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Rhus Tox – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Rhus Tox is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named Poison Ivy. This poison ivy belongs to a family of flowering plants known as Anacardiaceae. This plant is generally found in the North American region. The leaves of this plant before its flowering time are gathered at sunset and potentized (a process by which homeopathic remedies are prepared). By the potentization process, the medicinal properties of this plant are extracted leaving behind any of its poisonous effects. Rhus Tox is widely used to treat joint pain, muscle pain, back pain, complaint of tendons and ligaments.   Rhus Tox

The ‘Rhus Tox’ Constitution

This remedy is well-suited to people of rheumatic diathesis i.e who are prone to suffer from joint pains. Next, it is adapted to people having sensitive skin prone to allergies, skin rash, eczema, hives.

Drug Action

Among the various body parts, the medicine is most commonly used to treat complaints related to joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is also highly recommended for treating back pain and stiffness. Apart from the above, it is beneficial to treat a number of skin ailments including vesicular (fluid filled) eruptions, urticaria (hives), herpes zoster (shingles), fever blisters and eczema.

Scope as a Homeopathic Medicine

1. Joint and Muscle Pain, Sprain

This medicine yields excellent results in wide range of joint pains. Joint pains from various reasons including arthritis (inflamed joints), gout (high uric acid), osteoarthritis (degeneration of joints) are treated with this medicine. Apart from this one can also use this medicine to ease joint pain arising from injuries, inflamed / damaged tendons and ligaments. A person having complaint of joint pain from sprain (i.e. stretching or tearing of ligaments that connect two bones together in the joints) can also be treated with this medicine. It is effective to reduce pain in joint as well as the attending swelling, stiffness arising in any of the joints in the body. Cracking sounds in joint and weakness of joints also get better with this medicine. It can also be taken in cold weather when the joint pains intensify.

In addition to above, it is also used treat muscle pains (myalgia), bone pain, general body aches, inflamed tendons/ligaments, and injuries. The patients experience extreme restlessness along with above mentioned complaints. They may have worsening of pain while at rest and relief by moving around.

 2. Back and Neck Pain

This medicine is very effective to treat cases of back pain, back stiffness,  back injury, back strains, and neck pain.

It is highly recommended to use this medicine in persons having painful and stiff neck. This pain can further extend to the shoulders, and may increase from exposure to cold air.  This is a major medicine used for treating cervical spondylosis (degenerative changes in the spine of neck region). Whiplash injuries of neck are also best treated with this remedy. Whiplash injury refers to neck injury that arise from rapid forward and backward movement of neck that commonly seen in motor vehicle accidents

It is an incomparable medicine when its comes to treating back pain and stiffness. People requiring this medicine have marked lower back pain and often feels as if back is broken. They majorly complain of  worsening of back pain when at rest, sitting still, stooping and on rising from seat. Relief is obtained by moving about, from exercise and also by hard pressure. Back ache arising from injuries and from lifting heavy weight is also treated with this remedy.

3. Lower Limb Complaints

In case of lower limbs, this remedy effectively treats sciatica and restless leg syndrome

Sciatica refers to a pain that radiates from lower back through the hips  down the leg along the path of the sciatic nerve. It helps to relief violent tearing, lightening like, burning pain in back radiating down to thigh, knee and leg. It also helps to manage numbness and formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) that arise from nerve irritation. Persons needing it may have increase of pain at night that cause sleeplessness. They feel the pain more when keeping still and in cold weather. They may obtain relief by heat, rubbing and moving around.

Next, it is of intense help in cases of restless leg syndrome which refers to a condition where a person has an uncontrollable urge to move the legs to relieve discomforting sensations in the lower limbs. Restlessness of lower limbs is manageable with this homeopathic medicine. The person needing it have restless legs in bed at night. They get relief by motion.

4. Skin Complaints

It is a very beneficial medicine to treat skin allergies, eruptions, and rashes.

It is a frequently used medicine for treating urticaria (raised itchy bumps on skin from an allergic reaction). It is used when there are circular elevated bumps (wheals) on skin. The skin surrounding the bumps is swollen. It is attended with burning, intolerable itching, tingling, stinging and stitching pain in the blotches. It is also specific to treat tendency of urticarial eruptions that appear in cold air and from becoming wet.

Secondly it is indicated for treating herpes zoster (a viral infection characterized by a stripe of painful blisters on skin). Rhus Tox helps to heal eruptions in such cases. It also reduces itching, tingling, burning sensation and pain in eruptions. It is also prominent to treat neuralgic (nerve) pains that remain after healing of herpes zoster eruptions.

Next, it is a leading medicine to treat fever blisters, which is a viral infection where tiny, fluid-filled blisters appear on and around the lips in clusters. Rhus Tox helps heal clusters of blisters filled with a watery substance, appearing near corners of mouth and on margin of lower lip. It also reduces the pain, soreness and biting sensation in them.

Another indication to use it is eczema. Here it is used when there are thick crusty eruptions on the skin. The surface is raw, excoriated. There is oozing of fluid which is offensive in nature. The lesions burn and itch and have tingling pains.

Its use is also considered in cases of skin rash. In such cases intolerable itching and terrible burning are present. There is marked restlessness especially at night due to itching in them.

It is also valuable to treat vesicular eruptions that itch and burn intensely. The affected skin area is dark red, burning, hot. The vesicles are filled with yellow watery fluid in cases requiring this medicine. The vesicles eventually dry and skin desquamates.

Lastly, it is useful to treat boils, abscess, carbuncles. These are the skin infections with pus filled lumps on skin. This remedy helps to fight with the infection and clear off pus discharges or blood stained discharges in them. It also relieve the pain, swelling and stinging sensations in them.

5. Throat Complaints

This medicine has a marked action to reduce inflammation of the throat, larynx (voice box) and esophagus (esophagitis).

It is given in sore throat cases when there are stitching pains in the throat. These pains worsen form talking. It is accompanied by dryness in throat, inability to drink or eat . It is valuable to treat inflamed larynx with hoarseness arising from overstraining of the voice. People needing this remedy may experience worsening of this complaint in the evening and also from change of weather. In addition to above, another indication is esophagitis with pain that worsens with eating and drinking. Esophagitis, especially after swallowing corrosive substances is most indicative to use this medicine.

6. Eye Complaints

When it comes to eye complaints, this is a significant remedy to treat iritis, styes, and photophobia.

It works well in cases of iritis (inflammation of iris I.e. the colored ring around the eye’s pupil). It is useful to manage Iritis of traumatic (arising from injury) and rheumatic origin (that follows joint inflammation). Here pain in eyes shooting to back of head are marked. Excessive flow of hot tears is also well noted. Suppuration (pus formation) may also be present.

It also treat cases of styes in an excellent manner. Styes are painful, red bump on margin of eyelid from an infection. In such cases, it treats styes present on the lower lid. It helps to reduce redness, swelling, hardness, and pain of the stye.

Next, it works to treat cases of photophobia (symptom of discomfort or pain in the eyes from bright light exposure). It is applicable for cases of intense photophobia when attended with profuse lachrymation (watering from eyes). It is most worse in morning and in open air in such cases.

7. Female Complaints

It is very significant medicine to treat uterine prolapse and sore nipples in females.

This is a prominent medicine to treat cases of uterine prolapse. Females needing it feel bearing down in pelvis with a sensation as if uterus is lying low down in pelvis. This interferes with walking. Due to this urination is also frequent and painful in them. Prolapse of uterus after delivery, from straining or lifting heavy weight is also well treated with it. It strengthens the muscles and supporting ligaments that keep the uterus well in its place. Secondly, it treats the complaint of sore nipples after delivery. The key features to use this medicine are sore nipples with eruption and itching, burning. Burning appears after scratching the eruptions. Sweating worsens the complaints.

8. Urinary complaints

In case of urinary complaints, it works well to manage  the complaint of weak bladder in females with frequent desire to urinate. It is also indicated for bladder paralysis and bed wetting issues. It is effective to manage complaint of constant dribbling of urine in boys.

9. Fever

In case of fever,  this remedy is considered when extreme body aches, restlessness, with alternate heat and chill is there. In typhoid fever dry cracked tongue with red tip, diarrhoea, restlessness (both mental and physical), mental confusion are present in cases where this medicine is indicated.


Rhus Tox can be taken two to three times a day in 30 potency. Use of high potencies like 200, 1M, 10 M should be taken only on a physician’s recommendation.

Relationship to Other Remedies

Complementary medicines are Bryonia, Calcarea Fluor and Phytolacca. These medicines can be used after Rhus Tox to complete its action when it is no longer acting.

Inimical medicine is Apis Mellifica which means Apis Mellifica should not be used after Rhus Tox.

Antidotes are Belladonna, Merc Sol and Sulphur, which can neutralize the action.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicine its uses indications and dosage

Rhus Toxicodendron is a top grade homeopathic medicine very often for varying types of pains. Also called as Rhus Tox, finds its usage in pains including joint pains, muscle pain, backache and general body aches. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is a highly effective medicine for getting quick relief in general body aches. It also has marked action on ligaments and tendons. It is very useful in all cases of over-stretching, overexertion and overstraining.

Clinical Indications for the use of Rhus Tox:

Rheumatoid Arthritis , Body aches, Backache, Joint Pains, Muscle pains, Sprains, Injuries, Ligaments and tendons complaints, Over lifting, Fever blisters, Herpes zoster, Drenching in rain complaints, fever.

1.Body aches: General body aches, Body aches during fever, Body aches with restlessness, muscle pains.

2. backache: a Backache with stiffness.

3.Joint Pains: Joint pains as in rheumatism, gout, frozen shoulder.

4.Muscle pains: Pain in muscles, muscle pull, overstretched muscles, muscle pains following exertion.

5.Sprains: Stretching or tearing of ligaments due to falling or twisting.

6.Injuries: Injuries to muscle, tendons, and ligaments.

7.Ligaments and tendons complaints: Ruptured, torn, overstretched ligaments; Tendonitis.

8.Over lifting: Complaints due to over lifting, overstraining and overexertion.

9.Fever blisters: Fever blisters around mouth and chin.

10.Herpes zoster: Herpetic eruptions with much burning and intense nerve pain.

11.Drenching in rain complaints: Complaints from getting wet in rain including fever, cough, cold, body aches.

12.fever: Fever with chills and shivering, Body aches with fever.


Guiding Features for the use of Rhus tox:

1.Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox must be considered in any or every kind of body aches including general body aches, joint pains and back pain. It has great power to relieve the body aches quickly.

2.In cases of injuries to tendons, ligaments, and muscles Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox should be considered as the first line of treatment without a second thought for prompt and speedy recovery.

3.Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox must be used in all cases of sprains, strains, overstretching and over lifting to get excellent results.

4.Rhus Tox should be considered as the first homeopathic prescription in complaints after getting wet in rain including cold, cough, fever, body aches.

5.In most persons needing Homeopathic medicine, Rhus Tox restlessness accompanies the majority of complaints and continued motion seems to give relief. First motion is painful. 

6. Rhus tox leads the homeopathic table for treating Rheumatoid Arthritis, especially when morning stiffness and pain are the most predominant symptoms


Dose: Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox can be used in 30C to 1M potency depending upon the severity of the disease and can be repeated frequently.

Caution: Although Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is safe to use without any side effects but advice from homeopathic physician must be considered and self prescription be avoided.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Homeopathy

151464452_76eb78da5e_m Weather is known to have an effect on rheumatoid arthritis. It is quite known that arthritis patients show an increase in their symptoms during cold weather. Winters can be very bad for some of them. Even wet weather aggravates the condition for many patients. Some RA (rheumatoid arthritis) patient seems to be too sensitive about weather changes. So much so that they often come up saying that they know ? it,s going to rain? as their joints start to ache.

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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Edema

Edema also known as dropsy and fluid retention refers to fluid build-up in the tissues of the body. It usually affects legs, feet and ankles though other body parts can also be affected by it like hands, face, eyelids, etc.

Edema can be pitting (when a swollen part of the body has a dimple after one presses it) or non-pitting type. In case of pitting edema when pressure is applied to the affected swollen area, the indentation persists for some time after the pressure is released. In case of non-pitting edema, the indentation goes away immediately after the release of pressure. Edema causes swelling, puffiness in the affected part. The skin above it looks shiny and stretched. Heaviness and pain in the affected area may also occur as also reduced urination.

Edema is given different names depending on the affected body part. When edema affects feet, legs and hands it is known as peripheral edema. When it affects the area around the eyes it is termed periorbital edema. Edema affecting the brain is cerebral edema. Edema that occurs in the lungs is known as pulmonary edema. Fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity is pleural effusion. Another form of it is lymphedema that occurs due to improper functioning of the lymphatic system that hinders normal drainage of the interstitial fluid. Swelling affecting the macula (a part of the eye) refers to macular edema. It occurs as a complication of diabetic retinopathy.

Edema can simply arise from excessive salt intake, sitting or standing for long durations at one place, before appearance of menses as a part of PMS (premenstrual syndrome which refers to a set of symptoms felt few days before onset of the menses), lack of protein in the diet for long time period and obesity. It may also occur during pregnancy. Use of some medicines can as well lead to edema, such as medicines for high blood pressure, steroid medicines, estrogen, NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines). Insect bites can be yet another cause. In other cases, edema tends to result from some underlying medical health conditions some of which could be serious. First condition is a sort of hindrance in the normal functioning of the lymphatic system that normally helps in draining extra fluid from the tissues. Damage to the lymph nodes can lead to it. Next condition is varicose veins that occur from damage to valves of veins in the legs that cause pooling of blood in the legs and lead to swelling. Another cause can be dermatitis (skin inflammation with redness, dryness, itching and in some cases fluid filled eruptions i.e, blisters). Besides these, some serious causes include DVT (deep vein thrombosis that refers to blood clot in deep vein/veins of the body mostly in the legs that can cause swelling and pain in the leg), severe allergic reaction, kidney damage, congestive heart failure, liver damage and some types of cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very helpful in managing the cases of edema. It helps manage this complaint naturally with the use of natural medicines so there is no worry about its side effects. The most suitable homeopathic medicine is prescribed symptomatically for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation. It is advised to get every case evaluated by a homeopath and take medicines under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be practiced at all. In some cases, edema may result from some serious health problems like heart complaints, liver/kidney damage, DVT, so one should always consult a doctor to rule out the cause and follow appropriate treatment. Homeopathy is recommended only in mild cases without any serious cause linked to it. In case edema is linked to serious causes, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has its limits in helping serious cases recover.

Homeopathic medicines for Edema

1. Apis Mellifica – Topmost Medicine

Apis Mellifica is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage edema. The most characteristic feature to use this medicine is puffiness in different body parts accompanied by redness and stinging pain. The affected parts are also sore to touch. Intolerable heat is felt on the affected part.  It offers a big help in managing edema of the legs, feet and ankles. The legs and feet look waxy and pale.

It is very effective to manage puffiness around the eyes. The skin on the eyelids also feels tight with this. Stiffness is also felt in the eyelids. An accompanying feature is a burning sensation. Apis Mellifica is also beneficial to manage puffiness on the face which may look pale and waxy. Another sign for its use is swelling of the hands. There is also heat and redness on the hands. When pressure is applied on hands white spots appear that go away gradually. It is also topmost medicine to manage swelling that is seen after insect bites and stings.

2.  Rhus Tox – For Edema Of Eyelids

This medicine is suitable for managing edema of the eyelids. Those who need it, show symptoms of red eyelids and hot tears flow from the eyes. At times, there may be the presence of yellow mucus discharge from the eyes. Next, there may be burning pain in the eye and also difficulty in opening the eyelids in some cases. Redness of the face can be a presenting factor. Besides the above, this medicine is administered when there is redness on the skin with vesicles (tiny fluid-filled eruptions) with edema.

3. Arsenic Album – For Swollen Face, Eyelids, Feet And Legs

Arsenic Album is a very useful medicine for managing edema of the face and the eyelids. Those who need it have swollen eyelids. Initially, swelling occurs on the upper eyelid followed by the lower lid. Next, it is helpful in case of edema of the feet and the legs. Along with swelling, a burning sensation is felt on the feet. The feet look shiny with reddish spots. Excessive weakness is also visible.

4. Acetic Acid – For Edema Accompanied By Excessive Thirstiness

Acetic Acid is a well-indicated medicine for managing edema with excessive thirst for water. This medicine is most prominently indicated for managing swelling of the legs. The skin looks pale and waxy with swelling. This medicine is also indicated for edema of legs, feet, or arms linked with anemia. Excessive weakness is present where this medicine is required. This medicine is also very effective for managing swelling that appears along with varicose veins.

5. Lycopodium – For Edema Of Legs With Oozing Of Watery Fluid

This medicine is administered for edema of the legs accompanied by oozing of watery fluid from the same spots. There are ulcers on the legs. These are accompanied by itching and burning sensations. This gets worse at night. Tearing pain in the legs is also an accompanying factor. Edema of the feet may also be present. Along with this, there is a burning sensation felt on the soles. Excessive sweat with a foul smell on the feet is present. The feet can be sore.

6. Pulsatilla – To Manage Swelling On Legs In Varicose Veins / Inflamed Veins

This medicine is very valuable to manage swelling of the legs due to varicose veins and inflamed veins. Those who require it present with swelling in the legs and thighs. There is difficulty in moving the legs. Along with this, there is also dull pain felt in the legs. The feet are also swollen. There is also redness of feet. The feet feel heavy. A burning type of pain and a drawing sensation is felt on the feet. There is an urge to stretch your feet while sitting. A tingling sensation while standing may also be felt. This can get better as one starts walking.


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What is Spongiotic Dermatitis And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Dermatitis refers to inflammation of the skin. When dermatitis is accompanied by swelling from fluid build-up in the skin it is termed as spongiotic eczema. Any skin area can be affected by this dermatitis. This can occur on a localised area of the skin or can be present on a much bigger skin surface. In spongiotic dermatitis there is redness, itching, dryness, and cracks along with swelling. There are several reasons behind spongiotic eczema. Firstly, it can occur from some sort of allergic reaction. Secondly, it may result from irritation by some substances like cosmetic products, chemicals, etc. The third reason can be stress. Hormonal fluctuations also may lead to it. Another cause could be a fungal infection. If one has a family history of atopic dermatitis, such a person is predisposed to spongiotic dermatitis. Its signs and symptoms include skin rash, redness on the skin, skin dryness, scaly skin, blisters that may ooze fluid and also cracks on the skin. These complaints are accompanied by swelling. Itching, burning and stinging sensations on the skin can also be present.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very natural and effective treatment if someone has spongiotic dermatitis. These medicines help reduce skin inflammation and swelling, and stop any progression of this condition. It also works in managing the signs and symptoms of this condition which include dryness, redness, fluid-filled eruptions, scales on the skin, and also itching, pain, and burning sensation felt on the skin. These are helpful in acute as well as long-term cases of spongiotic eczema. These medicines have zero side-effects and work to aid natural recovery. Homeopathic medicines to treat these cases are decided after detailed case-analysis based on the characteristic features in every individual. So, one should always consult a homeopath for the best homeopathic prescription after in-depth case evaluation.

Homeopathic Medicines For Spongiotic dermatitis

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a top medicine to help if one has spongiotic eczema. For those who need this medicine, the formation of rough eruptions on the skin is present. An accompanying factor is that there is swelling on the skin. Another very important accompanying symptom is a stinging sensation on the skin. Burning sensations and itching are felt on the skin as well. Itching mainly begins in the arms and later spreads to the entire body. Itching disturbs sleep at night. It gets better upon scratching. Redness on the skin is also present. The affected skin is also sore and sensitive to touch. A prickling sensation on the skin occurs mainly on the face, back, palms, hands and forehead in well-defined spots.

2. Sulphur – For Swelling Accompanied By A Burning Sensation

Sulphur is another top medicine that helps manage swelling on the skin along with a burning sensation. There is the presence of itchy spots on different body parts. Upon scratching, the spots become painful. Bleeding might also take place after one scratches. Those who witness worsening itching at night are usually the patients who should be administered this medicine. Itching may not remain local to one part of the body, it may travel to different body parts. Additionally, a crawling sensation on the skin may occur. The skin can be dry. It can be accompanied by scales on the skin. Scabs may also occur on the skin. It can be sore to touch. In some cases, small fluid-filled eruptions may be present on the skin (blisters). Sulphur is also administered for eruptions on the arms, face, and neck with yellow scabs.

3. Rhus Tox – For Redness On Skin Which Appear With Swelling

This medicine is administered to manage skin redness along with the presence of swelling. An accompanying factor is severe itching. There is a constant urge to scratch the affected part of the skin. The more one scratches the skin, the urge to scratch it increases. Stinging and tingling sensation is also felt on the skin. Next, this medicine is also administered against eruptions on the skin with formation of scales. Burning sensation is an accompanying factor. Rhus Tox can also manage quite well tiny fluid-filled eruptions accompanied by redness. Further, this medicine is administered to manage eruptions covered with thick crust. There is oozing of fluid from these eruptions along with a foul smell. Besides, the above, this medicine is of great use when there is dermatitis on the face with swelling around the eyelids.

4. Graphites – For Eruptions Oozing Sticky Fluid And Also For Dry Skin

Graphites are of great use in cases where there are eruptions that ooze a sticky fluid with swelling. The fluid is watery and transparent. Secondly, it is a highly valuable medicine to manage dryness and roughness on the skin. Cracks on the skin may also be an accompanying factor. For those who need it the most prominent skin areas affected are the face, bends of the elbows and knees, and skin between the fingers and scalp. When the scalp is affected crusty eruptions form on the scalp. These are itchy and painful to touch. These cause the matting of hair together. Lastly, this medicine can manage eruptions with scales or the formation of flakes.

5. Natrum Mur – For Cases Having Fluid-Filled Eruptions

This medicine is very beneficial for managing cases with fluid-filled eruptions i.e. blisters. These eruptions can burst and leave scales on the skin. This is accompanied by swelling on the skin. Next, this medicine is helpful for dry crusty eruptions in the bends of the elbows. Eruptions forming at the margins of the scalp is yet another prominent indication to use this medicine. Lastly dry eruptions behind the ears are effectively treated with this medicine.

6. Arsenic Album – For Rough, Scaly Skin By Swelling

Arsenic Album is the most suitable medicine for cases with rough, scaly skin eruptions and swelling on the skin. The skin goes very dry. There is peeling of the skin in the form of large scales. It is accompanied by marked itching and burning sensation. Scratching enhances the burning sensation. It may also lead to bleeding. The skin also presents with high sensitivity to touch. Besides the above, this medicine is indicated to manage itchy sand-like eruptions.

7. Petroleum – For Cases With Cracks On Skin

Petroleum is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage cases of dermatitis with cracks on the skin. There is intense roughness and dryness of the skin. The skin can also be hard. The cracks can be deep and bleeding tends to occur from the cracks. The skin is swollen. Next, this medicine can be used for eruptions on the skin covered with thick scabs. It is also the most suitable medicine to manage dermatitis that gets worse in winter.

8. Psorinum – For Small Fluid Filled Or Dry Scaly Eruptions On Skin

Psorinum is an excellent medicine for cases presented with tiny fluid-filled eruptions (blisters) on the skin. It is accompanied by swelling. This medicine is also indicated for dry scaly eruptions. It is a very effective medicine when dermatitis worsens after severe exertion. It is accompanied by swelling on the fingers. For those who need it, swelling may also occur on eyelids with dermatitis. In most of the cases, where this medicine is required dermatitis appears on the scalp, in elbow bends and armpits. Next, an intolerable itching occurs on the skin that disturbs the sleep. This medicine is also helpful for small eruptions filled with yellow fluid appearing on the face, and the forehead. These are painful to touch.





Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Puffiness Under Eyes

Puffiness under the eyes, also called bags under the eyes, is a very common problem. It refers to swelling under the eyes. Depending on the cause of puffiness, it can be accompanied by other symptoms like eye discharge, itchy eyes, watering from eyes, redness of eyes and dry eyes. In some cases, this may occur temporarily for some reasons like excessive salt intake, lack of sleep, excessive crying and over-rubbing of the eyes. Puffiness under the eyes can also be a part of aging as well.

Next, this may also happen due to injury to the eye. Puffiness could also occur due to several medical reasons. First among these are several eye conditions. These include eye infections, stye, conjunctivitis (pink eye), periorbital cellulitis, and tear duct blockage. Stye refers to a painful, red lump located at the edge of the eyelid that is frequently pus-filled. Conjunctivitis refers to inflammation of the conjunctiva which is the transparent membrane that lines the eyelids and eyeball.

Periorbital cellulitis indicates an inflammation and infection of the skin and soft tissue surrounding the eyes. Tear duct blockage refers to partial or complete obstruction in the drainage system of tears from eyes. Another cause behind puffiness can be Grave’s disease. It is an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid gland.  In this condition, there is an increased production of thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism). Yet another cause can be allergies. Eyes may become red along with watering and itching in allergy cases from an over–reaction to allergens such as dust, pollens and molds. Along with this, fluid may accumulate around the eyes that leads to swelling under the eyes. In some cases, a severe allergic reaction may lead to serious condition called anaphylaxis in which the face gets swollen along with other signs including hives (itchy bumps forming on the skin called wheals), swelling of the airways, problems in breathing, wheezing, confusion, fast heart rate, dizziness, a drop in blood pressure and fainting. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that can turn fatal, so it needs to be treated immediately. Dermatitis could be one other cause behind puffiness under the eyes. Dermatitis is a skin condition characterized by inflamed, dry, red and itchy skin. Besides, puffiness under the eyes may also result from renal, liver or heart diseases that need to be treated carefully.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage puffiness. These medicines are of natural origin that aid natural recovery with zero side-effects. With its use the problem of bulging skin gradually starts to cure. Along with the puffiness, these medicines also manage any associated signs and symptoms like eye redness, watering from the eyes, itching in the eyes and dryness of the eyes. The homeopathic medicines for puffiness under the eyes are prescribed based on the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopath and avoid self–medication. In case puffiness occurs from some serious cause like severe eye infections, some kidney or heart-related problem or anaphylaxis reaction, etc, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be sought as homeopathy has its limitation to handle such serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Puffiness Under Eyes

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Grade Medicine

Apis Mellifica tops the list of homeopathic medicines for managing cases of puffiness under the eyes. The lower lids are very much swollen among those who need this medicine. There is a water bag-like swelling under the eyes. The eyelid margins are very red. Burning and stinging pain in the eyes is one of the most prominent accompanying symptoms present. Shooting pain can occur in the eyes. Next, there may be redness of the conjunctiva. Sensitivity to light may also be there. Watering from the eyes can occur which is hot. This medicine is one of the best-suited medicines for managing puffiness of the eyelids in cases of allergies.

 2. Euphrasia – For Puffiness Under Eyes With Excessive Eye Watering

Euphrasia is another highly effective medicine that manages several eye-related concerns. It also works effectively to manage swelling under the eyelids. This is prominently accompanied by excessive watering of the eyes which happens all the time. A burning sensation in the eyes is also marked. Intense itching of the eyelids is also present. There may also occur a sensation of sand or dust-like particles in the eyes. Sometimes sticky mucus flows from the eyes. Cutting pain in the eyes is sometimes felt. The eyelid margins are also red and swollen.

3. Kali Carb – For Swelling Under And Above The Eyes

Kali carb is the next prominent medicine for cases of excessive swelling under the eyes. In cases requiring this medicine, there occurs big bag-like swelling under the eyes. The swelling extends above the eyes as well in most of the cases. There may be pain in the eyes accompanied by eye-watering. The nature of pain is stitching-type. There may be sensitivity to light. Smarting and burning may be felt in the eyes. There can be redness on the edges of the eyelids. The eyelids are swollen and may get stuck together in the morning.

4. Arsenic Album – For Puffiness Under Eyes With Burning In Eyes

This medicine is mainly administered when there is puffiness under the eyes along with an excessive burning sensation in the eyes. It is accompanied by hot watering from the eyes. In most cases, initially, the swelling occurs on the upper eyelids followed by lower eyelids. This makes the eyes sore. The eyelids are red and scaly. An uneasiness is felt on the inner surface of eyelids. This leads to an urge to rub the eyes quite frequently. Sensitivity to light is also experienced.

5. Belladonna – For Puffiness Attended With Redness Of Eyes

This medicine is useful to manage puffiness under the eyes when accompanied by redness of the eyes. Along with this throbbing type of pain is marked in the eyes. At times, shooting and burning sort of pain occurs in the eyes. Eyelids may be sore. The eyelids feel heavy. Additionally, the eyes can be very dry. Sensation as if there is a sand-like particle in the eyes may occur along with above-mentioned complaints.

6. Rhus Tox – For Puffiness Under Eyes And Swelling Of Lids

This medicine helps manage puffiness under the eyes and swelling of the lids. This may be accompanied by itching and burning in the swollen lids. A prickling sensation is also well-marked in the lids.  The eyelids feel heavy and stiff as well. Along with puffiness of the eyelids, one may experience a hot flushed face. Excessive eye watering can be an accompanying factor. Puffiness may also be noticed on the face in some cases needing Rhus Tox. This medicine is also administered when there are styes on the lower eyelids with redness and hardness towards the inner canthus. Pressive type of pain is an accompanying factor.

7. Phosphorus – For Puffiness Under Eyes With Redness Of Face

This medicine is recommended for puffiness under the eyes accompanied by redness of the face. Blue rings around the eyes can occur with this. Itching in the eyes appears with the above-mentioned complaints. Some other attending symptoms that may occur include burning in the eyes, sensitivity to bright light and eye watering.

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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines To Get Relief From Back Pain After C – Section

There are many health issues that a woman experiences after childbirth, especially after C–section (cesarean section). Back pain is one of the most common health problems that a woman may face. There are several reasons behind this kind of backache. One among these is the impact of the epidural injection given in the spine to numb the area for operation. This can cause spasms of the muscles near the spinal cord after delivery. These spasms result in back pain that may persist for many weeks or months following the delivery. Hormonal changes may result in back pain after delivery. During pregnancy, hormone relaxin functions to relax the pelvic ligaments and the joints. This hormone is still present in the body after delivery of the child. There is a tendency for easy straining of these ligaments and joints that can result in back pain. These ligaments and joints gain back strength a few months after delivery. Next, carrying or lifting the newborn baby may put a strain on the back which results in backache. Further, there is a tendency to gain weight during pregnancy. This puts extra stress on the back that may result in backache. Besides these factors, sitting in the wrong posture while breastfeeding the baby may also contribute to back pain. Other than the above, the C–section scars may put strain on the back resulting in back pain.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective management for cases of back pain after C – section. Homeopathic medicines gradually decrease the intensity and frequency of back pain. Along with pain, it also helps to manage attending stiffness and weakness in the back. These medicines have zero side effects so are entirely safe to use. Homeopathic medicines for this complaint are prescribed individually for every case as per the symptom presentation. It is recommended to get any case of back pain after C – section evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines in the recommended dosage and potency as per the physician’s advice. Self–medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Back Pain After C – Section

1. Hypericum – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Hypericum is a highly effective natural homeopathic medicine to help cases of back pain after C -section. In cases requiring this medicine, there is sharp or stitching pain in the back. Due to pain, there is excessive difficulty in walking and stooping. There is pain in the hips and the tailbone (coccyx) as well. A lame, weak feeling in the back may attend the pain. The spine and the lower limbs are also painful where this medicine is required. The back may be tender to touch along with the above symptoms. Hypericum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing pains that persist after administration of injections.

2. Arnica – For Back Pain, Soreness With Sensation As If Beaten

Arnica is the next well-indicated medicine to manage various post-surgery complaints. It is highly useful when the lower back is painful with a sensation as if it is beaten. The back feels sore to touch. One feels pressure in the lower back along with pain. The back pain gets worse from walking. Due to the pain, one feels as if the spine won’t be able to bear the body weight. Additionally, a tingling sensation may be felt in the back. The pain also worsens on deep breathing or while coughing. This medicine helps to reduce pain, soreness and tingling sensation in the back.

3. Kali Carb – For Back Pain With Sensation Of Weakness

Another prominent homeopathic medicine that can help to manage back pain after C– section is Kali Carb. It is used when there is back pain along with a weak feeling in the back. One feels like lying down. Standing and walking make the pain worse in most cases needing this medicine. The pain from the back radiates up and down the thighs. The back feels as if broken, it becomes stiff. Burning sensation is felt in the back. Additionally, pain may occur in the hips. Pricking sensation is felt along the back when it touches the bed. Kali Carb is also indicated when back pain gets worse in the early morning specifically around 3 am. This pain awakens one from sleep. The nature of pain is sharp and stitching type.

4. Rhus Tox – To Manage Back Pain Worse During Rest

Rhus Tox is the next highly beneficial medicine for managing back pain. This medicine is very effective in managing muscle spasms and pains occurring from strains on different body parts. This medicine works well for back pain accompanied by intense stiffness in the back. In cases needing it, the pain generally gets worse at rest and while sitting. The pain though is worse in the beginning while initiating any movement, it gets better after moving a few steps. The pain worsens from stooping. There is a feeling of heaviness in the lower back region.

5. Bellis Perennis – To Manage Sore Aching Pain In Back

This medicine is also very suitable to manage several health issues that follow surgery. It is useful for managing sore aching pains in the back. Other than back pain, this medicine is also indicated to manage bearing down pains in the pelvis, and sore tender feeling in the uterus after childbirth.

6. Bryonia Alba – For Back Pain Worse From Movement

This medicine is recommended when there is pain in the back which worsens from movement. There is relief in pain by taking complete rest. Women needing this medicine have difficulty standing erect, they walk with their back bent down due to pain. Standing and sitting also make the pain worse. There is difficulty in stooping as well. The pain also gets worse when turning in the bed. Along with pain, there is marked stiffness in the back.

7. Ruta Graveolens – For Pain Worse When Sitting And Walking

Ruta Graveolens is helpful when pain in the lower back is worse from sitting and walking. Relief sets in by lying down and applying pressure on the back. Stitching type of pain is prominent. The back also feels as if beaten. Along with the back, pain may be felt in the hip bones too. This medicine is also prominent when pain is worse in the morning specifically around 5 am.

8. Phosphorus – To Manage Pain Over Sacrum Region

This medicine is well indicated to manage pain over the sacrum (inverted triangle-shaped bone formed by the fusion of five vertebrae at the base of the spine below the lumbar vertebrae) region after childbirth. The back feels as if broken. The pain is worse when rising from a stooping posture. A dragging sensation is also felt in the lower back. One may feel a burning sensation in the lower back.

9. Silicea – For Back Pain Worse At Night

The use of this medicine can be considered when lower back pain gets worse at night. Pain persists while getting out of bed in the morning.  Pain increases from stooping and when rising from a sitting position. Pain may extend down the legs. Beating or throbbing sensation may be felt in the back.

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Different Types Of Neck Injuries And Their Homeopathic Remedies

Neck injuries may vary from mild to severe. Any of the structures in the neck may be affected due to a neck injury like muscles, tendons (bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones), ligaments (bands of tissue that connect one bone to another), bones, joints, or nerves. The symptoms of neck injury may include pain in the neck (the pain may radiate to the shoulders, arms, and even hands), stiffness of the neck, difficult neck movement, limited range of neck movement, tenderness of the neck, tingling or numbness in arms or hands; weakness in the arms, hands, or fingers, headache and dizziness. Among the different types of neck injuries, the first type of injury includes neck sprains and strains. A sprain in the neck refers to overstretching or tearing of the ligaments present in the neck. Strain in the neck indicates overstretched or torn muscles or tendons in the neck. The strain can occur from various reasons like sleeping in the wrong posture, excessive exercise involving the neck, etc. A sprain on the neck can occur from sudden injury due to physical activity involving the neck or an accident. Neck injury may also occur from falling, car accidents or while playing sports like football. Other types of neck injuries include whiplash injury. It refers to a neck injury occurring from quick back-and-forth movement of the neck occurring with great force usually seen in rear-end car accidents. Besides accidents, it may also occur from a fall or in sports accidents or from physical abuse when being hit on the neck.

Next type of injury is overuse injuries of the neck resulting from long working hours on the computer or repetitive activities involving the upper body and arms. Disc herniation is another type of condition that may occur due to neck injury. This is a condition in which soft jelly-like internal matter of the disc bulges out of the tough exterior part. This usually occurs from wear and tear damage to the disc but can also result from sudden injury. Another neck injury is cervical spine fracture. Though rare, it is a serious injury that needs immediate medical help.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very effective in managing cases of neck injuries. These medicines promote wonderful healing of injured neck structures along with pain management. Along with pain, these medicines also manage its attending symptoms like stiffness of the neck, tenderness of neck, headache, tingling/numbness/weakness in the arms or hands. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of neck injury that have mild to moderate intensity. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for cases of neck injury under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication. In cases of severe cases of neck injury like fracture in the cervical spine, it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Neck Injury

1. Rhus Tox – For Managing Strains, Sprains Of Neck And Whiplash Injuries

Rhus Tox is a top-recommended medicine for managing cases of sprains and strains in different body parts including the neck. This medicine helps in healing the muscles, tendons and ligaments that have become overstrained or sprained. It is indicated when there is excessive pain and stiffness in the neck. The neck feels tense. Stiffness and tension in the neck are worse while moving the neck. There is relief in stiffness by massage and warm application on the neck. There is worsening of pain from turning the neck. Rhus Tox is well indicated for cases where the neck is strained from lifting heavy weights. It is also one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of whiplash injuries.

2. Hypericum – For Neck Injury From A Fall

Hypericum is a natural remedy that is highly effective in managing neck injury that occurs from a fall. In cases needing it, the slightest neck movement causes intense pain to make the sufferer cry. The movement of the arms also causes intense pain. There is intense sensitivity of the cervical vertebra (7 bones stacked one over the other in the neck spine) to touch. Headache can also occur in some cases along with the above symptoms. Hypericum is also a useful medicine for cases of spine injury that causes pinched nerves leading to needle-like pains. Just like the above medicine, Hypericum is also a prominent medicine for helping cases of whiplash injuries.

3. Arnica – For Neck Injuries From Falls, Blows and Strains

Arnica is a very important medicine for managing cases of injury occurring from fall or blows and also cases of strains. This medicine helps manage cases of recent neck injuries as well as injuries that occurred a long time ago. In cases needing it, there is pain and marked soreness of the neck. The neck is intensely painful even to the slightest touch.

4. Bryonia – When Neck Pain Is Worse From Neck Movement

This medicine is highly beneficial for neck injuries when neck pain becomes worse from neck movements. There is stiffness in the neck. The pain and stiffness get worse from touch. It becomes more painful from moving the head towards the shoulders. Drawing sensation in the side of the neck can also be present where this medicine is needed.

5. Ruta – For Managing Sprains And Strains In Neck

Ruta is a medicine of great value when it comes to managing cases of sprains and strains. In cases needing this medicine, there is drawing pain in the neck and the shoulder blades. A tense feeling also appears in the neck. Next, a pressure sensation is felt in the neck and the shoulders as well.

6. Magnesium Phos – To Manage Sharp, Shooting Pains In The Neck

This medicine can be considered for managing sharp, shooting pain in the neck. The pain may keep shifting to different areas of the neck. The pain may also be felt in the back of the head along with the neck. The neck is sore to touch other than the above symptoms.

7. Calcarea Carb – For Overstraining Of Neck From Lifting Objects

Calcarea Carb is a useful medicine for cases of overstraining of the neck from lifting objects. In cases requiring this medicine, marked stiffness and rigidity are felt in the neck. Along with this, there is headache also. The pain is felt till the top of the head. A burning sensation may be felt in the neck which radiates to the back of the head. It remains the whole day and stops when going to sleep at night.

8. Causticum – For Neck Pain Extending To Front Of Head

Causticum is indicated when there is pain in the neck that extends upwards and to the frontal part of the head. The pain is tearing in nature in most of the cases. The neck is also very stiff. The neck muscles feel as if bound tightly. This is attended with a limited range of neck movement.

9. Kalmia – When The Pain From Neck Radiates Down To Fingers

This medicine is of great use for cases where pain from the neck radiates down to the fingers. Initially, the pain gets worse at night. There is stiffness in the neck also. The neck muscles are sore to touch and there is pain on moving the neck. The pain from the neck may move up to the head in some cases.



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What Causes Thumb Pain And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Thumb pain can result from various reasons. Depending on the underlying cause, it can be attended with stiffness, swelling, tenderness, clicking sound while moving the thumb, numbness, tingling sensation and weakness in the thumb. Among the different reasons for thumb pain, the first one is arthritis i.e. inflammation of the joints. Arthritis that can affect the thumb might include osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis refers to degenerative joint disease that occurs from wearing down and tearing of the joint cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune joint disorder in which the immune cells inflame and damage the joint out of a misdirected response. The second cause can be a sprained thumb. Sprain refers to overstretching or tearing of the ligaments (fibrous tissue bands that connect one bone to another) of the thumb. Next, thumb pain may arise from an injury to the thumb or fracture (breakage of the bone) in the thumb bone. Another important cause is trigger finger. It is a condition in which a finger gets stuck in the bent position and then gets straightened with a snap. It mostly affects the ring finger and thumb though any finger can be affected.  When this condition affects the thumb, it is called trigger thumb. This condition arises from inability of the tendons controlling the fingers to glide smoothly in the sheath surrounding the tendons. Further causes include CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) and De Quervain’s tendinitis. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition resulting from a compressed median nerve in the wrist. It results in pain along with numbness, tingling and weakness in the hands and the fingers. De Quervain’s tendinitis is a condition that affects the tendons (elastic tissue bands that connect muscle to bone) on the thumb side of the wrist. It results in pain at the base of the thumb along with swelling. With this, thumb and wrist movements become difficult.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines give excellent results in case of thumb pain. These medicines go to the core of the problem to treat the principal underlying cause to help relieve thumb pain. Along with pain, they also aid in managing attending signs and symptoms like swelling, stiffness, numbness, tingling, soreness and tenderness in the thumb. To prescribe the most suitable homeopathic medicine, a detailed case evaluation is required. So one should consult a homeopathic physician for case evaluation and proper homeopathic prescription. Self- medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Thumb Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top Recommended Medicine

Rhus Tox is a well-indicated medicine for managing complaints related to joints and tendons. This medicine is especially helpful when joint of the thumb gets strained. This is attended with pain which gets worse at night. There is inability to use the thumb due to excessive pain. The thumb is also painful to touch.

2. Ledum Palustre – For Thumb Pain With Stiffness

This medicine is highly effective when there is pain in the thumbs attended with stiffness. In most cases needing it, pain is felt in the first joint of the thumbs. Nodes may form on the finger joints due to high uric acid. Increased sweating on the palms of hands is also noted.

3. Arnica – For Pain From Injury

This medicine is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing pain in any body part that results from an injury/trauma. This medicine may also be used for relieving pain in the thumb after an injury. Persons needing this medicine feel a sore, bruised pain in the thumb. Besides injury, Arnica is indicated for drawing pain in the right thumb and also for pain in the balls of the thumb, the fleshy area of the palm that lies adjacent to the second joint of the thumb.

4. Causticum – For Pain And Numbness In Thumb

This medicine is indicated for pain and numbness in the thumb and maybe the index finger. The thumb and index finger may also feel swollen. This may hinder the movement of hands. There may be drawing pain in the finger joints as well. Fingers may feel stiff. The tendons of the fingers may feel contracted.

5. Chamomilla – For Thumb Pain On Movement

This medicine is recommended when there is pain in the thumb when it is moved. It is effective when thumb pain occurs from excessive exertion of the thumb. It is also beneficial when thumb pain happens due to a sprain. Along with pain, the thumb feels as if it is broken.

6. Ambra Grisea – For Thumb Pain Worse From Slight Touch

Ambra Grisea is a prominently indicated medicine to manage thumb pain that gets worse from even a slight touch. This medicine is also highly suitable for cases of thumb pain attended with tingling sensation in the thumb. Tingling can also occur in the fingers and hands. Drawing type of pain is felt in the thumb and fingers. The fingers and thumb tips can be itchy along with the above symptoms.

7. Spongia – For Thumb Pain Extending To Forearm

Spongia is a valuable medicine to help cases where pain from the thumb extends to the forearm. It is also indicated to manage a stitching kind of pain in the front joint of the thumb. The thumb joint may be sore and painful to touch. Next, this medicine is recommended for managing cramp-like pain in the balls of thumbs. The ball of the left thumb might be itchy. The itching does not go away even after rubbing. Additionally, the finger joints may be red, swollen and stiff. There is difficulty in bending the fingers. There may be stitching pain in the hands.

8. Palladium – For Stinging Pain In The Thumb

Palladium is indicated for managing stinging type of pain in the thumb. Pain in the bones of the hand is felt especially on the left side. Pain of nerve origin can occur in the right thumb. This nerve pain can be felt in the forefinger, shoulder and arm as well as on the right side. Stitching type of pain can occur in the fingers initially on the left side and afterwards on the right side.

9. Agaricus – For Tearing Type Of Thumb Pain

Agaricus is another very helpful medicine to manage thumb pain. In cases needing it, there is tearing pain in the thumbs. Needle-like stitching can be felt in the thumb as well. Pain in the thumb joint may also occur. Pricking sensation may be felt in the left-sided thumb. While writing, cramping pain is felt in the ball of the thumb.

10. Sanguinaria Can – For pain in ball of right thumb

This medicine is of great use when pain is felt in the ball of the right thumb. It is accompanied by swelling of the right thumb ball. This pain, most of the time, extends to the wrist and the back of the hand. Weakness is felt in the hands. There is difficulty in using the hands due to pain and weakness. This medicine is also useful when thumb pain gets worse in hot weather.

11. Asterias Rubens – For Thumb Joint Pain Extending To Shoulder

This medicine works well in cases of thumb joint pain extending to the shoulder. Pain in the tendons of the thumb of the left side can also be present. Itching can occur around the thumb nail where this medicine is required.



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How To Deal With Hypersensitivity To Cold With Homeopathy

Hypersensitivity to cold is also known as cold intolerance. Everyone feels cold in winter due to a decrease in the temperature in the environment. Those who face cold intolerance feel cold all the time no matter what the season. Cold intolerance may be attended with shivering, besides other features like numbness; pale, red or bluish skin discoloration; pain; stiffness and swelling. Persons with low body fat are usually predisposed to it. Deficiency of vitamin B12 may also be a reason. Other medical reasons could be responsible for this. First among these is anemia. Anemia refers to a condition in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells (RBCs) to take oxygen to different body tissues. Other signs and symptoms of anemia include pale skin, tiredness, headache, dizziness and shortness of breath. Another cause can be hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism means an underactive thyroid which is a condition where thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormones usually required in the body to function properly. This results in many signs and symptoms. Among these, hypersensitivity to cold/cold intolerance is an important one. Other signs and symptoms include weight gain, tiredness, puffiness of the hands, feet and the face, constipation, sleepiness, hair thinning, muscle weakness, joint pains, depressed feeling, decreased desire for sex, heavy menses in females, voice hoarseness and numbness in the hands.

Another reason can be Raynaud’s disease. It refers to a condition whereby the fingers and toes tend to become cold and numb from exposure to cold temperature or stress. This may occur due to spasm and narrowing of blood vessels that reduces the blood flow to the hand and toes. Firstly, the fingers and toes become pale white and afterward, blue and red. Hypothalamus disorders can be another reason for hypersensitivity to cold. Hypothalamus is a part of the brain that functions to regulate body temperature so any disturbance in its functioning could lead to cold hypersensitivity. Anorexia is yet another cause. It is an eating disorder in which the sufferer undergoes food restriction and eats small quantities of food due to fear of gaining weight. As a result, he/she suffers weight loss which reduces body fat that makes them prone to cold intolerance.  Another cause may be fibromyalgia. It is a condition that causes pain in different body parts at specific tender points accompanied by tiredness, memory issues, sleep problems and a depressed feeling. Cold intolerance may also be seen in cases of lupus/SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). Lupus refers to an autoimmune disease in which healthy tissues and organs in the body become inflamed. They are damaged by the body’s immune cells that otherwise help in fighting infectious agents that cause diseases. It may lead to sensitivity to cold along with other main signs and symptoms. These include a butterfly-shaped rash on the face over the cheeks and bridge of the nose, joint pains, tiredness, fever, headache, and memory loss. Cold intolerance can also occur in cases of diabetes.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help to people who have hypersensitivity to cold. Homeopathic medicines to manage such cases are natural remedies that help in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it. Along with managing cold intolerance, they also help to relieve any attending signs and symptoms as well. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for these cases is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. In no case, self -medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Hypersensitivity To Cold

1. Calcarea Carb – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Calcarea carb is a top recommended medicine for managing cases of hypersensitivity to cold. Those needing this medicine have cold intolerance and a tendency of increased sweating. The cold and sweat are marked on the feet. Sweating on the head is also very prominent. The sweat may smell sour. The chilly feeling gets worse when one comes in contact with water. Body aches may occur from exposure to cold wind where this medicine is required. Numbness may be felt in the body parts on the side that a person lies down on. There is a tendency of becoming fat, obese and overweight. Calcarea carb is a major homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism cases to manage its various related symptoms.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Cold Intolerance With Sensitivity To Draught Of Air

Hepar Sulph is a very prominent medicine for persons who always feel chilly. They are very sensitive to even the slightest draught of air. They tend to cough frequently as soon as exposure to cold air happens. Even if hands and feet get uncovered, it leads to a cough episode. There is a tendency to be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather. They are prone to recurrent cold and sinus infections from cold air exposure. In such cases, they get thick yellow nasal discharge. The nose swells and there is pain at the root of the nose along with soreness. This medicine is also indicated when cold intolerance gets worse when suffering from some health illness.

3. Silicea – For Cold Intolerance With Cold Hands And Feet

This medicine is well indicated for people who always feel cold. They have cold hands and feet all the time. This condition gets worse in winter. They feel chilly even while exercising. Generally, they sweat heavily. They have offensive sweat on their hands, armpits and feet. They also feel exhausted very easily from doing small chores. They also have unhealthy skin prone to easy pus formation from the slightest injuries.

4. Psorinum – For Extreme Chilliness

This medicine is highly recommended to those who feel extremely chilly and are intolerant to cold. They want to cover themselves up with warm clothes even in summer and the hottest weather, especially the head. They are fearful of cold air. They may suffer marked tiredness. They are usually thin and weak.

5. Sepia – For Chilly Feeling Even In Warm Room

Sepia is indicated for chilliness when a person feels chilly even in a warm room. The hands and feet feel icy cold. There is excessive sensitivity to cold air. There is excessive weakness even from walking a few steps. This medicine is indicated when there is hypersensitivity to cold in case of a long-term health illness.

6. Baryta Carb – For Cold Hypersensitivity With Cold, Sweaty Feet

Baryta Carb is another useful medicine for cases of cold intolerance with cold, sweaty feet. The sweat on the feet is foul. Those needing this medicine tend to get affected by cold very easily. Even on the slightest exposure to cold air, sore throat and tonsillitis occur.

7. Rhus Tox – For Cold Intolerance With Joint Pains

Rhus Tox is a well-indicated medicine for hypersensitivity to cold. Those who require this medicine cannot tolerate cold air. This medicine is especially of great help to manage cases where joint pains worsen in cold damp weather. Joints also feel stiff apart from being painful.

8. Aranea Diadema – For Hypersensitivity To Cold And Dampness

This medicine is indicated for those who are hypersensitive to cold and dampness. They feel the cold penetrating their bones. Bones feel as if made of ice. The chilly feeling does not decrease and one is not able to feel warm enough again. The head and feet are markedly cold.


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