Reflux in babies is the process of backing up of the stomach contents into the esophagus or food pipe (a tube that carries food from throat to stomach). All babies have some level of reflux. For some babies, the reflux may be more severe, or they may be more sensitive to the effects of reflux. Infants are more prone to reflux due to physical factors. Aethusa Cynapium, Chamomilla, and Natrum Phos are the top homeopathic remedies for reflux in babies.
Homeopathic Treatment of Reflux in Babies
Homeopathy helps in treating acid reflux in babies in a safe, gentle manner. Medicines for reflux in babies prescribed in homeopathy are all of natural origin and babies tend to tolerate them well. These can help resolve the condition in a very mild and gentle manner without causing any side effects, which is often a point of concern when it comes to medicines for babies.
The top grade homeopathic medicines used to treat reflux in babies include the following:
Aethusa Cynapium – Homeopathic Medicine for Reflux in Infants who Vomit After Intake of Milk
Aethusa Cynapium works very well to treat reflux in babies. It is prepared from a plant commonly named ‘Fool’s Parsley’ belonging to the natural order Umbelliferae. Aethusa Cynapium is useful for treating vomiting in babies soon after taking milk. The child tends to throw up all the milk immediately after its intake forcibly. The character of vomiting is like curdled milk or cheesy matter, but may also look like frothy white matter. The child may get drowsy after vomiting. Another attending symptom is repeated hiccoughing.
Chamomilla – Natural Medicine for Reflux in Irritable and Restless Infants
Chamomilla is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla. The natural order of this plant is Compositae. The child who needs Chamomilla has wind colic and regurgitation of food. Colic in babies causes pain in the stomach due to obstruction of wind in the intestines. The baby tends to vomit out whatever has been drunk or eaten, and this vomit is usually slimy and sour smelling. The abdomen is distended, full and tensed.
Along with these symptoms, hiccough and foul smelling belches may be present. The child becomes very irritable and restless and may be experiencing stomach problems. The child cries, screams, groans and asks to be carried around.
Natrum Phos – Homeopathic Remedy for Acid Reflux in Babies with Vomiting and Colic Abdomen
Homeopathic formulation Natrum Phos is highly beneficial for acid reflux in babies. This remedy works by neutralizing the stomach acid and promotes healthy digestion. It is indicated for children who vomit out curdled milk or cheesy masses. They may also experience abdominal colic. The child may experience several attacks of acid reflux during the day, along with vomiting. The abdominal colic is usually very intense and can lead to restless sleep. A characteristic yellow, creamy coating on the back of the roof of mouth and tongue usually indicates the need for this medicine.
Robinia – Homeopathic Treatment for Reflux in Babies that is Worse at Night
Robinia is prepared from a plant named Robinia Pseudacacia. This plant belongs to family Leguminosae. It is very helpful in treating acidity in babies. It is used for acid reflux in babies when there is a regurgitation of stomach acid with sour vomiting. The child tends to have a rancid odor all over the body. The symptoms get worse during the night time and disturb the child’s sleep. Abdominal distension is well noted, and burps may be present. Burping can bring temporary relief, but the child may cry with colic after eating.
Calcarea Carb – Natural Treatment for Gastric Reflux in Babies with Sour Smelling Vomiting
Calcarea Carb is used to treat reflux in babies. The key indication for the use of this remedy is sour smelling vomit. Whatever has been eaten gets vomited, and in some cases, curdled milk or milk in the form of cheese may also be vomited. Stomach cramps may appear along with vomiting. The abdomen is hard and tense, and there are frequent hiccoughs and belching. Calcarea Carb is also indicated for vomiting in infants during the teething period.
Carbo Veg – Natural Cure for Acid Reflux in Babies with Excessive Burping
Carbo Veg is indicated for acid reflux in babies with excessive burping. Violent belchings that are foul-smelling are a common symptom that indicates the need for this medicine. These offensive belchings occur after eating or drinking, along with gagging and vomiting. The child feels very uncomfortable after eating even the smallest amount of food. Pain in the abdomen may arise with much flatus. The stomach is distended and seems full to bursting with trapped wind. The release of gas brings comfort to the baby.
Sanicula Aqua – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Reflux with Vomiting of Food or Milk Soon After Consumption
Sanicula Aqua works wonders in cases where the child vomits food or milk soon after its consumption. Vomiting of food arises shortly after eating. All the food comes up with a gush immediately after eating. The child usually tends to fall asleep after this. It is prominently indicated for vomiting of milk soon after nursing. The vomiting looks like large and tough curds. Abdominal bloatedness may be present with gurgling sounds.
Symptoms of Reflux in Babies
The most common symptoms of reflux in babies include:
-Spitting up or Throwing up / Vomiting.
– Refusal to take feed or eat anything.
– Difficulty swallowing with gagging or choking during feeding.
– Crying, irritability, fussiness or being uncomfortable soon after eating.
– Arching back after eating.
– Gas and colicky abdominal pains.
– Sour breath, burps, and hiccups.
– A frequent cough, breathing difficulties and wheezing.
– Poor or disturbed sleep.
Causes of Reflux in Infants
Infants are more prone to reflux. There are various contributing factors for reflux of stomach contents in babies as given below:
– Underdeveloped lower esophageal sphincter ( LES )
LES is a muscular ring at the junction of the lower end of esophagus and stomach. It opens when food has to enter the stomach from the throat. It remains closed at all other times to prevent the backflow of stomach contents into the food pipe. In babies, this LES is not entirely developed and can lead to a frequent backflow of stomach contents.
– A baby lying in a horizontal position during feeding or when placed horizontally soon after feeding is more prone to reflux since the muscles relax and make it easy for the contents in the stomach to reflux into the esophagus.
– Short Length of the Esophagus: Infants, being small, have a very short esophagus.
– Congenital Hiatal Hernia: a Hiatal hernia present at birth can cause gastric acid to reflux from the stomach into the esophagus. In a hiatal hernia, the upper part of the stomach bulges into the chest through the hiatus opening in the diaphragm.
– Overfeeding: Feeding the baby too much food in one go puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter.
– Certain foods including citrus fruits, tomato, fatty food may contribute to acid reflux
मेरा साढ़े पांच महीने का बच्चा दूध पीने के बाद उल्टियां कर रहा है। क्या इसका इलाज होम्योपैथी से संभव है
hi my 16 week old baby girl has trouble feeding only takes 2oz then has half hour break and it’s a fight to get her to drink the other 2oz she vomits out curdled milk if taken any extra on onr gaviscon sachet per feed , struggles alot doesn’t think milk properly fights and pulls away cant lie her down flat as her milk comes up please help me thanks
Hope you’re doing great! Looking fwd to hearing from you.
I have a 16 month old. She’s not talking yet but understands simple commands and responds to her name. She says 2-3 words but that doesn’t include mama, dada etc. she tries to say thank you and calls for milk saying “dodo”. Other than that she communicates through pointing.
She has constipation issues since 11 months of age. I supplement with magnesium oxide everyday. If I miss a day, her stool becomes hard and I have to give suppository to make her pass stool.
Is there any homeopathic medicine you’d recommend for her that may benefit her??
Hi my daughter was born at 36 weeks and is currently almost 7 weeks old. I suspect reflux because of her behavior with feeding and how she acts after feedings. I recently started giving her bc 25, 2 tablets in a 3oz bottle. It works wonderful so far. The bottle label says 2 tablets 3x daily so I’m wondering if it would be ok in every 3oz bottle she takes? She takes about 5-6 bottles a day.
Hi Laura, which one do you give your daughter?
Hi Dr.Sharma I am a grandmother to a seven month old baby girl that has vomited since birth. My oldest son her father had done the same thing when he was born for a year he’s 34. The doctors gave me nothing for him and he outgrew it but now that their daughter is having the same trouble they’re giving her medication that is breaking my heart because I know all the side effects to these medication’s, what can occur and I’d rather have her on a homeopathic regime because I know it would help her. I do the same for myself. I take no medicine but iodine for my thyroid goiter. I don’t know how I can get my daughter-in-law to look at things that are homeopathic maybe you could suggest something . Thank you so much Karen shamouN
When my 6 month old starts getting teething symptoms, he also gets the symptom of burping then crying. He normally doesn’t deal with reflux, and I’ve had him checked for ear infection and he’s ears have been clear. Have you heard of this happening?? What can I give him to help?
Hello! Which remedy is best for baby who has respiratory symptoms due to reflux? My baby sounds congested and coughs / chokes in their sleep. They sound gurgly.
One of my baby patient aged 2 months having vomitting of breast feed and uncontrolled crying.
Already had Chamomila 6
Aethusa cynapium 6
Ipecac 6
Anacardium 6
Please suggest any medicine for control of that baby
Hi, my 6 month old has silent reflux, we have aethusa cynapium 30C tablets for her but don’t know what how much, how often and how to actually give her them. Can you help please?
Did you ever figure out what helped your babies silent reflux?
Good evening Dr. Sharma. Hope all is well. We have a girl baby of 2 months with heartburn that makes her cry and not sleep well. Is there any remedy for infant heartburn? where could we buy it? Baby is breastfed of course.
Thank you so much for your help
Hi. My 3mnts. Baby girl has Big problems with reflux. We tought it was maybe from Milk alergy or its acid reflux but thats not the case. I dont brestfeed anymore and shes on hypoalergenic formula but reflux is getting worse. She has hickups, caughing, pain from swaloving and its getting worse at the afternoon and night. She cant sleep well because of arching her bach and arm twisting and crying. We tryed camomilla, licopodium, aethusa and natrum phos AMD dint work. She spits up right after eating and also later curdled milk. She od getting weight well.
My grandchild wa born at 34 weeks gestation
And now is 7 weeks old
He is doing well with the exception that he does not sleep well and seems to be experiencing discomfort after eating especially at night
He is almost frantically continually wanting to nurse in th night
Arches back and has gas
But does not spit up much
My baby is 5 months old now. She’s had reflux. She will spit up sometimes after an hour or more. She will be sleeping and she wakes up from her sleep crying and sometimes when you pick her up she will spit up cheese like or curdled milk like stuff. During feeding she gets restless sometimes. She doesn’t cry during feeding like she used to before getting tongue tie released. Which medicine is good for her symptoms?
Doctor my baby boy is 40 days old and he is suffering from two issues which are first he has latching difficulty secondly he has gastric issues and his motion doesn’t get cleared because of which he doesn’t sleep well. Kindly advise.
My baby use to spit out milk while drinking as well as after drinking too, she use to take burp after that spit out curdled milk and get restless also which medicine will be suitable for her .
My baby age is 3.5 months.
sir my 9 months baby is throwing off just after taking formula milk.and watery yellow stool passing.i have given her bio combination 8 for loose stool.but hers vomiting is not stopped.plz suggest some treatment
I have a 12 week old baby boy with reflux. Dr has him on Zantac 2x a day but I feel it’s not working like it should plus he’s got side effects. He’s spitting up a lot and I am feeding him smaller amounts at a time also holding him upright 15 minutes after feedings and sleeping elevated. Right now he’s constipated, he’s arching his back so bad sometimes I feel like I’m holding a piece of wood. Also he fusses a lot and refuses to nap like he should (I don’t know if that’s due to reflux because he does spit up a lot when I put him down.) he has trouble burping sometimes and other times he’ll burp and hiccup without relief. I have some bc25 homeopathic tabs from India. I’m reluctant to use them
My son sounds just like the baby described above. Any update with treatment?
Can we give China and acid sulphur for 6 weeks baby for acid reflex
मेरा साढ़े पांच महीने का बच्चा दूध पीने के बाद उल्टियां कर रहा है। क्या इसका इलाज होम्योपैथी से संभव है