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Tarentula Hispanica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Tarentula Hispanica is a great remedy having profound action on nerves and mind. Extreme restlessness is one of the top most indication for its use. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of restlessness, twitching, jerking, chorea (movement disorder in which there is involuntary, unpredictable muscle movement) and hysteria (an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear characterized by laughing, weeping, fits of rage or anxiety). Oversensitivity to music is another key indication for its use.



The ‘Tarentula Hispanica’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to nervous, hysterical persons prone to involuntary muscle movements (chorea) and destructive impulses.

Drug Action

This medicine’s sphere of action is most marked on nervous system and mind. It also acts well on female and male genitals. Its action is also seen on limbs, back, urinary organs and skin.

Clinical Indications

Nervous disorders, restlessness, ADHD twitching, chorea, restless legs, hysteria, mania, kleptomania, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, pruritis vulvae, nymphomania, sexual mania, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, fibroids, uterine displacements, coccygodynia, cystitis, boils

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Mind Complaints (Restlessness, Mood Changes, Music Sensitivity, Hysteria, Mania)

The foremost action of this medicine is seen on the mind. The most important indication to use this medicine is intense restlessness that compels the sufferer to walk. They have to be in constant motion even if walking worsens the problem. The persons needing it are very impatient, anxious and impulsive. They may have impulses to cause destruction, they may strike themselves or others. It is one of the most prominent medicine to treat ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) with extreme restlessness and compulsion to hurry. There may occur sudden mood changes with lack of emotional control. The person may indulge in intense laughter followed by screaming. Cheerfulness may alternate with anger and irritability.

Another top listed indication guiding feature to use Tarentula is sensitivity to music. Music causes great excitement and the person dances up and down, laughs, runs and makes gestures on listening music. They may also roll on ground from side to side, strike with feet or roll the head and rub it. It is also well indicated for cases of kleptomania (a recurrent urge to steal). It is a highly valuable medicine for hysteria (an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear characterized by laughing, weeping, fits of rage or anxiety) and mania (abnormally elevated changes in mood, emotions and activity levels).

Key Indicating Features

Intense restlessness compelling the sufferer to walk

Impatience, hurriedness and impulses to cause destruction

Hypersensitivity to music

Sudden mood changes, intense laughter followed by screaming, cheerfulness alternating with anger and irritability

Mania (abnormally elevated changes in mood, emotions and activity levels)

2. Limbs (Chorea, Restless Legs, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease)

Tarentula has a well-marked action on the limbs. It is of great help in cases of chorea. In cases needing it, there may occur irresistible movement of left hand and foot or right arm and leg. Another characteristic symptom to use this medicine is the trembling of body and great agitation in all the limbs. It is relieved by listening to music. Tarentula is also a valuable medicine for managing cases of Sydenham’s chorea earlier known as St Vitus’ dance. There is rapid jerking movement of face, hands and face in a person who suffers from this disease.

It is highly suited for cases of twitching and jerking. It proves highly effective for restless legs. There is excessive restlessness of lower limbs with need to change position frequently. Its use is also considered in epilepsy (tendency to fits). The person falls down unconsciously with rigidity of body, teeth grinding, squinting of eyes, tongue biting followed by dizziness. It is also an important medicine for cases of Parkinson’s disease (a nervous system disorder that starts with tremors at rest in one hand followed by other symptoms including slowness of movements, rigid muscles, impaired posture, balance issues and changes in speech). This medicine is indicated when there is marked trembling of left leg that extends to head and tongue. Pricking is felt in fingers and toes, memory is diminished and there is inability to do any fine work. It has shown great clinical improvements in numbness and weakness of legs too.

Key Indicating Features

Chorea – irresistible movement of left hand and foot or right arm and leg

St Vitus’ dance with rapid jerking movements of face, hands and face

Restless legs with a need to change position frequently

Trembling of body and great agitation of all the limbs, gets better from music

Parkinson’s disease with trembling of left leg extending to head and tongue, pricking in fingers, toes, diminished memory and inability to do any fine work

3. Female Problems (Pruritis Vulvae, Nymphomania, Painful Menses, Leucorrhoea, Fibroids, Uterine Displacements)

It has a marked action on female genitals. Tarentula is a very beneficial medicine for managing itching of vulva (pruritis vulva) felt after menses. There is dryness, heat and rawness in vulva and vagina along with itching. The itching increases at night. Scratching makes the itching worse. It is well indicated for managing cases of nymphomania (excessive, uncontrollable sexual desire in women). The females needing it are unable to suppress sexual desire. Its use is highly effective in managing painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). During menses, there is marked sensitivity in the ovaries. Females needing it mainly have painful menses more during cold weather and less in warm weather. This medicine can be given in cases of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The discharge is of clear, sticky lumps alternating with bloody discharge. Another complaint where it can be used is uterine fibroids (non-cancerous growths in uterus). The guiding features for its use is fibroids with bearing down pains. It is further useful for early and copious menses with pain in uterus and extreme sexual excitement. Use of Tarentula can also be considered for cases of displacement of uterus attended with urine retention and difficulty in passing stool.

Key Indicating Features

Itching of vulva and vagina after menses

Nymphomania (excessive, uncontrollable sexual desire in women)

Vaginal discharge of clear, sticky lumps alternating with bloody discharge

Uterine fibroids with bearing down pains

Displacement of uterus attended with urine retention and difficulty in passing stool

4. Male Problems (Extreme Sexual Excitement, Gonorrhoea, Pain)

This medicine can be helpful in managing some male problems as well. It is a highly recommended medicine to manage extreme sexual excitement in males. Males needing it have unrestrained sexual behavior amounting almost to madness. The genitals are highly sensitive. Next it can be used in gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). There is irritation in urethra with smarting (sharp) pain while urinating. This medicine can also be given to manage pain in testes mainly on touching and pain in groin. Lastly, it is indicated for heat sensation in penis during emission of semen. Semen may contain some blood.

Key Indicating Features

Extreme sexual excitement and unrestrained sexual behaviour in males almost to madness

Gonorrhoea with irritation in urethra with smarting while urinating

Heat sensation in penis during emission of semen

5. Back Concerns (Tail Bone Pain, Sensitive Spine)

If we talk of back complaints, Tarentula mainly acts well on the coccyx (tail bone that lies at the bottom portion of spine). It is a very suitable medicine to manage pain in coccyx (coccygodynia). Persons needing it have worsening of this pain from little movement and touch. It gets better by standing. It is a prominent medicine when pain in tailbone occur in a woman specifically after delivery of child. It is accompanied with burning smarting vaginal discharges. The pain worsens by movement, sitting, lying and from the least pressure. It feels better while standing. Second indication for using this medicine is increased sensitivity of spine to touch. A slightest touch on spine cause pain in chest and heart.

Key Indicating Features

Tailbone pain worse from little movement and touch, better by standing

Pain in tailbone in women after delivery of child

Tailbone pain in women accompanied with burning, smarting vaginal discharges

Increased sensitivity of spine to touch

6. Urinary Issues (Urinary Incontinence, Cystitis)

Tarentula acts wonderfully on urinary organs. Here it is effective in managing complaint of urinary incontinence (involuntary escape of urine). The guiding feature to use it is involuntary urination while coughing or laughing. It is beneficial for cases of cystitis (inflammation or infection or urinary bladder). The bladder feels hard, painful and swollen. There is frequent urination along with pain which worsens at night. Urine smells foul, it may contain sandy particles. Fever may attend cystitis.

Key Indicating Features

Involuntary urination while coughing or laughing

Cystitis with hard, painful and swollen bladder, frequent urination with pain

7. Skin Complaints (Boils, Abscess, And Carbuncles, Itching)

Lastly, it has magnificent action on the skin. The first indication for its use is boils (pus- filled lumps under the skin). It works well when boils are painful with burning sensation. It is also indicated for other skin complaints where pus formation occurs including carbuncles (cluster of multiple boils) and abscess (pus-filled pocket in tissues of the body or organs) that are deep. This medicine aids pus expulsion from all kind of skin lumps. Secondly, this medicine shows good results in case of itching in the skin along with sensation of insects crawling on skin.

Key Indicating Features

Boils with pain and burning

Deep abscess and carbuncles

Skin itching with sensation of insects crawling on skin


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from rest, touch, noises, damp, cold, after menses, periodically

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from music, open air, pressure, bright colours, in sun and from warm water


It works well in both low and high potency. Its potency needs to be selected as per the individual case presentation. The low potencies can be taken often, but high potency should be taken in infrequent doses.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Pulsatilla, Magnesia Carb, Moschus, Cuprum Met, Gelsemium, and Carbo Veg

It antidotes: Lachesis

It can be compared with other medicines including Agaricus, Arsenic Album and Magnesium Phosphorica


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Restless and Painful legs at night? 6 Homeopathic Medicines That Work

Homeopathic medicines for restless leg syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) refers to a condition whereby a person has an irresistible desire to move the legs to relieve discomforting sensations felt in the lower limbs. Not really a life-threatening disorder, this condition, however, could create inter-personal or social problems for the affected persons due to the annoyance or disturbance caused to people around them at home, work or public place.

Homeopathic system of medicine provides a simple, safe and successful line of treatment in cases of Restless Leg Syndrome. Homeopathic remedies are drawn from natural, non-toxic substances and thus have no side effects. They help to reduce the intensity of symptoms including restlessness and unpleasant sensation in the legs gradually. Not just symptomatic relief it further works to cure this condition. The medicines used in the conventional system for treating Restless Leg Syndrome are temporary and, beyond a point of time, they stop working and become ineffective. They also carry a risk of side effects, including day drowsiness, fatigue, and nausea. The homeopathic mode of treatment, on the other hand, offers complete riddance of Restless Leg Syndrome. There is no chance of any side effects in this mode.

Homeopathic medicines focus on treating the underlying root cause of RLS and work to relax the nervous system. As a result, the various discomforting sensations in the legs that lead to Restless Leg Syndrome are wonderfully controlled with homeopathic medicines and the patient can enjoy a sound sleep.

There is a long list of homeopathic medicines to manage RLS. Among these, the selection of medicine is based on the individual constitution of the patient and customised to suit his/her unique requirements. Constitution means the sum total of symptoms related to the mind and physical body in addition to the unique emotional quotient of a person. Such well selected medicines bring great cures in cases of RLS.

Homeopathic medicines do not cause any type of dependency. These medicines have to be continued for the time duration as suggested by a homeopathic physician who recommends them according to the intensity and duration of the problem. One does not need to take these medicines for a lifetime. On getting the desired results, these can be easily discontinued gradually.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

The highly recommended medicines for Restless Leg Syndrome are Zincum Met, Tarentula Hispanica, Rhus Tox, Arsenic Album, Medorrhinum and Causticum.

1. Zincum Met – Top Most Medicine

Zincum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating RLS which disturbs the person at night. It is used when there is marked uneasiness in the legs. The person finds it impossible to relax and find a comforting place for the legs when at rest. The constant motion of the legs is needed to find little relief. The complaint is worse during sleep. The person keeps moving his feet in bed for many hours when he/she goes to sleep. A formication or insects crawling sensation can be felt in the legs. Sometimes, a tension or pressure is felt in the legs. At times, drawing pain in the legs may be felt in the evening.

When to use Zincum Met?

Zincum Met is recommended to manage RLS with excessive uneasiness in the legs which gets worse in bed for many hours.

How to use Zincum Met?

This medicine works wonders in 30C power that can be used once a day.

2. Tarentula Hispanica – For Restless Legs Worse In The Evening & Night In Bed

This medicine is highly valuable when there is marked restlessness of legs as well as hands which are in constant motion. Persons who need this medicine feel uneasiness in the legs that compels them to move their legs constantly. The uneasiness also makes the person wake up and move constantly to ease the symptoms. The complaint gets worse in the evening and at night when lying in bed.

When to use Tarentula Hispanica?

It is a very suitable medicine for RLS with excessive restlessness of legs which gets worse in the evening and also when lying in bed at night.

How to use Tarentula Hispanica?

One may use this medicine in 30C potency once a day.

3. Rhus Tox – For RLS Due To Pain In Leg Muscles

Rhus Tox is a wonderful remedy for RLS when the legs get restless due to pain in leg muscles. It is useful when a person finds it difficult to keep the legs in a relaxed position while sitting or at night after heavy exertion during day time. There is a desire to stretch the legs, rest worsens the symptoms. The constant motion of legs provides relief. Along with aching, a crawling, tingling sensation may also be felt in the legs at night. There is a desire to constantly move the legs back and forth which leads to sleeplessness. Rhus Tox is also considered when legs get restless at night after over-exerting in the daytime.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is apt for cases of restless leg syndrome due to pain in leg muscles with an urge to move legs constantly. The complaint gets worse at rest.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Though it can be used in different potencies, in the beginning it is best to take it in 30C potency twice or thrice a day.

4. Arsenic Album – For RLS Worse At Night      

Arsenic Album is useful when restlessness of legs gets worse at night. There is a desire to keep walking to get relief which leads to sleeplessness. Other than legs, restlessness may also be felt in the head with an urge to constantly move the head.

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine can be considered in cases of Restless Leg Syndrome worsening at night.

How to use Arsenic Album?

30 C is the most frequently suggested potency of this medicine for treating RLS. Arsenic Album 30C can be taken one to two times a day.

5. Medorrhinum – For RLS With Burning In Feet Worse At Rest

Medorrhinum is the appropriate choice when there is pain in legs with difficulty in keeping them still even for a moment. The complaint gets worse when relaxing and in bed, when trying to sleep. Burning in the feet may be an accompanying symptom.

When to use Medorrhinum?

This medicine can be used in RLS when there occurs burning in feet along with restlessness in legs worse at rest.

How to use Medorrhinum?

This medicine is mostly used in high potencies like 200C, 1M in infrequent doses. In the beginning it is advised to use it in 200C power just one dose on a weekly basis.

6. Causticum – For Restless Leg With Twitching And Heaviness In Legs

Causticum is considered when the person has a twitching sensation in the legs along with heaviness. There is a need to move the feet constantly or walk about to get relief. A drawing pain or a pulling sensation in legs also occurs. The sufferer keeps moving his legs constantly during sleep. Besides, there may be a complaint of an electric shock-like sensation in the legs.

When to use Causticum?

It is the best medicine for RLS when restlessness in legs is accompanied with twitching and heaviness in legs with an urge to move feet constantly.

How to use Causticum?

Causticum 30C can be used once or twice a day.

Symptoms Of Restless Leg Syndrome

The symptoms of RLS occur in both the legs in most cases, however, in some people, they affect only on one side. It affects the legs mostly, but the arms and head may be affected as well.

The Restless Leg Syndrome manifests itself in a couple of ways as follows:

1. Urge to move legs: A compulsive or uncontrollable urge to move legs to get rid of various unpleasant sensations felt in the legs.

2. Sensations in legs: The various sensations vary from creeping, tingling, crawling, and pin-pricking to aching and throbbing, burning, and electric sensations. Some people find it difficult to explain the sensations they have in their legs.

3. Worsening time:The symptoms get worse at rest mainly at evening/night; in lying or sitting position, when you are relaxing.

4. Relieving factors: Movements, stretching, and walking relieves the symptoms.

5. As the symptoms get worse at night, it makes sleeping difficult at night which causes daytime drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, diffand iculty in concentration the following morning.

6. The above-mentioned symptoms may come and go and vary in intensity. These may be only present at night or in some people the entire day and night. For some, it is a minor problem while for others, it can be quite troublesome, impairing quality of life. The symptoms seem to worsen with age.

Causes Of Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome cannot be attributed to any specific causes. However, certain pointers may indicate RLS, which are as follows:

1. A genetic tendency towards developing RLS has been noted. In about 90% of the people suffering from RLS, a family history of this complaint is often present.

2. It is also suggested that imbalance of dopamine levels (a brain chemical which sends signals for muscle movement) may cause RLS. Parkinson’s disease is also linked with reduced dopamine levels. This is the reason that some people having Parkinson’s disease are also seen to be suffering from RLS.

3. Low iron levels in the brain may contribute to Restless Leg Syndrome.

4. There are other many medical conditions linked with RLS like:

varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted veins), depression, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), diabetes mellitus, peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness, or pain in hands or feet from nerve damage), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disorder that causes joint inflammation), hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

5. Use of certain medicines is also associated with the development of RLS, like antidepressants, medicines to treat allergies, nausea, etc.

6. RLS can occur during pregnancy. In some women, RLS develops during pregnancy and the symptoms mostly go away after delivery. While if a woman is already suffering from RLS, symptoms may get worse during pregnancy.

7. Women are more at risk of RLS as compared to males.

8. Alcohol and caffeine can trigger symptoms of RLS.

Types of RLS

RLS is of two types, primary and secondary:

1. Primary(Idiopathic) RLS: It includes RLS that occurs without any known cause and is more common among the two types. It starts before the age of around 40 and appears gradually. Its symptoms may go away after several months or years but it is a lifelong condition that tends to get worse with age.

2. Secondary RLS: RLS that occurs along with a medical condition or use of some drugs is referred to as secondary RLS. It starts suddenly after the age of 40.


There are no lab investigations to diagnose RLS. It is diagnosed based on the symptom picture given by the patient. The five major hallmark symptoms that confirm its diagnosis are as follows:

1. A strong irresistible urge to move legs attended with uncomfortable sensations in legs

2. Beginning or worsening of symptoms during rest, like lying down or sitting

3. Improvement in symptoms with activity

4. Worsening of symptoms in evening or at night

5. No explainable medical or behavioral cause for the symptoms is present

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8 Remedial Homeopathic Medicines for Myoclonus

Myoclonus refers to a sudden involuntary jerking of the muscles. These jerks cannot be controlled by the people suffering from it. Either one muscle or a group of muscles can be involved. Homeopathic medicines for myoclonus are only recommended in cases where the symptoms fall in the mild to moderate category. Myoclonus

It may develop itself or from some of the underlying medical conditions. Few examples include epilepsy, stroke  (a medical condition resulting in cell death from poor blood flow to the brain) and tumour of the brain or the spinal cord. Next causes linked with it are hypoxia (conditions that arise when tissue of the body or a region of the body  does not get adequate oxygen), trauma to the head or the spine, some type of infections, kidney failure or liver failure. It can also occur as a part of some sort of autoimmune diseases. Its some examples  are multiple sclerosis  (disorder that arise from damage to the cover of nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord) , celiac disease (an autoimmune disorder in which eating gluten which is a protein found in the wheat, barley and rye damages the lining of the small intestine). Other than these it can arise from side effects of some drugs and chemicals. Next metabolic disorders and lipid storage disease (a group of inherited metabolic disorders in which fats or lipids accumulate in some cells or tissues of the body) is associated with it. Lastly it can be a symptom part of some  of the neurological disorders like parkinson’s disease (nervous system disorder affecting movement that usually begin as tremor in just one hand), encephalitis (inflammation that occurs in the brain), alzheimer’s disease  (a disorder in which the brain cells degenerate and causes decline in the memory, thinking, behavioural and social skills of the sufferer ), coma, Creutzfeldt – Jakob disease  ( a rare degenerative e brain disorder that leads to memory loss and, ultimately, death), Huntington’s disease (an inherited disease that causes degeneration of nerve cells in the brain) and certain dementia (eg frontotemporal dementia and lewy body dementia). Genetics also seems to play a role in it as it is also seen to run in families.


It is of various types as given below:

  1. Primary Myoclonus 

It occurs on its own without any other symptoms. It may affect many body parts like legs, soft palate. Some reasons behind it includes poisoning, injury.

  1. Secondary/Symptomatic Myoclonus

It is a  symptom of some of the underlying medical issue like Restless leg syndrome (RLS), Parkinson’s disease, lipid storage disease, prolonged oxygen deprivation. It may appear with other symptoms. It is a common form. 

  1. Action Myoclonus

This type may affect the arms, legs and the face. In this the jerks worsen from trying to do voluntary movements. It is the most severe form among all the types

  1. Essential Myoclonus

The cause behind this type is unknown. No underlying condition is present behind it. No other symptoms are there apart from muscle jerks in it. It can run in the families and it does not have a tendency to get worse over a period of  time.

  1. Sleep Myoclonus 

This type occurs when a person falls asleep. It doesn’t require any treatment. Sometimes it may be  a symptom of restless leg syndrome.

  1. Stimulus Sensitive Myoclonus 

It occurs as a reaction of external stimuli like light,  noise and movement

  1. Cortical Reflex Myoclonus 

It begins in the outer layer of the brain tissue. It may affect a few muscles or various muscles of the body all over. It may get worse when trying to make a specific movement.

  1. Reticular Reflex Myoclonus 

It is a type of epilepsy originating in the brain stem. The muscles jerks/ spasms affect the whole body. These may get triggered from external stimulus like changes in light, noise and also from voluntary movement 

  1. Palatal Myoclonus 

This type affects the muscles of the roof of the mouth. In this these muscles contract in a  regular and a  rhythmic way. Sometimes muscles of the face, throat and the tongue may be affected too. The jerks may lead to discomfort or pain.

  1. Physiological Myoclonus 

This type occurs in people who are otherwise healthy. Some of the examples of this type are hiccups, spasm from anxiety , exertion and sleep starts. It usually needs no treatment.

  1. Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy

This type can have worsening of symptoms as time goes and can be fatal. This type causes myoclonus, epileptic seizures, difficulty speaking, and difficult movement.


People with it feel jerking, shaking of muscle or a shock like sensation in muscle.  These are unpredictable that occur suddenly and without control of them. They remain for a brief duration. The jerks can be localized to one body part or widespread to the whole body. These symptoms can be of mild to severe intensity. Its frequency also varies from case to case. They may occur frequently or less often.  Trembling or twitching sensation may attend the jerks. In case of severe intensity they may interfere with speech, eating or walking 

Homeopathic Medicines for Myoclonus

Homeopathic medicines help to manage these cases quite effectively. These help to reduce the severity and frequency of symptoms of myoclonus. These medicines work by targeting the root cause behind it and offer good help in these cases. The homeopathic medicine which is needed for a given case depends on the symptom of the person in every case. One should take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. But in case the symptoms are intense or serious one must take help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Zincum Met – Top Grade Medicine

It is good medicine for treating a number of nervous complaints, including muscle jerking and twitching. Person needing it can have jerks in various muscles of the body. They may have jerking through the whole body that occurs specifically during sleep. They may sometimes cry out and get awake with fear from sleep along with jerking of the body.

  1. Agaricus – For Trembling and Twitching of Muscles 

This medicine is highly recommended for managing cases of trembling and twitchings of the muscles. In persons needing it the twitching can be present in the limbs or the face. There is restlessness, trembling and shaking in the limbs. In most cases needing it the muscle twitches worsen when an attempt of voluntary motion is made. The twitchings are better at night where this medicine is required.Its use is also indicated when there is trembling in the whole body. The trembling may be attended with weakness. 

  1. Stramonium – For Twitching of Hands and Feet 

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant known as thorn-apple. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is well indicated when there is twitching of hands and feet. It is also indicated for twitching of limbs during sleep. Next it is used for trembling of lips, limbs or of the whole body.

  1. Cuprum Met – For Twitching and Difficulty in Speech 

This is a very prominent medicine for twitching and speech difficulty. 

For using it the twitching is marked in fingers. Twitching may extend to  extending into hands, arms and upper body. These are triggered by talking or any exciting emotion. There is also jerking in arms, legs and hands. It is also indicated for twitching in toes. Trembling of tongue and speech difficulty is present with above symptoms.

  1. Cicuta – For Trembling of the Upper and Lower Limbs

This medicine is prepared from the fresh root of a plant Cicuta Virosa commonly known as water Hemlock. It belongs to the family umbelliferae. It is a valuable medicine for helping cases in which there is trembling of upper and lower limbs. Next twitching and jerking of arms also calls for its use. Sudden shocking and jerking in head, arms and legs is yet another indicative feature for using it. In addition to above there may be weakness in arms and legs after slight exertion.

  1. Tarentula Hispanica – With Marked Trembling of Body 

It is a valuable medicine for cases in which there is marked trembling of the body. With this great restlessness is present. The person needing it, is unable to be quiet in any position. He feels like moving all the time. Sometimes speech difficulty is there along with above symptoms.

  1. Merc Sol – For Jerking in the Limbs

This medicine is considered when there is jerking in the limbs. The arms, fingers and legs twitch where it is required. The limbs may also feel weak. Trembling of hands may also occur.

8. Opium  – For Twitching of Head, Arms and Hands

This medicine works well when there is twitching in head, arms and hands. Next indication to use it is convulsive movements of the arm to and fro. Spasms occurring from fright, anger are also characteristic symptoms for using it.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Effective Homeopathic Medicines For Pica

Pica is a disorder that refers to compulsive eating of non – food items or non – nutritive things by a person. For example, a person having pica may eat chalk, sand, ice, paper etc. Homeopathic medicines for Pica offer a natural solution for cravings and for mild to moderate cases of pica.

Causes Homeopathic Medicines For Pica

Pica can arise in cases of nutritional deficiencies like that of iron and zinc. Mostly it is associated with iron deficiency anaemia. In such cases may be the body is demanding non food items to fulfil the nutritional demands of the body due to deficient nutrients. Sometimes in case of children who eat dirt, sand and other non food items doesn’t indicate pica and may be it is just a child’s way of exploring his / her surroundings with senses. Next it can occur during pregnancy. Pica can also be seen in persons having some psychological condition. Few examples of these conditions include OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder (A psychological disorder in which a person has compulsions to repeatedly perform certain activities / behaviours or have repeated unwanted thoughts in mind) and schizophrenia (it is a serious psychological disorder characterised by abnormal interpretation of reality, hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking). Persons with autism, intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities are also at high risk of pica. Other than above it can be present in people belonging to certain nations where eating clay is common and is also acceptable. Also in people of some cultures eating certain non – food items is considered to have some healing properties so considered normal. Lastly people may eat non food items just because they like the taste and texture of them and enjoy and relish eating them.


The main symptom of pica is eating non food stuff and it is diagnosed when this habit persists for at least one month duration. People with pica tend to eat a variety of non food items. Some common ones are ice, clay, chalk, dirt, sand, soap, hair, coins, buttons, paper, paint, burnt matches, cigarette ashes and metal pieces. Some people with pica may eat their nose pickings, ear wax, wool, stones, wood, glass, paper clips, mucus, vomit, even their faeces or in some of the cases faeces of animals.

In some cases pain in the stomach, blood in the stool, diarrhoea (loose stool) and constipation may arise. They may also have damaged teeth from eating indigestible things.


The nature of complications depends upon the type of thing eaten by the person. Eating certain things like ice doesn’t lead to any complication when the diet of a person is normal. But serious complications can occur in case a person eats other dangerous items like paint that may contain lead and cause lead poisoning. Some other complications of this condition include breaking of the teeth, choking, stomach ulcers, parasitic infections, blockage in intestines and injuries to the throat and GIT (gastrointestinal tract).

Homeopathic Medicines For Pica

Homeopathy offers a natural solution in cases of pica. The use of homeopathic medicines is recommended for some of the cravings (as given below) and for mild to moderate cases of pica in which no serious complication is present. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for every case depending upon the type of craving and the attending symptoms that are present. These medicines work towards reducing the cravings for non food items gradually. They are helpful for people of all age groups. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for treating pica under supervision of a homeopathic physician after detailed case analysis. In serious cases with attending complications it is strictly advisable to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

  1. Calcarea Carb – Top Grade Medicine

It leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of pica. Its use is mainly recommended for persons who tend to eat non food things like chalk, dirt, sand, slate and coal. Next there may be craving for eating pencils in them. Other than this desire for eating raw potatoes, flour and soap may be present where this medicine is required.

  1. Alumina – Another Prominent Medicine For Craving Of Indigestible Things

Alumina is next well indicated medicine for desire to eat indigestible things. Its use is considered for persons who crave to eat chalk, tea or coffee grounds, charcoal. Next it is used in cases where desire to eat white rags, or dry rice is there. In cases needing it constipation may be present. The constipation is severe and the stool may be hard or even if it is soft is passed with great straining. The stool may not be passed daily and the person has no desire for it until there is a large accumulation.

  1. Nitric Acid – With Desire For Lime, Chalk, Earth

It is another beneficial medicine for cases where desire for lime, chalk, slate or earth is present. Along with these cravings there may be some gastric complaints. In such conditions there may be diarrhoea with little stool. The stool may be yellow or green and pass with a lot of gas. Blood or mucus may also pass in the stool.

  1. Cina – Another Important Medicine For Desire For Indigestible Things

This is a natural medicine prepared from plant Cina Maritima also known as Artemisia maritima. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is also very significant medicine for persons who crave indigestible things. Persons who need this medicine have pale faces with bluish appearance around the mouth and dark rings under the eyes. Twisting pain around the navel can also be complained about by them. Sometimes there are pinching, cramping pain in the abdomen. There is marked irritability in children who need this medicine. They are very cross and desire to be carried all the time.

  1. Silicea – For Desire To Eat Mud

This medicine is beneficial for persons who have a desire to eat mud. They have loss of appetite and they have aversion to eating cooked food. Constipation may be present with this. Here there is great difficulty in passing the stool. The stool when partly expelled from the anus recedes back in the rectum. When stool is passed it is followed by burning and smarting sensation at the anus. Additionally the abdomen may be hard, distended and bloated. A tendency of excessive sweating on head and feet may be present where this medicine is required.

  1. Tarentula Hispanica – For Desire Of Sand, Raw Food And Ashes

This medicine is indicated for cases where desire for eating sand, raw food and ashes is specifically present. Along with this there is loss of appetite with refusal to eat. Violent burning sensation in the abdomen may also attend. Sometimes there is sharp pain felt in the navel region.

  1. Cicuta – For Desire Of Charcoal Or Chalk

This medicine is prepared from fresh roots (gathered at flowering time) of plant Cicuta Virosa commonly known as Water Hemlock. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. It is valuable medicine for cases where a person craves and relishes eating charcoal and chalk. The sense to differentiate edible things from inedible ones is lost. Along with this there may be abdomen pain, distension and vomiting.

  1. Nux Vomica – When There Is Craving For Eating Chalk

This medicine is helpful when there is a desire to eat chalk. A prominent attending symptom to this is constipation with ineffectual urge to pass stool. Here a person has frequent urge for stool but passes only a small quantity of stool at a time. Soon after evacuating bowels the desire for stool is again felt. Along with this pain and sensation of weight in the abdomen is felt. This tends to get worse from eating. The stomach area is also sensitive to touch. Stomach bloating, nausea, vomiting with excessive retching are other attending symptoms.

  1. Veratrum Album – For Craving Of Ice

This medicine is prepared from the root stocks of plants known as White – flowered Veratrum or White Hellebore. It belongs to the family melanthaceae of the liliaceae. This medicine suits persons who have cravings specifically for eating ice. Additionally they may suffer from diarrhoea. In this condition they have frequent stool. Stool is watery greenish, profuse, gushing and mixed with flakes. Stool is offensive. It is accompanied with cold sweat on the forehead.

  1. Lac Felinum – For Desire To Eat Paper

This medicine is particularly useful when there is a desire to eat paper. Persons needing it may also complain of soreness and sensitiveness of stomach region. Heated sensation is also felt in the stomach by them. There is loss of appetite with these symptoms.

  1. Phosphorus – When There Is Desire For Ice And Dry Rice

This medicine is well indicated for persons who crave for ice and dry rice. Along with this they may complain of burning pain in the food pipe and stomach. Stomach may be inflamed in them. Diarrhoea may also be present in them. In this case the stool is watery, copious and attended with excessive weakness. The stool occurs soon after eating anything. Persons needing it may also be anaemic.

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10 Homeopathic Medicines for Chorea

The term chorea is derived from the word “choreus,” which means to dance. Chorea is a hyperkinetic movement disorder characterized by involuntary and unpredictable body movements, mainly of the limbs and the face. The main symptoms of chorea can be minor like fidgeting (restlessness) or severe uncontrolled movements of the arms and legs. Depending upon the cause difficulties with speech, swallowing and gait may accompany. The cause of chorea can be genetic or non-genetic/acquired. Homeopathic medicines for chorea help manage the associated symptoms in chorea and should only be used as a supportive treatment.      homeopathic medicines for corea

Causes of Chorea

As stated, chorea can be genetic or acquired.

Genetic causes for chorea include Huntington’s disease (the most common inherited cause of chorea), neuroacanthocytosis, Wilson’s disease, and Benign hereditary chorea.

Non-genetic or acquired causes for Chorea are Sydenham’s chorea (arise as a complication of streptococcal infection), Chorea Gravidarum (that occurs during pregnancy), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), drug-induced (as from medications, anti-epileptic and antipsychotics), senile chorea (uncommon, that occurs in elderly adults ), metabolic disorders like hypoglycemia and endocrine disorders.
In some rare cases, AIDS may also cause chorea.


Homeopathic Medicines for Chorea

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in managing chorea. Homeopathy medicines for managing chorea are of natural origin and don’t have any side effects. The top grade medicines for managing chorea are Tarentula Hispanica, Mygale, Agaricus, Cina, and Causticum. The most suitable medicine is selected based on the individual characteristic features in every case.

1. Tarentula Hispanica – Top Grade Medicine for Chorea

Tarentula Hispanica tops the list of medicines for managing chorea. In cases where this remedy is required, all the limbs are affected with involuntary movements. This can be attended with intense hyperaesthesia (increased sensitivity of skin). Constant movements of the arm, tossing of the arms from side to side, constant motion of hands that leads to difficulty in doing anything with the hand are some accompanying symptoms. Involuntary movements of the leg and feet are prominent, leading to an inability to walk. Difficulty in speech, heaviness of the tongue with involuntary movements, and choreic movements of the head are also present. In such cases, the head is turned violently from side to side and in other directions. Nervous contractions in muscles of the face are also noted. All these movements are less intense at night in cases where Tarentula is required.

2. Mygale – For Uncontrollable Movements of Face, Arms, and Legs

Mygale is a beneficial medicine to treat chorea with uncontrollable movements of arms, legs, and face. Among them, the contractions and movements of facial muscle are most marked. There is a constant motion of the legs. The legs jerk excessively, making it difficult to stand or walk. The gait becomes unsteady and it becomes difficult to keep hands in the same position even for a minute. The person needing Mygale may also have involuntary head movements, throwing the head backward and then forwards is prominent. Constant jerking of the head (mostly to the right side) is also noted. Shrugging of shoulders, difficulty in putting out tongue and grating of teeth at night are other indications to use Mygale. The chorea symptoms get better during sleep and are worse in the morning where Mygale is indicated.

3. Agaricus – For Chorea with Uncertain, Unsteady Gait

Agaricus is well-indicated for cases of chorea where an uncertain, unsteady gait is prominent. While walking the person tumbles over everything in the way. It is given for both involuntary motion/jerking of single muscles of a body part as well as involuntary trembling/dancing of the whole body. The limbs may feel cold and weak with above indications. It is also helpful when chorea affects limbs crosswise i.e. left arm and right leg.

4. Cina – For Chorea Affecting Face and Upper Limbs

Cina is a helpful remedy for chorea affecting the face and upper limbs. The involuntary movements on the face are marked around the eyes. Another feature is throwing of arms from side to side. The limbs are distorted with jerking and trembling. A weakness of the hand is also present, making it difficult to hold things. Complaints usually appear on one side. Few general symptoms like irritability, screaming, striking and restless sleep may also be present.

5. Causticum – For Right-Sided Chorea

Causticum is the next prominent medicine for managing chorea. Causticum is most indicated in cases of chorea when the right side of the body is more affected. The face, tongue, arm, and leg get affected. There is a marked twisting and jerking of limbs. An unsteady gait is present with involuntary body movements. A weakness of muscles is also present with the above symptoms. Worsening of symptoms may be noted during the night. Causticum is also indicated for chorea during pregnancy.

6. Cuprum Met – For Left-sided Chorea

Cuprum Met is a valuable medicine for chorea affecting the left side of the body. There is jerking of arms and legs. The arms and legs also feel weak, weary and lame. There may be muscle contractions. Jerking of hands is also present. The person can hold nothing in hand and the objects fall to the ground. Speech is also affected with trembling of the tongue.

7. Magnesia Phos – For Chorea when Symptoms are Better During Sleep

Magnesia Phos is an important medicine for chorea when symptoms are better during sleep. Involuntary shaking of limbs, face, mouth, and head is present. Involuntary movements of limbs along with contortions may also appear. A sudden forward motion of the head is well-noted. There is jerking of the mouth and speech is also very defective. The symptoms appear only during waking hours.

8. Veratrum Viride – For Chorea when Symptoms are Worse during Sleep

Veratrum Viride is a well-indicated medicine for cases of chorea where symptoms are worse during sleep. The symptoms present are involuntary motions of facial muscles (face turned into horrible contortions), jerking/continual nodding of the head, jerking of arms and legs. Constant movement of the lower jaw may also be present. The speech also gets affected, with the dropping of words when speaking. All of the above movements continue to occur during sleep.

9. Secale Cor – For Chorea when Symptoms Start from the Face

Secale Cor is used in cases of chorea when the chief indication is symptoms beginning in the face and then spreading all over the body. The symptoms may become severe and rise to dance and jumping. The arms and legs are in constant motion. Head movement from side to side is present. The trunk also appears to be in constant motion. The tongue jerks out and speech becomes difficult and indistinct.

10. Kali Bromatum – For Violent Chorea from Fright

Kali Bromatum is a significant medicine to treat violent chorea that arises from fright. Great trembling of hands is noted. Legs and arms are affected. The gait is unsteady, irregular, and staggering (similar to a drunk person walking). The muscles of the face are affected, the tongue protrudes with a jerk, and the person can barely speak. All the movements are violent.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

5 Best Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD

Homeopathic medicines for ADHD  can be effective in treating it . Homeopathic medicines can help in controlling hyperactivity and improving concentration (results can vary). Factors that affect the treatment of ADHD with homeopathic medicines include the age at which the treatment is started, the intensity (mild, moderate or severe) of the symptoms and individual response of the child towards the medicines. Homeopathic treatment for ADHD thereby depends on a number of factors.

Five Top Reasons to use Homeopathic Medicines for ADHD

Traditionally, medical practitioners rely on stimulant drugs, oral anti-hypertensive medications, and antidepressants to cure ADHD. But many times, parents who have already tried the drugs on their children turn to alternative cures to avoid any side-effects and ensure a safer treatment. Homeopathic medicines for ADHD  offer several advantages over other drugs and systems of medicine.

Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD are Natural remedies

Being an ancient, 200-year-old medical art and science that was founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann way back in the 1700s, the cures used in this line of treatment are derived from nature and thus devoid of toxins. Substances that occur naturally go into the making of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic cure for ADHD is Safe and Side Effect Free

Stimulant drugs like Ritalin may be effective for ADHD but their flip side is that they can trigger side-effects like sleeplessness, anxiety, loss of appetite, slow growth, tics, etc.In fact, most of the stimulant drugs should not be given to children under age six because of the risk of toxicity or inadequate dosage awareness due to inadequate testing for negative reactions. Twenty percent of ADHD kids have been seen not to show any response to the first stimulant drug tried, or even display a negative response to it.

Homeopathy as Holistic Medicine or An Alternative medicine for ADHD

Another advantage is that homeopathy aims to cure the whole child. It strives to improve the child’s overall attention and behavior, as also any other physical afflictions like allergies, asthma, headaches and stomach aches that the child may have.

Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD  as an Individualised Cure

Individualisation is the key in homeopathic treatment. Every child is treated as a unique individual instead of being clubbed or classified into a type. This is a crucial requirement in treating ADHD. For, how can an introverted and shy ADHD child, with predominantly inattentive symptoms like forgetting homework, losing toys and tools or inability to focus on any task, be given the same treatment as a child who is predominantly the hyperactivity type and given to temper tantrums and creating scenes socially?

Simple and Effective

A homeopath usually takes a lot of time in going into the eccentricities of an individual case. It is for this reason that homeopathy does not follow a blanket approach like prescribing the same medicine for every patient clubbed under an ADHD subtype. A single dose of the correct homeopathic medicine can have a lasting effect for months, or even a year.

Four factors in ADHD diagnosis

The crucial concern for parents of children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) symptoms is to get a correct diagnosis. The big challenge in such a situation is that a child should not be under-diagnosed or even over-diagnosed for the disorder. Since there is no single exclusive test for the diagnosis of ADHD, a multi-pronged approach is called for, that also entails the involvement of the parent, teachers and other caregivers. The symptoms of hyperactivity or poor attention may be mistaken for other disorders, which is why an in-depth assessment is of paramount importance. The key factors that go into the making of an accurate ADHD diagnosis are as follows:

The intensity of the symptoms:

While the primary symptoms of ADHD that drive a parent into seeking an ADHD diagnosis in their child are hyperactivity, impulsivity, and lack of attention, the severity of the symptoms is of crucial significance in assessing the disorder. Generally, for an accurate diagnosis, the child should exhibit a minimum of six out of 18 or more signs of inattention or hyperactivity.

To be diagnosed for the disorder, the child must not simply exhibit these symptoms but they should have a discernible negative impact on the child’s life i.e on his home life, school life and on his relationships with his peers. For instance, inattention should have caused a considerable fall in the child’s overall grades in school, the child must display serious difficulty in completing homework or classwork over prolonged periods, etc.

To ascertain this, an ADHD specialist needs to take the big picture into account by scrutinizing the child’s conduct in a vast spectrum of situations. Doctors who conduct only a superficial probe, by making only shallow inquiries about the child’s case history, are not likely arrive at an accurate diagnosis.

The onset of the signs

The mental health professionals take into consideration factors like how early the symptoms surfaced in a child’s formative years. One criterion is to examine if any of the symptoms appeared before the age of 7. This can be quite a challenge for the parents as well as the doctors since in kids below the age of four or five the diagnosis is made difficult by the highly variable nature of their behavior compared to children in an older age group.

Another challenge is that the symptoms of inattention in toddlers or preschoolers are not easily discernible since these kids face a few situations that call for constant or prolonged attention.

Duration of symptoms

One major criterion that specialists bear in mind while diagnosing ADHD is that the symptoms should have persisted for at least six months prior to the diagnosis. The symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and lack of attention must have been present for at least six months or more in more than one setting, like the home, school, playgroup etc.

The factors that a specialist will look at are whether these symptoms are long-term, are they of an excess degree, do they occur more often than they do in other children of that age, are they the result of an ad hoc adverse situation or they are born of a more permanent problem and so on.

Settings in which symptoms surface

For an ADHD diagnosis, it is significant that the symptoms should manifest themselves in more than one setting, like a classroom, play school, home, social occasions etc.The mental health specialist has to take into consideration factors like the child’s conduct in class, interaction with other schoolmates, reaction to figures of authority or discipline enforcement. If the symptoms surface only in one setting, an ADHD diagnosis is generally not given.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?

ADHD is a brain-based disorder that affects millions of children. It is related to functioning and behavioral skills. A combination of symptoms like difficulty in concentrating, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior are often indicative of ADHD.
Diagnosing ADHD is a complex process because the classic behavioral symptoms of the same are often part of a child’s normal development. In many children (who are not severely affected or only partially fit the evaluation for ADHD) the symptoms may overlap with natural personality traits. Homeopathic treatment for ADHD has shown a certain amount of success rate, but the results vary from case to case.

What are the sub-types of ADHD?

There are three sub-types of ADHD – ‘predominantly hyperactive-impulsive,’ ‘predominantly inattentive,’ and a combination of these two.
Children with a ‘predominantly hyperactive-impulsive’ type of ADHD display symptoms of hyperactivity and feel the need to move constantly. They may also have difficulty controlling their impulses. They usually do not have much trouble paying attention.

Children with a ‘predominantly inattentive’ type of ADHD have difficulty paying attention and are easily distracted, but do not have much trouble with hyperactivity.

Children with a combination of the types of ADHD mentioned above tend to have a lot of problem with both hyperactivity and inattention.

What are the causes of ADHD?

As a parent, the foremost concern on finding your child with ADHD symptoms is to go on a guilt trip. “Where did I go wrong?”
But take heart. The genesis of ADHD in your child is hardly a comment on your parenting skills or child-rearing ability. Parenting may not be the real culprit in causing such disorders, as there are several factors that trigger ADHD, though it is difficult to pinpoint any one specific reason.
Apart from genetic factors, environmental and dietary causes could be responsible for the disorder. The primary triggers for ADHD can be broadly classified into the following categories:

It’s in the genes

Like several other behavioral disorders, the genes can also be blamed for the development of ADHD in the child.
If there is a family history of ADHD, say a grandparent, parent, sibling, uncle or aunt has been afflicted by the disorder, there is a four to five times greater chance for a child to contract it.
Another genetic factor that can be responsible for ADHD is a thinner brain tissue in the brain part linked to attention faculties. This cause can, however, disappear over the years if the brain tissues grow to have a normal thickness.
Research shows that the growth of brain tissues in children with ADHD is around three years behind that of non-ADHD kids, but they can outgrow this handicap over the years.

Diet does it

There are as many theories about the role of food in such behavioral disorders as there are kinds of symptoms. Some specialists hold food additives responsible for triggering ADHD, some blame it on the lack of omega-3 fatty acids, while others feel that this condition is caused by refined sugar.
While the link between ADHD and refined sugar has not been strongly substantiated, the role of omega 3 fatty acids has a more solid backing as these are considered important for the growth of the brain. That is the reason that fish oil supplements are sometimes prescribed to cure ADHD symptoms and boost brain power.

Environment explains it

Children whose mothers consume cigarettes, alcohol or consume various drugs during pregnancy have a higher susceptibility to developing ADHD. Nicotine contained in cigarettes is said to cause a deficiency of oxygen in the womb.
Even exposure to lead is considered to heighten the risk of acquiring the disorder. Environmental toxins like lead, usually contained in building paints, are believed to be a trigger. People who reside in old construction that has used old lead-based paint may thus be at a higher risk of contracting symptoms of ADHD.

Blame it on the brain

Certain malfunctions or malformations of the brain are believed to trigger symptoms of ADHD. For instance, an abnormality in the prefrontal cortex that plays a role in controlling executive functions can lead to this disorder. The executive functions enable a person to exercise self-restraint. If the executive functions of the brain are affected, it is likely to manifest itself in the symptoms of ADHD like hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattention.
Studies have also indicated a connection between dopamine levels in the brain and the development of ADHD, with its incidence being found to be higher in people with smaller levels of dopamine.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

The symptoms of ADHD are divided into two categories. The first one is related to inattention and the second one is related to hyperactivity.
The symptoms of ADHD also vary in terms of intensity, ranging from mild-to-moderate to severe. The symptoms shown by a child with inattention include difficulty in focusing attention, easy distraction, avoidance of tasks needing attention, frequently losing things like pencils and toys, misplacing their belongings, daydreaming, and a problem with following instructions.
The symptoms shown by a child with hyperactivity include difficulty with sitting still in school or while doing homework, running around, talking non-stop, interrupting others mid-conversation, constant movement, displaying impatience while waiting for a turn, tapping of hands or feet, and difficulty in doing tasks quietly and calmly.

What are the best homeopathic medicines to treat difficulty with ‘concentration issues’ in ADHD?

Homeopathic medicines that can help treat difficulties with concentration include Baryta Carb and Lycopodium Clavatum. A physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

Which homeopathic medicines can help control impulsive behavior in my child who has ADHD?

Hyoscyamus Niger and Veratrum Album are the two homeopathic medicines that are recommended for controlling impulsive behavior in a child with ADHD. However, a physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

My child has ADHD with marked hyperactivity; which homeopathic medicines can be used to treat this?

Hyperactivity in a child with ADHD can be treated with medicines like Tarentula Hispanica and Tuberculinum Bovinum. A physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

What are the most suitable homeopathic medicines for treating anger outbursts in a child with ADHD?

Anger outbursts in a child with ADHD can be treated with homeopathic medicines Chamomilla and Tuberculinum Bovinum. A physician should be consulted before starting any homeopathic treatment for ADHD.

Details of Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD

Baryta Carb and Lycopodium Clavatum are the homeopathic medicines that are used for treating concentration difficulties in a child having ADHD.
Baryta Carb works wonders in treating concentration difficulties in children having ADHD. Children who need Baryta Carb cannot concentrate or pay attention to any work. Difficulty in concentrating during studies is also pronounced in such cases. The affected children cannot fix their attention while reading, thereby forgetting the lesson.

Lycopodium Clavatum is a homeopathic medicine considered in cases where children show difficulty with concentration during reading and conversation. They also tend to be confused and display traits of low self-confidence.

Hyoscyamus Niger and Veratrum Album are the homeopathic medicines that are used to control impulsive behavior in children with ADHD.

Hyoscyamus Niger is suitable in cases when there is impulsiveness with the desire to strike and bite in high degrees.

Veratrum Album is a homeopathic treatment for  ADHD used to control impulsive behavior along with a desire to cut and tear things and excessive shrieking.

Tarentula Hispanica and Tuberculinum Bovinum are the homeopathic medicines that can be effectively used to control hyperactivity in children with ADHD.

Tarentula Hispanica is used when a child is hyperactive with marked restlessness and impatience.

Tuberculinum Bovinum is indicated when a child displays hyperactivity along with an impulse to run away.Use of the medicine Tuberculinum Bovinum is suggested when there are fits of angry outbursts coupled with screaming, and a tendency to use abusive language. These may be further combined with destructive behavior and throwing things at others. Chamomilla and Tuberculinum Bovinum are the homeopathic medicines that are used to treat anger outbursts in children with ADHD. Symptoms of anger coupled with irritable and cross behavior indicate the need for the medicine Chamomilla. The child may also be spiteful and snappish.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Grade Homeopathic Medicines for Anger Control and Management

What is anger?

Anger is a strong emotional state of being upset or frustrated which makes a person hurt someone for doing something unkind to them. The causes of anger are multifactorial. Abusive past, suppressed emotions, stress, living in an environment where people get angry often, poor self-esteem, low tolerance levels are a few factors that make a person prone to getting angry easily. Genes, too, play a significant role in how a person reacts to a situation and the intensity with which he/she reacts to a situation. Anger is a natural emotion and is safe as long as it is mild, expressed appropriately and resolves quickly. It is when anger swings to extremes, is aroused by the most trivial issues, leads to disturbed relationships or is difficult to cope with that it becomes a condition that needs treating.

What are the different types of anger?

Anger has various types. Major among these are as follows:

  • Verbal anger – In this type of anger, the person expresses anger in words.
  • Passive anger – People with this type of anger are never direct about expressing their anger. Instead, they use tools such as sarcasm (sharp, bitter remarks) to show their feelings.
  • Self-inflicted anger – People prone to this type of anger tend to harm or punish themselves for some wrong they believe they have done. Such persons may start to eat too much or too little or show self-destructive behavior.
  • Sudden anger – Such persons lose their temper quickly, but get out of the angry frame of mind just as fast.
  • Overwhelmed anger – This type of anger appears when a person is unable to cope with the circumstances or situations taking place around them anymore. This type of anger is mostly expressed by shouting.
  • Chronic anger – Chronic anger is prolonged anger and is often linked with depression.

What are the long-term effects of anger?

Getting angry makes a person prone to various health issues, both on the mental and physical plane. The physical complaints include high blood pressure, digestion problems, headaches and migraines. The mental complaints include depression, insomnia and anxiety issues.

Homeopathy can help control anger

There is great scope in Homeopathy for treating anger issues. Homeopathic medicines work on a dynamic plane, going to the deeper levels of the brain to modify angry temperaments. They help balance the mood and negative thoughts that lead to anger. Homeopathic medicines used for treating anger are natural, safe and are not habit-forming. The appropriate medicine is selected after a detailed study of the case history and symptoms. Special emphasis is placed on the childhood history of the person to trace the root cause of the anger. Some top rated Homeopathic medicines used for treating anger issues are Nux Vomica, Chamomilla, Staphysagria, Aurum Met and Tarentula Hispanica.

Homeopathic Medicines for Anger

Nux Vomica – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for anger over trivial things

Nux Vomica is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for anger control and management. It is the best choice of Homeopathic medicine for persons who get offended easily and will become angry over non-issues. They are averse to conversation and could be offended by the most harmless words. They turn violent and abusive during anger episodes. Other features of their constitution include a strong will, fault finding nature, ambition and workaholism. Nux Vomica is also recommended for persons who develop an angry disposition after loss in business.

Staphysagria – Top rated among Homeopathic medicines for suppressed anger with violent outbursts

Staphysagria is one of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for anger, especially where the person has long suppressed anger and is now given to violent outbursts. There are periods of suppression, followed by periods of angry outbursts in persons who need Homeopathic medicine Staphysagria. Such persons may throw or break things during their anger outbursts. Some history of mental/physical abuse, humiliation can usually be traced to persons who need Staphysagria.

Aurum Met – Most effective among Homeopathic medicines for anger when contradicted

Aurum Met is another excellent Homeopathic prescription for anger control and management. The persons who will benefit most from this medicine are the ones who get angry over the slightest contradiction. Such persons are sensitive to contradiction which leads to a sudden, explosive outburst from them. In addition to this, such persons may be melancholic in nature, suffer lack of self-worth and a very low self-esteem. Hopelessness and self reproaching behavior is also observed. Aurum Met is also the best among Homeopathic medicines for anger linked with chronic depression. Suicidal thoughts may prevail in persons in whom Aurum Met will show best recovery.

Tarentula Hispanica – Top grade among Homeopathic medicines for anger when attended with destructiveness

In cases where anger is attended with destructive behaviour, Tarentula Hispanica is one of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for anger control and management. There is a tendency to throw things when angry. Such persons tend to strike themselves or others in anger. Impatience, obstinacy and high levels of irritability are other traits to look out for in persons for whom Tarentula Hispanica will be the most suitable choice among Homeopathic medicines for anger. Such people may be impulse, lack emotional control and be excessively restless as well.

Chamomilla – One of the most wonderful Homeopathic medicines for anger in children

Chamomilla is one of the most highly rated Homeopathic medicines for anger when it is seen in children. The child who needs Chamomilla is very irritable and loses temper easily. The child may also be obstinate, fretful and restless. The children, in such cases, want many things at the same time and get cross and angry if their demands are not met. They get snappish when angry and will not talk in a civil manner.


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