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Alumen Crudum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Alumen Crudum is derived from Potash alum. In the crude form, potash alum is inert. When its pure crystals undergo potentization process, its latent medicinal properties get aroused and get converted into a wonderful homeopathic medicine Alumen Crudum.  It is a very effective medicine for treating various rectal complaints among which constipation tops the list. Even the worst type of constipation cases with hard, dry stool are known to respond well to this remedy.

Potash alum

Potash alum

The ‘Alumen Crudum’ Constitution

It is mostly recommended for elderly persons and children having tendency of mucus build-up in the bronchi/ bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. Elderly people complaining of complaints related to urinary bladder may find this medicine highly suitable.

Drug Action

Alumen Crudum shows marvellous action on rectum and intestines primarily to treat constipation. Next it acts well on the tissues and glands that have been hardened. Besides these, its action is marked on gastric system, skin, throat, mouth, lungs and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Constipation, ulcers, piles, hemorrhages (bleeding), cancer, nausea, vomiting, colic, chilblains, eczema, throat disorders, hardened glands, bronchitis, cough, vaginismus, leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Rectal Complaints (Constipation, Rectal Ulcers, Piles, Bleeding And Cancer) 

Alumen Crudum acts magnificently on the rectum to settle down various complaints. Its most important indication for use is constipation. It is majorly indicated when the stool is very hard and dry that may be described as hard as stones. This characteristic symptom forms the main indication for using this remedy. The stool is passed with great difficulty with slight blood. It may pass as a large hard lump or in little pieces resembling sheep’s dung. Sometimes the first part of stool is hard followed by soft stool. Even after passing stool, a fullness sensation in the rectum is still felt. Pain and smarting (burning) sensation may occur after passing stool. Itching at the anus after passing stool is the next attending symptom. The persons needing it have no desire to pass stool for days together. It proves very effective if there are ulcers in the rectum. In such cases, its use is considered when there is passage of blood-stained, foul-smelling fluid from the rectum. Another complaint where it is utilized is piles that are painful and bleed too. Further, Alumen Crudum is valuable for managing itching at the anus in the evening. It is also recommended for treating diarrhea when stool is yellow, slimy, mixed with blood of foul odor accompanied by excessive weakness. It can be given for managing cases of intestinal bleeding as in case of typhoid fever when there is passage of blood in large quantity. If bleeding from anus occurs specifically after taking wine or whiskey, then Alumen can prove to be very beneficial. Besides,  it plays a role to manage cases of cancer of rectum when there are hard growths in the rectum with intense pain after stool.

Key Indicating Features

Constipation with very dry, hard stool like stones

Rectal ulcers with passage of bloody fluid from rectum having fetid smell

Painful and bleeding piles

Bleeding from anus specifically after taking wine or whiskey

2. Gastric Issues (Pain, Burning, Nausea, Vomiting)

Alumen can effectively deal with gastric issues. Firstly, it is useful for treating abdomen pain accompanied with heaviness and fullness in abdomen. The pain increases from walking, and gets relieved by applying pressure. This medicine also offers relief if there is burning sensation in stomach relieved by drinking cold water. It helps treat nausea and vomiting cases. Nausea mainly occurs in the morning before breakfast, along with weakness and  restlessness. There is vomiting that is of tough glairy mucus. Person may also vomit everything eaten.

Key indicating features

Abdomen pain which gets worse by walking and better by applying pressure

Stomach burning relieved by drinking cold water

Nausea in the morning before breakfast

Vomiting of tough glairy mucus or of everything eaten

3. Skin Issues (Ulcers, Dryness, Chilblains, Varicose Veins & Eczema)

It acts wonderfully on the skin. The most characteristic feature regarding its use is ulcers with a hard base. It can be used for skin hardening as well when it has resulted from long-term inflammation. For inflamed and hardened glands too it can be administered. Another use of it is for dry, rough skin with cracks from exposure to cold air. It can also be used for chilblains (red, swollen, itchy skin especially on toes and fingers due to cold weather and poor blood circulation), varicose veins (means enlarged, swollen, dilated and twisted veins) that bleed, and eczema of scrotum.

Key Indicating Features

Skin ulcers with a hard base

Hard skin from chronic inflammation

Hard, inflamed glands

Dry, rough, cracked skin due to cold air exposure

4. Throat Complaints (Sore Throat, Hard Tonsils)

It wonderfully helps manage sore throat. The symptoms for its use in case of a bad throat are redness, swelling and dryness in the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Scraping sensation in throat with cough is present. Sometimes there is a prickling sensation in the throat, accompanied by burning sensation and pain. It is also used when uvula is inflamed, enlarged, elongated, and relaxed. Another important reason for its use is if there are enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold. Besides, a noteworthy feature guiding its use is spasm (involuntary muscle contraction) of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with redness, swelling and dryness, burning, scraping sensation in throat

Inflamed, enlarged, elongated, relaxed uvula

Enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold

Spasm of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids

5. Mouth (Dryness, Altered Taste)

It manages the complaint of dryness of the mouth, throat and tongue quite well, however, the person may not necessarily feel thirsty. It also helps in managing cases of bitter, sweet or sour taste in the mouth. It gives good results when there is a burning sensation on the tongue in the evening hours. Tongue is clean with a little slimy coating at the back part. It is also used in managing cases of cancer of tongue.

Key Indicating Features

Dryness of mouth, throat and tongue with no thirst

Burning sensation on the tongue in evenings

6. Lungs (Bronchitis, Cough)

This medicine is suitable for bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) cases with ropy sputum. It is helpful to elderly persons who expectorate excessive ropy phlegm in morning. Cough in elderly during the morning hours can also be treated well with it. Its use is also done for dry cough cases when it occurs in the evenings after lying down. Cough may be a result of tickling in the larynx. Its use is also recommended in case of coughing in the morning soon after waking up which becomes better after breakfast.

Key Indicating Features

Expectoration of ropy mucus in elderly in morning

Dry cough in the evening after lying down

Cough from tickling in larynx

Cough in the morning soon after waking, but relieved after breakfast

7. Women-Related Problems (Ovarian Complaints, Vaginal Complaints, Gonorrhoea)

This medicine can be used in treating some of the women-related problems. It is given in cases of ovarian complaints on left side with excessive pain accompanied with constipation. There is scanty and watery menses. It is valuable for treating vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) that is yellow coloured attended with weight loss. It can treat certain vaginal problems wonderfully. These includes ulcers in vagina, sensitive vagina, narrowing of vagina due to swelling. Next is vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when anything is trying to enter it) complaint. It gives good results in gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae) cases with yellow discharge. It is well suited to treat sore, inflamed nipples. Lastly, it can be used for management of uterine cancer and breast cancer.

Key Indicating Features

Left ovary complaints with excessive pain and constipation

Vaginal discharge of yellow colour attended with weight loss

Vaginal ulcers, vaginal swelling causing its narrowing

Gonorrhoea with yellow discharge

Sore, inflamed nipples


Worsening factors: complaints get worse during sleep and from cold except headache


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. The highest potencies have proved to be the most effective. The dose and repetition of this medicine is decided by the physician as per every individual case presentation.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Chamomilla, Ipecac, Nux Vomica and Sulphur

It can be compared with other homeopathic remedies including Alumina, Aloe Socotrina, Nitric Acid, Muriatic Acid, Nux Vomica, Opium, Ratanhia and Sulphur


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  1. I want to know about Potash Alum & what form to take for help with infected teeth. I read to use the powder. Not sure where to get that. I also have severe dry mouth from Sjogren’s. I’ve tried Bryonia but does not seem to help. Thank you🙏

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