The labyrinth is a part of the inner ear that is involved in hearing and maintaining balance. An inflammation of this part of the inner ear is known as labyrinthitis. The primary reasons behind labyrinthitis include viral infections (like herpes, measles, mumps, and rubella) and bacterial infection of the middle ear.
Labyrinthitis can be treated effectively with homeopathic medicines that aim to reduce inflammation and provide symptomatic management. Conium, Gelsemium, and Kali Mur are the top homeopathic remedies used to treat labyrinthitis.
Homeopathic Treatment of Labyrinthitis
Symptoms of labyrinthitis including dizziness, vertigo, balance issues, fullness in the ear, noises in the ear (tinnitus), nausea, vomiting, fluid discharge from ear and ear ache can all be treated effectively with homeopathy. The most common homeopathic medicines for the symptomatic management of labyrinthitis include Conium Maculatum, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Kali Mur, Chininum Sulph, Cocculus Indicus, Pulsatilla and Chamomilla.
Homeopathic Medicines for Labyrinthitis
Conium Maculatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Vertigo with Labyrinthitis
Conium Maculatum is an effective medicine for labyrinthitis with marked vertigo. In most cases where Conium Maculatum works effectively, vertigo gets worse when turning the head or when lying down. In some cases, turning in the bed or rising from a seat can also worsen vertigo. Along with vertigo, there may be a pressure in the head and stopped sensation in the ears.
Gelsemium Sempervirens – Homeopathic Remedy Dizziness and Balance Issues in Labyrinthitis
Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural medicine for labyrinthitis when dizziness and balance issues are the main symptoms. Lightheadedness that gets worse from walking is majorly noted in people who need this medicine. There are balance issues, and the person staggers while walking. Along with this head, there may be a heaviness in the head along with a blurred vision.
Kali Mur – Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Fullness in Ears
Kali Mur is a natural cure for labyrinthitis that works well in cases where there is a feeling of fullness in the ears. Along with fullness, crackling noises in the ear may be present. There may be ear discharges.
Chininum Sulph – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Labyrinthitis with Marked Noises in Ear
Chininum Sulph is a natural remedy for labyrinthitis with marked noises in the ear (tinnitus). These noises in the ear may be roaring, ringing or buzzing in nature. There may be vertigo that gets worse upon stooping. Difficulty in hearing is another attending feature in most cases.
Cocculus Indicus – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Nausea and Vomiting in Labyrinthitis
Cocculus Indicus is a well-indicated remedy for labyrinthitis when nausea and vomiting appear prominently. The other prominent symptom accompanying nausea and vomiting is dizziness or vertigo. Vertigo is worse when sitting up. Roaring, ringing in the ear, loss of balance and hardness of hearing are rest symptoms that may attend.
Pulsatilla – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Ear Discharge in Labyrinthitis
Pulsatilla offers natural treatment for labyrinthitis when there is the presence of an ear discharge along with other symptoms. The discharge in most cases is thick yellow or pus-like. Frequent ear infections are common in individuals needing this remedy. Other symptoms are vertigo with nausea, vertigo, especially when rising from the bed, hearing difficulty and humming noises in the ear. Pain in the ear, especially during the night, is another prominent symptom.
Chamomilla – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Earache due to Labyrinthitis
Chamomilla is a natural medicine for labyrinthitis when an earache is present. A stitching type of pain is present in most cases. Warm pressure may offer relief. The ear feels sensitive to touch, and there may be roaring, ringing noises in the ear. There may also be a stopped feeling in the ears.
Symptoms of Labyrinthitis
The significant labyrinthitis symptoms include dizziness, vertigo, and problems with balance. Other symptoms of labyrinthitis include hearing loss, fullness in the ear, noises in the ear (tinnitus), nausea and vomiting. In some cases of labyrinthitis, a mild headache, fluid discharge from the ear, earache, and blurred vision may also be present.
Causes of Labyrinthitis
Some other causes, apart from infections, include underlying autoimmune disease, allergies, use of certain medicines (like aspirin, furosemide), injury to the head or ear, and any benign tumor of the inner ear. Smoking, intake of alcohol in large quantities and extreme stress are some other risk factors for labyrinthitis.
In the last 6 weeks I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis, before this I was having a bad episode of sinusitis that I treated with antihistamines which didn’t seem to help. Shortly before i was diagnosed with the AIH, I began having Labrynthitis, which I have never had, it has affected my gait, my hearing, I have fallen twice when I turned my head too far. At first I had vertigo and nausea but not currently. I am on prednisone for the AIH but my enzymes are normall now so I am slowly being weaned off them. What can I do about my ears? Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
Gratefully, Ruthie
I Have Dizziness, head spinning, loss of balance n unsteadiness n blurry vision. Severe Nose Congestion n smoke or heat n dust allergy.
Dear Dr Sharma
My daughter developed Sudden bilateral sensorineural Hearing loss after a bacterial infection( bacterial menengitis ) in 2017.. It was a complete loss in hearing and we underwent cochlear surgery after one year for the left year. Surgery was partially successful as she had developed ossification in both the inner ears. During that one year period ..Around 11 electrodes out of 22 got inserted
The other ear has not been Cochlear implanted due to high ossification. I want to know from you whether homeopathy has any treatment for labyrinthitis ossification and the hearing loss caused by bacterial menengitis
She is 8 years old now and when she was operated around 2 years back..she was a perfectly normal Child before the infection ..
Will await your answer
Nitin Nahar
hello Dr Sharma ,I have tinnitus in my right ear ,I lost hearing maybe 80-90%,light dizziness,no pain ,no fever .It started 3 weeks ago. Antibiotic did not help, can you help me please ?
Best regards
I had vertigo which last for1.5 month. I have tinitus in my right ear sound like bell.. dizziness light headed nd feel like fall back side ..ear pain fullbess in ear..spinning body in circle..rotational feeling
I have everything these people are experiencing
Tinnitus in left ear , painful left ear & fullness always neck pain jaw balance off. Vertigo occasionally. Nasal congestion.
please help. I’ve had MRI Gone to ENT no help.
I have everything these people are experiencing
Tinnitus in left ear , painful left ear & fullness always neck pain jaw pain balance off. Vertigo occasionally. Nasal congestion.
please help. I’ve had MRI Gone to ENT no help.
Can you tell me if there is a tissue salt forvtreating labyrinthitis with vertigo sickness and hearing loss in one ear.minhave these attacks several times a year and wind in my ears makes me feel giddy. Thankyou
Sir Namaste, I have been facing vestibular Problem(labyrinthitis) for the past few weeks.
I faced Similar problems 7 yrs ago with dizziness ,ear irritation and sleepiness. Previously I used Allopathic medicines. Now I want to go for homeopathic treatment. Pls. Suggest Me Medicines. Thanking You.
Hi doctor I am praveen from chennai post encephalitis patient past 8 years loss of balance and hearing . may I know how long homeopathy will take to cure and ur fees monthly or one course …pls reply my contact number 9841919983
Hello Dr Sharma,
I was working in office a week ago, about 6:45 PM I was facing high spinning of my head, followed with heavy vomiting, rushed to hospital and was diagnosed as a case of Labyrinthitis. After an hour I felt better and come to my house Early morning I felt the same situation but this time I was sleeping. Vomiting and spinning continued and in the afternoon I was hospitalized where some X-ray and Tests were carried out. I was put on Antibiotics which helped me time stand and stopped vomiting next day but it is still continued. Doctor says it may trigger any time. Kindly advise me the curative and preventive treatment.
N D Pandey