Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a chronic condition causing severe pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It usually begins gradually and worsens over time, recovery being slow. Over time, the shoulder becomes hard to move and one may experience extreme difficulty in working and performing daily activities for an extended period of time.
Homeopathy offers great help in cases of frozen shoulder. Homeopathic medicines for frozen shoulder can help relieve the ongoing symptoms. Homeopathy holds an advantage over other systems of medicine because it treats the underlying cause. Homeopathic medicines help in relieving pain and stiffness in the shoulder and can even spare a person from undergoing any surgical procedure. In the conventional system of medicine, different ways are adopted to relieve symptoms of frozen shoulder including physical therapy, massages, the use of medicines like NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and corticosteroids, injections given locally or systemically. These tend to give temporary relief but might not fix the underlying cause which is leading to the occurrence of the condition. If medications fail to act, surgery is done to cut the adhesions. Homeopathy is completely different from the conventional system of medicine. Natural medicines not only help the individual to recover well from the presenting symptoms of the condition but also treat the root cause responsible for the occurrence of the complaint.
Homeopathic medicines for frozen shoulder are prescribed individually for every case. A complete case history is taken by the homeopathic physician which involves taking information upon the duration of the complaint, underlying cause, the detailed symptoms, and modalities (worsening and relieving factors) peculiar to the patient that guide the doctor towards the medicine which is most suited to the patient.
Homeopathy helps to manage acute cases as well as chronic cases of frozen shoulder. It minimizes the chances of recurrence of the condition and can help an individual maintain a healthy lifestyle once he has completely recovered from the condition.
Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin lacking any harmful chemicals. These can be taken for as long as recommended by the homeopathic physician without any risk of toxic side effects.
Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Frozen Shoulder
The medicines that top the list to treat frozen shoulder include Rhus Tox, Sanguinaria Can, Ferrum Met, Bryonia, Causticum, Ledum Pal, Guaiacum and Ferrum Phos.
1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine For Frozen Shoulder
Rhus Tox is a wonderful medicine that can help to relieve marked stiffness in the shoulder joint. The shoulder is too stiff to move. The stiffness of shoulder usually gets better by warm application. It can also be helpful in cases where motion and massages tend to offer relief in stiffness. There is severe tearing, and shooting pain at the top of the shoulder. Pain gets worse during cold and wet weather. The problem becomes severe during rest, especially at night, preventing a good sleep. There is a constant feeling of pressure on the shoulders as if a heavy weight has been placed on them.
When to use Rhus Tox?
Rhus Tox is the best choice of medicine for managing frozen shoulder with excessive stiffness in shoulder joint along with pain, worse at night. There is relief by moving the shoulders.
How to use Rhus Tox?
It is most frequently used in 30C potency and initially it can be taken two to three times a day.
2. Sanguinaria Can – For Right-Sided Frozen Shoulder
Sanguinaria Can is a great remedy for pain occurring at the top of the right shoulder. Pain usually worsens during the night and while attempting to turn in bed. The patient feels great difficulty in raising the arm due to distressing pain.
When to use Sanguinaria Can?
This medicine should be highly preferred for managing frozen shoulder affecting the right side, with shoulder pain getting worse at night, on turning in bed and from raising the arm.
How to use Sanguinaria Can?
To begin with, one may use its 30C potency once or twice a day.
3. Ferrum Met – For Left-Sided Frozen Shoulder
Ferrum Met is an amazing remedy for treating left-sided frozen shoulder. There is constant pain in the left shoulder. Pain is of drawing, shooting, tearing and laming character. Pain usually shoots downward and travels down the arm. It may be impossible for the patient to raise the arm. The person feels extreme heaviness in the shoulder joint. Slow movement of the shoulder gradually improves the condition. Warmth may be applied to relieve the pain which aggravates in bed, the patient has to get up and move about slowly to get some relief.
When to use Ferrum Met?
This medicine is mainly suggested for use in left-sided frozen shoulder cases when pain causes immobility in the arm. Pain worsens while in bed and there is relief from slow movement of the shoulder.
How to use Ferrum Met?
It is advised to use Ferrum Met 30C one to two times a day.
4. Bryonia – For Pains Getting Worse From Least Motion
Bryonia is an excellent remedy in cases where the pain in the shoulder gets worse from the least movement. There is sharp, tearing pain which usually gets worse upon touch and by applying pressure. There is relief in pain after the patient takes complete rest. Warm application may relieve pain. There is painful pressure on the top of the shoulder. Stiffness is felt in the shoulder joints.
When to use Bryonia?
This medicine can be used in frozen shoulder cases when there is worsening of shoulder pain from least movement of the shoulder.
How to use Bryonia?
It works well in both low and high potency. To start with, 30C potency is usually considered that can be taken twice or thrice a day.
5. Causticum – For Pains In Morning
Causticum is a good remedy in treating cases of frozen shoulder where pain in the shoulder gets worse in the morning. The patient may experience great discomfort and difficulty in moving the shoulder. There is a constant feeling of pressure and heaviness on the shoulders. Pain which is dull, aching in character, is felt in the shoulder and usually gets worse on movement.
When to use Causticum?
This medicine can be opted to manage shoulder pain occurring in the morning in cases of frozen shoulder attended with pressure and heaviness in shoulders.
How to use Causticum?
One may use this medicine once a day in 30C power.
6. Ledum Pal – For Pains On Raising The Arm
Ledum Pal suits well in cases where the patient experiences severe pain in the shoulder while raising the arm. The pains are stitching and throbbing in nature. There is pain and pressure in both the shoulder joints which gets worse from motion.
When to use Ledum Pal?
This medicine is well indicated for managing stitching, throbbing shoulder pain worse from raising the arm.
How to use Ledum Pal?
It can be used in 30C potency up to three times in a day.
7. Guaiacum – For Marked Stiffness In Shoulder
Guaiacum can do wonders in cases where there is immovable stiffness of the joints. There is sharp stitching type of pain on the top of the shoulder. Pain can also be of drawing and lacerating nature which can travel down the arm.
When to use Guaiacum?
This medicine proves effective in managing stiffness in shoulders along with pain that may travel down the arm.
How to use Guaiacum?
The most commonly used potency of this medicine is 30C that can be taken once or twice a day.
8. Ferrum Phos – Where Pain Is Relieved By Gentle Motion
Persons requiring Ferrum Phos feel pain in the shoulder which gets relieved by moving the arm gently. The pains are violent, drawing and tearing in nature and get worse by the sudden or violent motion of the arm. The shoulder is stiff, painful and highly sensitive to touch.
When to use Ferrum Phos?
This medicine can be used for frozen shoulder when there is relief in shoulder pain by moving the arm gently.
How to use Ferrum Phos?
Most of the time, it is preferred in 6X potency that can be used twice or thrice a day.
Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder
This condition has two main symptoms which are pain and stiffness in the shoulder. Pain is of dull aching character which can occur in the outer shoulder or upper arm. Usually, one side gets affected but in rare cases, both sides can get involved. Pain can become severe over time and can get worse during:
Weather changes: Some patients may experience worsening of pain or stiffness particularly during cold or dry weather.
Night: Pains usually gets worse during the night which can cause difficulty in getting proper sleep and further leading to sleep deprivation in the patients suffering from frozen shoulder.
Motion: Movement of the shoulder joint is difficult for the patient resulting in restricted movement of the shoulder joint. The range of motion might also get affected.
There is a course which is usually followed in the occurrence of a frozen shoulder. The three main stages are:
Stage I: The Freezing Stage
In this stage, the pain begins slowly, the range of motion starts getting limited with a stiffness of the joint. Any movement of the shoulder causes pain, and as the pain progresses and becomes worse, the shoulder tends to lose its mobility. These symptoms can last for six weeks to nine months.
Stage II: The frozen Stage or adhesive stage.
In this stage, slow improvement in the pain takes place but the stiffness remains. Using the shoulder becomes more difficult causing hindrance in performing daily life activities. These symptoms usually last from four months to a year’s time.
Stage III: The thawing stage or stage of recovery.
In this stage, the motion of shoulder slowly returns towards normal and a range of motion in the shoulder begins to improve. These symptoms generally last from 6 months to two years of time.
Causes of Frozen Shoulder
The shoulder is a ball and socket joint. It is made up of three bones namely Humerus (bone in the upper arm), Scapula (shoulder blade), Clavicle (collarbone). Strong connective tissue or shoulder capsule surrounds the joint and holds everything (bones, ligaments, tendons) together. Also, there is the presence of synovial membrane which lines the joint capsule and produces synovial fluid. Synovial fluid helps in providing lubrication to the joint and the capsule and reducing the friction between the bones, making the movement of the shoulder easier.
When inflammation of the shoulder capsule starts and thick bands of the tissue or adhesions start developing, there is less room in joint for the humerus, making the joint painful and stiff to move. It can further progress to a restriction of the movement of the shoulder.
In some cases, the synovial fluid can get reduced due to different causes. Reduction in the amount of the fluid can lead to limiting the motion of the shoulder even more due to the occurrence of pain during motion.
Any fall on the shoulder or any injury to the adjacent tissues of the shoulder can also give rise to this condition. Alternately, it may have an autoimmune component involved as thickening and swelling can occur as a result of a misguided immune response. In some cases, this condition can arise with no absolute cause.
Risk Factors
Age: It is more common in people who are 40 years of age and above.
Sex: It is more common in females than in males.
Immobility: Immobility of the joint can happen in cases where one is recovering from any health condition which is preventing him from using the arm or the shoulder. In such cases, one may get prone to develop the symptoms of frozen shoulder. This can happen after surgery, stroke, rotator cuff injury, fracture etc.
Systemic Diseases: People who are suffering from any systemic diseases like diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease are at a higher risk of developing frozen shoulder, as these usually affect different parts of an individual at a particular time.
Connective tissue disease: Anyone who is suffering from connective tissue diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus can be on a higher risk to develop symptoms frozen shoulder.
I am MrsGanga (Female) suffering with frozen shoulder for past5 years with burning sensation in feet.kindly suggest homeopathic remedy.
मेरा नाम राजकिशोर गुप्ता है मैं लखनऊ में रहता हूं उम्र 52 साल हैं मेरे दाहिने कंधे मे एक महीने से दर्द हो रहा हैं हाथ ऊपर उठाने और पीछे ले जानें मे बहुत तेज दर्द होता हैं कभी कभी ऐसे लगता हैं कंधा टूट जायेगा दर्द बहुत तेज हो जाता हैं रात को सोते समय थोड़ा भी हाथ इधर उधर करने पर बहुत ज्यादा दर्द होता हैं एलोपैथिक चिकित्सा करा रहा हूं और दवाइया ले रहा हूं पर अच्छा नहीं हो रहा दर्द से अभी तक कोई राहत नहीं हैं, दिन पर दिन परेशानी बढ़ रही हैं, इसका उचित निदान हेतु मुझे सुझाव भेजें,
Same problem
Dr. Sharma,
Is there a blend for Frozen Shoulder?
मेरी उम्र 62 साल है। मेरा फोरआर्म left hand की हड्डी टूटने के कारण ऑपरेशन 21/02/2024 को हुवा था। मुझे फ्रोजन शोल्डर हों गया है। हाथ ऊपर और पीछे की तरफ नही हों रहा है। कंधे में बहुत दर्द रहता हैं जिसके कारण रात को ठीक से सो भी नहीं पा रहा हूं। कलाई और उंगलियों में भी जकड़न तथा दर्द रहता हैं। कृपया होम्योपैथी में उपचार उपलब्ध हो तो मेरी मदद करें।
Kya frozen shoulders kaun si daba khani chahiye
I’m 60 yrs old and suffering from both shoulder pain unable to move over shoulder label. Always have pain at the back of neck. This continues from Dec 2022 .I have so many medicines in alopathy. Only pain killer medicines subsided my pain then I switched it over to Ayurveda. There also pain reliefing medicines could help me a bit. People say all treatment available in homeopathy that gives permanent relief. I’m seeking some solution that helps me relieving from my distress. I will be grateful to you if you suggest me some solutions. Thanks
दाहिने कंधे में फ्रोजन शोल्डर के कारण हाथ को पीछे और ऊपर करने से दर्द हो रहा है लगभग ढाई तीन महीने से ये प्रोब्लेम है कृपया सही अचूक दवा बताये। एलोपैथी दवा खा रहा हूं ठीक नहीं हो रहा है।
My wife, age 64, is having pain in her right shoulder & not comfortable while moving heavier item over 1.5 kg. Can’t move her arm up beyond shoulder. She’s a very active lady & looks 25 years younger than her age. She’s an Artist also. She doesn’t have diabetes, high blood pressure but a stomach cancer survivor since 1996. She developed this pain after cooking with heavy utensils for over 4 months fully by herself. I believe her frozen shoulder is in her early stage & is curable.
Please advise. Thank you & Regards. Sharif
मेरे बांए कंधे एवम् उसके आसपास के नसों में दर्द रहता है,हाथ को पीछे की तरफ ले जाने ने दर्द ज्यादा होता है। पीछे मोड़ने में या कुछ भी गतिविधि में बहुत दर्द रहता है। रात में दर्द बढ जाता है, नस वाली एलोपैथिक दवा भी असर नहींकिया। जोड़ो में भी दर्द रहता है कृपया इलाज बताई।
1 month se left hand full sidha nahi ho rha hai baniyan pahnne me dikkat hoti hai Her Her Mahadev kahker dono hand uthane me left hand sath nahi deta hai right hand ko
My wife is suffering from Frozen shoulder. She is in her mid forties. Pain getting worse in the night and pain is of shooting type. Please suggest some medicine.
पेरी आर्थराइटिस से पीड़ित हूँ। बांये कंधे से कोहनी के बीच रात्रि में असहनीय दर्द रहता है। मधुमेह और उच्च रक्तचाप से भी ग्रसित हूँ। उचित सलाह और उचित दवा बताएं।
दाहिनी हाथ को उठाना मुश्किल हो रहा है, सामान्य रुप से हाथ अभागे पिछे नहीं हो रहा है। यह स्थिति करीब चार महीने से है, होम्योपैथिक उपचार चल रहा है पर लाभ नहीं दिखाई पड़ रहा है। दर्द हमेशा रहता है। मेरी उम्र ५५ साल है और मैं डायबिटीज
/थायरॉयड एवं कोलेस्ट्रॉल की ऐलोपैथिक दवाएं लेता हूं।
Hey dr my mom is suffering from frozen shoulder and taken alopathy tratment due to some tablets her stomach burns and her bp is getting high so I stopped her medication and now i am giving her 5 drops of rhus tox 200 3 times a day but her right shoulder is paining so should i change the medication and the proportions please help thank you
My wife right side shoulder getting worse in morning. Unable to lift hand above. In morning more pain.
Hi,doctor, my wife is suffering from frozen shoulder and Presently taking R46.
There is a slight relief.
Can you suggest any better one
Gud Afternoon Sir.
Can u please tell me the homeo medicine for my Mother who is aged 78 years for right frozen shoulder and frozen left knee. She is also RA patient.
Any best medicine for frozen shoulders?