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Is Jaw Cracking, Jaw Pain Troubling You? Try Homeopathic Remedies

Jaw pain is a very common problem experienced by a number of people. It may be accompanied by some other symptoms depending on the case. These include stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around the jaw, burning sensation around the jaw, clicking sounds on opening or closing the jaw, pain in face with jaw movement, headache, pain in ear, ringing in ears and toothache.

 Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing complaints of jaw pain. These medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the pain gradually. They also help to relieve its attending symptoms like stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around jaw, pain in face, headache, pain in ear. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for jaw pain only after evaluating the reason behind it after consulting a doctor. These medicines can be taken only when the cause is mild to moderate, but in case of jaw pain from a serious cause like heart attack, it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.  Some of the symptoms like chest discomfort, difficult breathing, nausea, sweating or fainting along with jaw pain signal urgent help from allopathic doctor.

Homeopathic Medicines For Jaw Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top-grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing jaw pain. In cases needing it, there may be stiffness of the jaw along with pain. There is a feeling as if the jaw would break. Cracking sound in jaw joint with its movement is heard. There can be cramping pain in the lower jaw near the ear. It may get better by applying something warm and also by pressing it. Lastly, it is indicated for pain in the teeth that extends to the jaw and side of the head.

2. Causticum – For Jaw Pain With Difficulty In Opening Mouth

Causticum is a well-indicated medicine for cases having jaw pain along with difficulty in opening mouth. For using it, the pain can be tensive or dragging type. It is also indicated for arthritic and rheumatic pain in the lower jaw. A sensation of tension and swelling under the jaw is also indicative for using it.

3. Hecla Lava – For Upper Jaw Pain After Tooth Extraction

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which upper jaw pain follows tooth extraction. With this, the upper jaw is sore and swollen. Other than this, it is useful for managing toothache with sensitivity to pressure and swelling about the jaws.

4. Spigelia – For Lower Jaw Pain Radiating To Ears

It is prepared from a plant Spigelia anthelmia, commonly known as ‘pink root’. It belongs to family loganiaceae. Use of this medicine is recommended when there is pain in the lower jaw that extends to the ears. It may also extend to temporal (sides) region of the head. For using it, the pain is mostly present on the right side.  In some cases needing it, the pain may extend from the jaw to the neck. It is one of the best medicine for cases of facial neuralgia with above symptoms. Another indication for using it is pain in the right side of the lower jaw while chewing, with a feeling that the lower jaw has split from the joint.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is a helpful medicine for managing drawing type of pain in the jaw. It is effective to manage pain in the upper jaw felt while chewing. In some cases needing it, there is swelling of the lower jaw bone on the right side. Apart from these, it works well in cases of toothache with red, inflamed gums which is followed by pain in the jaw. There may also occur swelling in the jaw. Lastly, it is used there is digging, stitching pain in left side of the head during movement of lower jaw.

6. Carbo Veg – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is an important medicine for cases having drawing pain in jaw. For using it, the pain can be present either in the upper or the lower jaw.  The drawing pain can be felt in the head too. Soreness (pain on touching) is felt on facial bones of upper and lower jaw where this medicine is required. Sometimes rustling noises in the ears may occur from movement of the jaw.

7. Agaricus – For Tearing Pain In Face And Jaw Bones

This medicine offers help to those who complain of tearing pain in the face and jaw bones. Mostly the pain is felt on right side of lower jaw. Along with this, there may occur a sensation of splinters being run into the right lower jaw. Sometimes trembling is felt in the muscles of lower jaw.

8. Alumina – For Jaw Pain While Chewing Or Opening Mouth

It is a prominent medicine to help cases in which jaw pain occurs while chewing or opening the mouth. Pain is tensive type (stressful). Swelling of the jaw may accompany it. Along with this, there may be a sensation as if the lower jaw has shortened. Another indication for using it is intense pain in the jaw and the cheeks.

9. Carbo Animalis – For Pain In Cheek Bones, In Teeth And Lower Jaw

This medicine is indicated for managing cases presenting with pain in the cheek bones, in teeth and the lower jaw. In cases needing it, pain can be stitching type or shooting type.

10. Phosphorus – For Tearing Pain In Jaw Bones

Its put into use when there is tearing type of pain in the jaw bones. The pain occurs mainly in the evening time. Persons who need it feel increase in the pain when lying down. Jaw movement may offer relief in the pain.

11. Silicea – For Throbbing Toothache With Pain In Jaw

This medicine is considered when a person has throbbing type of toothache with jaw pain. The jaw may have swelling too. It is also indicated for rheumatic pain in jaw that extends to sides of the head.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

Jaw pain can arise from various reasons. The most common cause behind jaw pain is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder).  TMJ is a hinge joint one on each side of the jaw that connects the jawbone to the temporal bones of the skull. This joint helps in jaw movement while talking, chewing or yawning. Any problem with this joint or in the muscles around this joint refers as TMJ disorder. This disorder can lead to jaw pain. TMJ disorder has many causes and some of them include an injury to the jaw, teeth grinding, arthritis and muscle inflammation around the jaw. Apart from jaw pain, other symptoms of this disorder include pain in the face or around the ears, clicking/ popping sound on opening the mouth, ringing in ears, headache and dizziness.

Second cause for jaw pain is trauma to the jaw. It can arise from a blow on the face or if one falls directly on the face. Trauma may result in dislocated or a broken jaw.

Thirdly, jaw pain may follow a dental surgery during recovery period.

Next cause is dental problems. These include tooth damage, cavities, crowded teeth, misaligned teeth, dental abscess (a pocket of pus that can occur in any part of a tooth), gum disease, teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Another cause is sinusitis or sinus infection which is the inflammation of any of the paranasal sinus, the air-filled spaces in the skull. In case of infection or inflammation of these sinuses, there is excessive production of mucus that puts pressure on the jaw joint and can result in pain in the upper jaw. Its main signs and symptoms are thick nasal discharge, nasal congestion, dripping of mucus from the back of nose at the back of the throat (also called PND, means post nasal drip), pain, tenderness and swelling around the forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and decreased sense of smell and taste.

Arthritis may also cause jaw pain. In case arthritis affects TMJ, then jaw pain can result. It includes osteoarthritis (wear and tear of the protective cartilage at the ends of bones), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease in which the immune cells mistakenly attack the lining of the membranes that surround joints and causes its inflammation and damage.)

Another reason is cluster headache. This type of headache mainly causes pain behind or around one eye and lasts for weeks or months altogether, followed by a long period of no pain. In some cases, the pain can spread to the jaw.

Trigeminal neuralgia is also one of the causes for jaw pain. It is a chronic painful condition affecting the trigeminal nerve and mainly arises when a blood vessel puts pressure on this nerve. Pain occurs on one side of the face, mainly on the jaw, cheeks, teeth, gums and lips.

Lastly, it can be a sign of heart attack. Though in case of heart attack, chest pain is the major symptom but in some of these cases, pain can be felt in the neck, back or jaw. Jaw pain can happen on left side during a heart attack, mostly in women.

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  1. BILAL MASOOD says:

    My jaw moves on right side when talking laughing

  2. मानोज कुमार says:

    डॉक्टर मेम,मेरा,शभी दत्त घिस गया है ओर अभी 5 दिन से जबड़ा मैन कट कट की आवाज़ आ राहा है ओर दर्द भी हो राहा है कोंन सा दबाई लु

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