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12 Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Blocked Ears

Homeopathic remedies for blocked ears target the root cause behind it like ear infection, Meniere’s disease, sinusitis, chronic cold tendency. Blocked or clogged ears is a very common problem in which a person feels congestion or fullness in the ear commonly attended with difficulty in hearing. People may also describe it as pressure in ear or fluid sensation in the ears.

Homeopathic remedies for blocked ears


Firstly, it can be caused by excessive ear wax. Normally wax is soft and plays a protective role by preventing debris from entering the ears. If the ear wax hardens or if it is over produced then it can cause plugging of the ears. 

Eustachian tube blockage is another cause behind clogged ears. Eustachian tube is a tube that connects the middle ear to nasopharynx. It helps to drain fluid and mucus from the middle ear into the throat from where it is swallowed. It also functions to equalise the pressure between the middle ear and surrounding atmosphere. If the eustachian tube gets blocked then mucus and fluid can’t drain and remains in the middle ear resulting in blockage. This tube can be blocked from nasal allergies, common cold and sinusitis. 

Fluid accumulation can occur in the middle ear (glue ear). People who have nasal allergies and those prone to ear infections are at risk of this. 

Ear infection from bacteria/virus can cause blocked ears. These include outer ear infections (otitis externa) and middle ear infection (otitis media).

Ear blockage can temporarily occur in some people during airplane journeys or driving hilly mountain areas due to sudden atmospheric pressure change outside the body.

It can also occur from a foreign object in the ear which is common in children and  toddlers who may have inserted a small object into the ear.

Meniere’s disease is an inner ear condition having a triad of symptoms that includes vertigo, tinnitus (noises in ear ) and hearing loss. In this feeling of fullness in the ear or plugged / clogged sensation in the ears can attend above symptoms.

Acoustic Neuroma is a benign(non cancerous) tumour that develops on the vestibular nerve leading inner ear to brain. When it is large it tends to put pressure on the nerve of the inner ear leading to clogged ear, hearing loss, noises in the ear, dizziness and balance issues.


Blocked ear is a symptom in itself and can be caused by various conditions. Depending on the cause behind ear blockage various symptoms can attend to it. These include ear pain, fullness in ears, diminished hearing on the affected side, itching in ears, fluid discharge from ear that can be watery, mucus, pus or blood stained and ringing in ears (tinnitus) that can appear with blockage of the ears. Dizziness and poor balance are other symptoms that can accompany it. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Blocked Ears

Homeopathic medicines are very beneficial to treat cases of blocked ears. These medicines bring  relief by targeting the root cause behind it like ear infection, meniere’s disease, sinusitis, chronic cold tendency. They help in removing the stoppage or blocked sensation in ears along with effectively managing its symptoms. The signs and symptoms like ear pain, diminished hearing, itching in ears, fluid discharge from ear, ringing in ears (tinnitus)  and dizziness can be well managed with them.  The most suitable homeopathic medicine for a case of blocked ear is selected based on an individual’s symptoms as well as the cause behind it. It is to be noted that in case severe pain, any bleeding from the ear and when blockage is arising from some foreign object placed in ear, one must urgently take help from conventional mode of treatment. 

  1. Kali Mur – Top Grade Medicine for Blocked Ears

Kali Mur is a very effective medicine to treat cases of blocked ears. Use it if there is a plugged or clogged sensation in the ears. With this snapping, popping noises in the ears may be present. In some cases crackling noises while swallowing or blowing the nose are there. Additionally hearing difficulty, ear discharge of white colour and pain in ear can also attend above symptoms. It is a leading medicine for complaints arising from ear infections, fluid in middle ear, eustachian tube blockage. 

  1. Pulsatilla – Another Prominent Medicine for Plugged Ears

This medicine is prepared from entire fresh plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower and also pasque flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. This is another well indicated medicine that works well in cases where ears feel plugged. In most cases requiring it along with hearing difficulty is present and also noises in the ear. The noises are mainly humming, ringing, roaring, wind like or like rushing water. Along with this otorrhea means discharge from the ears is also there. The discharge is often thick yellow or greenish yellow pus like. In some cases hard, black wax may be present in the ear. Another prominent symptom that is present is pain in the ear. The pain can be tearing, shooting, stitching or pulsating type. It usually gets worse at night time. Itching can be there along with the above given symptoms. A person who requires it may have chronic cold, ear infection, otitis media, or eustachian tube catarrh.   

  1. Silicea – For Ear Stoppage with Ear Discharges

This medicine is well indicated when the ear feels stopped along with ear discharges. The ear discharge for using it is mainly of pus that can also be blood stained sometimes.  The discharge mostly has an offensive smell. The stoppage is better by swallowing where it is needed. Hardness of hearing is also present with this. Other accompanying symptoms are ringing/roaring noises in ears and itching in the ears. There may be swelling/catarrh of the eustachian tube. Long standing cold or sinusitis in persons may be present who require this medicine. 

  1. Chamomilla – For Ear Blockage Accompanied with Pain

This medicine is prepared from fresh plant Matricaria chamomilla belonging to family compositae. It is very beneficial medicine to treat cases in which the ears feel blocked along with pain. For using it the pain in the ear is mainly tearing, shooting, stitching type. The ear is sensitive and painful to touch. The earache can be better by warmth where it is indicated. Inflammation of the middle ear can be present.

  1. Merc Sol – For Fullness and Stuffed Sensation in Ear with Impaired Hearing

Merc Sol is a prominently indicated medicine for cases having fullness and stuffed sensation in the ear with impaired hearing. Ear fullness is momentarily better after swallowing or blowing your nose. There may be inflammation of the ear along with tearing, shooting, burning pain. Pus like green offensive discharge from ears can appear with this. Ears may be itchy with above symptoms. 

  1. Chininum Sulph – To Manage Noises in Ear (Tinnitus)

This is a very helpful medicine to manage noises in the ears. The noises for using it can be ringing, buzzing, roaring in nature. This is frequently attended with hardness of hearing and vertigo. It is a top most medicine to treat cases of Menieres disease.

  1. Graphites – For Plugged Ears with Sensation of Water in it

This medicine is helpful for persons who complain of stoppage of the ear along with a sensation as if the ear is filled with water. They may have gluey, sticky discharge from ears or blood stained discharge from ears along with bad odour. They sometimes hear noises in ears like humming, hissing, roaring type.

  1. Cyclamen – For Diminished Hearing with Blocked Ears

This medicine is prepared from plant Cyclamen Europaeum commonly known as Sow – bread. It belongs to family primulaceae. It is considered for cases where ears feel stopped up and is attended with diminished hearing.  A peculiar sensation as if cotton is in the ear may be present . It is also indicated for increased ear wax along with itching in ears

   9.  Causticum – For Obstructed Feeling in Ears with Offensive Pus Discharge 

It is a well indicated medicine for cases having obstructed feeling in ears with offensive pus discharge. With this roaring, tinkling or chirping noises in the ear may be present. Hardness of hearing can attend too. Other accompanying symptoms are itching in the ear and dull pain in ears.

  10.  Conium – For Plugged Sensation in Ears with Excessive Wax

Conium is a significant medicine where plugged sensation in ears with excessive ear wax is the main symptom. The wax is red and hard. Difficulty of hearing is present with this. Sometimes noises in the ear and stitching pain in ears can be felt. It is also indicated to manage dizziness and vertigo in these cases. 

  1. Phosphorus – For Blocked Sensation and Violent Itching in the Ears

Phosphorus is a valuable medicine to treat cases having blocked sensation along with violent itching in the ears. Constant buzzing  noises in the ear and difficult hearing are attending symptoms. Throbbing pain in the ear is yet another symptom that can appear.

  1. Manganum Aceticum – For Hardness of Hearing with Blocked Ears

This medicine is another well indicated medicine to treat cases having dullness of hearing with fullness and blockage of ears. It may be temporarily better by blowing your nose. Stitch pain in the ear  can appear with above complaints. This pain most times gets worse from swallowing and talking.

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  1. my ears feel blocked but like a swollen blocked no pain no puss or discharge of any kind, swallowing and moving my jaw moves things around and i can hear it trying to open fully. cant take any decongestants as am allergic, tried kali mur and it made it worse, not sure what to try next, suggestions please

  2. Samantha Shalachman says:

    Hi! My daughter is 3 and a half and has fluid in her ears. Doctors are recommending tubes but we want to try to clear it beforehand. She doesn’t actively get ear infections (she’s actually rarely gotten them) but we did notice hearing issues.. nothing crazy but enough to mention to her pediatrician who then referred us to ENT where they recommended tubes. She did pass the hearing tests at ENT though but they still recommended it. They’ve put her on Zyrtec and Flonase daily and will re check in a few months. Would love to try homeopathy but not sure which to start with or do a combination of a few.

  3. Hi Dr. Sharma,
    I am trying to figure out, which of these coming apathy remedies would be best for me. My right ear has a feeling of fullness, Which has been the case for a few months. I noticed this summer. I felt like there was water in my ear, but it never came out, but I’m not sure if there was actually any water.. My ears are kind of itchy and burning. It’s not super painful but just irritating. I also do suffer from seasonal allergies and I’m not sure if this is also related. Remedy would you recommend? Thank you so much.

  4. अखिलेश कुमार झा says:

    आज से 11 वर्ष पहले मुझे सर्दी हुआ और नाक से पानी बहने लगा तो मैं एकोनाइट 30 एक खुराक खाया लेकिन आराम नहीं हुआ तो मै सेट्रिजिन दबा लिया और नाक से पानी बहना बंद हो गया लेकिन कल हो के मेरे दोनों कानों से सुनाई देना बंद हो गया तो मैं ईएनटी स्पेशलिस्ट से दिखाया और मेरा दाहिना कान ठीक हो गया लेकिन बायां कान अब तक ठीक नहीं हुआ। मैं होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा भी कराया, फिजिशियन से भी दिखाया लेकिन कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ।एक्स-रे मे ब्लौकेज आया है। इसका उपचार बताएं।

  5. Mind.Amir Ali says:

    My both ear blocked and low hearing since 10 days. No pain but some time siding noise.

  6. R KRISHNA says:

    Good Afternoon. Ear wax has blocked my ear and the wax is giving bad smell now.
    Is there any ear drop or medicine in homeopathy to take out the ear wax?.
    I m taking homeopathy treatment from a local renowned homeo splst since last 10 days, but no reluef yet..he is giving oral medicine I m likely to lose faith on homeopath.

  7. Thabuis says:

    Suite à une rhinopharyngite j’ai eu une trompe d’eustache très enflammée avec otite
    J’ai du mal à entendre car j’ai comme l’oreille bouchée. J’entends bien les aigus mais pas les sons plus bas. J’ai été traitée par antibiotiques et cortisone. Ça va mieux mais j’ai toujours ce problème d’audition avec bourdonnement d’oreille. Merci de me dire ce que je peux prendre pour avoir une amélioration. Bonne journée à vous.

  8. One year is almost Deaf. Cotton from earbud is stuck deep inside the canal. Cannot be seen . Any homeopathy to be taken externally?

  9. One year is almost Demat. Cotton from earbud is stuck deep inside the canal. Cannot be seen . Any homeopathy to be taken externally?

  10. Joseph Trad says:

    HI, my name is Joseph. I have a left ear clogging along with terrible ringing. According to MRI, everything is clean. So doctors think it is an inner virus. I do not have any discharge, I do not have mucus or wax buildup. I do not have fluid in my ears as every doctor checked and told me.
    One doctore gave me prednisone and didn’t help. It actually gave so many side effects. (I don’t take any drugs at all). Another gave me fluonaze, it didn’t help.
    What can I do? I have a very healthy body: no temperature, very good blood pressure, no aches, no swollen glands.
    Please provide any help.

  11. अशोक गुप्ता says:

    वायरल में काम बंद हो गया है। डाक्टर ने कान के अंदर पानी होना बताया है। कृपया होम्योपैथी इलाज बताएं।

  12. Siddharth Verma says:

    Hear loss in right ear since childhood age 15 years

  13. SUHAS JADHAV says:

    My age is 55
    Ringing in the ear with impacted wax

  14. Chandra Shekhar says:

    Namaste Doctor Sharma,
    I am 72 years old male.
    My prostate are enlarged.
    I am having allopathic medicines for High BP.
    What medicine do you suggest for me.

  15. Trisha Tyler says:

    My son has been inning his ears against his shoulders excessively. His nose is also swollen on the inside and teeth have big problems. He says he has no pain, no itch, no noise in his ear. He cannot say why he is running them. What should we do?

  16. Dr Sharma
    I want to talk you regarding my ear problem .And have a great trust in homeopathy

    • Syeda mizna Sultana says:

      Hello.. I have ear crackling sounds whenever I’m swallowing or yawning ..agr 20 years old.. actually I had severe ear pain on 18th after that my pain subsided but left my ear clogged but after 10 days my both the ears started crackling while swallowing or popping .. I’m so worried gives me anxiety..pls help

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