Arthritis (joint inflammation) arising in children under the age of 16 years is referred to as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is also known as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, in some cases, limits itself after running a short course while in others, it may become chronic. Homeopathic medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis work by halting further progression of the disease by moderating an overactive immune system.
Complications Related to Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
There are several complications related to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The first among these are eye complaints. A major eye complaint is an inflammation in the front of the eye, known as uveitis. If not treated in time, this could lead to permanent eye damage, even blindness. Overall body growth and bone development also get disturbed. Joint contractures are another complication related to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The child with arthritis will position the affected joint in the most comfortable place, which is usually bent, and avoid its movement. This causes shortening of the muscles and tendons which eventually leads to joint contractures. Joint deformities, muscle loss, muscle weakness, and osteoporosis are other problems related to the onset of arthritis in children.
Homeopathic Medicines for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Homeopathy shows the most promising results in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis cases. These medicines are natural and therefore, safe from any adverse side effects and can be given to young children. They help relieve symptoms of pain, swelling and joint stiffness in a most effective manner. The ideal medicine is selected based on the symptom presentation in each case. This follows an in-depth discussion, study, and analysis of symptoms. Some prominently indicated medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are described below. Rhus Tox, Abrotanum, Bryonia Alba, Colchicum Autumnale, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Ledum Palustre, Causticum, and Guaiacum Officinale are the top remedies.
1. Rhus Tox – For very Stiff Joints
Rhus Tox is one of the top grade medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Rhus Tox especially works wonders where joint stiffness is marked. The child who needs Rhus Tox has stiff joints that are worse during the morning. In fact, the child has great difficulty even walking in the mornings. Joint stiffness which gets worse with rest is also a sign Rhus Tox will work. Along with stiffness, pain and swelling in the joints are present. The child may get relief from warm applications and massaging the joint. Walking will also make him feel better. Rhus Tox is also useful for joint pains that get worse in cold weather.
2. Abrotanum – For Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis with Severe Pain
Abrotanum is a well-indicated medicine for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis where joints are intensely painful without swelling. The child is unable to move the limbs from pain. Lameness from joint pain is also well marked. Emaciation of lower limbs may also be present. Rheumatism from suddenly checked diarrhea is another characteristic feature that will decide in favor of prescribing Abrotanum.
3. Bryonia Alba – For Excessive Swelling of Joints
Bryonia Alba is an effective medicine for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Bryonia Alba is the best prescription for cases where joints are highly swollen. There is marked inflammation of the joints and the joints are hot and extremely painful. Slight movement of affected joint worsens the symptoms. The child feels better by resting in a still position. In some cases, pressure worsens joint pain.
4. Colchicum Autumnale – Where Slightest Touch Worsens Joint Pains
Colchicum Autumnale is suitable for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis where the slightest touch worsens joint pain. The child who needs Colchicum Autumnale screams in pain when the affected joint is touched. The joints mainly involved include those of fingers, toes, wrist, and ankle. These joints are stiff, hot, painful and swollen. Joint pain that worsens at night is another sign that Colchicum Autumnale will be the most effective among medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with these symptoms.
5. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Shifting Joint Pains
Pulsatilla Nigricans is among the greatest medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with shifting joint pains. The pain appears in one joint and rapidly shifts to another. Any joint may be involved, but arthritis affects mainly the hip, knees, and feet joint. The affected joints are red, swollen and inflamed. Rheumatism that gets triggered from getting wet is also a major deciding factor in favor of Pulsatilla Nigricans as the best choice among Homeopathic medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
6. Ledum Palustre – For Arthritis that begins in Lower Limbs and Ascends Upwards
Ledum Palustre is an excellent choice among medicines for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that starts in the lower limbs and then, ascends upwards. The affected joints are painful, especially at night. Warm applications on joint worsen pain. Cold applications bring some relief. Swelling and pain in knees, feet, and ankles that worsens with movement are a sure sign that medicine Ledum Palustre will work. Simultaneous pain in the left shoulder and right hip joint are also very well treated with Ledum Palustre.
7. Causticum and Guaiacum Officinale – For Arthritis in Advanced Stage
Causticum and Guaiacum Officinale are significant medicines for treating juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in its advanced stage with contractures and joint deformity. These medicines majorly help in managing the pain and excessive stiffness of joints. Though these medicines may not help to revert the contractures and deformity that have already occurred, they offer help in halting further progression of the disease.
Cause of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
The cause of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is still not clear. It is considered a disease of autoimmune origin. Normally, the immune cells of the body get activated when the body is invaded by foreign substances such as bacteria and virus. The immune cells fight these external forces to exclude the infection. In autoimmune diseases, the immune cells start destroying the healthy body tissue from a misdirected response that makes them see these tissue as foreign and harmful. In juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, the immune cells start destroying the synovium of joint. What triggers this response is not clear, but genetic and environmental factors are said to play an important role.
Symptoms of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
At the onset of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, visible symptoms are vague and may include lethargy, flu-like symptom, and poor appetite. In fact, the first noticeable symptom in most children may be limping. Afterward, the typical symptoms of rheumatism including pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints appear. The number of joints involved in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis varies from case to case. However, the main joints involved in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis include knees, ankle, wrist and small joints of the hands and feet. Stiffness in joints is marked in the morning that gets better as the day advances.
My 11 year old granddaughter a month ago started with red, hot swollen legs from the top to toes. She couldn’t walk because she said it felt she was walking on glass.
Now, she has had severe soreness and fatigue.
What would you suggest.
Hello sir
I am Abhijit Gonai. I suffering from JRA deases since the age of 16.First i suffers high feaver and joint i am 24 years.i used allopathy medicine but the result is not found. please help me and tell me be any homeopathy treatment which will give solution for this irritating disease.
Hello sir
My son is suffering from systematic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis since the age of 2 and half years old. He suuffers from fever and joint pain with high fever occurs mainly at night time.Now he is 13 and half years old. He has five relapse in between.After first relapse at 2 and half years second relapse occured at 6 years. First relapse he hardly took medicine. Fever and pain automatically vanished. But since second relapse he is taking steroid treatment initially for 3 to 4 months with high dose of methotrexate first and gradually reduced the methotrexate. But at the time of discarding methotrexate his sojia fever relapses. Recently also one release has occured. As per alopathy treatement steroid treatement may start soon to tackle the fever. But can there be any homeopathy treatment which will give permanent solution for this irritating disease.
Hello Dr, My son five year old is diagnosed with JIA , He was absolute healthy but since last two months he have problem in the morning in walking and he walks in bent poisition, sometime his neck is also stiff. Rheumotologis says he have JIA and wants to start his medicine with steriod intially for some period. Please advise if there is somthing can be done in Homeopathy .
Sir please tell me is there fully cure of JIA(Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis) in homeopathy?
My son is 13 years old.ra+.esr normal.anti ccp normal.he had severe pain in right elbow .and cracking sound in both elbow and spine.stiffness in pelvic joint ,elbow ,shoulder ,back from nearabout 2 month.uric acid 7.we give r 46,urtica urens mother He have a dry cough all year we give tuberculinum 1000 four dose.he have a eye problem also.
Sir, I’m mansi from Patna. Age :-17 .. sir I have a pain on my kneel … And every joints of my body … Actually this was started from when I was 2 year old .. at that time . doctor recommended me aliphatic medicine .. by this medicine .. I surely feel reliefed ..and after 2 year .. I broke to continue this medicine … And now … This one repeating again ..from 20th may 2021 ..pain started from any side of ankle and come through above part of the joint … And slowly slowly … I couldn’t be able to move that part .. it hurts … And I saw that it will more affected by the cold things ….
Hello Doctor,
My 19 month old daughter have Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and she got swelling in her left knee and right ankle.We first saw her swelling in mid of October 2018. We took her to the specialist and on 5th December, and he removes the liquid from her knee. He tried to take liquid from her ankle also but he says ankle is the difficult part so not much liquid comes out. Now we can see that is going good and she is not limping anymore.
Can you please tell me how this can be cured in homeopathy?
How are the chances that homeopathy can cure in her case?
Can Homeopathy make sure that this problem will never come again in her life?
How long does she need to take this medicine?
baljit SIngh
Do u have any studies that show efficacy of homeopathy for juvenile arthritis
Dear Doctor,
My daughter has been suffering from JIA Oligoarthritis. … since 2016 and she is under CMC Medical treatment continuously follow up every 3/4 months. We are from Nepal.
Her eye problem still exist and she has to be given injection every 15 days as per doctor advise to save her eye.
We being the parent of our girl child very worried and do not know what to do except follow the allopathy medicines. No path to recover her health very tense about her future as she is unable to attend her school education since her illness appeared.
We can’t change medicine because her eye will get damage so continuing her treatment
Hope to hear a positive response and suggestion & hope of recovery.
Hello my name rakesh Singh age 40 years old.I diagnosed R.A. in age of 5 year old .after 12year treatment it’s diagnose is wrong after that it’s diagnosed JRA tipe 2
My backbone slowly-slowly fixed & band and all joined is also effects.
Medicine: 1-salfasailegine salt
2-indomethsien salt
In 1994 to 2001.
Know I am can’t taking any medicine .
Dear Doctor
My son is 9 years old . He is diagnosed with juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. He has RF – negative , ANA – negative ,HLA B27 negative, crp – high and ESR- high. He had pain in right wrist joint from January 2 , 2017 for one week then left wrist joint then right elbow then left elbow he was given Ibuprofen and Naproxen, now these joint pain relieved . But he has pain in left shoulder joint and right ankle joint. My son feels better when cold press is given to the affected place. Ibuprofen and naproxen raised his liver enzyme ALT . ALT became normal when ibuprofen or naproxen withdrawn.
Now doctor started methotrexate injection.
I want your advice whether there is any homeo medicine for my son’s treatment and what is the management?
My kid aged 14 years (male) experienced swelling /pain in hands, fingers & wrists. After medical examination and tests doctor said he is suffering from juvenile arthritis. Please advise what precautions do we need to take and that what medicine should we give him considering that he ias a weak physique and recently had his appendicitis operated.
I have jra positive from 12year old please advice me
Hello Sir,
Myself Dilip. I m also working in hospital as a manager. I m suffering Ankolysis Spondolytis last 4 years . Is it possible to reduce my pain and stifness and i continue my life as like 4 years before. because due to pain and stifnes i m not able to do my daily activity in comfort way like seating in chair , bathing , upstairs etc.
Before three months i hd cellulitis in my right ankle knee due to this my foot swelled and after long medication and antibiotics nw its reduce 95%. and after it my knee pain and joint pain has increases and i hd also experienced for some flue. But last three days before i Diagnosed Typhoid and now my temperature around 99-100 or 101. when i feal fever my pain has automatic increase.
So my aim is to mailing you for kindly porvide me true and effective guide line . Is my pain will reduce or not . If yes then how many days it will take. And one imp. thing if you required i hv lots of kike 4-5 lab reports of haeomogram, crp etc. Presently my cRp is high around 178 .
HAEMOGLOBIN 9.3 gm/dl (11.5-15.0)
TOTAL LEUCOCYTE COUNT 14100 cu/mm (4000-10500)
NEUTROPHILS 78 % (40-75)
LYMPHOCYTES 17 % (20-45)
EOSINOPHILS 03 % (01-06)
MONOCYTES 02 % (00-10)
R.B.C COUNT 4.31 million/cum (4.5-6.0)
PLATELET COUNT 7.52 lakhs/cum (1.50-4.00)
P.C.V 30.5 % (37-47)
M.C.V 70.8 fl(Cu u) (78-94)
M.C.H 21.6 pg(yy) (27-32)
M.C.H.C 30.6 g/dl(%) (32-38)
R.D.W 18.6 H% (10-15)
MPV 7.0 fL (6.0-10.0)
E.S.R (WESTERGREN) 120 mm/1st hr (00-20)
MB. No- 9311906045