Top Of Head

This medicine is recommended for headache over the eyes and the top of the head with disturbed vision. A very characteristic feature is the sensation as if many little hammers are knocking on the brain. It also feels as if the head would burst. The headache usually begins at sunrise and remains till sunset when this medicine is required. There is heated sensation in the head with redness on the face. Nausea and vomiting can attend headache. The pain gets worse from movement, even motion of eyes worsens it. There is relief in pain by applying pressure on the eyes. Sleeping also brings relief.  Natrum Mur is also recommended when zig-zag lines like lightening appear in front of the eyes followed by headache in morning time. There is pain on top of the head and forehead with difficulty in opening the eyes.

4. Kali Bichrome – For Dimness Of Sight / Blindness Followed By Headache

Kali Bichrome is a beneficial medicine for cases where dimness of sight or blindness occurs followed by headache. There is aversion to noise and light along with headache. Vision returns as the intensity of headache increases. Headache is one-sided and is felt in small particular spots. Usually, it is felt over the eyebrows. Headache can be attended with nausea and vertigo. Vomiting can occur too. There is relief in pain by applying pressure and sometimes by eating.

5. Psorinum – For Headache Preceded By Spots Or Rings Before Eyes

Psorinum is an important medicine for managing headache preceded by spots or rings in front of the eyes. The spots are mainly black in color. The pain mostly starts over the left eye and then shifts to the right one.  Dizziness can attend it. One may feel hammers striking in the head from inside out.

6. Gelsemium – For Headache With Double Vision

This medicine is helpful for cases of headache with double vision (diplopia). Headache appears all of a sudden. Pain is felt across the forehead and over the eyes. There is heaviness on the eyelids along with headache. A sensation of a band around the head is an important symptom. There is relief in headache by applying pressure. Excessive sensitivity to noise is felt before the onset of headache. Vertigo and heaviness of the head can attend headache. The head feels as if enlarged. Gelsemium is also useful for cases of headache with dimness of vision or preceded by blindness. General weakness can attend the above symptoms.

7. Phosphorus – For Headache With Eye Floaters

Phosphorus is the next suitable medicine for cases of headache along with eye floaters (spots, lines, threads, strings, cobwebs that move across the vision). During headache, strain is felt on the eyes. Pain is felt over one eye or one temple (side of the head). Pain can be pulsating or burning type. Increased sensitivity to odors is felt along with headache. This medicine is also considered for headache which is preceded by dimness of vision.

8. Lac Caninum – For Headache With Blurring Of Vision, Nausea And Vomiting

Lac Caninum is a valuable medicine for managing headache with blurred vision, nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it, the headache occurs on alternating sides. It may start from either side — right or left, afterwards it shifts to the other side. Throbbing sensation is felt on the sides of the head. There is worsening of headache from noise and talking. There is relief from being quiet.

9. Magnesia Phos – For Headache With Sparks Before Eyes

This medicine is effective for cases where a person sees sparks in front of his eyes along with headache. The pain can be stinging, shooting type. There may also be double vision along with headache. The headache may shift from one place to the other on the head. There is relief from warm applications.




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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Heavy Menstrual Bleeding With Pain

Some women suffer heavy menstrual bleeding which affects their day-to-day life. There may be passage of clots with heavy menstrual bleeding. It can be attended with weakness and anemia. Uterine pain is felt with heavy menstrual bleeding. Pain is felt in the lower abdomen but pain in the lower back can attend too. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (loose motion) may occur with pain during menses. Several reasons can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding with pain. The first and most important among these is uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids also known as myomas and leiomyomas refer to non-cancerous (benign) growths developing in the uterus and mainly affect women of childbearing age. These can be small to large sized and can be single or multiple. It causes symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, frequent periods, prolonged periods, lower back pain and painful intercourse (dyspareunia). Other symptoms can be pain during stool, fullness in lower abdomen, constipation, leg cramps, difficulty in emptying the urinary bladder completely and vaginal discharge. The second cause is endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue that lines the inner surface of the uterus starts to grow in places other than the uterus like in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, rectum, intestines and urinary bladder. There may be bleeding from these parts at the time of menstrual bleeding. The symptoms of endometriosis include painful periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, bleeding from the rectum or bladder during menses, rectal pain and difficulty in urination. Third is adenomyosis which refers to a condition where there is growth of endometrial tissue in the muscle wall of uterus. This condition can cause heavy and prolonged menses, painful periods, spotting in between the periods, and pain during intercourse. Next PCOS can be the reason. PCOS refers to polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a hormonal syndrome affecting women of reproductive age group resulting from hormonal imbalance. In this syndrome, there is irregular menstrual cycle, delayed menses, heavy or scanty menses, facial hair, pimples, hairfall and weight gain. Besides the above, heavy menses may occur in cases of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

Homeopathic Management

There is tremendous scope for managing heavy menstrual bleeding with pain in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines aim at treating the root cause behind bleeding and pain for excellent relief. Along with managing heavy bleeding and pain, these medicines also help to manage attending symptoms like prolonged periods, frequent periods, lower back pain, painful intercourse, pelvic pain, spotting in between periods. Homeopathic medicines are free from any side effects as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage cases of heavy menstrual bleeding with pain and the most suitable medicine is recommended after detailed case evaluation of symptoms. It is advised that every case of heavy menstrual bleeding with pain should be evaluated by a homeopathic physician for correct prescription. Self-medication should be avoided in any case. In cases with severe anemia, help should be taken from the conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Heavy Menstrual Bleeding With Pain

1. Sabina – Topmost Medicine

Sabina is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage heavy menstrual bleeding with pain. In cases needing it, there is heavy bleeding during menses of bright color with dark clots. The bleeding may be foul-smelling in some cases. Bleeding gets worse from the slightest movement. Pain is well marked along with bleeding. The characteristic feature is that the pain is felt from the sacrum (a triangular bone at the bottom of the spine) to pubes (lower abdomen part in front of the pelvis). Pain during periods gets better by lying flat on the back. There is pain in the uterus that may extend to the thighs.

2. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris – In Cases Of Uterine Fibroids

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris is a prominently indicated medicine for managing cases of heavy menstrual bleeding with pain in cases of uterine fibroids. There is heavy bleeding during menses with clots where this medicine is required. The periods may remain for long time extending from 10 to 14 days. The periods may also occur before time in few cases. Sometimes every alternate period is heavy. Pain is felt during menses. There may be vomiting along with pain. There is cutting type of pain in the pubes (part of the lower abdomen in front of the pelvis) from side to side. The uterus feels sore.

3. Sepia – For Heavy Menses And Bearing Down Pain In Uterus

Sepia is a useful medicine for heavy menses and bearing down pain in the uterus. The females needing it feel as if the pelvic contents will come out from the vagina and tend to cross legs to prevent it. The menstrual bleeding is dark in color and is more heavy at night time while lying down. The menses start before the expected date. Chilliness is felt during menses. There may be pain in the lower back before menses. After menses, vaginal discharge (leucorrhea) may be seen. The discharge is thick and yellow. In cases needing it, intercourse may be painful along with the above complaints. In some cases, intermenstrual bleeding occurs.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Heavy, Prolonged Menses With Cutting Type of Pain

Calcarea carb is a very beneficial medicine for managing cases of heavy and prolonged menses along with pain. The menses may also occur early, say every 15 days. There is pain in the abdomen and the back during menses. Cutting type of pains are felt in the lower abdomen. Pain is also felt in the hip bones. Nausea and headache may be felt during menses.

5. Trillium Pendulum – For Heavy Bleeding With Uterine And Back Pain

Trillium Pendulum is of great help for managing cases of heavy menstrual bleeding with sore pain in the uterus and the vagina. There may be back pain. There is a feeling as if the back and hips may fall into pieces. There is relief by tightly binding the back and hips. There is gushing of bright red blood along with dark clots. Even little movement worsens the bleeding. Along with the above, there may be frequent urge to pass urine. Bearing down sensation may be felt in the pelvis when walking or standing. This medicine is also indicated for complaint of intermenstrual bleeding.

6. Belladonna – For Heavy Bleeding With Pain In Lower Abdomen, Back And Limbs

This medicine is valuable to manage cases of heavy bleeding with pain in the lower abdomen, back and limbs. Lower abdomen pain gets worse from every movement. Menstrual bleeding is bright red and hot. At times it can be dark and clotted with bad smell. Along with the above, there may occur a sensation of weight, pressure in the uterine region. Burning sensation may be felt in the uterus.

7. Ferrum Met – With Pain In Lower Abdomen And Lower Back

This medicine is suitable for cases of pale, watery bleeding during menses. Pain is felt in the lower abdomen and lower back. The menses occur early and remain for a prolonged time. Weakness is felt along with these complaints. Menses may cease for a day and then return. Headache and vertigo can also occur during menses.




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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Vomiting And Diarrhea

Vomiting refers to the forceful throwing up of contents of the stomach and diarrhea refers to passing loose watery stool more frequently than usual in a day. Vomiting and diarrhea can occur together in some cases. It may arise from several causes. The first reason behind it is food poisoning. It refers to a gastrointestinal infection that arises from consuming contaminated food or drinks. Another reason can be food allergy which refers to an over-reaction of the immune system to eating some specific kind of food like milk, wheat, eggs, etc. Stress, anxiety, and excessive alcohol intake can also be some other causes of vomiting and diarrhea. Traveller’s diarrhea can also be a reason in some cases. Traveller’s diarrhea is a type of diarrhea that mainly affects international travellers that indicates the passage of loose, watery stool occurring from eating contaminated food or drink. Another reason may be Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS). Cyclic vomiting syndrome is a type of gastric disorder characterized by severe nausea and vomiting. It may be attended with other symptoms such as diarrhea, abdomen pain, decreased appetite, fatigue, headache and dizziness. The use of certain medicines can also result in vomiting and diarrhea. Some examples include the use of antibiotics and antacids containing magnesium. The other cause can be Crohn’s disease. It is an autoimmune disease in which there may be inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Besides the above, the other reasons include abdominal migraine (a kind of migraine affecting stomach mainly in children. Its symptoms include abdomen pain around the navel, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and lactose intolerance (a condition in which there is an inability to digest lactose in the milk due to deficiency of enzyme lactase). Depending on the cause, vomiting and diarrhea can be attended with some other signs and symptoms. These include nausea, abdomen pain / cramps, mucus or blood in the stool, weakness, fever and weight loss.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines prove very helpful in cases of vomiting and diarrhea. These medicines are of natural origin that help in these cases most harmlessly with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind this complaint for great relief. These medicines can effectively relieve loose stool, vomiting and attending nausea, and abdomen pain. Homeopathic prescription for such cases varies from case to case based on individual symptoms. So, it is advised that one should take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication should be avoided. Homeopathy is recommended for cases of vomiting and diarrhea of mild to moderate intensity. In severe cases along with dehydration, one should take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in managing serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Vomiting And Diarrhea

1. Arsenic Album – Topmost Medicine

Arsenic Album is the leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of vomiting and diarrhea. In cases needing it, the stool is loose, watery, foul-smelling and may contain mucus of green color. Sometimes, stool passes involuntarily on its own. The above complaints are accompanied by excessive weakness. Nausea and vomiting are well marked. This occurs after eating or drinking some thing. Vomiting may be of clear water or may contain thick greenish mucus. The smell and sight of food is unbearable in persons needing this medicine. Burning sensation in the stomach can occur. Arsenic Album is the most prominently indicated medicine for managing gastrointestinal infections, and food poisoning along with vomiting and diarrhea.

2. China – For Vomiting, Diarrhea With Weakness

This medicine is highly effective for managing vomiting and diarrhea accompanied with marked weakness. There is vomiting of sour water or mucus. There may be vomiting of undigested food. Excessive gas is present in the stomach which feels bloated due to gas. A sensation of weight is felt in the stomach after eating even little quantity of food. There is burping of bitter taste besides the above symptoms. There is diarrhea with loose, brownish stool along with passage of excessive gas. The stool may be frothy with a very foul smell. The passage of loose stool gets worse at night in most cases needing it. This medicine is well-indicated for managing gastric issues that occur from use of excessive tea, fruits, milk, or fish.

3. Veratrum Album – For Vomiting After Eating Or Drinking Along With Diarrhea

Veratrum Album is another prominent medicine for managing vomiting and diarrhea. In cases needing it, there is vomiting soon after eating or drinking anything. Vomiting is bitter in taste and can be of clear water, yellowish green fluid or of food that has been just eaten. Vomiting is copious with nausea and marked weakness. Vomiting may also occur from the least movement where this medicine is required. There is loose stool with mucus in it. Burning is felt around the navel region before and during passage of the stool. Cutting pain in the abdomen may be felt along with the above complaints.

4. Ipecac – For Vomiting, Diarrhea And A Constant Nausea

This medicine is very useful in managing vomiting, diarrhea and constant nausea. Vomiting may consist of sour matter, watery matter or greenish mucus. Nausea is persistent and not relieved even after vomiting. Cramping occurs in the stomach. Belchings also occur with a rumbling sensation in the abdomen. There is loss of appetite. The stool is loose, frothy, and yellowish-green.  The stool passes out with the expulsion of excessive gas. The stool has a very offensive smell. Along with the above complaints, the tongue is absolutely clean.

5. Croton Tiglium – For Loose Stool Passing In Gush And Vomiting

Croton Tiglium is an important homeopathic medicine for cases with profuse, watery stool passing out in a gush means suddenly with intense force at once.  The stool may contain whitish flakes or undigested food particles in it. There is pain in the abdomen before passing stool. There is vomiting soon after drinking. Vomiting may contain food that has just been eaten or yellowish-white frothy fluid.

6. Colchicum – For Diarrhea With Slimy Substance / Mucus, Blood And Vomiting

This medicine is of great help when loose stool is attended with the passage of slimy substance, or jelly-like mucus and blood. Cutting pain around the navel may be present. Pain may be felt at the anus. There is intense nausea in cases requiring it. Nausea worsens from the aroma while food is being cooked. Vomiting may worsen with every movement. There is relief in vomiting by taking complete rest.

7. Gambogia – For Stool Passing With Great Force And Vomiting

This medicine is very much beneficial to manage cases where vomiting occurs along with diarrhea when stool passes suddenly with great force. There may be mucus in the stool which is yellow or green-colored. The stool has a very offensive smell. Burning sensation at the anus is felt along with the passage of stool. There is rumbling, gurgling, rolling in the abdomen. After passing stool, there is pain and distension of the abdomen from gas. There is vomiting and nausea after taking food or drink. There is excessive burping along with the above complaints.




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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Runny Nose And Sneezing

Runny nose/rhinorrhea refers to fluid discharge from the nose. Runny nose can be attended with sneezing in many cases. This may occur due to various reasons. First and the most important reason behind it is allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to a set of nasal symptoms and also some eye-related symptoms resulting from an over-reaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like dust mites, pollen, molds, pet dander, etc. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose, itchy, watery and red eyes. Secondly, runny nose and sneezing may also result from dry air exposure and pollution. Other causes include cold and flu. Common cold indicates a viral infection of the nose and the throat that occurs due to infection by rhinoviruses though other viruses like adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus may also be the cause. It causes thin nasal discharge initially (in later stages, the discharge tends to get thick and yellow or green), sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, body aches and low grade fever. Flu is a respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. It results in runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. Other symptoms are stuffy nose, cough, headache, tiredness, fever and muscle aches. Another cause behind runny nose and sneezing can be non-allergic rhinitis (vasomotor rhinitis). In this condition, there is inflammation inside the nose and the symptoms are just like that of allergic rhinitis but here allergies are not the reason as in case of allergic rhinitis. Some of the known triggers behind non-allergic rhinitis are cold air, air pollution, spicy food, stress, use of certain medicines (for example aspirin, ibuprofen) and perfumes. Another cause can be sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled spaces in the skull). Besides the above, it may result from COVID–19 (an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus). Depending on the cause behind runny nose and sneezing, some other symptoms may also attend like stuffy nose, cough, itchy, watery, red eyes, post nasal discharge or PND which refers to dripping of discharge from the back of the nose into the throat, headache, tiredness and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage cases of runny nose with sneezing. Homeopathic medicines work on correcting the underlying cause behind it to bring wonderful results. These are natural remedies that treat this condition with zero side effects. Along with runny nose and sneezing, they also help to manage any associated symptoms like itching in the nose, itchy and watery red eyes, reduced sense of smell, headache, post nasal discharge and cough. Homeopathic medicines for treating such cases are selected based on the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication in any case. In severe cases, in cases attended with high fever and when this complaint arises from serious causes like COVID – 19, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations to help such cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Runny Nose And Sneezing

1. Natrum Mur – Top Recommended Medicine

Natrum Mur is the topmost homeopathic medicine for managing cases of runny nose and sneezing. In some cases needing it, there may be alteration between runny nose and nasal blockage. The sneezing episodes get worse in the morning on rising up along with watery discharge from the nose. There is irritation in the nose and watery discharge from the eyes. Headache can attend it in some cases. Loss of smell and taste may be there along with the above complaints. There may be cough from a tickling sensation in the throat pit.

2. Arsenic Album – For Runny Nose And Sneezing With Burning In Nose

Arsenic Album is the other prominently indicated medicine to help cases of sneezing and runny nose. In cases needing this medicine, the discharge causes burning sensation in the nose. The nasal discharge causes irritation on the upper lip. There is itching in the nose. The nasal complaints get worse in open air. There is relief in complaints by staying indoors. The nose feels blocked with fluent nasal discharge. Weakness may be felt along with the above complaints. Besides, there may be hoarseness of voice.

3. Allium Cepa – For Runny Nose, Sneezing And Eye Watering

This medicine is of great help in managing cases of runny nose, sneezing along with watery discharge from the eyes. Burning sensation is felt from the nasal discharge in the nostrils and upper lip. Headache can attend runny nose.  A lump sensation is felt at the root of the nose. The nose feels blocked. There may be hoarseness of voice and coughing. Along with the above, itching is felt in the eyes. Burning sensation in the eyes with an urge to rub the eyes can also be felt. The eyes become red.

4. Sabadilla – For Runny Nose Sneezing And Forehead Pain

Sabadilla is a well-indicated medicine for cases of runny nose, sneezing attended with pain in the forehead. Itching or tickling occurs in the nostrils with an urge to rub the nose. The nose feels stuffed. Sneezing is quite intense. Sneezing is followed by watering in the eyes. Eyes become red. Runny nose gets worse from the smell of strong odors. There is nasal stuffiness of one or the other nostril.

5. Aconite – For Runny Nose, Sneezing From Sudden Exposure To Cold Air

Aconite is a leading medicine for managing runny nose and sneezing that occurs from sudden exposure to cold air. There is discharge of hot water from the nose. The nose is red and swollen. Pain is felt at the root of the nose. Runny nose is accompanied by headache. Sensitivity to smell is present along with above complaints.

6. Gelsemium – For Runny Nose, Sneezing With Weakness

This medicine can be used when runny nose, sneezing is attended with weakness. Nasal discharge causes redness and soreness of the edges of nostrils. Sneezing is worse in the morning where this medicine is required. Tingling sensation is felt in the nose. Fullness is felt at the root of the nose. There may be dull headache and fever along with the above complaints.

7. Arsenic Iodatum – For Thin, Burning Watery Nasal Discharge With Sneezing

This medicine works well when there is dripping of thin, burning, watery discharge from the nose along with sneezing. The burning discharge causes redness of the upper lip. There is irritation in the nose that causes a constant urge to sneeze. Along with the above, post nasal discharge (dripping of fluid from back of the nose into the throat) may be present sometimes.

8. Euphrasia – For Runny Nose, Sneezing And Watery Red Eyes

Euphrasia is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases of runny nose, sneezing and watery, red eyes. Watering from the eyes causes marked burning in the eyes. A gritty sand-like sensation in the eyes can also be felt. Heat and sensitivity is also felt in the nose. Cough with expectoration may attend it in the morning. The nose may feel blocked at night.


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