Dry skin, medically known as xerosis, is a very common skin complaint. Winter season mainly marks the onset of dry skin. Persons of any age group can be affected by it. Skin dryness can lead to itching, scratching, bleeding, parched lips, flaky skin, cracked skin, and even wrinkles, but worse than all these symptoms, it can affect the psyche of a person, making him or her very self-conscious about the physical appearance and lowering self-confidence. The intensity of skin dryness can vary from mild dryness to severe dryness with cracks.
Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment of dry skin. They nourish the skin, remove dryness and replenish the skin’s normal texture. There is no shortage of advertisements regarding creams and lotions which claim to cure dry skin, but they render very temporary solutions which fail to strike at the root of the problem. Homeopathy addresses the root cause and heals the skin from within to remove dryness of the skin.
Homeopathy manages attending signs & symptoms
Along with managing dry skin, homeopathic medicines give magnificent relief in signs and symptoms. Itching and burning on the affected skin is relieved with these medicines. Simultaneously, any eruptions or cracks if present also get healed. Besides, it effectively controls any associated inflammation of the skin.
Homeopathy brings natural recovery
Homeopathy always leads to natural recovery. Homeopathy believes that our body can cure health issues itself. Homeopathic medicines do not work externally on the skin rather it works on the internal body system and stimulates the self-healing forces of the body to naturally overcome the dryness. This alternate system of medicine rather than working superficially delves deep into the core of the problem to offer a permanent cure.
Homeopathy treats skin conditions linked with skin dryness
As well-known, dry skin may happen in certain skin conditions like psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, so homeopathy works to treat these conditions to offer excellent results. A complete course of homeopathic treatment as guided by a homeopath in these cases could bring great recoveries wonderfully.
Safe, natural medicines
Homeopathy uses natural medicines in highly diluted forms that help in skin repair and also help get rid of the dryness. These medicine work in the most gentle and harmless way. Due to natural ingredients of these remedies they cause no side effects and are safe to use in people of all age groups.
Top 7 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Skin
The most prominently indicated homeopathic medicines for dry skin are Petroleum, Sulphur, Natrum Mur, Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Sarsaparilla and Malandrium.
1. Petroleum – For Winter Care Of Dry, Cracked Skin
The top medicine to deal with dry skin occurring in winters is Petroleum. The main symptoms for the use of this natural remedy are dry, rough and cracked skin. The skin feels harsh to touch. Petroleum, thus, is the ideal remedy for dry skin in winter season and is of great help in restoring the normal texture of skin. Petroleum also gives excellent results in persons who have cracks on hands due to extremely dry skin. The skin is sensitive and rough to touch. The cracks can be deep enough to even cause bleeding.
When to use Petroleum?
It is the best choice of medicine to manage dry, rough skin along with cracks occurring in winters.
How to use Petroleum?
The use of this medicine is done in both low and high potencies. Initially one may use its 30C potency once or twice a day. For using high potencies, prior consultation with homeopathic physician is a must.
2. Sulphur – For Dry, Itchy Skin
Sulphur is the next best remedy for dry skin. Sulphur is very beneficial in all those cases where the skin is excessively dry and itchy. Itching leads to scratching and itching usually worsens at night. Another feature for using Sulphur for treatment of dry skin is a burning sensation in the skin. The skin also looks very dirty and is very unhealthy. This medicine will help to get rid of itching as well as dryness of skin.
When to use Sulphur?
Sulphur is highly recommended to manage skin dryness accompanied with itching especially at night along with a burning sensation.
How to use Sulphur?
It is suggested to use this medicine once a day in 30C potency.
3. Natrum Mur – For Dry Skin With Dry Eruptions
This medicine is prominently indicated to manage cases of dry skin along with presence of dry eruptions. The eruptions are usually present in the bends of limbs like the bend of elbow and behind the knee. Dry eruptions behind the ear can also be present. The skin along with being dry is also red, inflamed. Itching, pricking, stinging is felt on skin.
When to use Natrum Mur?
Natrum Mur should be considered for dry, red, inflamed skin with dry eruptions mainly in bends of limbs as in elbow and behind the knee.
How to use Natrum Mur?
It works wonderfully in 6 X power that can be used twice or thrice a day.
4. Arsenic Album – For Dry, Scaly Skin
Arsenic Album is well suited for dry, rough and scaly skin. Peeling of skin may also be there. The skin is also oversensitive. Marked itching and burning sensation may appear. This medicine is the topmost medicine for dry, flaky skin due to psoriasis.
When to use Arsenic Album?
This medicine can be prescribed for dry skin covered with flakes along with skin peeling.
How to use Arsenic Album?
One may take Arsenic Album 30C once a day.
5. Bryonia – For Dry, Chapped Lips
Dry and chapped lips can be best treated with natural medicine Bryonia. Cracks appear on the lips and medicine Bryonia heals the chapped lips and restores them to their normal state. Excessive thirst may be felt by patients needing Bryonia for treatment of dry lips.
When to use Bryonia?
This remedy is very beneficial for the treatment of dry and cracked lips.
How to use Bryonia?
This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. It is safe to use it in 30 C potency in the beginning, once to thrice a day depending on the severity of symptoms, but for high potencies like 200 C or more, consultation with a homeopathic physician is required.
6. Sarsaparilla – For Dry Skin with Wrinkles
The best natural treatment for dry skin with wrinkles is Sarsaparilla. It is a very beneficial treatment when the skin is dry to a great extent with a shrunken and shriveled appearance. The skin is hard and rough to touch. The skin also seems to be present in folds with wrinkles. Sarsaparilla nourishes the skin to bring back its original smoothness.
When to use Sarsaparilla?
This medicine is suggested for cases where skin is very dry, rough, hard and skin appears wrinkled with it.
How to use Sarsaparilla?
This medicine can be taken in 30C potency once or twice a day.
7. Malandrium – For Cracks On Hands and Feet
Malandrium is the ideal medicine for treating skin with cracks on hands and feet. Cracks appearing in the winter season respond very well to this medicine. Thus, Malandrium is the best remedy for all patients who have dry, cracked skin on feet and hands. Itching may also be an accompanying feature. Malandrium very efficiently helps fill up these cracked areas and bring the skin back to its normal, healthy condition.
When to use Malandrium?
It is a great remedy to help cases of cracks on hands and feet with itching mainly occurring in winter.
How to use Malandrium?
This medicine is indicated in 30C and highest potenices that can be used once or twice a week.
Causes of Dry skin
Dry skin can arise from various causes. It may occur from dehydration, as a part of aging, in cold climate, winter season, use of harsh soaps, excessive sun exposure, use of central heaters which cause dryness of air, and from bathing with hot water for a long time. Certain vitamin deficiencies, the use of some medicines like laxatives, blood pressure medicines, antihistamines and chemotherapy treatment may cause dry skin. Skin dryness may also be a part of certain skin conditions like atopic dermatitis (inflamed, dry, itchy skin) and psoriasis (an autoimmune skin condition with inflamed patches covered with slivery white scales). Some medical conditions like diabetes and hypothyroidism also make a person prone to dry skin.
My brother have black spots on underarm and left and right side and upper back region
First it will be red colour then now it’s black in colour
नमस्कार, मेरी त्वचा सर्दियों में बहुत खुशक रहती थी लेकिन अब ये गर्मियों में भी बहुत सुखी रहने लगी है। खुजली भी बहुत होती है खजाने के बाद सफेद सफेद निशान पड़ जाते है और पपड़ी भी होने लगती है। किसी भी क्रीम से कोई फर्क नही पड़ता है।
मेरी आयु 60 वर्ष है डायबिटिक का पेशेंट हूं पिछले 12 साल से टैबलेट लेता हूं मेरा hba1c 7.5 आया था कुछ दिन पहले। और कोई बीमारी नही है 75 kg वजन है। पानी की प्यास भी ठीक है। वेजिटेरियन हूं।
कृपया दवा बताए।
Hello Dr.
I am suffering from dry skin and I have the symptom like in point number 5 and 3 and 4
I would be grateful to you if you suggest some treatment to get rid of it.
Dear Dr.
It has taken me over 6 month struggling to stop my skin itching. My itching may result into urticarial like nodules, may remaining deep in skin superficial fascia. At times there is formation of small highly itching rashes with blister fluid. Sometimes I get small rashes all around the plantar foot skin and lower leg skin margin, they coharesce with itching blisters. I am used to homeopathy rather than allopathy medicine, please help for a best remedy.
Hello Dr.
I am suffering from dry skin and I have the symptom like in point number 5. Malandrium: For Cracks on Hands and Feet.
I would be grateful to you if you suggest some treatment to get rid of it.
How to treat weakness and fatigue.
Dr. Dry skin, lips dry and moustache not grown properly. Only on either side of chin are growing. Age 21