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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Bloating With Constipation

Constipation refers to having infrequent bowel movement usually less than three times a week, passage of hard and dry stool, straining to pass the stool, discomfort/pain while passing stool and a sensation of incomplete emptying of bowels. Constipation can lead to many problems like anal fissures, piles and in some cases, bloating may occur due to constipation. Bloating refers to fullness and tightness in the abdomen resulting from formation of gas. When a person is unable to pass stool, then gas from the stomach gets obstructed and does not pass away resulting in bloating. The stool that remains in the large intestine (colon) for more time gives the bacteria additional time to ferment the matter in the colon contributing further to gas and bloating of abdomen. Along with bloating and constipation, other signs and symptoms such as abdomen pain, rumbling or noises in the abdomen, nausea, burping, anal pain or burning, blood or mucus in stool can attend.

Homeopathic management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of bloating with constipation. Homeopathic medicines help to overcome constipation by regularising bowel movements and softening hard stool and also help in managing associated bloating. They also give relief in any associated symptoms like abdomen pain, rumbling or noises in the abdomen, nausea, burping, anal pain and burning, blood or mucus in stool if present.  Homeopathic medicines provide great relief in the above complaints in a very natural manner with zero side effects. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint decreases gradually. Homeopathic prescription for bloating and constipation varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. One must avoid self–medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Bloating With Constipation

1. Bryonia – For Bloating With Hard, Dry Stool

Bryonia is a prominently indicated medicine to manage bloating with hard and dry constipated stool. The stool passes in the form of a lump and look as if it is burnt. Stool always passes with excessive straining efforts. Burning at the anus is felt during passage of the stool. Rectal prolapse might occur with passage of stool. Abdomen is bloated. Bloating is most commonly felt especially after eating. Weight sensation like a heavy stone is also felt in the stomach. Bloating is also worse in the evening. Abdomen pain occurs along with bloating.  Burping of wind might also occur. Stomach feels empty along with bloated abdomen. Bloating gets better by passing gas. Before passing gas, cutting pain is felt in the abdomen. This pain is also worse when standing and walking. Stomach feels sore to touch. In cases needing it, headache also may occur with constipation. Nausea may be present. There is dryness of the mouth, tongue and lips along with gastric complaints. An increased thirst for water is also present along with the above complaints.

2. Alumina – With Absence Of Urge For Stool For Days Together

Alumina is a very beneficial medicine for cases of bloating and constipation with characteristic symptom of no urge to pass stool for days together means many days go without passing stool. Urge for stool occurs only when there is accumulation of excessive stool in the colon (i.e. large intestine). When the urge occurs, the stool is passed with intense straining efforts. Straining is needed for passing both hard as well as soft stool. Pain of cutting nature occurs in the anus when passing the stool. Bleeding may occur after passage of stool. Bloating of the abdomen may be attended with pain in abdomen due to accumulation of gas.

3. Lycopodium – For Constipation And Bloating After A Little Quantity Of Food

Lycopodium is a highly valuable medicine for managing constipation and bloating from eating even a little quantity of food. There is excessive accumulation of gas in the abdomen. Rumbling, croaking noises occur in the abdomen. Pain is also felt in the abdomen from gas. The gas pushes upward and downward towards the urinary bladder and rectum. Appetite is decreased. Thirst for water is increased. After eating there may occur back-up of the food in the mouth (i.e. regurgitation). The stool passed is dry, hard with constricted feeling in the anus. When passing stool, pain is felt in the rectum. In some cases, burning sensation at the anus occurs in addition to the above complaints.

4. Nux Vomica – For Bloating, Constipation With A Constant Urge For Stool

Nux vomica is a highly recommended medicine for managing bloating with constipation along with a constant desire to pass stool. In cases requiring this medicine, there is an urge to pass stool several times in a day. There is passage of scanty stool many times in a day but still an unsatisfactory feeling of the stool evacuation remains. It feels as if some of the stool remained back in the rectum and the bowels did not empty completely. A-never-get-done feeling is always there. The stool is hard that can be attended with rectal pain most of the times. Sometimes stool is blood streaked as well. There is distension of the abdomen from gas mainly after eating or drinking. There is relief from burping. Gas causes pressure towards the bladder and rectum.

5.  Graphites – For Hard, Distended Abdomen And Head Heaviness

This medicine is well indicated for cases of hard, distended abdomen, and heaviness in the head. Hardness is mostly felt in the lower part of the abdomen. Rumbling, croaking occur in the abdomen. There is inability to bear anything tight around the abdomen after eating. Abdominal heaviness is felt. Abdomen pain occurs soon after eating. At times vertigo is there. There is constipation with lumpy stool along with mucus. The stool is hard, very large and passed with much difficulty. Prolapse of the rectum might occur. Cuts (fissure) can be there at the anus from passage of hard stool. This is attended with sharp, cutting pain in the anus.

6. Magnesia Mur – For Bloating And Stool Covered With Mucus And Blood

Magnesia Mur works well when there is bloated abdomen and stool is covered with mucus and blood. The abdomen is sore and sensitive to touch. Cutting and pinching pain in the abdomen can be felt. The stool is hard but crumbles at the verge of the anus. The stool looks as if burnt. Passage of the stool is followed by burning at the anus.

7. Sepia – For Bloated Lower Abdomen With Loud Rumbling Noises

This medicine is helpful for bloated lower abdomen with loud rumbling noises. Abdomen gets distended even with little quantity of food. The stool is hard, scanty and insufficient. It may be covered with mucus and is passed with difficulty. Blood may pass with the stool. Shooting and tearing pain is felt in the rectum and anus. After passing stool, a sensation of weight at the anus is felt.

8. Nitric Acid – For Bloated Abdomen With Tenderness (Pain On Touching)

This medicine is indicated when there is bloating of abdomen along with tenderness (i.e. pain on touching) of abdomen. Hard, dry, difficult stool is passed irregularly. Cutting type of pain is felt in the rectum while passing stool and also before passing stool. Itching at the anus can also be there.



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Top 11 Homeopathic Medicines to treat Constipation in Old People

Constipation means having three or less than three bowel movements in a week, passing hard stool or incomplete bowel evacuation. Accumulation of stool in the colon for a long time makes stool hard and dry which passes out with difficulty requiring straining efforts for expulsion. Constipation is a very common problem in old age. The elderly are five times more predisposed to suffer constipation in comparison to younger people.

With age, body processes tend to slow down, person’s mobility reduces, changes in the diet occur, there is reduced appetite and decreased thirst that can contribute to constipation. Other factors that that can contribute to constipation include thickening of the colon, motility disorders, decreased strength of abdominal muscles, reduced tone of intestinal muscles, weakness of sphincter muscles and decreased strength of pelvic floor muscles and increased use of medicines (like antacids that contain calcium, diuretics, iron supplements and antihistamines) and anal stenosis. Besides these factors, elderly people face problems in eating routine meals due to dental issues and may prefer soft processed food low in fiber content that can also lead to constipation. Prolonged bed rest from some illness may lead to constipation in old people. Lastly some elderly people make themselves dependent on laxatives out of fear of constipation and those laxatives are habit forming. There comes a time when body’s natural mechanism stops to function without laxatives and rigid constipation follows.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy plays a great role in managing constipation in the elderly people. Homeopathic medicines are very natural remedies that help to soften stool and regularise bowel movements with zero side effects. They boost body’s own restorative mechanism to bring great relief in health problems. Any associated piles, fissures, pain, burning, bleeding from the anus and gas in the abdomen are also wonderfully managed with homeopathic medicines. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage constipation in old age and the most suitable medicine among these has to be selected for every individual person based on the characteristic symptoms. Hence it is recommended to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Constipation In Old Age

1. Alumina – Topmost Remedy

Alumina is a highly recommended medicine for managing cases of constipation in old age. This medicine is mainly helpful when there is a lack of urge to pass stool for many days together and a person skips days without passing stool. No urge for stool occurs until there is large accumulation of stool in the colon. The stool is passed with much straining efforts, whether stool is hard or soft it is difficult to expel. The hard stool may be covered with mucus in some cases. Cutting pains may be felt in the anus when passing stool. At times, bleeding from the anus may occur after passing stool.

2. Nux Vomica – For Constipation With A Constant Urge To Pass Stool

Nux vomica is the most prominent medicine to manage constipation with a constant desire to pass stool. Persons needing it goes to pass stool many times a day but inspite of that, there is a feeling as if some of the stool remains behind and the bowels are not completely emptied yet. Only small quantity of stool is passed at a time. There is never a get-done feeling quite marked in persons needing Nux Vomica. Stool is hard and may be accompanied with pain in the rectum. It is also one of the best medicines for managing piles along with constipation.

3. Bryonia – For Dry, Hard, Lumpy Stool

This medicine is very effective when the stool is dry, hard and passed in lumps. Stool seems dry as if burnt. Great straining is needed to pass stool. Bloating of abdomen may be present. In some cases, prolapse of the rectum occurs with the passage of stool.

4. Baryta Carb – With Burning In Anus And Rectum

This medicine is helpful when there is burning in the anus and rectum while passing stool. The stool is hard which passes out with much difficulty. Stool is scanty, abdomen is distended. Bleeding may occur with stool in some cases. Piles may be present in some cases that protrude out of the anus while passing stool. Shooting pain is felt in piles.

5. Antimonium Crudum – For Hard, Difficult Stool With Obstructed Gas

This medicine works well in cases of hard, difficult stool along with gas in the abdomen. The stool is large and hard and pain in the abdomen occurs while passing stool. Rectal pain may also appear on passing stool. Sometimes there is alteration between constipation and diarrhoea (loose stool).

6. Alumen – When Stool Is Very Hard

Alumen is a suitable medicine when stool is too hard like hard stone. Stool may occur in the form of a large lump or in form of small pieces and is passed with extreme difficulty. Stool may be laced with blood along with pain in the rectum. In some cases, itching may be felt at the anus.

7. Opium – For Hard Stool Passing In The Form Of Balls

Opium is very helpful when dry, hard stool passes in the form of balls. The stool passes with much difficulty. There may be constriction of the anus with marked constipation and difficult passage of gas as well. In some cases, blood-stained mucus may pass from the anus. In most cases, there is a loss of urge to pass stool for many days together.

8. Lycopodium – For Constipation And Excessive Gas In Abdomen

This medicine is recommended when there is excessive gas formation along with constipation. The stool is hard and dry along with constriction of the anus that prevents passage of stool. There may be narrowing of the rectum in some cases. Before passing stool, pain from gas may be felt in the abdomen. During evacuation of stool, intense pain is felt in the rectum. Burning sensation may also be felt at the anus. Headache may occur with passing o stool.

9. Natrum Mur – With Blood And Anal Fissures (Cracks)

This medicine can be used when there is hard stool with anal bleeding and cracks at anus. In cases requiring it, stool is markedly hard attended with pain. The stool may pass on alternate day. There is anal itching and also soreness at the anus.

10. Selenium – For Hard Stool Followed By Mucus Or Blood Discharge

Selenium is a well-indicated medicine when there is passage of mucus or blood along with hard part of stool. The stool is large and hard that needs great straining efforts for expulsion. In some cases, the rectum is weak resulting in constipation.

11. Hydrastis – For Constipation With Headache

Use of this medicine is considered for managing constipation accompanied with headache. In cases needing it, pain is mostly felt in the forehead. The stool passes infrequently after a gap of few days. Severe pain is felt in the rectum after passing stool. A person experiences sour burps and bad taste in mouth. This medicine also offers help in cases of constipation with piles. In such cases, burning and smarting pain occur during and after passing stool.


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Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies to treat Constipation in Kids and Infants

Constipation is a very common problem among children and infants (babies less than one year old). A child is said to have constipation when he/she passes stool less frequently (less than three stools a week) or passes dry, hard stool or has difficulty or pain while passing stool.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines can treat constipation in children and infants wonderfully. These medicines treat constipation effectively in the most natural way. They help in regularising bowel movements and also help in softening the stool. Pain, bleeding with hard stool can also be managed well with these medicines. They also work well in cases anal fissures develop as a result of passing a hard stool.

The best part of using homeopathic medicines is that they are free from any toxic side effects so are very safe to use in children of all age groups. The most suitable medicine is selected after conducting a detailed case study in every individual child. The potency, dose and repetition of the medicine may vary from case to case. So it is advised to administer any of these medicines to a child only after consulting a homeopathic doctor and never give them to a child by yourself without a physician’s advice.

Homeopathic Medicines For Constipation In Kids

1. Alumina – Top Remedy

Alumina is a top recommended medicine to manage constipation in children and infants. Its use is mainly considered when the child misses days without stool. There is lack of urge to pass the stool for many days together. When stool is passed it may be either soft or hard but it passes with much difficulty. Excessive straining is required to pass stool. In some cases, a child is able to pass stool in a standing position only. Alumina works in a natural way to treat constipation by regularizing the bowel movements.

2. Bryonia – For Dry, Hard, Large Stool

Bryonia works best when the stool is dry and hard. Stool is too large in size and it looks as if it is burnt. The stool is passed with much difficulty and straining efforts. Sometimes rectum prolapse occurs with passing of stool. Bryonia helps in softening the stool and shows good results in relieving constipation.

3. Nux Vomica – With Constant Ineffectual Urge For Stool

This medicine is indicated when there is a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. Child needing this medicine tries to pass stool several times but only a little stool is passed at a time. The stool is unsatisfactory and very hard. Pain may be felt while passing stool. Sometimes, blood stains appear with the passing stool.

4. Opium – For Stool Passed As Hard, Dry Round Balls

Use of Opium is considered when a child passes stool in the form of hard, dry round balls. The stool is passed with excessive difficulty. There may be absence of urge to pass stool for several days altogether in cases requiring it.

5. Paraffin – When stool Passes At Gap Of Two Or Three Days

Use of Paraffin is considered when a child passes stool at gap of two or three days. Urge for stool is there but a child is unable to pass it. When stool is passed it is very hard. It passes in the form of small pieces with great difficulty. While passing stool, pain is felt in the rectum. The pain may persist for an hour or more than that after passing stool.  There is a sensation of fullness in the abdomen. There is loss of appetite along with the above symptoms.

6. Natrum Mur – For Hard Stool With Bleeding And Anal Fissure

This medicine is useful when hard stool is passed causing anal fissure along with bleeding. Stool is very dry and hard followed by anal bleeding. While passing stool, pain may occur. Anal itching can also occur. The stool may pass on every alternate day.

7. Sanicula – When First Part Of Stool Is Hard

This medicine is used in cases where the first part of stool is hard and dry followed by passage of soft stool. Passing stool is very painful. It may cause cuts at the anus along with soreness and bleeding.  In some cases needing it, stool may pass as little dry balls. The stool has a very offensive smell.

8. Silicea – When Stool Recedes Back After Partial Slipping

This medicine is effective for cases where the stool after being partially expelled slips back in the rectum. It happens several times before the stool finally passes out. In cases needing it, the stool is hard and unsatisfactory. It passes out with great effort, straining makes the abdomen sore. Stool is followed by burning sensation in the anus.

9. Nitric Acid – For Pain With Stool And Anal Fissures

Nitric Acid is the most useful medicine in cases when there is pain during and after passing stool. A child needing it fears to pass stool out of pain. It is the most recommended medicine for anal fissure in cases of constipation. In cases needing it, the stool is hard, scanty, difficult. There is desire to pass stool but only little stool is passed. Anal itching may also be felt.

10. Lycopodium – With Gas In Abdomen

Lycopodium is helpful when there is marked gas in abdomen along with constipation. In cases needing it, the stool is hard and dry. With every stool, there is pain. The stool is incomplete.

11. Magnesia Mur – When Stool Is Hard And Crumbles At Anal Opening

This medicine is well indicated when the stool is hard and crumbles at the anal opening. It passes out in the form of small pieces. The stool looks as if burnt. Distension of abdomen may be present along with constipation. In some cases, stool may be covered with mucus and blood.

What Causes Constipation?

The reasons might include the following:

1.Switching to solid food from breast milk/formula in the infant. At that stage, chances of constipation become very high.

2. Ignoring an urge to pass stool by a child may also cause constipation.  A child may ignore urge for stool if he/she fears passing stool from some past experience of painful stool evacuation. The child may also ignore urge if he/she is busy playing and does not want to take a break from that. Ignoring urge to pass stool gives more time for the stool to stay in the rectum where water is absorbed from it making the stool dry and hard. It then becomes painful to pass. A vicious circle may start where stool passes with much pain due to which child holds the stool next time which makes the stool dry hard again and painful to pass.

3. Starting toilet training at very early age may also lead to constipation in some cases

4. Not eating fiber-rich diet may contribute to constipation in many cases

5. Any changes in the routine of the child may contribute to constipation as well. For example – travelling, stress, starting a new school, etc.

6. Having a family history of constipation also puts a child at risk.

7. Rarely, there may be constipation due to Hirschsprung’s disease. In this disease, nerve cells are missing in the muscles of the colon of the baby. It may be experienced in rare cases of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Constipation In Children?

Signs and symptoms of constipation might include:

1. Having infrequent stool (less than three bowel movements a week in children)

2. Passing dry, hard stool

3. Difficulty or pain while passing stool

4. Abdomen pain and bloating

5. In case of impacted stool, traces of liquid or pasty stool may be seen on child’s undergarment

6. Blood with stool

7. Having excessive irritability

8. Signs of holding stool like crossing legs, clenching buttocks, twisting body, making faces


Some of the complications that can arise from constipation include anal fissure (cuts/ cracks in anus), rectal prolapse (slipping of the rectum out of the anus) and encopresis (also called soiling refers to repeated leaking of the stool involuntarily in the clothing from impacted stool in the colon or rectum).



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Top Homeopathic Medicines For Pain During And After Passing Stool

Having mild pain during and after passing stool once in a while is normal. It may happen occasionally, for example from some changes in diet. But if it occurs regularly then it could be a medical reason behind it that needs to be looked out for and treated. It can arise from constipation when the stool is dry and hard. Another very important reason is anal fissure. It refers to a cut or crack in the skin of anus usually arising from passing hard, dry stool. Next common cause can be piles – swollen, dilated, inflamed veins around the anus and or in the lower rectum. It may also occur in case of proctitis which is inflammation of the lining of the rectum.

Another reason could be IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) which includes two inflammatory disorders of gastric tract i.e. ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. In ulcerative colitis, inflammation and ulcers appear in the lining of large intestine and rectum. In Crohn’s disease, any part of the gastrointestinal tract can get inflamed. It may also occur in case of anal fistula (an abnormal tract between anal canal and outside the skin around anus, perianal abscess (pus around anus) and from diarrhea means passing thin, watery stool. Besides, it may arise from food intolerances, sexually transmitted infection spread through anal sex (like chlamydia, syphilis); endometriosis when tissue that lines the uterus grows in areas other than uterus like ovaries, bladder, colon, rectum;  skin conditions (like eczema, psoriasis, anal warts) and anal/rectal cancer. Depending on the cause, pain during and after stool may be accompanied with other signs and symptoms like burning, itching, bleeding, swelling, lump, redness at anus and constipation or diarrhea.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines can treat cases of pain during and after passing stool wonderfully. Sourced from natural substances, they ease rectal and anal pain in the most harmless way with zero side effects. These can also relieve any attending symptoms like burning, itching, soreness, bleeding along with pain. Homeopathic medicines help in managing acute pain and also help in chronic cases of pain. These target the root cause behind the pain to give long term relief.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Pain During And After Stool

1. Aesculus – For pain after stool

Aesculus is the best choice of medicine when pain occurs after stool and remains for long hours. A sensation of small sticks in the rectum is a characteristic feature. Stinging, burning and itching at anus is also felt. Stool is hard and passed with difficulty. It is the top-recommended medicine for pain occurring from piles.

2. Nitric Acid – For Pain During Stool

Nitric Acid is a highly recommended medicine for managing pain while passing stool. It is very effective when pain occurs from either hard stool, piles or fissures. The pain is severe during stool. It may even continue after passing stool. Bleeding occurs along with stool. The pain usually is cutting or sharp splinter like or pricking type. The stool is scanty, hard, difficult that passes with straining. In case of piles, protrusion of piles may occur while passing stool.

3. Ratanhia – For Pain And Burning From Anal Fissures

Ratanhia is a highly suitable medicine for managing pain and burning from anal fissures. In cases needing it, pain and burning occur while passing stool which may persist for long hours after passing stool. A characteristic feature is pain in anus as from broken glass pieces. There is constipation with hard stool that passes with much straining efforts.

4. Nux Vomica – For Pain With Constipation

Nux Vomica is a beneficial medicine for relieving pain with constipation. The most characteristic symptom is an ineffectual urge to pass stool. A person goes for passing stool several times a day. Each time only little stool is passed and there is unsatisfactory feeling as if some stool still remains back in the rectum. There is pain and burning sensation with the passing of stool. Pain can be stinging or tearing type. The pain may get better from cold water application. The stool may be streaked with blood. Anal itching may also attend.

5. Alumen – For Pain With Hard Stool

This medicine works well when there is pain along with hard stool. In cases needing it the stool is dry and hard. Some blood passes with stool. There is pain in the rectum while passing stool and continues after passing stool. Pain from the rectum may extend down the thighs. In some cases, a lump appears at the anus that is very itchy.

6. Aloe Socotrina – From Piles

This medicine is recommended for rectal pain from piles. The pain can be sharp or burning type. The piles look like a bunch of grapes blue in color at the anus. The pain and burning may get better from cold water application. There may be a sudden urge to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking anything. Stool is usually loose, mucus may pass with stool.

7. Muriatic Acid – When Anus Is Very Tender (Painful To Touch)

Muriatic Acid can be considered in cases when anus is very tender, means painful and sensitive to touch. There are bluish piles with marked heat in cases needing this medicine. Warm application on the anus may relieve pain. Violent stitching type of pain may be felt at the anus. In some cases, anal prolapse occurs while passing urine.

8. Graphites – For Pain During Stool And For Hours After Stool

Graphites is helpful when there is pain while passing stool and continues for hours after passing stool. The pain is sharp, severe, stitching type which gets worse at night. A constricted sensation at anus also occurs. There is bleeding on passing stool. Burning and soreness in anus is also felt. Graphites is very effective when there are above symptoms along with cracks in the anus. Graphites is also useful for piles that are sore to touch and are most painful when sitting or while walking. In cases needing it, there is constipation with hard, large, difficult stool.

 9. Collinsonia – For Painful Bleeding Piles

This medicine is well indicated for cases of piles that are painful and bleed. There is marked constipation where this medicine is required. The piles tend to protrude (come out of anus) on passing stool. There is pain and burning in rectum. Anal itching may also be felt. A characteristic sensation of sand in rectum is quite prominent.

10. Silicea – For Pain From Anal Fistula And Perianal Abscess

This medicine works magnificently in cases of pain from fistula and perianal abscess. In cases needing it, pain occurs in rectum or around the anus along with pus discharges. There is constipation with hard stool. The stool may recede back into the rectum after some of it gets passed out.

11. Sulphur – For Burning Pain

Sulphur is recommended when there is burning pain at the anus. The burning and itching get worse at night. The anus is sore along with constipation with dry, hard, knotty stool. Piles may be present that are tender to touch. Smarting pain may occur in piles along with bleeding.

12. Ignatia – For anal Pain on walking or standing

This medicine is prominently indicated for anal pain which gets worse while walking or standing. It is relieved by sitting. This medicine is also indicated for rectal pain with loose stool. There may be constant urge to pass stool along with smarting pain. The pain may be felt one or two hours after passing stool. Bleeding may occur along with stool. This medicine is the most recommended when there is severe stitching, burning pain in the rectum which disturbs sleep at night.

13. Paeonia – Pain At Anus Continuing Long After Stools

Paeonia is the most helpful when there is severe pain at the anus that continues for long hours after passing stool. The pains are severe, intolerable. The pain may even continue the whole night preventing sleep. Burning and itching in anus occurs. It is indicated for piles, fissures and anal fistula. A fluid may be seen oozing from anus in cases that require it.



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Homeopathic medicines to deal with hard stool

Hard stool is a very common problem. It mainly tends to arise when stool moves very slowly through the large intestine (colon). In the colon, the water is normally absorbed from the stool and when the stool passes slowly in the colon, it results in more water being absorbed from the stool. It leads to dry, hard stool that can be painful to pass. Certain lifestyle factors like the diet of a person (low fiber content diet), lack of physical activity, decreased fluid intake and ignoring the urge to pass stool also contribute to it. It may also arise from the use of certain medicines like iron supplements, calcium channel blockers and some medicines used for the treatment of depression.

In some cases, hard stools may arise from medical conditions. First, among them is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) that refers to a functional disorder of the large intestine characterized by altered bowel movements (diarrhoea or constipation or alternation between these two), stomach cramps and bloating. Second is hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Others include celiac disease (disease in which eating gluten – a protein found in wheat, rye, barley – damages the small intestine of the persons suffering from this disease due to an autoimmune response), intestinal obstruction and diabetes. Hard stool may cause pain when passing stool, pain in the abdomen, bloating, straining to expel stool and bleeding with stool. Hard stool can lead to some complications like anal fissures (cuts/crack in the lining of anus), piles (swollen, dilated, inflamed veins around the anus and in the lower rectum), intestinal blockage and rectal prolapse (pushing out of rectum out of the anus respectively).

Homeopathic treatment to help soften hard stool

Homeopathic remedies can be really helpful to soften stool and aid its easy passage from the anus. Homeopathic medicines work naturally to regularise bowel movements and make stool soft. They also help to manage any pain, bleeding or burning sensation if it is due to passing of hard stool.  These also play a great role in managing complaints of anal fissure and piles that can occur from hard stool in many cases. Homeopathic medicines are suitable to persons of all age groups without any side effects.

Top Homeopathic medicines for relieving hard stool

1. Bryonia – Top Grade Medicine

Bryonia is the top recommended medicine to help soften stool making it easier to pass. It is indicated for cases where stool is very hard, dry and large. The stool appears as if burnt. Stool is passed with much straining efforts. There may occur prolapse of the rectum with the passage of stool in some cases. Pain may be felt in the abdomen. Burning sensation at the anus appears while passing stool.

2. Nux Vomica – With Ineffectual Urge To Pass Stool

This medicine is the best choice when stool is hard along with an ineffectual urge to pass stool. Those needing it have a constant urge to pass stool. They pass little stool at a time unsatisfactorily. There is always a sensation as if some stool has remained behind even after passing hard stool multiple times. The stool is often blood streaked in many cases. Sharp pain in the rectum can attend passage of stool. Nux Vomica is a leading medicine to manage piles along with hard constipated stool. Nux Vomica will help to make stool soft, manage pain and also heal piles if present.

3. Alumen – For Dry Hard Stool

Alumen works effectively in softening the stool. This medicine is used when the stool is very dry and hard. It may be a large lump or passed in the form of small pieces. Blood can pass along with stool in many cases. Pain in the rectum occurs with passing stool. The pain may even continue after passing stool.

4. Opium – When Stool Pass In Form Of Dry, Hard, Round Balls

Opium is the best medicine for cases where stool passes in the form of dry, hard and round balls. The desire to pass stool may be absent for many days together. The person may have a feeling as if the anus is closed. The stool passes with much difficulty. The stool may protrude from anal opening but recede back. At times even gas is passed with great difficulty from the anus.

5. Alumina – When Stool Does Not Pass Daily

Alumina is highly useful when stool does not pass daily and becomes dry and hard as a result. Persons needing it lack the urge to pass stool for many days together until large amount of stool gets accumulated in the intestines. When stool is ultimately passed, it is hard and dry that requires great straining. Stool may be covered with mucus sometimes. Blood may pass after stool. After passing stool, pressure is felt in the rectum along with cutting pain. Though this medicine can be given to persons of any age group, it is most frequently recommended for babies and elderly people. Alumina will help to regularize bowel movements so that stool is passed daily and becomes soft.

6. Nitric Acid – Hard Stool With Pain

Nitric Acid is the most helpful when there is pain along with hard stool. Great amount of straining is involved but only a little stool passes at a time. There is always a sensation as if some stool remained in the rectum that could not be expelled. Intense pain is felt in the anus during and also after passing stool. The pain is splinter-like or cutting in nature. It is one of the best medicines when there is hard stool along with anal fissure.

7. Natrum Mur – Hard Stool With Bleeding

This medicine is recommended for hard stool accompanied with anal bleeding. It is suitable when stool is dry, hard, crumbling and is followed by anal bleeding. Burning and stitching pain also occurs in the rectum. Itching may be felt, the stool may pass on alternate days in those needing this remedy.

8. Ratanhia – Hard Stool With Cuts / Cracks In Lining Of Anus

Ratanhia is highly effective for treating hard stool and cuts in the anus (anal fissure). In cases needing it, the stool is hard that is passed with straining. Intense pain and burning in anus is felt while passing stool. It may remain for several hours after passing stool. Besides, there may occur anal pain as from pieces of broken glass in the anus. Ratanhia will make stool soft and also heal the cracks in the anus wonderfully.

9. Aesculus – With Piles

This medicine works magnificently in cases where piles occur with dry, hard stool. In cases requiring it the stool is hard, dry, knotted which is evacuated with much difficulty. After passing stool, severe pain is felt in the anus. This pain can last for long hours after passing stool. The pain can be cutting or burning type. Pain is felt in the lower abdomen, along with a sense of fullness in the rectum. There is also a typical sensation as if rectum is full of small sticks.

10. Lycopodium – With Bloated Abdomen

This medicine is well indicated for hard stool with bloated abdomen. The burning in anus is felt during and after passing stool. There is marked bloating of abdomen which worsens after eating. There may occur noisy gas passage from anus.

11. Calcarea Carb – When First Part Of Stool Is Hard Followed By Soft

This medicine suits well when the first part of the stool is hard followed by a soft one. During passing of stool, burning and tearing pain is felt in the rectum which feels constricted. A feeling of heaviness is also present in the rectum.

12. Sulphur – With Burning, Itching After Stool

Sulphur is recommended when there is burning and itching sensation after passing stool. The stool is hard, dry and knotty. Stinging pain and soreness is felt at the anus. In some cases, the prolapse of rectum may occur after passage of constipated stool. Bad smelling gas may pass from anus.



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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Constipation

Homeopathic Medicine constipation

Constipation refers to an infrequent bowel movement or difficulty in passing stool. Infrequent bowel movement means passing less than three stools a week. Other indicative symptoms are hard stool, insufficient stool, unsatisfactory stool or a feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation, strain on passing stool and in extreme cases, a need to use fingers to remove stool in small kids.

Homeopathy has proven to be highly effective in treating cases of constipation. Homeopathic medicines along with dietary and lifestyle management help magnificently in different constipation types ranging from passage of hard stool, to unsatisfactory stool, passing stools infrequently, to the sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation. Any associated symptoms like gas, bloating of the abdomen, pain in the abdomen, headache, and nausea are also taken care of with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines are suitable to treat constipation in persons of all age groups.

Homeopathy can treat constipation from the roots. Homeopathic medicines help to improve bowel movement which is sluggish in constipation cases. These also act as stool softeners thus preventing straining to pass stool and aiding easy and smooth stool passage.

Homeopathy is the best choice to offer a natural, safe treatment for cases of constipation as it uses natural remedies free of any chemicals and synthetic matter. Unlike mainstream medicine which uses laxatives to treat constipation and carries the risk of dependency, homeopathic medicines are non-habit-forming and under no circumstances cause any type of side effects. Once started, homeopathy will slowly and gradually reduce your dependency on laxatives.

Acute as well as chronic (long-term cases of constipation are known to respond wonderfully well to homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy is also highly beneficial to manage piles and anal fissures that may result from long-term constipation.

Homeopathy is a symptom-based science so to treat constipation medicines are to be selected as per peculiar and unique characteristic symptoms in each case of constipation. Therefore the homeopathic practitioner will study the symptoms in detail, identify and evaluate the important symptoms and then select the appropriate medicine that will suit any given case of constipation.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Constipation

The best medicines for treating constipation are Nux Vomica, Bryonia Alba, Alumina, Opium and Alumen.

1. Nux Vomica – For Constipation With Constant Ineffectual Urge For Stool

Nux Vomica is one of the most frequently used medicines for treating constipation with a constant ineffectual urge to pass stool. A person who needs Nux Vomica passes insufficient, scanty stool, very frequently. The stool is unsatisfactory. Even after passing stool many times a day, there is a never ‘got done’ feeling. Abdomen pain may arise along with constipation. Nux Vomica is also a good choice of medicine for treating constipation in persons with a sedentary lifestyle (inactive lifestyle with prolonged sitting with little or no physical activity). More importantly, it also effectively treats piles with constipation.

When to use Nux Vomica?

This medicine can be used in persons who have constipation with constant ineffectual urge to pass stool and even after passing stool several times a day, do not have a satisfactory feeling.

How to use Nux Vomica?

This medicine is used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. Initially, it is best to use Nux vomica 30C twice or thrice a day. Higher potencies can be used afterward after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

2. Bryonia Alba  – For Dry, Hard, Stool In Lump Form

For constipation with a hard, dry stool that passes in lumps, Bryonia Alba is considered one of the best medicines. The stool is dry as if burnt and is passed with much difficulty. Abdominal distension is also noted in some cases. Headache due to constipation may also be effectively treated with Bryonia Alba.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

The main characteristic feature guiding use of Bryonia Alba is hard dry stool passed in lump form.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

Bryonia Alba 30C can be taken two to three times a day.

3. Alumina – For Constipation With No Urge To Pass Stool For Days

Alumina is another highly beneficial medicine when there is the absence of the urge to pass stool for days together. The person needing Alumina will go days without passing stool. The action of the intestine is extremely slow and sluggish. The stool is passed only when there is a large accumulation of fecal matter in the intestine. Another important symptom of using Alumina is excessive straining to pass stool even when the stool is soft.  Alumina is also one of the majorly indicated medicines for constipation in children, infants (babies less than one year of age), bottle-fed babies, and elderly persons.

When to use Alumina?

Its use can be considered in persons who have no urge to pass stool for days together.

How to use Alumina?

The most frequently recommended dose of this medicine is Alumina 30C once or twice a day.

4. Opium – For Dry, Hard Stool In Form Of Balls

Opium works well in cases of constipation where the stool is hard, dry, and passed in a ball-like form. There is also a lack of urge to pass stool. In addition, Opium is also the medicine for constipation where the person has been taking laxatives (medicines that increase bowel movement and relieve constipation) to pass stool for a long time.

When to use Opium?

This medicine can be used when stool is hard, dry and passed in ball-like form.

How to use Opium?

One may use this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day.

5. Alumen – For Extremely Hard Stool Like Stone

Alumen is a well-indicated medicine for constipation when stool is extremely hard like a stone. Passing of stool is very difficult and is attended with some blood in it. After passing stool, intense pain is felt in the rectum.

When to use Alumen?

Alumen is the best choice of medicine when the stool is exceedingly hard like a stone.

How to use Alumen?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, the most commonly used is 30C potency. Alumen 30C can be taken two to three times a day.

Note One can take the above medicines for constipation for about one to two months in the above-mentioned doses only. Always consider the advice of a homeopathic expert if no improvement is seen, or to continue taking these beyond 2 months, or if you wish to increase the potency/dose.

Causes and Pathophysiology

Our colon (large intestine) is 3 to 5 feet long and its wall is lined by muscle layers.  The colon absorbs water and salts from the waste received from the small intestine creating a solid matter stool, storing stool until it is expelled from the body, and muscle contractions in the colon propel the stool towards the rectum to be thrown out of the body. Several nerves and hormones control the motility of the colon. When the stool fills and distends the rectum, the internal anal sphincter relaxes and the need to defecate is felt. This is followed by the contraction of rectal muscles and simultaneous relaxation of the external anal sphincter and puborectalis muscle that opens the anus and expels stool.  Constipation can occur if the muscle contractions of colon are slow and sluggish which gives the colon more time to absorb water from waste resulting in dry and hard stool which is difficult to push out. Also, constipation can arise if there is a problem with the nerves that signal contraction of the colon and rectum and control muscles required for defection, or there is some blockage in the colon or rectum.

Predisposing Factors Behind Constipation

Many factors predispose a person to constipation. A diet low in fiber, a sedentary lifestyle and decreased physical activity, decreased liquid intake, old age, taking calcium/iron supplements, overuse of medicines (such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and laxatives) and stress also predispose one towards constipation. It is a common complaint among women during pregnancy. Medical conditions linked with constipation are diabetes mellitus, spinal cord lesions, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), depression, and irritable bowel syndrome (a disorder of the large intestine that causes constipation or diarrhea or an alternation between these along with gas, bloating, and stomach cramps)

 Are There Any Other Associated Symptoms With Constipation?

Yes, several different symptoms may cause constipation. These are gas in the abdomen, bloating or distension of the abdomen, pain in the abdomen, headache, and nausea. Bleeding may occur while passing stool due to fissures/piles as a result of constipation or from passing hard stool. Other attending features include pain and burning sensation in the rectum while passing stool which may continue even after passing stool.

 Frequently Asked Questions

1.Does long-standing constipation lead to complications?

Yes, long-standing constipation may lead to piles, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse. Abdominal hernia (inguinal hernia/umbilical hernia) may also arise from long-standing constipation. Piles refers to swollen and dilated veins in the rectal canal or anus. An anal fissure refers to a tear in the tissue lining of the anus. Rectal prolapse refers to the protrusion of a part or the entire rectum from the anus. An abdominal hernia is the protrusion of an organ through the abdominal wall or cavity which normally contains it.

2. I pass a hard stool with blood, what could the cause be?

Passing a hard stool with blood points towards two conditions –anal fissures or piles. Kindly consult a physician to confirm the diagnosis.

3. In my case, constipation is accompanied by a lot of gas and distension of the abdomen. What does that indicate?

Excessive gas and distended abdomen with constipation could indicate irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which is a functional bowel disorder without any pathological changes in bowels. In irritable bowel syndrome, constipation/diarrhea can predominate or alternate. Other symptoms include a bloated abdomen, gas, cramps in the abdomen, and mucus in stool. Kindly check with a physician for confirmation.


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