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Piles during Pregnancy or after Child Delivery? Check out Homeopathy

Piles refers to swollen, dilated, inflamed veins around the anus and/or in the lower rectum. In many women, piles tend to appear for the very first time during pregnancy or after delivery. It is quite a common problem and it has been estimated that around 40 per cent of pregnant women, and women after childbirth tend to develop piles. When piles develop after delivery, it is known as postpartum hemorrhoids. Its signs and symptoms include swelling or lump around the anus, pain with passing of stool and/or after stool, anal burning, rectal bleeding and anal itching. Having piles during pregnancy increases risk of postpartum (period after delivery) hemorrhoids.

Why Homeopathic Treatment Of Piles?

Homeopathy offers a natural and effective treatment of piles after delivery. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances so have zero side-effects. They help in reducing swelling and inflammation of veins and improve blood flow. Besides, they also bring relief in symptoms like pain, burning, itching and bleeding of piles. Constipation (which is the main predisposing factor for piles) is also treated well with these medicines. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicine for treating piles after delivery. Homeopathic medicines for treating piles after delivery are recommended based on individual symptoms in each and every case.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Piles In Women

1. Sepia – Top Grade Medicine

Sepia is the leading medicine to manage numerous health concerns in females and one among them is piles after delivery. It is helpful almost in treating every case of piles after delivery. It can be used when there is swelling at anus along with marked pain. Pain is worse when passing stool. A stitching pain from the anus to rectum is felt. Anus is sore to touch.  Secondly, it can be given for managing burning sensation at the anus. Next, it can be used for piles that protrude out while passing stool. It can also handle cases with marked itching in anus and rectum. It can also treat marked constipation with large and hard stool. There is lack of urge to pass stool for many days together in cases that would require this medicine.

2. Nux Vomica – With Constipation And Ineffectual Urge To Pass Stool

Nux Vomica is the most important medicine for piles in which a person has constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool. It is recommended for women who have a constant urge to pass stool. Each time they go to pass stool, only little is evacuated at a time and there is a feeling of dissatisfaction and it feels as if some more feces will be passed. They suffer from piles attended with marked pain and burning sensation. They also complain of itching at the anus.

3. Aesculus – For Painful Piles

Aesculus is the most beneficial medicine to relieve pain from piles. It is used when piles pain is felt during or after stool. Pain is sharp shooting in nature. The pain can even be felt for many hours after passing stool. A sensation of multiple small pricking sticks in the rectum is present which is a characteristic feature for recommending Aesculus.

4. Kali Carb – With Intense Burning

This medicine is recommended when there is intense burning sensation due to piles. It may feel as if the piles are burning like fire. Cold water application temporarily gives relief. It is also helpful in managing inflamed piles that are very sensitive to touch. In cases needing it, the piles are large and are attended with stinging, tearing, pinching, or needle-like stitching pain. Itching is felt in the anus. Kali Carb is also useful for treating bleeding piles.

5. Hamamelis – To manage bleeding

Hamamelis is very effective in controlling bleeding from piles. The bleeding may be slight or profuse in cases needing it. The bleeding is attended with weakness. Burning sensation and soreness around anus is felt.

6. Pulsatilla – For Non-Bleeding Piles

Pulsatilla works magnificently in cases of non – bleeding piles (means blind piles). In cases needing it, there is burning or cutting pain in the rectum when passing stool. Stitching pain may be felt at times. Protrusion of internal piles may be noted. Itching is felt, especially on lying down and in the evening.

7. Aloe – For Piles That Bulge Out Of Anus (Protruding Piles)

Aloe is highly suitable to treat protruding piles. In cases needing Aloe, the piles at anus look like a bunch of bluish-colored grapes. The piles are painful, sore and tender. Cold water application over piles gives relief.

8. Ignatia – With Sharp Stitching Pain

Ignatia works wonderfully in cases where sharp stitching pain in anus and rectum is felt. Pain occurs even if the stool is soft, pain gets worse while standing or sitting. Sometimes slight anal bleeding can occur.

9. Lilium Tigrinum – For Painful Sore Piles

Lilium Tigrinum is indicated for painful, sore piles. Piles are highly sore to touch. These are itchy too. Besides, there is severe constipation. When bearing down while passing stool, it feels as if all the pelvic organs would protrude through the vagina.

10. Muriatic Acid – When Piles Are Painful To Touch

Like the above medicines, this medicine also suits a person well when piles are highly sensitive and painful to touch. Even the slightest touch of the hemorrhoids is not bearable. The piles look bluish or dark purple. Stitching pain is felt along with sensitivity. Heat application offers relief.

11. Sulphur – For Burning And Pain In Piles

Sulphur is well-indicated for piles with marked burning and pain at the anus. In cases needing Sulphur, the piles are very large. Stitching or shooting type of pain occurs in piles. During and after passing stool, burning occurs in the piles. Bleeding from piles may also arise. A pressing sensation in rectum can also be felt.

12. Collinsonia – With Constipation With Dry, Hard Stool

Use of Collinsonia is considered when there are piles along with constipation with dry and hard stool. It can be given for bleeding or non-bleeding piles, external piles (located on the skin around the anus that can be seen or felt from the outside) or protruding piles (internal piles that protrude out of anus). The piles are painful. The sensation of sand or sticks in rectum can be quite prominent.

13. Podophyllum – For Piles With Rectal Prolapse

This medicine is valuable to handle cases where piles are accompanied by prolapse of rectum (slipping out of the lower part of rectum out from anus). The piles can be bleeding or non-bleeding. The anus is swollen, sore and sensitive to touch.  Prolapse of rectum occurs while passing stool.

What Causes Piles During Pregnancy And After Childbirth?

If we talk of piles during pregnancy, usually piles occur during the third trimester (last three months of pregnancy). During pregnancy, extra pressure is exerted on the abdomen and the pelvic area from the growing baby. As a result, circulation of blood to the pelvic area is affected resulting in pooling of blood in the veins. Secondly, increased progesterone levels cause relaxation of walls of the veins predisposing them to get swollen. Additionally, constipation (which is one of the major reason behind piles) is a common problem faced by many women during pregnancy due to hormonal changes (which slows down movement of food through the gastric tract), pressure put by the growing baby on the intestines of the mother, intake of iron and calcium supplements that can also contribute to piles during pregnancy. Intense straining and prolonged pushing during labor pains also contribute to piles after childbirth. Piles are common especially after vaginal delivery, however it can still arise after a C-section. An instrumental delivery (like forceps delivery in which a doctor uses a tool to grasp the head of the baby to get the baby out of the birth canal) also increases risk of piles.




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