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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Runny Nose And Sneezing

Runny nose/rhinorrhea refers to fluid discharge from the nose. Runny nose can be attended with sneezing in many cases. This may occur due to various reasons. First and the most important reason behind it is allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to a set of nasal symptoms and also some eye-related symptoms resulting from an over-reaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like dust mites, pollen, molds, pet dander, etc. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose, itchy, watery and red eyes. Secondly, runny nose and sneezing may also result from dry air exposure and pollution. Other causes include cold and flu. Common cold indicates a viral infection of the nose and the throat that occurs due to infection by rhinoviruses though other viruses like adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus may also be the cause. It causes thin nasal discharge initially (in later stages, the discharge tends to get thick and yellow or green), sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, body aches and low grade fever. Flu is a respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. It results in runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. Other symptoms are stuffy nose, cough, headache, tiredness, fever and muscle aches. Another cause behind runny nose and sneezing can be non-allergic rhinitis (vasomotor rhinitis). In this condition, there is inflammation inside the nose and the symptoms are just like that of allergic rhinitis but here allergies are not the reason as in case of allergic rhinitis. Some of the known triggers behind non-allergic rhinitis are cold air, air pollution, spicy food, stress, use of certain medicines (for example aspirin, ibuprofen) and perfumes. Another cause can be sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled spaces in the skull). Besides the above, it may result from COVID–19 (an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus). Depending on the cause behind runny nose and sneezing, some other symptoms may also attend like stuffy nose, cough, itchy, watery, red eyes, post nasal discharge or PND which refers to dripping of discharge from the back of the nose into the throat, headache, tiredness and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage cases of runny nose with sneezing. Homeopathic medicines work on correcting the underlying cause behind it to bring wonderful results. These are natural remedies that treat this condition with zero side effects. Along with runny nose and sneezing, they also help to manage any associated symptoms like itching in the nose, itchy and watery red eyes, reduced sense of smell, headache, post nasal discharge and cough. Homeopathic medicines for treating such cases are selected based on the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication in any case. In severe cases, in cases attended with high fever and when this complaint arises from serious causes like COVID – 19, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations to help such cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Runny Nose And Sneezing

1. Natrum Mur – Top Recommended Medicine

Natrum Mur is the topmost homeopathic medicine for managing cases of runny nose and sneezing. In some cases needing it, there may be alteration between runny nose and nasal blockage. The sneezing episodes get worse in the morning on rising up along with watery discharge from the nose. There is irritation in the nose and watery discharge from the eyes. Headache can attend it in some cases. Loss of smell and taste may be there along with the above complaints. There may be cough from a tickling sensation in the throat pit.

2. Arsenic Album – For Runny Nose And Sneezing With Burning In Nose

Arsenic Album is the other prominently indicated medicine to help cases of sneezing and runny nose. In cases needing this medicine, the discharge causes burning sensation in the nose. The nasal discharge causes irritation on the upper lip. There is itching in the nose. The nasal complaints get worse in open air. There is relief in complaints by staying indoors. The nose feels blocked with fluent nasal discharge. Weakness may be felt along with the above complaints. Besides, there may be hoarseness of voice.

3. Allium Cepa – For Runny Nose, Sneezing And Eye Watering

This medicine is of great help in managing cases of runny nose, sneezing along with watery discharge from the eyes. Burning sensation is felt from the nasal discharge in the nostrils and upper lip. Headache can attend runny nose.  A lump sensation is felt at the root of the nose. The nose feels blocked. There may be hoarseness of voice and coughing. Along with the above, itching is felt in the eyes. Burning sensation in the eyes with an urge to rub the eyes can also be felt. The eyes become red.

4. Sabadilla – For Runny Nose Sneezing And Forehead Pain

Sabadilla is a well-indicated medicine for cases of runny nose, sneezing attended with pain in the forehead. Itching or tickling occurs in the nostrils with an urge to rub the nose. The nose feels stuffed. Sneezing is quite intense. Sneezing is followed by watering in the eyes. Eyes become red. Runny nose gets worse from the smell of strong odors. There is nasal stuffiness of one or the other nostril.

5. Aconite – For Runny Nose, Sneezing From Sudden Exposure To Cold Air

Aconite is a leading medicine for managing runny nose and sneezing that occurs from sudden exposure to cold air. There is discharge of hot water from the nose. The nose is red and swollen. Pain is felt at the root of the nose. Runny nose is accompanied by headache. Sensitivity to smell is present along with above complaints.

6. Gelsemium – For Runny Nose, Sneezing With Weakness

This medicine can be used when runny nose, sneezing is attended with weakness. Nasal discharge causes redness and soreness of the edges of nostrils. Sneezing is worse in the morning where this medicine is required. Tingling sensation is felt in the nose. Fullness is felt at the root of the nose. There may be dull headache and fever along with the above complaints.

7. Arsenic Iodatum – For Thin, Burning Watery Nasal Discharge With Sneezing

This medicine works well when there is dripping of thin, burning, watery discharge from the nose along with sneezing. The burning discharge causes redness of the upper lip. There is irritation in the nose that causes a constant urge to sneeze. Along with the above, post nasal discharge (dripping of fluid from back of the nose into the throat) may be present sometimes.

8. Euphrasia – For Runny Nose, Sneezing And Watery Red Eyes

Euphrasia is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases of runny nose, sneezing and watery, red eyes. Watering from the eyes causes marked burning in the eyes. A gritty sand-like sensation in the eyes can also be felt. Heat and sensitivity is also felt in the nose. Cough with expectoration may attend it in the morning. The nose may feel blocked at night.


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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Fatigue with Muscle Pain

Fatigue refers to feeling exhausted and tired. Some people may experience tiredness along with muscle pain. This may happen due to various reasons. It could be a part of aging, lack of proper sleep, dehydration, mineral deficiencies and low vitamin levels of certain vitamins like vitamin D. While in others, it could be arising from an underlying medical condition. The most important medical conditions include fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Fibromyalgia refers to pain in different body parts (specific tender points where the slightest pressure leads to pain) along with general tiredness, and fatigue for more than three months without any known cause. Besides, there may be problems in sleep and memory, along with depression. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) refers to a condition in which there occurs persistent feeling of tiredness both physically and mentally for at least 6 months, hindering routine activities without any underlying medical condition. Along with tiredness, other symptoms that may be observed include poor memory, sleep issues, poor concentration, joint or muscle pain, mood swings and depressed feelings. It is also known by other names such as myalgic encephalomyelitis and systemic exertional intolerance disease (SEID). It can also occur in cases of influenza, hypothyroidism and myositis.

Influenza is a respiratory illness caused by influenza virus. This can cause body aches and tiredness along with its other main symptoms of runny/stuffy nose, sore throat and fever. Hypothyroidism refers to an underactive thyroid in which the thyroid gland does not secrete enough thyroid hormones.  Hypothyroidism can result in fatigue and muscle pain along with its other important signs and symptoms including weight gain, sensitivity to cold (cold intolerance), constipation, puffy face and hands, dry thin hair, sleepiness and heavy menses in females.

Myositis means inflammation of the muscles that may arise from various reasons like an injury, infection and autoimmune (autoimmune means the destruction of body’s own healthy tissues by the immune cells out of a misdirected response) conditions and can cause muscle pain, muscle weakness along with tiredness.

Another reason for fatigue could be Lyme’s disease which is a bacterial infection caused by bacterium Borrelia and spreads by ticks. The last reason could be polymyalgia rheumatica. This refers to an inflammatory disorder resulting in pain and stiffness of the muscles and mainly affects the shoulders, hips, neck and arms. It could be accompanied with general symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss and mild fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing fatigue along with muscle pain. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that bring improvement in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it. Once root cause is treated, there occurs excellent relief in fatigue with muscle pain. Along with these, any attending symptoms like memory issues, poor concentration and focus issues, sleep issues, depression feelings if present can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for cases of fatigue with muscle pain is selected as per the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. Hence it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. In no case, self-medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Fatigue With Muscle Pain

1. Gelsemium – Top Recommended Medicine

Gelsemium tops the list of homeopathic medicines to manage fatigue along with muscle pain. In cases needing it, there occurs pain in the muscles attended with soreness (sensitivity to touch). Pain is most marked in the muscles of the limbs (i.e. arms and legs). The limbs feel heavy and tired. The muscles also feel weak. The muscles of the back and the neck may also be painful. There is a general feeling of exhaustion and tiredness along with the above complaints. There is excessive drowsiness and dullness. Along with the above symptoms, there is exhaustion of the mind, poor concentration and focus in doing any work. Gelsemium is a well-indicated medicine for fatigue that occurs during influenza and even after recovering from this illness.

2. Rhus Tox – For Muscle Pain, Stiffness And Tiredness

Rhus Tox is a highly effective medicine for managing muscle pain, stiffness and tiredness. There is intense weakness in the entire body. It is attended with a constant desire to lie down or sit due to weakness. Persons needing it feel so weak as if they have not taken enough sleep. They do not feel like rising up in the morning due to weakness. They suffer from muscle pain, especially in the neck region, back, shoulders, arms and thighs. The muscles are also sore to touch and stiff. Soreness and stiffness get better from exercise. The nature of the muscle pain can be shooting, tearing or stitching type. The pains get worse at night time. Rhus Tox is a prominently indicated medicine when there is muscle pain from overuse or overstraining of the muscles.

3. Arnica – With Marked Soreness (Pain On Touch) Of Muscles

Arnica is the next very beneficial medicine to manage muscle pain and fatigue. Persons needing this medicine have pain in the muscles along with excessive soreness which means pain on touch. It feels as if the sufferer has been beaten up. The soreness gets worse after overexertion. Pain is most marked in the back and limbs. All the limbs feel heavy. The bed on which the person lies down feels very hard. There is marked weakness all over the body in general along with pains. The pain makes the sufferer lie down. Along with this, there is sleepiness. Arnica is also well indicated for managing sore painful muscles in cases of influenza.

4. Bryonia – For Muscle Pain Worse From Little Movement

It is a useful medicine for muscle pain that gets worse from the slightest movement and better from rest. Pain is more prominent in the muscles of the neck and lower back. Lower back pain gets worse from stooping, sitting and standing. The affected muscles feel hard. The neck and back muscles also feel stiff. Due to stiffness in the back, the person stands and walks in a stooped posture. Weakness and tiredness is present which gets worse from walking.

5. Lactic Acid – For Pain, Soreness Of Muscles Of Back, Chest And Limbs

Lactic Acid is indicated when there is pain and soreness (pain on touch) of muscles especially those in the back, chest and limbs. Along with this, there is fatigue and tired feeling over the entire body. There is difficulty in standing from weakness. Pain is felt in the limbs while walking. The whole body trembles while walking, along with weakness.

6. Magnesia Phos – For Muscle Pains And Cramps

This medicine is highly suitable for muscle pains and cramps. The pains keep shifting from one body part to another where this medicine is required. The pain gets worse at night. They get better by resting. The nature of pain varies and can be cutting, shooting, stitching or stabbing type.  The pain is accompanied with excessive tiredness and sweating.

7. Arsenic Album – For Intense Fatigue With Anxiety and restlessness

This medicine is useful when there is intense fatigue. Person needing this medicine wants to lie down all the time due to weakness. Slightest exertion and even walking and standing results in marked exhaustion in them. Anxiety and restlessness may be felt along with the other complaints. Piercing sort of pain is felt in muscles. The limbs also feel weak, tired with a need to lie down.



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Do you have Chest Congestion with Difficulty in Breathing? Try Homeopathy

Chest congestion refers to accumulation of excessive mucus in the bronchi (airways that lead from trachea to lungs) and the lungs. This results from an overproduction of mucus when mucus membranes get irritated and inflamed from a viral or bacterial infection. Production of excessive mucus is the body’s way to expel the infectious agent from the body. In some cases, chest congestion can be attended with breathing difficulty. Other accompanying symptoms can be cough, mucus expectoration (that varies in color and can have offensive smell), chest pain, wheezing (a whistling sound from the chest occurring during breathing usually deep breathing), chest tightness, fatigue (tiredness) and fever.

Chest congestion with breathing difficulty can result from different reasons. First among these is cold and flu. Flu and cold are respiratory infections that are usually caused by virus. Flu occurs when a person is infected with influenza virus. Cold occurs from different virus infections, for example rhinovirus and parainfluenza virus.

Other causes of chest congestion include asthma and bronchitis. Asthma refers to a respiratory condition in which there is narrowing of airways along with swelling and production of mucus in excess. It results in breathing difficulty, wheezing sound from the chest and coughing. Bronchitis indicates inflamed lining of the bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. Chest congestion with breathing difficulty can also arise from allergies like, dust allergy and pollen allergy.

Another reason can be pneumonia (the inflamed air sacs of lungs with fluid build-up resulting from an infection). Further reasons include emphysema (a condition resulting from damage of the air sacs of the lungs) and bronchiectasis (permanent widening and thickening of the bronchial tubes of the lungs that allow bacteria and mucus to get accumulated in lungs). Apart from respiratory illnesses, heart complaints can also result in chest congestion along with breathing difficulty. For example, in some cases, congested chest and difficult breathing might be symptoms of a heart attack which is a medical emergency that needs urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful for managing cases of chest congestion with breathing difficulty. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances that can be very beneficial for such cases. Homeopathic medicines work on the root cause of the health issue to bring excellent results. They help to reduce the intensity and frequency of this complaint gradually. Along with this complaint, they can manage other accompanying signs and symptoms like cough, wheezing, expectoration and chest pain. These medicines are very safe to use without any side-effects. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self – medication should not be done in any case. Homeopathy is recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In cases having severe intensity of this complaint and when it arises from some serious cause like pneumonia, heart issues, homeopathy is not recommended and an immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has a limitation in helping such severe and serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Chest Congestion With Breathing Difficulty

 1. Arsenic Album – Top Grade Medicine

Arsenic Album is a top recommended medicine to manage cases of chest congestion with breathing difficulty. In cases needing it, the chest feels constricted. Wheezing (whistling sound from chest) is also felt. The chest oppression and breathing difficulty gets worse at night on lying down. It is attended with marked anxiety and restlessness. There is cough also. Along with this, frothy expectoration also occurs. At times thick yellow, grey or green expectoration is observed varying from case to case. Sometimes, vomiting also occurs soon after consuming any food or drink. Burning sensation is felt in the chest along with above complaints. One feels a load on the upper chest. It is one of the best medicines for managing asthma and bronchitis cases. A general weakness is well marked along with above signs and symptoms.

2. Hepar Sulph – With Thick Yellow Expectoration

This medicine is very effective when there is thick yellow expectoration with congested chest and difficult breathing. The phlegm expectorated has bad smell. Difficulty in breathing is worse when lying on the left side.  Tightness is felt in the chest. There is marked rattling cough. It gets worse from exposure to cold air and consuming cold drinks. Cough gets better by wrapping up warmly. A sensation of dust is felt in the throat.  Wheezing is also there along with above symptoms.

3. Antimonium Tart – With Rattling Cough And Excessive Mucus In Chest

Antimonium Tart is the best choice of medicine when there is rattling cough with excessive build-up of mucus in the chest. In cases requiring this medicine, the lungs seem to be full of mucus but only a small quantity is expectorated. The expectorated phlegm is very thick and white. There is difficulty in breathing. Cough gets worse after eating. Pain in the chest may occur with these symptoms. Cough and breathing difficulty is relieved by lying on the right hand side. Breathing also gets better by burping. Antimonium Tart is the most prominent medicine for managing bronchitis cases.

4. Ipecac – With Chest Constriction Worse From Least Movement

Ipecac is a well-indicated medicine when there is a constricted feeling in the chest which gets worse from the least movement. This feeling is accompanied with difficult breathing. There is gasping for air and the sufferer rushes to open a window for breathing. There is suffocative cough. It is attended with nausea and vomiting. There is vomiting of white mucus. In some cases, ropy mucus is expectorated. Cough occurs after a meal. While coughing, pain is felt in the abdomen, chest and the head.

5. Silicea – With Chest Pain On Deep Breathing

Silicea is useful when there is chest pain on deep breathing along with chest congestion and breathing difficulty. A stitching pain is felt in the chest in cases needing this medicine. Tight feeling is felt around the chest. There is cough with thick and yellow lumpy phlegm expectoration having an offensive smell. The phlegm may also be like pus and sometimes blood-stained. Cough gets worse on lying down. It is also bad while talking, and from taking cold drinks. Difficulty in breathing is worse when lying on the back and also when walking fast.

6. Pulsatilla – With Yellowish Green Expectoration

This medicine is of great use when there is yellowish green expectoration. The expectoration is worse in the morning. In cases needing it, there is chest congestion and breathing difficulty along with the above complaint. Breathing difficulty worsens when lying on the left side. The person needing it feels worsening of the complaint in a warm room and has a desire for fresh open air to get relief.

7. Bryonia – With Chest Pain

This medicine is indicated for cough, breathing difficulty, chest congestion along with chest pain. The chest pain gets worse from movement, coughing and deep breathing. The person needing it holds the chest when coughing. Chest pain gets better by applying pressure. Breathing difficulty is worse after eating or drinking any thing. Person has to sit up due to difficulty in breathing. Expectoration like lumps of jelly may occur along with the above symptoms.



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8 Top Homeopathic Medicines For Cough With Throat Dryness

Cough with throat dryness can arise due to different reasons. First reason behind it could be hay fever/ nasal allergies like allergy from inhaled dust and pollen. Nasal allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to inhaled  allergens present in the environment. It can cause cough and throat dryness along with its main symptom of sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes, and sore throat. Being in AC rooms may also trigger throat dryness and cough. Next reason for this includes viral infections like cold and flu. Cold is a viral infection that affects the nose and the throat. It may cause cough, throat dryness along with its other important symptoms including nasal discharge, stuffy nose, sneezing, body aches and mild fever. Flu is an illness resulting from infection due to influenza virus. In flu, cough and dry throat occur in addition to runny and stuffy nose, sore throat, fever, weakness and muscle aches. Cough and dry throat may also happen in cases of sore throat and tonsillitis.

Sore throat refers to an inflammation in any part of the throat. It leads to irritation and scratchy feeling in the throat, pain in the throat, redness, swelling in throat and difficulty in swallowing. Additionally, throat dryness and cough can occur in sore throat infection.

Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the tonsils i.e. the lymphoid tissues located in the back of the throat, one on either side. Exposure to smoke or pollution may also trigger this complaint. Acid reflux can also cause throat dryness and cough. Acid reflux refers to back flow of the stomach acid upward in the food pipe and the mouth as a result of malfunction of the LES – lower esophageal sphincter. Acid reflux can cause dry throat and cough with its symptoms like heartburn (burning sensation in the middle of chest behind the breastbone), chest pain, lump in the throat feeling, hoarse voice, sore throat, regurgitation of food, difficulty in swallowing, nausea, vomiting, etc. Smoking, alcohol intake, caffeine can also cause throat dryness and cough.

Depending on the cause, other signs and symptoms may attend it including pain in the throat, inflamed tonsils, red swollen throat, burning sensation or a plug sensation in the throat, voice hoarseness, difficult swallowing, heartburn, expectoration, fatigue, body aches and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing cough with throat dryness. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it and overcome this complaint naturally and safely with zero side effects. Once the root cause is treated, relief follows in cough and throat dryness. Besides, any attending signs and symptoms (like pain in the throat, inflamed tonsils, expectoration, voice hoarseness, difficult swallowing, heartburn, fatigue, body aches) can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case and the cause behind cough and throat dryness is found out. So it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. Self-medication is not recommended.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough With Throat Dryness

1. Belladonna – Top Medicine

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine to manage cases of cough with throat dryness. The cough is dry. It occurs day and night. With cough, a tickling sensation is felt in the throat. Headache may occur along with cough. Face becomes red due to intense coughing. On examination, the throat is found to be red, inflamed. Redness and swelling of tonsils is also noted. Heated sensation is also felt in the throat. In some cases, the throat feels constricted. There is pain in the throat on swallowing liquids particularly. A lump sensation is felt in the throat that results in hawking. Fever can attend the above symptoms in some cases.

2. Drosera – With A Tickling Sensation In The Throat

This medicine is recommended when there is throat dryness with tickling sensation exciting cough. Rough sensation is felt in the throat. The attacks of cough occur after each other quickly. Along with cough yellow coloured expectoration can occur. A very characteristic feature for using this medicine is cough occurs at night time as soon as a person lies down. Sometimes vomiting occurs with cough. Sensation of a bread crumb in the throat can be felt. Besides above the cough may get triggered from laughing and talking.

3. Bryonia – When Cough Worsens After Eating Or Drinking

This medicine is well indicated when cough worsens after eating or drinking. This could be attended with vomiting of what has been eaten. On coughing, pain may occur in the abdomen and head. A feeling of scratching the throat is felt again and again. Roughness is felt at the back of the throat. A sensation of fullness or pressure is also felt in the throat. While swallowing, stitching pain is felt in the throat. In cases needing it, cough also worsens in a warm room. In the evening and night, no expectoration occurs while during the day,  yellow expectoration is there.

4. Conium – From A Dry Spot In Larynx (Voice Box)

Conium is a prominent medicine when there is cough with a dry spot in the larynx. The cough arises from itching and irritation in the throat. The cough gets worse at night and when lying down. Cough disturbs night’s sleep. During the day, no cough occurs. Repeated coughing leads to tiredness. Cough comes in the form of short attacks. Along with coughing, headache occurs. Talking worsens the cough. During coughing, vomiting of mucus occurs.

5. Spongia – For Absolutely Dry Cough

Spongia is a highly suitable medicine for an absolutely dry cough. There is dryness of the throat and all air passages, where this medicine is indicated. A burning sensation in the throat is also well marked. Plug sensation in the throat is also felt. The cough is worse in the evening. It gets worse by lying down. Cough gets relieved by sitting up and also from drinking warm drinks.

6. Pulsatilla – With Itchy, Scratchy Feeling In Throat

This medicine is important for cases in which cough arise from itching and scratching in the throat with dryness of the throat. The dryness in throat is worse in the morning. The cough gets worse after eating. The cough is loose during the day with expectoration and is dry at night time. The mucus expectorated is yellowish or greenish in color. The mucus is bitter in taste. Sometimes, there is vomiting of mucus or food. Hoarseness of voice is also felt. While coughing, pain in the head or back may be felt.

7. Sticta – For Cough In Evening And Night

Sticta is a useful medicine when there is dryness of throat along with cough mostly in the evening and at night. Due to coughing, lying down or sleeping is difficult. Dryness is marked in the soft palate. The soft palate feels dry like dried leather. It is attended with pain on swallowing. While coughing, pain is felt in the frontal area of the head. There may occur whitish expectoration.

8. Squilla – With Burning Sensation In Throat

This medicine can be used when there is cough with dryness and burning in the throat. Irritation is also felt in the throat. Irritation leads to a constant cough. Cough occurs day and night. At night, coughing is rattling type that disturbs sleep. Cough gets worse from cold drinks. It is also worse after exertion. Along with cough, excessive expectoration occurs. The expectoration is of whitish or reddish mucus. It has an offensive smell.



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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Weakness after Fever

Weakness, low energy level and tiredness after fever even after other symptoms of fever have already vanished are quite common. Fever is a temporary rise in the body temperature usually resulting from an infection (viral, or bacterial) that tends to go away in a few days. In a few days, general symptoms related to fever, like heat, chills, and sweating get over besides, other symptoms particular to an infection like vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps in case of stomach infection; and runny nose, cough, sore throat, blocked nose in case of cold/flu.

However, in some cases, weakness tends to linger on for a relatively longer time after subsiding of these symptoms. It may remain for two weeks and even more than that varying from case to case. Along with weakness, some other symptoms can attend like body aches (muscle/joint pain), headache, problems in concentration, and decreased appetite.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines can prove to be highly effective in overcoming weakness after fever along with taking good sleep, proper nutrition, and increased fluid intake. Homeopathic medicines act as great tonics that boost body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome a tired, exhausted feeling in a natural manner. Homeopathic medicines help to revitalize the body, when the body is drained out, in a very safe and effective manner with zero side effects. Along with weakness, they also help to manage attending symptoms like body aches, headache, decreased appetite, and concentration issues. Homeopathic medicines can be used for weakness after any sort of fever. Homeopathic medicines to overcome weakness are to be selected individually as per the characteristic symptoms present after complete analysis. Though homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use, it is advised to use any medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician; self-medication needs to be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Weakness After Fever

1. Arsenic Album – Top Recommended Medicine

Though there are several medicines in homeopathy to deal with cases of weakness after fever, Arsenic Album tops the list among these. Persons needing it feel severe weakness and exhaustion. They feel weak constantly round the clock more so at night. Due to lack of strength, they feel like lying down all the time. The slightest exertion results in weakness. They may feel anxious and restless along with weakness. Arsenic Album act as an effective tonic to regain body strength that has been affected by fever.

2. Gelsemium – For Weakness Along With Sleepiness

Gelsemium is an effective medicine to deal with cases having weakness attended with excessive sleepiness. The persons requiring it have intense drowsiness with a desire to sleep all the time. Besides, there may be marked dizziness (a sensation as if a person is spinning or the world around him/her is spinning) as well. To help cases of weakness after viral infections especially flu, Gelsemium is listed among one of the most important homeopathic medicines. Here the most characteristic symptom to use this medicine is exhaustion attended with a heavy and tired feeling in the limbs. There is muscle pain too along with the above symptoms. Other than physical tiredness, the person may suffer from headache, exhaustion and dullness of the mind along with problem in concentration.

3. Kali Phos – For Weakness After Flu (Influenza)

This medicine is best indicated for weakness after flu (an infection of the nose, throat and lungs occurring from influenza virus, that causes fever, sore throat, body aches, headache and respiratory symptoms). When weakness persists after flu, Kali Phos proves as the best tonic to rejuvenate the entire body. Persons needing it feel extremely tired both physically and mentally. They feel drained out and even a small task seems big. They may also suffer sleeplessness and.

4. Phosphoric Acid – For Weakness and Weight Loss

It is another suitable medicine for managing cases of weakness remaining after fever. In cases needing it, weakness is attended with weight loss. The whole body feels drained out with low energy levels. The face looks sunken along with dark circles around the eyes. The eyelids feel droopy. The limbs feel heavy. Weakness may improve after a short sleep.

5. Psorinum – For Weakness After Prolonged Fever

This medicine is well-indicated for managing weakness after prolonged fever. There is tiredness constantly along with sleepiness. Weakness worsens from exertion. There is pain in the whole body along with a tired feeling. Besides, there is marked sensitivity to cold. The person looks pale. There is a tendency to sweat excessively at night. Besides the above symptoms, loss of appetite is also marked in some cases requiring it.

6. China Officinalis – To Manage Weakness Along With Cold Skin

This medicine is beneficial when a person feels exhausted along with coldness of the skin. Walking makes a person tired, the body may tremble while sitting down or while rising from the sitting posture. Excessive irritability attends this complaint. There is an aversion to do any sort of exertion. Loss of appetite, excessive sweating and sleeplessness may be present. Besides, there may be excessive bloating of abdomen along with gas.

7. Baptisia – To Manage Weakness With Trembling

This medicine proves helpful when there is excessive tiredness along with trembling in the body and desire to lie down all the time. Persons needing it feel too weak to move around. They feel incapable of doing any sort of physical or mental exertion. The weakness is most marked in arms and legs. With this, there is excessive pain in the muscles attended with soreness (pain occurring from touch). Bad smell from urine, stool, sweat and breath may emanate.

8. Carbo Veg – For Exhaustion With Fainting Spells

This medicine is indicated when there is intense exhaustion with frequent spells of fainting. Weakness is well-marked after walking a little. Due to weakness, even talking gets difficult. The body may feel cold along with weakness. Trembling in the body may also attend.

9. Rhus Tox – For Weakness Along With Body Aches

Rhus Tox is a useful medicine to manage weakness and body aches after fever. Persons needing it feel like sitting or lying down the whole day. They do not feel like rising in th morning and getting ready. They have body aches along with stiffness and soreness in the body. Lower limbs feel powerless.



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Cough at night? Top Homeopathic medicines for relief

Cough is the body’s protective mechanism to clear the airway of any dust, smoke, mucus and any microbes (like virus, bacteria). Though cough can trouble a person regardless of time, certain kinds of cough get worse at night. Cough at night (also called nocturnal cough) is distressing that keeps a person awake disturbing night’s rest that can be very exhausting and impact the day’s activities. At night, while lying down flat, the mucus, acid and other irritants find it easier to rise to the throat which is one of the factors that can make cough worse. Besides, the quality of air in the bedroom at night also affects coughing, basically dry indoor air can irritate nose and throat and worsen cough.

Depending on the cause, cough may be attended by sputum production, expectoration (clear, yellow, green, brown or blood stained), wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, heartburn, burping, night sweat, fever. PND (post nasal drip), GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), asthma, allergies, cough from cold or flu are some of the main reasons for worsening cough at night.

Homeopathic Treatment 

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing such cases of cough. The homeopathic medicines target the root cause of the problem to bring long term improvement in cases of cough. These medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism to fight back the disease and bring self-recovery in the most natural way. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin with zero side-effects so are safe to use among persons of all age groups.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough At Night

1. Drosera –Top Grade Medicine

Drosera is a top-listed medicine to manage cases of cough at night. Its use is highly recommended for persons having cough that starts immediately after lying down at night. Cough forces them to sit up in bed. The cough is entirely absent during daytime. In cases requiring it the cough is usually dry irritative type. In some cases, however, yellow expectoration occurs. There are fits of coughing. One attack of cough is soon followed by another. At the end of the cough, vomiting may occur. This medicine is of great help to manage night time cough in children who start coughing as soon as they hit the bed.

 2. Sambucus – For Cough With Breathing Difficulty In Children

Sambucus is highly useful for managing cough with breathing difficulty in children at night (means suffocative cough). Children needing it suddenly wake up at night with coughing, breathing trouble and excessive sweating. Such attacks of cough occur more specifically around midnight. There is excessive crying in children. Whistling sound from chest may occur. Sambucus is well indicated for asthma attacks at night in children. Blockage of nostrils may be marked in cases needing this medicine.

3. Cina – For Cough Ending In Vomiting In Children

Cina is an excellent medicine for managing violent cough occurring in children at night when cough ends in vomiting (means spasmodic cough). The children needing it have cough occurring continuously which ultimately leads to vomiting. Tears appear in eyes along with difficult breathing. The cough is dry and occurs in fits in between intervals.

4. Belladonna – When Cough Is Short, Dry, Tickling

Belladonna is a very effective medicine for managing short, dry, tickling cough that occurs at night. The cough wakes the sufferer from sleep. A very characteristic feature is renewal of cough even from the slightest movement in bed. Cough is attended with pain in head, along with tearing pain in chest. A sensation of inhalation of dust prevails in most cases. This medicine is of great use in case of cough related to sore throat and enlarged tonsils. Belladonna can be highly beneficial for managing cough in children. In children needing it, dry cough tends to wake up the child and child tends to cry before coughing. Cough may be attended by grinding of teeth.

5. Arsenic Album – For Cough After Midnight (12:00 am)

For cough that troubles a person after midnight (means after 12:00 am), Arsenic Album is the top-grade homeopathic medicine. Though this medicine can be given for any sort of cough but especially of most help in cases of asthmatic cough. Those needing it have to sit up as soon as cough begins at night. Cough is mainly dry in nature.  It is accompanied by shortness of breath, oppression of chest and whistling/wheezing sound from the chest. Inclining the chest forward brings relief. Before coughing, anxiety and restlessness may occur. Cough is followed by excessive sweating and marked weakness.

6. Rumex – For Dry, Tickling Cough Preventing Sleep

Rumex is an important medicine to manage dry, tickling cough that prevents sleep. Cough seems to trigger from irritation in the throat. Cough gets worse while lying on left side. For cough occurring around 11:00 pm, Rumex is a specific remedy. Cough also worsens from inhaling cold air and talking.

7. Conium – For Continuous Dry Cough

Conium is very suitable for cases of dry cough occurring almost continuously during night. It wakes up the sufferer frequently disturbing sleep. The sufferer gets exhausted. Cough occurs from a dry spot in larynx or from irritation in throat pit / chest. It is accompanied with intense headache in most cases. Watery nasal discharge is also commonly present. Stitching type of pain in the sides of the chest is also felt. Conium is a prominent medicine for cough, following influenza. In such cases the cough may occur continuously until vomiting occurs.

8. Ipecac – When Vomiting Attends Cough

Ipecac is a very suitable medicine to manage cough at night attended with vomiting. There is excessive rattling of phlegm in chest. In most cases, cough gets worse after eating meal at night. Cough seems to get excited from taking each breath. There may occur a fit of cough that ends with vomiting.

9. Antimonium Tart – When Cough Is Loose Rattling Type

Antimonium Tart works wonderfully in cases of loose rattling cough at night. It seems as if chest is full of mucus but only less is expectorated. It is accompanied with suffocation. Persons who require this medicine have to sit up to cough or breathe. At times, vomiting occurs with cough. A very unique feature is relief in cough by lying on the right side. The cough is violent that shakes the entire chest. Headache and marked exhaustion occurs. This medicine is very helpful in bronchitis cases. There occurs thick, white expectoration in cases needing it.

10. Kali Bichrome and Corallium Rubrum – For Cough With Marked Post Nasal Drip (PND)

PND is one of the main causes of night time coughing. To deal with it, two most important homeopathic medicines are Kali Bichrome and Corallium Rubrum. These medicines work in reducing PND to bring relief in the cough related to it. Corallium Rubrum is considered for fits of dry, short, rapid, suffocative cough. There occur almost continuous fits of coughing. One coughing fit is soon followed by another quite rapidly. There is profuse dripping of mucus from posterior nares into the throat. Kali Bichrome is used when the mucus dripping in throat is very thick, sticky and ropy (can be drawn into threads) in nature.

11. Carbo Veg and Natrum Phos – To Manage Cough With Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is another important cause behind coughing at night. For managing this issue, Carbo Veg and Natrum Phos are leading medicines. These medicines basically help to treat the root cause i.e, acid reflux to relieve cough.  In cases needing Carbo Veg, there occurs short, dry, hard cough especially before midnight. Mucus is felt in throat at night that cause choking sensation on coughing. It gets better by moving or sitting up. In addition, acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour burps are present. Natrum Phos is useful for cough from tickling in throat attended with hawking and chest pain. Acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour burps appear, and vomiting of sour matter is also there.

Conditions that cause worsening of cough at night or when lying down are:

It can occur from disease of airway (upper or lower), GIT or cardiovascular system. Various causes are enumerated below:

1. Post nasal drip (PND) – It refers to dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. This mucus irritates nerve endings in the throat, exciting cough. PND can be an attending symptom in cases of cold, nasal allergy, sinusitis.

2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

It refers to the back flow of stomach acid into food pipe. The stomach acid can rise up on lying down at night causing cough as soon as one lies down in bed.

3. Cough related to Cold and Flu (viral infection of upper respiratory tract – URTI) and allergies

4. Bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs), asthma (respiratory disease characterized by difficult breathing, wheezing  and coughing), cough variant asthma (asthma presenting with only cough usually a dry, non-productive and constant cough), bronchiectasis (permanent enlargement of parts of airway of lungs leading to mucus build up), tuberculosis of lung (infection caused by bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis)

5. Chronic tonsil enlargement

6. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID -19)

7. Nerve problem – neurogenic cough arising by irritation of nerves supplying larynx

8. ACE inhibitors (medicine to treat high blood pressure)

9. In some cases, the reason could be more serious needing urgent medical help such as:

a). Heart failure

b). Lung cancer

c). Severe lung infection (Pneumonia)


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Anosmia – Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Loss of Smell

Homeopathy for loss of smell

Anosmia is a condition in which a person loses his/her sense of smell. Smell is one of the five senses a human being possesses. The odor molecules in the air surrounding us enter our nostrils, and are detected by the olfactory receptors. These receptors send a signal to the brain center via a nerve where the smell is identified, this is how we identify different smells and odors.

Loss of smell makes a person unable to perceive pleasant odors (like fragrances) and also sense danger situations that can be detected by smell (like gas leakage or smoke). Our sense of smell also plays a significant role in how food tastes, and so anosmia can also lead to a loss of taste (ageusia) and lack of interest in eating.

A person may suffer from partial or total loss of smell (conditions known as hyposmia and anosmia respectively). Loss of smell can be present since birth, in such a case a child is born without any sense of smell. Anosmia may be temporary or permanent depending upon the cause behind it.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Anosmia

Homeopathy offers natural and effective treatment for anosmia. These medicines are suitable to treat anosmia in people of all age groups. Since these medicines are made of natural substances, they treat the condition in a safe, effective manner. They treat the root cause of anosmia to bring about excellent recovery.

Homeopathic Medicines for Anosmia

The top indicated homeopathic medicines for anosmia include Natrum Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Calcarea carb, Kali Bichromicum and Lemna Minor. 

1. Natrum Mur – For Anosmia With Nasal Allergies

Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic medicine for anosmia where there are nasal allergies present. The guiding features to use Natrum Mur include loss of smell along with other nasal discharges and dryness in nostrils. In a few cases, nasal discharges (that look like egg white) may be present. Other features include nose blockage that makes breathing difficult, and violent sneezing (especially during the morning). A very specific squirming sensation of a worm crawling in nostrils may be present with the symptoms mentioned.

2. Silicea – For Anosmia Linked With Chronic Cold

Silicea is a well-indicated homeopathic remedy for anosmia where the person suffers from chronic cold. The people needing Silicea have a history of yellowish, chronic, offensive, fetid nasal discharges prior loss of smell. For using Silicea, the symptoms that may be present along with a loss of smell include a burning sensation in nostrils, dryness in nostrils and the presence of hard crusts in the nostrils. In some cases, soreness and itching in the nostrils may also be present.

3. Pulsatilla – For Loss Of Smell With Loss Of Taste

Pulsatilla is an effective medicine for anosmia attended with loss of taste. In some cases, the person may experience loss of appetite. Other attending features include thick greenish nasal discharges and sneezing, especially during sleep. The symptoms tend to worsen indoors and are better in the open air. In some cases, itching in nostrils during the evening time may also be present. Stoppage of the nose in the evening while going to bed is another symptom that may be noted.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Anosmia And Nasal Blockage

This medicine offers great help when there is loss of smell and nasal blockage. Nasal blockage makes breathing through nose difficult especially at night. There may also occur nasal dryness while in some cases yellow colored nasal discharge flows. It also offers best help when loss of smell is linked with nasal polyps.

5. Kali Bichromicum – For Anosmia with Sinusitis

Kali Bichromicum is a natural homeopathic medicine for anosmia that is linked with sinusitis. The main symptoms that indicate the need for Kali Bichromicum include constant stuffiness in the nose, stringy/sticky nasal discharge and fullness at the root of the nose. A sinus headache also appears along with nasal symptoms. Other accompanying symptoms include a tickling sensation in the nostrils and postnasal discharge of mucus.

 6.Lemna Minor – Homeopathic Cure for Anosmia with Nasal Polyps

Lemna Minor is an important homeopathic medicine for anosmia in cases of nasal polyps. The person requiring this remedy experience loss of smell, obstruction in nostrils, and frequent sneezing attacks. The other symptoms include a thick, viscid or excessive purulent (pus-like) discharge from the nose. The nasal symptoms tend to get worse in damp surroundings and rainy weather.

7. Hepar Sulph – For Loss Of Smell Associated With Cold Or Sinus Infection

This medicine can be used when there is loss of smell along with cold or sinus infection. A characteristic symptom present is sneezing and nasal blockage when inhaling cold air. Discharge occurs from the nose which is thick and sometimes blood stained. At times there occur dripping of mucus from back of nose into throat. The mucus is often blood stained. Pain in bony part of nose may also be felt.

8. Phosphorus – For Loss Of Smell And Alternate Nasal Discharge And Blockage

This medicine is useful when a person complains of loss of smell and an alteration between nasal discharge and blockage. It can be attended with frequent sneezing. Sometimes there is painful dryness in the nose. The nasal discharge may dry into a crust form and stick to the nostrils. The nose may be sore to touch.

Symptoms Attending Anosmia

Depending on the cause behind anosmia, a person shows symptoms like nasal discharge, post nasal drip, sneezing and nasal blockage.

Persons having anosmia may also have loss of taste

Complete loss of smell may make it difficult to sense a dangerous circumstance and take measures to stop it, for example if there is gas leakage from cylinder or fire, a person suffering from anosmia may be unable to sense it and seek help.

Sometimes loss of smell may lead to depression.

Causes Of Anosmia

The reasons behind anosmia are variable. Anosmia may arise due to swelling in the nose, blockage in the nose that hinders odors reaching the top of nose or due to damage to brain /olfactory nerve (that sends signal of smell from nose to brain) /olfactory receptors.  However, in approximately 20 per cent of the cases, anosmia has no cause (a condition known as idiopathic anosmia). The causes of anosmia are summed below:

Causes related to nasal irritation or congestion:

1. Sinusitis (acute or chronic) –Inflammation of the lining of paranasal sinuses.

2. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) – Nasal allergy where inhalation of allergens like dust mites, pollen leads to symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itching in nose or eyes, watering from nose.

3. Common cold – viral infection of upper respiratory tract

4. Influenza – viral infection of respiratory tract caused by influenza virus

5. Non – allergic (vasomotor) rhinitis – In this condition, symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis appear, but without any known cause.

6. COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) – An infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus

Causes related to blockage / obstruction of nasal passage:

1. Nasal polyps – soft, non-cancerous growths in lining of nasal passage or paranasal sinuses.

2. Tumours in nose

3. DNS (deviated nasal septum) –  displacement of thin wall separating right and left nasal passage to one side.

Causes related to damage to brain or nerve

1. Ageing

2. Parkinson’s Disease – A nervous system disorder characterized by hand tremors, slowness of movement, muscle rigidity, impaired posture and balance

3. Alzheimer’s Ddisease – A neurological disorder that leads to decline in memory, forgetfulness and problems with thinking, reasoning and communication

4. Brain tumours

5. Multiple sclerosis – A disease in which there occurs damage to myelin sheath of nerve cells which impairs communication between brain and the rest of the body parts

6. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), diabetes, head/brain injury, epilepsy (tendency to get fits)

7. Chemical exposure that causes burns inside nose, certain medicines (like antibiotics, antihistamines)
8. Zinc deficiency, poor nutrition

9. Smoking, alcohol misuse

10. In some cases a baby is born with anosmia, then condition is called congenital anosmia.

Anosmia linked with COVID-19

Loss of smell is one of the prominent symptoms of COVID-19 but the mechanism behind it is unknown. It is also one of the earliest and most common symptoms reported in COVID-19. This symptom is more prominent predictive factor for COVID-19. Researches are still trying to find the underlying mechanism behind it. Certain research has found that COVID-19 does not cause permanent anosmia.


A doctor can diagnose anosmia based on symptoms provided by patient and examining the nose.

Depending on the case details the doctor may recommend some tests:

1. CT scan of brain or MRI of brain

2. X-ray of skull

3. Nasal endoscopy to view inside of nose.


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5 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy refers to facial paralysis (loss of muscle function) affecting one side of the face and the onset is sudden. The cause in most such cases is not found. The cause is presumed to be inflammation of the facial nerve or reactivation of a previously acquired viral infection. The viral infection behind the cause is herpes simplex viral infection. The triggers which reactivate the latent viral infection include environmental changes like cold air exposure, trauma, and emotional factors. Homeopathic remedies for Bell’s Palsy are made of natural substances and with no side effects, provide a very effective treatment against the disease.

Homeopathic Treatment For Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy can be effectively treated with natural homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic treatment for Bell’s Palsy can help in complete recovery without any side effects. The results, however, vary from person to person depending on how chronic the problem is, and the degree of facial damage.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Bell’s Palsy

The top recommended homeopathic medicines to treat Bell’s palsy are Causticum, Belladonna, Aconite, and Hypericum.

1. Causticum

Causticum is the top recommended medicine to treat cases of Bell’s Palsy. This medicine is usually the first choice to treat cases of Bell’s Palsy. Though it can be used for paralysis of any side, it is more prominently indicated for facial paralysis of the right side. Those who need it have loose muscle function of the face on the side from forehead to chin. Pain in the jaws may also be present. The pain can be tense or drawing in nature. It is accompanied by difficulty in opening one’s mouth.


This is another natural medicine of great help in Bell’s palsy cases. Its use is suggested when the muscle of the face fails to function on one side. There may be numbness on the face. Additionally, twitching of facial muscles can be present. In most cases, the face goes red, flushes, and may as well witness a burning sensation. Besides, increased sensitivity to noises may be present.

3. Aconite

Aconite is used when there is a complaint of numbness or tingling sensation on the face on the affected side. The face also feels cold on the affected side. Apart from this, drawing pain in jaws can be felt. It is used in acute conditions in the very beginning when facial paralysis follows from sudden cold air exposure.

4. Hypericum

To deal with facial paralysis because of an injury to a nerve, the best homeopathic medicine is Hypericum. It can be of great help in the complete recovery of the patient with facial paralysis following injury. Tingling, numbness, or burning sensation on the affected side of the face may be experienced in addition to other symptoms of bell’s palsy. Hypericum is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for nerve injuries, and it always proves its worth by bringing positive results.

5. Ignatia

Ignatia is a very frequently used natural Homeopathic medicine for a variety of conditions arising out of grief. It is a very beneficial medicine in cases of Bell’s Palsy particularly triggered by grief too. Those who need this medicine carry symptoms of Bell’s Palsy and may also complain of frequent tooth bites while talking or swallowing. He or she may also have a mouth filled with excessive saliva. Other symptoms of grief like weeping, brooding and sadness are also present.

6. Agaricus

Agaricus is helpful when there is a dropping in the mouth corner due to facial paralysis. It is accompanied by drooling of the saliva. Twitching of the facial muscles may also be present. Tearing pain in the jaw may assist these symptoms.

7. Cadmium Sulph

It is administered when the patient has a distorted face. The swallowing of food becomes difficult. He or she also has difficulty speaking properly. And there is also an inability to close the eye on the affected side.

8. Homeopathic Medicines As Per The Side Of The Face Affected By Bell’s Palsy

The naturally efficient homeopathic medicines for Bell’s Palsy on the right side of the face are Belladonna, Causticum, and Kali Phos. For treating Bell’s Palsy on the left side, the efficient natural homeopathic medicines are Alumina, Cadmium Sulph, and Sulphur. To select the suitable medicines out of these, a proper case investigation needs to be carried out. Homeopathic remedies cannot be selected solely as per the side of the face affected by facial paralysis. The side of the face involved only forms a part of the totality of other symptoms narrated by the patient. So, the side of the face involved should be considered among other symptoms but not the only pointer to select this homeopathic remedy.

Symptoms Of Bell’s Palsy

In the majority of cases, the paralysis is unilateral. It means the disease occurs on one side of the face. In just one per cent of cases, it can involve both sides of the face. The onset of Bell’s Palsy is always sudden. The symptom intensity varies from case to case — from the slight weakness of the facial muscles to the entire paralysis (loss of muscle function). The signs and symptoms include:

1. Weakness or numbness of the face on one side

2. Drooping of face to one side

3. Drooling of saliva or drying of the mouth

4. Lachrymation (watering from eyes) or dryness of eyes due to inability to close eye on the affected side

5. Loss of facial expressions like frowning, and smiling

6. Pain about the jaw and behind the ear, sensitive hearing, inability to have a taste for food

7. Other symptoms include difficulty in eating and speech, headache, eye irritation on the affected side, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), tingling in the face, and twitching of facial muscles

 What Is The Recovery Time In Bell’s Palsy Cases?

The symptoms of Bell’s Palsy in most cases begin to get better within a few weeks (approx. 3 weeks). In the majority of the cases (about 80 per cent) of them, full recovery with complete resolution of the symptoms takes place in three months to 9 months time period. Though, in minor cases, complete recovery may take somewhat longer. In rare cases, the symptoms may be permanent. There are very few chances of recurrent Bell’s Palsy.

Causes Behind Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy results from compression, swelling/inflammation of the facial nerve (the seventh cranial nerve). This nerve goes through a narrow passage within the skull. Its swelling leads to its compression by the nearby hard surface in the skull and affects the nerve functioning as well.

When this nerve gets inflamed, the nerve cells get deprived of blood and oxygen resulting in the weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles. The reason behind the nerve damage has not been determined yet, it is widely believed that a viral infection sets off this damage.

There are various infections (viral and bacterial) associated with Bell’s Palsy. It mainly includes herpes simplex virus 1 which causes cold sores. Other viruses include Epstein – Barr virus, herpes zoster virus, HIV, cytomegalovirus, mumps virus, rubella virus, influenza B virus, coxsackie virus, and Lyme disease. Some factors linked with the reactivation of latent viral infection in the body and which may provoke Bell’s Palsy include stress, physical trauma, loss of sleep, some recent illnesses, and auto-immune health disease.

Risk Factors

Though anyone can suffer from Bell’s Palsy, those with the following symptoms are in a bigger risk zone:

1. Having diabetes or high blood pressure

2. Obesity

3. URTI (upper respiratory tract infection) like cold, flu

4. Pregnancy mainly in the third trimester (last three months of pregnancy), and the first week after giving birth to the child.

5. Family history of Bell’s Palsy (especially when there may occur recurrent episodes of Bell’s Palsy)

6. Have an autoimmune disease (in such diseases the infection-fighting cells start to damage the body’s own healthy tissues out of a misdirected response)

7. Cold sores


Mild cases of Bell’s Palsy are self-resolvable. In severe cases, complications may arise:

1.Permanent facial nerve damage that controls muscles of the face

2. Ulcers in the eye even blindness due to the drying of the cornea. Also, scratching the eye in the affected area. Blindness can be partial or complete.

3. Synkinesis – a condition in which one part of the face can be moved willingly, and there occurs simultaneous involuntary movement of another part of the face like the closing of the eye especially when one smiles. Synkinesis occurs when during the healing process/regrowth of nerve fibers, controlling the muscles of one part of the face also regrow on another part of the face.


There is no lab test to diagnose Bell’s Palsy. It is diagnosed based on the physical examination of the face, and observing the muscle movement of the face when the eye is closed, or when one is asked to frown, or asked to show teeth or any form of a grimace. There are some medical conditions that can cause weakness or paralysis of facial muscles like stroke, tumours, lyme disease. If the cause is not clear, then the physician may advise some tests. These include

1. MRI and CT scan to rule out causes like skull fracture, and tumour

2. Electromyography: This test is to rule out the severity of nerve damage


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Homeopathic Medicines for Dengue Prevention

Dengue Fever triggers an instant scare, and rightly so. It’s a viral fever that spreads by the bite of female mosquitoes of Aedes genus mainly Aedes aegypti which is itself infected with dengue virus. The mosquito gets dengue virus on biting a person carrying dengue virus in his/ her blood. It is also known as ‘break bone fever’. Dengue fever can range from mild to severe. Severe dengue fever can be life-threatening and needs to be urgently treated at a hospital. In any case of dengue fever, one needs to be vigilant regarding the signs and symptoms and if any warning signs of severe form come up, take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment without any delay.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for dengue fever are very effective. Eupatorium Perfoliatum leads the chart of homeopathic medicine to manage dengue fever. These medicines are made of natural substances, are completely safe with no side effects and have shown effective cure in treating thousands of dengue cases. These medicines can be considered in mild to moderate cases under the supervision of homeopathic physician. In no case self- medication be done. In case of severe cases/dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome immediately rush to the hospital for emergency help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Remedies For Dengue Fever

Homeopathic Remedies For Dengue Fever

NotePlease note that Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic fever can turn into a critical life-threatening condition, hence should not be treated only with homeopathic medicines and they should only be considered as an additional help along with conventional mode of treatment. Hospital supervision of the patient is very essential.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever

1. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – One Of The Best Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever

Homeopathic physicians rank Eupatorium Perfoliatum as the best Homeopathic medicine for Dengue Fever. It is undoubtedly the first medicine to be used in dengue fever cases. The characteristic feature to use it is severe muscle, bone and joint pains with high fever. This medicine is also popularly known as ‘bone set’ as it brings about the quickest relief in severe bone and joint pains in fever. The pain can be present in any bone or it may generally be felt in the whole body. In general body ache, it feels as if the whole body is broken. Apart from relieving joint pains, it is also very beneficial if there is severe pain in the eyeballs caused by dengue fever. It helps in recovering from headache with nausea and vomiting too. The headache is present mostly on the top (vertex) of head. Mainly the patients requiring this remedy for Dengue have severe chill with shivering and severe body pains. After the chill is over, vomiting occurs. In majority of the cases, sweat brings relief in all the symptoms, with the exception of pain in head. Weakness, tiredness may attend above symptoms.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum as a preventive homeopathic medicine for dengue

Although there is no concrete research on the role of Eupatorium Perfoliatum as preventive homeopathic medicine for dengue fever, it is widely used as a prophylaxis for dengue. It is used as its usage is in accordance with homeopathic laws of prophylaxis (Laws stated in homeopathic philosophy suggest that the homeopathic medicine that is closest in symptom-match to the symptoms of an outbreak of a disease can be used as a prophylaxis). The homeopathic medicine which closely matches the symptoms of dengue outbreak is Eupatorium Perfoliatum. It can be used in 30C potency twice daily during an outbreak of dengue fever.

2. Bryonia Alba – To Manage Fever And Muscle / Joint Pains

Bryonia Alba is of great help in providing relief from muscle/ joint pains in dengue fever. This medicine offers the best help when there is worsening of pains by any movement even in the least degree. Complete rest gives relief from pain. There is fever with marked chills. With chills, there is heat in the head.  Extreme thirst for water with a dry mouth may be felt along with this specific feature.

3. Rhus Tox – To Relieve Pain (Muscle, Bone, Joint Pains)

Rhus Tox is another highly recommended medicine to relieve pain in body during fever. It works best when muscle bone or joint pains get worse from rest and are better from movement. There is fever with alternating heat and chill stage. There occur burning heat in body followed by chills and shivering.

4. Gelsemium – For Dengue Fever With Weakness And Prostration

Gelsemium is the best for dengue fever patients who experience utmost weakness and prostration. A state of dullness, dizziness and drowsiness is the perfect description to select gelsemium. The patients needing it seem lethargic and have a desire to lie down in perfect silence without any disturbance. He or she also wants to be quiet and dislikes conversation. The patient experiences shaking chills which is most typically marked in the back and travels up and down the back. Another feature is headache with heaviness of eyes. The headache is mainly present in the back of the head that in most cases travels up to the forehead and eyes. There is also an absence of thirst in majority of cases. Muscle pains may attend above symptoms.

5. Belladonna – To Manage Headache, Pain Behind Eyes And Fever With Marked Heat

Belladonna is the best choice to manage headache. In cases needing it, though pain may be felt in any part of the head but is mostly marked on the sides of head (temples). For using Belladonna, the pain is very violent, and throbbing in nature. Tight binding of the head provides relief. It is also helpful in relieving pain behind the eyes. During fever, there is intense heat in body with red flushed face and lack of thirst.

6. Arsenic Album – To Manage Weakness And Fever

Arsenic Album is an ideal homeopathic medicine to manage weakness during fever. Even standing and walking result in fatigue where this medicine is required. There is a need to lie down all the time because of tiredness. There may be internal chills in the body but the body is hot to touch from outside. Fever mostly comes at night and is attended with marked anxiety and restlessness. There is thirst for little quantity of water at very small intervals. Arsenic can also be given for managing nausea and vomiting. Nausea gets worse by the smell or sight of food and vomiting gets worse from eating or drinking anything.

7. Ipecac – To Manage Nausea And Vomiting

For relieving nausea and vomiting, Ipecac can be used as a first medicine. It is of great help when there is persistent nausea and vomiting. Nausea does not get better even after vomiting. There is vomiting of watery fluid, along with cutting pain in abdomen.

8. Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Although there are certain homeopathic medicines to manage bleeding in dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is strictly advised to take urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment in such cases as this condition can be life-threatening and may need urgent hospitalization. For help to manage bleeding, homeopathic medicines can be used along with conventional treatment and should not be in any case considered as a substitute treatment to conventional mode. The main homeopathic medicines that can help in dengue hemorrhagic fever are Hamamelis and China.

Hamamelis is a brilliant medicine to manage bleeding from any body part. It is indicated to manage bleeding under skin, from nose, gums, rectum, in urine, in vomitus. There is excessive exhaustion. China is equally important medicine to manage bleeding. It is of great help when there is profuse bleeding along with marked exhaustion. Debility and utmost prostration with hemorrhages is its main indication.

Symptoms Of Dengue fever

The symptoms start anytime between 4 days to 14 days after bite of an infected mosquito. However, in 80% cases no symptoms arise. Recovery occurs in three to seven days approximately in most cases. But it may develop into a severe disease known as dengue hemorrhagic fever/ dengue shock syndrome.

The main symptoms of dengue fever are:

1. Sudden onset High fever (over 104 degree F). Fever is saddleback (or biphasic) type means after the first peak of fever, subsidence of fever occurs for at least a day which is followed by a second peak of fever for a day or two.

2. Pain typically behind eye worsened by eye motion or pressure

3. Severe muscle, bone and joint pains

4. Severe headache

5. Nausea or vomiting

6. Skin rash: It is noted in about 50 % to 80% of the cases. Initially, skin appears red, flushed and later on a measles-like rash occurs.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

A few cases of dengue fever (around 1 in 20) progress to a serious disease called dengue hemorrhagic fever. It is a serious life-threatening condition needing emergency medical help in hospital. In this serious form, bleeding occurs from different body parts. It usually starts to happen in 24-48 hrs after fever has subsided. In such cases, the platelets (cells responsible for clotting of blood) in the blood significantly decrease leading to hemorrhages (bleeding).

The bleeding may be

1. Under the skin

-Petechiae – tiny bleeding points under skin

– Ecchymosis – blue or purple spots on skin from breaking of blood vessels near skin

– Purpura is similar to ecchymosis but lesions in it are small as compared to ecchymosis

2. From the nose (Epistaxis)

3. From gums

4. Vomiting of blood (Hematemesis)

5. Blood in stool

6. Blood in urine

Along with bleeding, severe abdomen pain and persistent vomiting, fatigue, restlessness, irritability can attend. Those having weak immunity and those having dengue infection for the second time are at a high risk to suffer dengue haemorrhagic fever.

Dengue Shock Syndrome

Like dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is also a serious life-threatening condition needing emergency medical help at hospital.

In case severe bleeding occurs, shock may develop with very low blood pressure, rapid or weak pulse with cold clammy skin and restlessness. It may eventually result in death. Such severe cases with shock are referred to as Dengue Shock Syndrome.

Cause of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus. A person gets this virus infection on being bitten by Aedes mosquito itself infected with dengue virus.

After the entry of dengue virus into the skin of the person, it enters white blood cells and starts reproduction. Certain proteins – cytokines and interferons – are produced by WBCs as a response to virus multiplication resulting in symptoms like fever and pains. If infection gets severe, virus multiplication increases rapidly and affects organs like liver and bone marrow. This may decrease the number of platelets required for blood clotting that may lead to bleeding from various body parts.

Dengue fever cannot pass directly from person to person like via direct skin contact. But one may get infection if they come in contact with infected blood.

In pregnant women, dengue virus can pass to the baby in womb.

There are five strains of dengue virus that can cause dengue fever. Getting infected by any dengue virus strain gives you lifetime immunity to that particular strain of dengue virus. But this does not nullify the chances of getting infected by rest of the strains of dengue virus. A person may suffer infection from all the five strains (only once with each of them) of dengue virus in his/her life. The chances of severe dengue rises on getting dengue fever more than once.


The complications include internal bleeding, seizures (fits), brain inflammation and damage, liver damage, lung damage, shock due to low blood pressure from excessive bleeding that if not promptly treated, can turn fatal.  In pregnant women having dengue infection, the dengue virus may pass to the baby in womb, it also increases the risk of miscarriage and the chance of low birth weight of baby and pre-term birth also increases.

Diagnostic Investigations

1. Dengue RNA PCR test:  It can detect dengue virus in early stage of infection and also help to detect the particular strain of dengue virus causing infection.

2. Viral antigen detection test – NS1 (named Dengue NS1 Antigen Test). NS1 means non structural protein 1. It can also detect virus in early infection stage and should be done within the first 5 days of appearance of symptoms.

3. Dengue serology – Dengue virus-specific antibodies IgG and IgM test.

Among these, IgM antibodies appear in early stage of infection and their detection while symptoms have already appeared indicates dengue infection. The presence of IgM antibodies cannot be detected one to three months after infection.

IgG antibodies detects infection in late stage as IgG levels increase slowly. It can be detected till over 60 yrs age or even through a lifetime indicating past infection.

4. Platelet count: This is lowered in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Normal platelet count is 1.5 lac to 4.5 lac/microliter of blood. Low platelet count is medically termed thrombocytopenia. In dengue cases platelet count may drop to as low as 20000 to 40000 / microliter of blood.

Prevention of Dengue Fever

1. The best possible way to prevent dengue fever is to prevent mosquito bites and control mosquito breeding.

2. Take measures to stop breeding of mosquitoes. Do not let water collect in any pot, can, old tyres or any other box as mosquitoes breed in standing water. Throw away any pots or boxes where rainwater can collect.

3. Keep windows and doors closed as far as possible to prevent mosquito entry in house.

4. When going out, wear full sleeves clothes, and clothes that cover legs and also wear socks.

5. Use mosquito repellents containing 20% to 30% of DEET.

6. Use of mosquito nets can be helpful.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

Homeopathic Remedies For Bronchitis

Prolonged coughing, difficulty in breathing, mucus expectoration, pain in the chest, all these symptoms may indicate the initial stages of a respiratory disorder Bronchitis. This respiratory disease is characterized by the inflammation of bronchial tubes. Air passes from the trachea to the lungs through the bronchial tubes. The acute inflammation of bronchial tubes (Acute Bronchitis) usually follows an episode of cold or influenza caused by viral agents. The cold and influenza affect the upper respiratory system, including nose, sinuses, and larynx. In cases of maltreated or neglected cold or influenza, the infection travels in a downward direction and leads to inflammation of bronchial tubes, producing varying symptoms.

Homeopathic Treatment

Natural medicines serve as a very reliable and safe treatment to get rid of Bronchitis. They are free from any side effects and there is absolutely no chance of suppression of symptoms in the homeopathic treatment of Bronchitis. Remedies for Bronchitis are natural medicines that help in the easy exit of the mucus from the bronchi. As the mucus is effortlessly thrown out with the help of properly selected medicines, the cough, chest pain and difficulty in breathing also begin to subside and almost finish consequently.

Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

1. Bryonia – For Dry Cough

Bryonia is the best medicine for managing dry cough. Persons needing it have cough due to irritation in the throat. While coughing, pain is felt in the chest and head.  The cough gets worse after eating or drinking. It also increases from movement and talking. Besides, sneezing and scratchy sensation is felt in the throat. Fever with chills can also accompany.

When and How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia should be considered in the early stages of Bronchitis when there is dry cough along with pain in the chest and head. This medicine is recommended in 30C potency. Bryonia 30C can be taken three to four times a day at a three-hour interval.

2. Spongia – For Dry Cough With Difficult Breathing

Spongia is another effective medicine for dry cough. This medicine can be used when dry cough is accompanied by difficult breathing. Cough is extremely dry, hard and continuous. Eating or drinking makes the cough better. Cough is attended with fatigue. One may feel pain and a heated sensation in the chest. At times, a feeling of fullness is felt in the chest.

When and How to use Spongia?

Use of Spongia should be considered when dry cough occurs along with difficulty in breathing in mild intensity. Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is best to start with low potencies like 30C. Spongia 30C can be taken two to three times a day as per intensity of the symptoms.

3. Antimonium Tart – For Bronchitis With Loose Rattling Cough

Antimonium Tart is natural remedy for Bronchitis with loose rattling cough. The bronchial tubes are overloaded with mucus and mucus is heard rattling in the chest on coughing. The mucus does not expel easily and if it does get coughed out, the quantity is meagre. Antimonium Tart is of great help in aiding the expectoration of the mucus present in bronchial tubes. Whistling in chest and a feeling of heaviness in the chest occurs along with the above symptoms.

When and How to use Antimonium Tart?

It is the first medicine to be prescribed when cough is loose and rattling sound is heard while breathing due to the excess mucus lodged in bronchial tubes. Whistling in the chest may occur. This medicine helps to relieve cough, aids expectoration and clears off the mucus from bronchial tubes. Antimonium tart can be taken once or twice a day in 30C potency.

4. Arsenic Album – For Cough, Breathing Difficulty And Wheezing In Chest

Arsenic Album is highly recommended for cases in which there occurs cough with difficulty in breathing and wheezing /whistling in the chest. In most cases needing it, the cough gets worse at night. The phlegm is frothy white or thick yellow, may be blood streaked in some cases. During cough, soreness is felt in the chest, which may also feel tight sometimes. Following an episode of cough, one feels very weak.

When and How to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album can be used in cases presenting with cough, difficult breathing and wheezing in chest when the complaint is of mild intensity. It is usually given in 30C potency once or twice a day. Its higher potencies are also used in some cases for which homeopathic doctor’s advice is a must.

5. Ipecac – For Rattling Cough With Vomiting

Ipecac is another medicine for cough that is similar when Antimonium Tart is recommended. But Ipecac is considered when cough with rattling of mucus in bronchi is followed by vomiting. It is suggested when there is coughing with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes and constant coughing does not seem to expel the mucus from bronchial tubes. Ipecac helps in expelling the mucus out with the least effort. Slight blood can be noticed in the coughed out sputa. Shortness of breath and a constricted sensation in the chest may be present. Wheezing (breathing noisily), sneezing and cold may accompany the above symptoms.

When and How to use Ipecac?

Ipecac can be given in case of loose rattling cough with vomiting. It can also be used in cases of cough with excessive mucus in bronchial tubes but difficult expectoration. It can be used in varying potencies varying from 6C to 200C. Ipecac is generally used in 30C potency two to three times a day

6. Hepar Sulph – For Loose Cough With Yellow Sputum

It is a well indicated medicine for cases having loose cough with yellow sticky sputum. The expectorated phlegm is abundant. Cough gets worse from exposure to cold air or from drinking cold water. In some cases requiring it, blood stained mucus is expectorated. While coughing, burning in the throat and chest are felt. Sneezing may occur.

When and How to use Hepar Sulph?

This medicine is most helpful for cases of loose cough with yellow expectoration. It is mostly recommended in 30 C potency twice or thrice a day as per severity of the problem. Its higher potencies like 200C, 1M are also available but they should not be used without a doctor’s prescription.

7. Pulsatilla – For Cough With Thick Yellow Or Green Expectoration

Pulsatilla is an ideal herbal medicine for Bronchitis when cough is attended with thick yellow or green mucus expectoration. The sputa may have bitter, salty or a bad taste. Cough gets worse in the morning and also in a warm room, while it gets better in open air.

When and How to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla is the best choice of medicine for cough with thick yellow or green phlegm expectoration. Pulsatilla 30C once or twice a day gives good results.

Note: Use of the above medicines is recommended only in mild to moderate cases of bronchitis as per symptoms. After matching the symptoms, one may take these medicines for about one week if the condition improves. To continue these for more than one week, or if there is no visible sign of improvement, consult a homeopathic doctor. In severe cases like high fever, extreme difficulty in breathing, chest pain or pneumonia, it is strictly advised not to self-medicate with any of the above medicines, take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Causes Of Bronchitis

 1. Acute Bronchitis: It commonly arises from viruses that cause common cold and flu (influenza). These viral infections are the cause behind 85-95 percent of all the acute bronchitis cases in adults.

Rarely, acute bronchitis can result from bacterial infections like chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma pneumoniae, etc.

2. Chronic Bronchitis: The common reason for chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking in about 90% of the cases. Passive smoking also increases the risk. Prolonged exposure to polluted air, dust or chemical fumes may also be one of the reasons. Repeated bouts of acute bronchitis also may turn into chronic bronchitis. Those having asthma or allergic tendency are also predisposed to chronic bronchitis.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Bronchitis?

1. Cough is the main symptom. Initially, the cough can be dry. Afterward, the cough becomes productive which means loose cough with production of mucus. The mucus can be clear, white, yellow, green, grey in colour. At times, mucus is even blood-stained though very rarely. Cough may last from one week to three weeks.

2. Difficulty in breathing

3. Fever and chills

4. Wheezing or whistling sound from chest on breathing and chest congestion/discomfort /tightness

5. Weakness, fatigue

6. In acute bronchitis, symptoms like runny nose, blocked nose, sore throat, headache and body aches may be present.

Types of Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis (chest cold): It generally lasts for one week to ten days, but the cough may linger for two to three weeks in some cases.

Chronic bronchitis:Bronchitis is termed chronic, when cough along with mucus lasts for minimum three months in a year with recurrence at least in two consecutive years.

Risk factors

Though anyone can get infected by bronchitis, infants (babies less than one year of age), young kids (under 5yrs) and elderly people are at the highest risk. Other risk factors include low immunity, cigarette smoking, excessive exposure to dust, chemical fumes, air pollutants and acid reflux (where stomach acid back-flows in upward direction to throat and causes irritation predisposing a person to develop bronchitis)


In some cases, pneumonia (inflamed air sacs that get filled with fluid) may occur as a complication. It can be life threatening and required immediate medical attention.


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